Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2016
    Ha ha Buzz cute
    Buzz I am having more problems with Jerry. I swear his memory is getting worst. Sandy you might send me that article you sent Buss. I am waiting on the nurse to come bye to change my bandage this morning.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Anne, that picture is cute. I would rather see. Ore of the person and less of the stuffed toy. Some Pokemon creature??
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Ha ha Buzz cute
    Buzz I am having more problems with Jerry. I swear his memory is getting worst. Sandy you might send me that article you sent Buss. I am waiting on the nurse to come bye to change my bandage this morning.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    A powerful poem. Fits so many situations and Sneakers. Thank you, Sandy
    Hugs Marie, it is what it is. Love you
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Mah Jongg lesson again this morning. Then going to a quilt sale/auction later on. My ex-husband is 65 today. Wonder if he feels OLD? Haaaaaaa.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A gorgeous day so the usual start strolling across the moors watching the dogs and chatting. Lots of gardening going on but I've stopped for my usual mid afternoon cuppa and dropped in to see what everyone is up to. Well done Buzz for ordering the wheels for the oxygen tanks; it does seem the best way forward. It's hot so the neighbour's kids are splashing about in a paddling pool having lots of fun while I slave away...... oh to be young again!! Brady discovered today that bees are not for chasing as one came back at him but his furry nose saved him! Over the weeks he's been with me I've tried to discuss the habit with him but feel this experience should put him off doing it again better than any lecture!

    First cuppa of the day consumed so it's back to the weeds.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Our weather has been so perfect, windows are open, fresh air is coming in airing things out. My tan is fading but the weekend is supposed to be pool weather so I hope to freshen it up. My friends invited me to Wisconsin but they were staying too long so I did not go. They are coming back Tuesday and Monday I am driving Babe for his colonoscopy and Tuesday my daughter is coming in from Florida. She will be dividing her time between me and her aunt who sold her condo downtown. Kristy will help her pack and sell some furniture. She has a permanent home in Arizona and said it is getting to hard to go between both homes.
    She will stay with friends, relatives or a hotel when she comes in to Chicago.

    Jackie, you would think poor George would know not to go near the bees after his last episode but like children they forget what is dangerous. Enjoy that gorgeous day, I know I am.

    Lin, you and your ex are both so young, no way you can feel old. (well maybe some days) Has your ex seen you lately? He would probably want you back!!! I am still friends with my ex, I just can't live with him. lol
    I just read your post from the wedding, somehow I missed it. Glad is all worked out well and
    you managed without getting sick.

    Phoebe, I think we can all agree men want a quick cure for what ails them. And every day there seems to be a new ailment. If Babe ever calls me without a complaint I think I will fall over.

    Marie, take it one day at a time, with Jerry and with yourself. I do hope your foot is getting better, it really upsets me that this happened to you in rehab. Maybe someone should talk to a lawyer or do I watch too much TV?

    Anne, I bet your grandson's girlfriend was happy with his win and I do think Lin is right with it being a pokemon, but we both might be wrong. It sounds like you had a wonderful day filled with family and with them getting repairs done even better.

    Buzz, I am glad you finally got some results with the tanks. How nice that you volunteer at the front desk, like you don't have enough on your plate. I am sure it relaxes you and gives you time to unwind. Yeah, not so sure I want to challenge my mind any more than I do, but I do agree that one should always keep busy to keep healthy.

    Marcella, hopefully you are getting back into the swing of things and feeling good.

    Patsy, Katie is so darn cute and I really think both you and Anne should take Jackie's advice and put the girls on a lead to lead them down the stairs. Once they get the hang of it they will tear down those stairs.

    Jeri, do you watch that show, Brain Dead? Both of your girls are so pretty and have your youthful genes. Your granddaughter is just beautiful and mom looks so happy. So sorry to hear about your bank account being compromised but glad the bank reversed the charges. Have fun on your next trip.

    Enjoy your Tuesday and all the days to follow.

    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    LIN , my frisky ex husband will be 80.5 this month. I wonder if HE feels old! Lol. No haaaaaa about it, me being somewhat evil, Hee Hee! They say everything comes to those that wait!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well lin he is getting on up there Its sneak up on you . No kidding!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, Hugs and more hugs, and wishing you much patience and fortitude, and thank you and SANDY for a reprint of that poem! I fear I fail to adhere almost as much as I succeed, and it's not easy, but a lovely thing happened after dinner when I was about to shrug and walk out of DH's room; A maintenance man who is a dear person came in and talked for 3/4 of an hour, trying to help Mike see hoe important socializing is to him, and how worth it would be to simply start using the manual wheelchair in order to have freedom to wander wherever he wants! Of course initially, Mike about being discriminated against while everyone else in a motorized chair drives about bumping into everybody and everything! And don't forget he used to fly huge planes, too (in WW2!). Nelson patiently listened, and continued lovingly suggesting how missed his joking and presence are by all his friends, and slowly I saw a change in his gaze! Nelson is not a social worker or nurse or even an aide, but a worker in the maintenance department, and there he was gently reminding Mike how worth it mingling with others might be, and how lucky he is to be 92 when so many never reach that age! I remembered why I chose to move here to Edgewater Pointe! Our staff are so darling and dedicated to every resident, including the Alzheimer's unit! Also spoke to someone today in an oxygen company who was so reassuring about my final choice in units , even though I explained I am no longer looking to purchase. But he gave me crucial information, and the carry pack is arriving today for his chair, and I feel a huge load has lifted! MARIE, read that poem over and over, and then allow yourself to not always be perfect in your response; and much luck for both of you!
    JACKIE, so glad Brady is a quick learner!
    LIN, Ha ha, but why would your ex feel OLD at 65? My eldest will be 67 in October and she's still a kid to me!!! ;) . Most of you do belong in my offspring's category, but I think I don't consider that when I'm here with you. Except for an occasional visit from JAKE, we are a group of wonderfully supportive and understanding and very loving women who have the good luck of being here on our Sneakers together. It is, to me, like my "other" family!!!
    Now I must go visit DH and see if his Oxygen replacement unit has arrived!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! Today is still August and it is still summer here. A warm day is predicted and we will try to enjoy it with a few outside tasks. Katie gets her stitches out this afternoon. I have been wondering if she did some of the work herself. I am not too good at doing an examination on a seriously wiggling 30 lb. dog. I have been trying to keep up with exercise and weight lifting. Some days ...excellent! Some days NOT excellent!

    John fixed the dish washer and I am thrilled about that. When John fixes anything there is a certain amount of cussing things into submission. It is really unpleasant to be around when the tools and work lights come out of the shop. Katie and I run for the art dungeon, shut the door and turn on some wonderful music. It is a survival technique that I learned many years ago.

    Sandy: a visit from your daughter! I'll bet you have great fun doing girly lunches, shopping and sitting by the pool gossiping. I am always impressed with the way you have these amazing relationships with your family. Even Babe! Not many of us could work out a way to stay connected yet live apart. You are a loving and accepting person. Something I strive for but rarely achieve.

    Anne: you are another of those lucky ladies! You must have done something very RIGHT to have such devoted sons. I know you recognize that these young men are just crazy about their mom. I love that Jilly has a best friend. Our Katie is kept well away from neighborhood dogs. They are on loose and some are pretty aggressive.

    Jackie: Brady is such a pretty cat. It sounds like he found a great home. So many kittens have such a sad end. This is an exceptional story we all love to hear about. Brady and the bees! I feel this needs to be explored and turned into a children's story book. I'll think on this!

    Lin: make no mistake about are a lovely woman with a generous heart. I feel sorry for your ex. He could have shared his life with a magnificent human being.

    Buzz: mom used to have a whiff of dad's oxygen when she felt tired. She said it cleared her head and gave her a short burst of energy. Not sure if this was a good idea or not but we didn't dare complain. She did seem to enjoy sharing it with dad. She had a mask thing she held over her nose and mouth. Their House was turned into strange raceway of long oxygen tubes. Mom wrapped glow in the dark tape around them to keep from tripping.

    Have a great day,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Opps, thanks to Patsy's post I just realized I confused Jackie's animals. Sorry Brady, I am glad you didn't get stung, ask George how that feels.

    Thanks Patsy, it couldn't be my age that got me confused could it???
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    We are at the cottage again and I went to a Yoga class this morning. A different teacher than what the schedule said, lots of downward dogs and planks she really worked me today. I was in a Fitbit challenge this week too but had to stop due to spotty Wi Fi again and not getting the proper steps for the challenge.

    We stopped on the way to see Isaac and he was playing with his water table and eating a smoothie on a stick getting it all over him. We did get some pictures but I don't know if I can retrieve them due to the Wi Fit here so maybe when I get home I can post it.

    I got a new pole and reel for fishing so I hope to try out this week.

    Jeri - Lovely family and so many kids. The newborn is adorable too!

    Sandy - Great pictures of Robby at the party, I take it he likes superman!

    Patsy - Katie is so cute I can't believe she doesn't go downstairs. Try the leash up and down and she will get the hang of it and then there will be no stopping her.

    Marie - How are you doing with the wound healing? I hope its getting better.

    Buzz - Good luck with the oxygen machine, I hope you find the right one for Mike.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Fun posts, loved Buzz telling about the kindness of everyday people. I hope Mike comes around. Buzz, I hope you will be able to do something for yourself at least once a week. Out with the girls, lounge at the pool, something You would like.
    Lin, happy birthday to your ex. I'm experiencing the years ahead of me thru my husband, since he is 10 years older than me. I hope my health will be better than his. I think this is the first time I disagree with Sandy. If he didn't appreciate you back then, he never will. You're a wonderful person, and he is out of luck!! On the positive side, he gets Medicare, haha!

    Heading home, then to clean up the truck, hard to do if it gets dark first. Always see it in daylight and see what was missed! The pear tree at work is loaded this year, I don't want to spend the week in the kitchen, but little jars of preserves make good gifts.
    Jeri, scary stuff, these scammers! I'll never forget when American Express dropped the ball and our checking account was overdrawn by 17,000!! I dropped them right after that.
    Hi to everyone,
    Have a fine day.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    BUZZ I wasn't going to say much today, but I so enjoyed reading about Nelson and the way he chatted to your Mike. Isn't it a wonderful thing that there are still caring, patient people about. Just, you might say, an ordinary man, but anything but ordinary when one looks deeper.
    I too think LINS ex husband missed out and didn't appreciate what a thoroughly nice woman our LIN is. Poor "old" chap! Like PHOEBE, I too wish him happy birthday. As for my ex, God bless him wherever he is. Deep down I do wish him well, after all, without him my sons wouldn't exist. PATSY, I have no idea why the "boys" are so good to me. I certainly didn't do anything "right". We sort of fumbled along as best we could when it was just the three of us in earlier days, oh and Jenny the lab and Thelly our English puss. I'm just one very fortunate woman. Missed out on romantic love but no missing out with my sons or pets. I think my boys have a huge chunk of my Dad in their gene pool. He really was a lovely man. When he died far too young at 68 it seemed the whole village turned out, standing on the sidewalk as we slowly drove to church. It's an odd thing to say, but de Gaulle in France died at the same time and all the villagers turned out for him. A well known man of the world, and yet, my Dad, unknown in the world (like BUZZs Nelson) was treated exactly the same. The comparison struck me as we drove past the villagers.
    That's enough of me reminiscing and gabbing on,
    Enjoy the rest of Tuesday girls,
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited August 2016
    Sweet dreams, Sneakers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sweet dreams Marcella.

    Buzz, it is heart warming to hear that a staff member took so much time to try to help Mike. People are usually so overly busy and stressed that they would not take time. Wonderful. And I hope it works out and DH will be able to socialize and interact as much as possible.

    Anne, you are a fortunate lady to have such wonderful sons. So helpful and loving! I am glad you are now ready for the next seasons coming our way.

    Phoebe, I was just chortling a bit I guess as my birthday will soon be coming up. Just a bit over a month from now. I got a bit nosy this evening and found out a bit about my ex. No, we have not spoken for years and years. He remarried and adopted her adult children. He was CEO of a company he and his brother purchased. He also is an Associate Pastor at a large church in the community where he lives. So my poking around had to do with that company. I had heard rumbles of problems with it. I found out today that they quietly went out of business in May of last year. I know, I didn't need to know. Oh my, pears and pears. That sounds like a worthwhile project!!! Wish I could come to help you.

    So are you ready---I Maj'd today!!! Wahoo!! I won, I win, I won!!! That was so exciting. One more class next week and they are trying to find a time when Mah Jongg will be played at the center. We'll see. I also put my name on an email roster so we might contact others to set up times to play. I think I was the only one at my table to add my name. The others were worried about giving out their email addresses. Good grief. It's just a list for the 20 people who have been learning together. Whatever.

    Shirley, I hope we'll be able to see any/all pictures or videos you might have of Isaac. I bet he is growing and changing so much. Enjoy fishing (if you get to go).

    Patsy, I hope all went well with Katie as her stitches were removed. I hope she feels okay. Hugs.

    Marie, wishing you well as you co tinue to heal and to cope with DH's problems. God bless.

    Sandy, you always have so much going on. Wahoo. I hope,the sun will shine when you have time to get to the pool.

    Other than doing a bit of laundry, I tried to decipher how to use that tool to check engine codes when the check engine light comes on. I have figured out where to plug it in and have worked through the settings. Unfortunately any software updates will NOT work for me as I have Windows 10 and this works with Windows 7. Now I have to figure out how to have the engine on but not running. A bit difficult with a keyless car. I think one press of the Start button without holding down the brake may do it. Then to figure out how to run the appropriate diagnostics and how to clear codes. Well, I made a start!!

    I decided to pass on the quilt auction this evening. We had wind, dark clouds, a bit of rain with more promised. I decided staying home would be better as I am going to Tai Chi early tomorrow morning. Then I have some soy milk on hold at a store near downtown. Everyone else who might have this is out and out at the warehouse so I will definitely drive over to pick this up. They also have lovely local produce so I am sure the trip will be worthwhile.

    Otherwise, I have been working on a spreadsheet, getting property tax checks ready, changing passwords (as mandated by some sites) and updating alerts on one account. I tried a chat with them today and they just really could not help me. They just are not flexible so I think I've done my best with what is offered.

    Going to a birthday party on Saturday and need to decide if I will add a small gift card to the gag gift I got her--it is a surprise party and no gifts were asked for by the organizers. Someone asked if gifts were welcomed and no one answered her question. Ooops. I wonder what that means?

    Lots of sneezing and coughing etc. When you have year-round sinus and allergy who knows if you have added a cold into the mix? Haaaaa.

    Going to read for a bit.

    Hugs and best wishes to everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2016
    The weather forecast today promises 30c but our walk this morning was in thick fog which is only now lifting so I'm thinking that must be another part of the country. My plan today is to collect from the allotment onions that have been dug and left to dry because we anticipate a storm tonight. The garden got the better of me yesterday because after 3 hours weeding I looked around and noticed little change so have phoned a gardener I know that helps people who struggle to keep on top of things, most of them elderly, and left a message asking if he can work an hour or two a week in mine. I absolutely hate to do this but must recognise the months lost last year due to the surgery and treatment knocked me back so I'll blame that rather than my getting older!! Hopefully this time next year I'll be telling you all I'm back in charge!

    Patsy ~ You paint such a wonderful picture of John in repair mode while you and Katie creep into the dungeon; it did make me laugh. You're right, Brady and the bee would make a wonderful story but you'd have to change the ending that I hadn't admitted..... the bee was left spinning on the footpath while typical kitten Brady rubbed his face with his paw and yowled but continued to be fascinated enough to jump on it again so my foot had to put it out of its misery!

    Buzz ~ Doesn't it restore your faith in human kindness when such a man takes the time to talk to Mike and offer wise words when he didn't have to. It sounds like he has a gift and is working in the ideal environment whatever his day job. It also shows just how popular Mike is when so much encouragement is coming in his direction from everyone.

    Lin ~ Phew, that car business is mind boggling to me and I wouldn't know where to start. It's taken me 18 months to work out why the child lock on the back doors of mine wouldn't let people out even when the engine was switched off, then the other evening as the same conversation was going on for the umpteenth time the friend in the passenger seat asked what the red light with a cross symbol through a small person was for.... switched it off and now the doors don't lock!! Congratulations on the marjong win which just goes to prove you have the patience of a saint what with all the hobbies you participate in. Taking Buzz's list of things to do to keep the mind active I'm contemplating a jigsaw for the first time in years in the hopes Brady doesn't scatter it across the floor each time I start to build it and may well get myself a colouring book and pencils, not that they'd ever end up as beautiful as yours!

    Sandy ~ Don't worry sweetheart, I'm always calling Boris George, Brady she instead of he and Hebe anything but and I'm living with them!!

    Phoebe ~ Heading home, that's great and probably loaded down with those pears! Like you I don't like to spend too long in the kitchen but at the moment have a large bag of runner beans from the allotment to dice and par boil ready for the freezer although a part of me thinks I'll maybe just work my way through them in the coming days and eat fresh!

    Since starting this post the meter reader has knocked on my door which means another bill on the way then my neighbour who's a maths teacher to tell me her students' results are greatly improved this year so she's delighted and also should she help out a friend whose cat recently produced 3 kittens? Since she and her partner work full time I didn't think it a great idea to take on a couple of them which thankfully confirmed what she felt anyway.

    Can I just confirm what others have said over time, you are all family to me and I care deeply about whatever happens to each and every one of you. <3
    Time for my lunch and then that trip to the allotment.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Much to do today. Some cleaning, errands, office work and packing for the weekend! Tomorrow morning, I look forward to driving down to Lake City, Florida to spend the night with my brother and sister-n-law (about a 5 hour drive) and then Friday morning another 3 hours on down to Orlando, Florida for a weekend ladies retreat. I am so ready for this and I just know that all of the speakers will be wonderful. :)

    Phoebe - Safe travels for your drive.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We have a hot day coming on today. I will use the day for one or more of the thousands of tasks waiting for me inside. As I look around it is difficult to choose the one most disparately neglected. John will be heading out to do his "guy errands" which involves a hard wear store or the lumberyard.

    Our son called yesterday and he is doing what all boat owners usually do. Repairing something on the boat. The good thing is that he has a small crew of willing sailing pals to assist him. He and his regular crew motored upriver to a small town and had a lunch before sailing back to Portland. A good time was had by all.

    Katie's stitch removal took about three minutes and she was ready to go home, happy and full of "beans!" I am so relieved this whole episode is done and over. She has learned to go down stairs. I used the method Jackie and Sandy suggested. We tugged firmly on the leash and she resisted for two steps and then she instantly got the idea. What have we done?!!!! She is now creating havoc on two floors of the house instead of just one.

    Must get going.