Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Best wishes for Babe and for Mike. Buzz and Sandy please look after yourselves as well as Babe, Mike and Daisy. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Jacean2016 wrote: »
    Best wishes for Babe and for Mike. Buzz and Sandy please look after yourselves as well as Babe, Mike and Daisy. Anne.

    I agree 100%. <3<3<3

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I stayed up much to late (I don't know how you do it Buzz) as I got caught up in this old puzzle. The one I mentioned that I'd never put together. From the '80s. Hallmark. Yes, I finished it.


    Now I am off to do errands. Hugs.


    I adore that photo Jackie. I want to steal it and keep it in my special pets album.

    Oh, Anne and Jackie, there's a coloring book I think you might be interested in--A Ladybird Book of Colouring. Vintage book covers reproduced. Did you read these?? Check it out on Amazon.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Oh I miss my puzzles! No way I can peacefully work on it now. Several 'helpers', who think they know where the pieces Really go! Into paws, mouths, under get the picture.
    Beautiful Lin, and I can understand about staying up too. Much as I love to sleep, I just kept busy last night and never got to it, until maybe, 4:30 or 5am. Then I woke at 9ish. I'll try not to nap today, which means stay busy, which will be easy. I love the smell of preserves cooking. That is happening now. I Must clear my counters,again. Why does everything land in the kitchen? For me, that is. So that's a few hours, then I'll know if I will need to buy more canning jars. Definitely need to buy more sugar. I bought 12 pounds, went thru 6 on this batch, and there is at least the same number of pears still in a crate. The hummingbirds have been hungry this month, so I need plenty of sugar to mix up quick batches of nectar. I hardly ever use sugar except for these two things. The occasional dessert. ;)
    Sandy, here's hoping for some good news for Babe. Hope you got some rest.
    Anne, my cats like for me to shake my hair into their bellies. I guess it tickles. At least I think they like it. They attack my head, digging in their toes.
    It is so Hot today. I was just out for about 20 minutes in the sun, just doing this and that, and I started getting a headache. Came inside for a large glass of tap water. I wanted to get the old sofa loaded onto Jim's pickup, but that heat is a deterrent. I know the smart thing to do is unpack the new sofa first. It's still in the box. Oh my, what if I don't like it? I do that too often. Change my mind. I'm a terrible impulse buyer, so I try to stay out of the stores. The internet gets me though. I'm trying one thing, go ahead and put an item in the cart, then leave the website. Sometimes it works. Sometimes they email me and offer a discount for completing the purchase. :neutral:
    Better stir the pot!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    PHOEBE, is it only you and me who allow our pets to root in our hair? I pictured myself in my youth growing into a dignified, well dressed old lady with piled up snowy white hair. How wrong can one be? How can one be dignified and taken seriously when one has what appears to be a grey and brown birds nest on ones head! I went out for walkies this morning dressed in cream pants because I was so fed up of wearing jeans. How can one be dignified with muddy paw prints all over ones cream pants. Whoops, not all over, just up to knee level because a certain little pest can't reach above my knees.
    The colouring thingy sounds interesting LIN. I'll get Mike to check it out for me because I haven't ventured onto Amazon yet. The jigsaw looks a difficult one.
    It's still hot here, but not so humid, thank goodness. I've got to venture forth for groceries and more importantly treats for you know who.
    Words I can't use unless it's actually happening. "Marks here, Mikes here, Amy's here, etc. sit, stay, wanna go walkies, wanna go pee (this causes numerous small pees for treats) it's time for beddy byes (leaping into her doggie bed), fetch (squirrel, ball, bone etc) and on and on. Her vocabulary increases daily, it's frightening! I'm quite glad dogs haven't thumbs!
    Well time to change pants for grocery shop,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Here's a review of the book if you don't like to use the Amazon site.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz i am praying for you and Mike. Be sure you take care of yourself.
    We talk Jerry out of going to the VA. I was just too far. for him to go. He has a HMO doctor So he is well cover Twice the VA doctors miss his illness. Once for the cancer of the throat and once for a ingrown hair on is cheeks Which was infected Both could have been worst if he listen to them
    Love to you and dear Mike.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2016
    Got to get up and gather my clothes up and get ready for my bath lady
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hot ! Hot! Hot! And humid and darned miserable! To make things more interesting, there is a large relay event today called the Hood to Coast relay. It has 12,500 participants running from Mt. Hood, Oregon to Seaside, Oregon. They run thru the night and they all run right by our house. It is a huge deal here ending with an enormous party on the beach in Seaside. I worry about them because the heat could cause some serious issues. There are always heat strokes and heart attacks every year. There are medical stations all along the way. But it is an event the runners all look forward to eagerly. The relay teams are 8 strong and there are amazing teams. The over 60 women's team who dress in costume as they run. The wounded vets team who race on prosthetic limbs.

    Buzz: I cannot express how worried we all are about this extremely demanding schedule you are trying to keep up with. We care about you and your dear Mike so much. If there were just one of us who lived closer we would be at your side trying to help. All I can say is...try to get some rest, dear friend.

    Anne: do you take Jilly with you when you go shopping? Do the shopkeepers object to having Jilly in the store? It never bothers me, of course, I enjoy seeing doggies and their owners going about together. There are people who object to dogs in stores. Not sure what that's about, but there are people who are very anti-dog.

    Lin: wow! That puzzle looked like a challenge. Not sure I could do it. I can imagine myself forcing the pieces togather that should not be togather and Bending the little puzzle pieces. Ahhummm well you can see I probably "didn't play well with others and ran with scissors." I never learned to put puzzles togather. It takes patience and an ability to see space and shape relationships in objects.

    Sandy: it is times like this that that having an animal a blessing and a problem at the same time. I am sending as many prayers as I can say for your Babe. He has one amazing woman in his corner. We all need an advocate when we are ill.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, I just uncrossed my eyes and wondered...Did you finish that monstrous puzzle in ONE night? We always have a puzzle going on a special table in our main "lobby", (gathering place) and although there are 2 or 3 stalwarts, some of us find a piece or three once in awhile! When finished, the puzzles are framed and sold to benefit our Samaritan or Scholarship Funds. But I've never seen anyone finish a puzzle in one night! If true, you are henceforth to be known as our "Puzzling Genius"!
    PHOEBE, what an entertaining post! (I hate to admit to the 5 AM bedtimes, but they happen more often than not lately! I sort of become engrossed before I check out the time: sometimes it's this forum (home!!!) and it might be internet shopping (I find great deals online Christmas night or 3 and 4 AM!) or simply snoozing with my chin on the keyboard! Did I mention Amazon has a great selection of the staples I purchased from Costco until I gave up my membership? And Amazon ships for free so I will never run out of Kirkland Kitchen Towels or TP ever again! Even my delicious sliced almonds, which Costco was out of 2 weeks ago...Amazon had the exact same ones! I love to add a tablespoon of those to my daily Greek yogurt and blueberries. (A neighbor brings the latter from Costco weekly, and I use 6 pounds a week!)
    OK, ANNE, while JACKIE hesitates, you could become the next author on our site! I'm being amused by all you talented storytellers tonight; how lovely! Have you considered wearing grayish khaki colored slacks instead of cream? Rather than call them mud-color, Chico's has an elegant name for it, and if I ever remember it, I'll write it here for you! By the way, Amazon shopping is like entering a maze, Once in, you'll never leave!
    MARIE, how frightening! Our VA doctors here are usually excellent and have private practices, as well. But Mike and I went yesterday in order for him to be measured and approved for a new motorized chair (he picked RED!) to be delivered very soon.Our local VA Clinic, takes excellent care of him, as does our HMO. Yet either he just developed COPD, or they ALL missed it before, but he cannot live without oxygen at the level of 4 liters per minute! Average person with COPD uses 1 or 2 liters. Go figure! You take wonderful care of Jerry and you are lucky to have each other!!! Love you, too!
    PATSY, that Hood run sounds like the old Boston Marathon fever of years ago! Always problems, but we loved watching them pass the house! Please don't worry that I can't keep up, luv! I still manage one Sudoku per day, good, bad, or lousy! I just attempted a Samurai Sudoku and I will never recover! Mike gives signs of beginning to comprehend that macho does NOT help get better! And joking to avoid truths does not heal, nor does it help concentrate on driving a motorized chair. I have 3 helping friends, including the chaplain, who are working at convincing Mike he cannot charm his way through health; it will take as much effort on his part as it will mine, but he can do it! Tonight at dinner, he told me it is getting through to him...finally! (Maybe!). Thank you, and everybody, really, for being so caring and supportive. Since 90 is the new 70, perhaps medicine and lifestyles will catch up by the time you all reach here! They have not had much practice with my age group before this. How many 101 year olds do you know still jogging in her tights and tee's 3 miles every day? I should try to take Gerts picture to share with you!
    I have grown from biplanes barely skimming treetops to these things travelling in outer space (spying on us?), and little roadsters to automatically driven cars, from ice deliveries to french door refrigerators, and comfortable homes with many generations of a family to the present McMansions for retired couples, .......huge changes, and I never stop marvelling! Now, if I could just master MFP, or WW, I could be around another 15 years, maybe?
    SANDY, what's happening??????????????
    <3 Buzz

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, I will one day be walking along , talking to my dog, and catch the rolling eyes of someone who doesn't get it. Hasn't happened yet. I'm happy to say I don't care if it does.
    Tomorrow is Jim's family reunion on his Mother's side. Lotsa food,, catching up, hugs, new babies. We usually take a platter of chicken nuggets, a side(Mac and cheese), and a beverage. No dessert, too much sweets there.
    Better get to sleep.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Lost my post! It has not been a good day! Babe is basically fine, had a stent put in an artery in his stomach. He is a terrible patient and I was ready to ask for a divorce. On a good note his son and I got along fine with no hostility. I will explain all tomorrow. I explained in a long post but lost it! Exhausted!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello, just me. Oh yes BUZZ, I'll be buying earth coloured pants from now on! The problem, I've bought no new clothes this summer, so I'm stuck with one pair of aged jeans and a half dozen pairs of light coloured pants bought when my dainty little cat was alive! I sympathize PHOEBE with your talking to Honey problem. We'll be walking along, me chatting away to what looks like a small black ball on the end of a string. She's been mistaken so far for a cat and a rabbit. "What is it" these presumably shortsighted people ask as they approach and realize I'm not talking to the trees or whatever. I get defensive of my small bundle of delight. "It's a dog" I mutter. Well yes, they say, but what SORT of dog. By now, I refuse to discuss Jilly's noble lineage. Just a mongrel I reply. Well it's a cute mongrel they reply may we pet it, hmm, her, him? Oh yes, I evilly reply. Jilly jumps happily up and finally they and their "normal" dog take off, dog owner furtively rubbing the mud off their usually bare legs with the poop bag still to be used.
    So far PATSY, Jill's helped me buy a nightie, been to the opticians, allowed inside the Organic Garage doorway, sat on the pets stores counter, helped me choose the Dyson vacuum cleaner and been turned away from the Hamilton heritage plane museum. I take her everywhere unless I know dogs are banned. Maybe the aforementioned stores also think she's a bunny! However, we won't be going too far afield in the next 2 weeks, because guess what arrived at 6 months of age, TMI so will just say it won't arrive for Katie! I don't know who's the more bewildered by this turn of events, her or me! My little puppy is becoming a young lady.
    Looking forward to SANDYs explanation and so glad Babe is on the mend.
    Raggedy Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good Saturday Morning! :) Yesterday was the day from hell! Babe came back from his procedure saying he never had such pain and they gave him nothing while doing the procedure. I really doubt that but they used his wrist instead of his groin for the angiogram which is much better, otherwise you have to lay flat for 12 hours. The doctor said usually with the kind of pain Babe was having there should have been two arteries in his stomach that should have been blocked. However, one was clear so he only put a stent in one. He said he hopes that takes care of his pain but if not they would have to look into other things. So Babe was sure no one knew what they were doing and was just miserable all day and night! His wrist wouldn't stop bleeding and he would scream about the pain to the nurses. He ate a graham cracker and became nauseous and was just down right rude! He was mean to his son and mean to me! At one point I lost it and told him they should put him in the psych ward. I told him I was leaving because it was after 9:00 pm and he got nasty. I asked if he expected me to spend the night and he said yes like he did for everyone. I asked you want me to leave Daisy alone all night? He then calmed a little. The nurse finally gave him all his pills including his lorazepam and I think that did the trick, although by then I was in tears. The only funny thing that happened was when Phil was talking to nurse and she asked if Babe was his father and he said yes and my mother died when I was 12. I said nothing and later after Phil left the nurse asked me in front of Babe if I was in daughter in law! I said no, his wife and she asked how do you live with him? ( she was joking trying to make a miserable man laugh.) He got all mean and said don't worry about it before I could say I don't !

    This morning I called and he said he felt much better and apologized for his out of control attitude! The thing is off his wrist, the nausea is gone and the pain in his stomach is gone. He might be able to come home later or for sure tomorrow.

    I have learned that I can get along with his son and there is no way I could live with Babe again! I can not wait to get home although he might need help since he has to be very careful of his wrist for three days! Thank God for my AlAnon sponsor and for the support from my family and of course you dear sneakers!

    Sorry for the novel, but thanks for the therapy!

    One Day at a Time

    P.S. F.Y.I. Babe never stayed overnight with me for any of my surgeries! I was lucky he stayed over an hour. My kids took care of at home.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    SANDY, I'm sorry for the ordeal you endured, but maybe a learning experience for everyone. Out of the bad comes good sort of thing. Your mind is clear now and Phil realizes you are a very loving and unusual lady. Will the landlady allow you to bring Daisy home for a few days because of unusual circumstances and thus allow Babe to go and stay with Phil until his wrist is healed? Curious about one thing, where was Babes DIL during all this?
    God bless. Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Woke up to drizzle and cool wet Oregon weather! Thank the good lord! I mean it! We were so lucky to get past that recent dry hot spell without a wildfire. We were living in a tender box. Ready to go up in flames any moment. The big relay race is in full swing. Everyone is having fun. The teams are running in the rain and there is actual steam coming off some of them.

    Sandy: I imagine you are on the ragged edge concerning Babe's health. I have seen a small bit of the drama you are experiencing. Second wives have a really rough time with the adult children. We were on the other end of the drama. My grandmother remarried! My mother had a long time relationship after my dad died. The excitement and drama never ended. The anger and resentment was so toxic! Not sure about the dynamic on this. I think it has something to do with loyalty for the deceased family member. I guess the challenge is to remember that Babe is suffering and can't seem to handle pain and being alone. I understand some of the frustration concerning a difficult patient. Oh dear God! When John is ill I just want to run and hide. He too is so mean and unreasonable. We have two MDs in our family and they both say mean difficult patients are generally covering absolute terror. Good to know but that doesn't seem to make it any easier, does it?

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne: I don't know how long these fertile times last. Jilly is so tiny I would guess she wouldn't be in season too long. Just to say...while Katie, the great, will not have that issue, she still has problems with manners. She too leaps up on everyone. She is also an excavation expert. She has dug several large holes in the back yard. One big enough to bury a small car. No one ever mistakes her for a bunny or a kitten. She looks like a huge walking pile of dirty, muddy rags with eyes and a long tongue. Yesterday was national dog day and the local newspaper put a special edition online with photos of the local dogs and their owners. I was not aware of it until past the deadline. (Next year!). We do have fun with our beloved fur children. In our case, it is a handy excuse for the ongoing messiness of our house. I personally have given up any sort of stylish dress. I am striving for being "not too gross" as a fashion statement.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2016
    Just home from a wonderful walk across 2.7 miles of moorland, apparently over 6,000 steps. I know because my friend wears a fitbit so checks at the end of each walk. The sheep have been taken off to be checked, lambs off to market and tups reintroduced to the ewes so we felt confident the dogs could run and run without disturbing any. George's groomer is due in an hour so of course because he was showered and brushed out by me yesterday he managed to find at least 2 places far enough from me to not get pulled off to roll on his back then run back gleefully!!

    Sandy ~ 3 Lines of good news is enough for now, just to know Babe is well and you didn't have to face abuse from his son. They are both so incredibly lucky to have you in their lives!

    Lin ~ Wow, that's the sort of jigsaw I'm not sure I'd ever attempt but can see why you'd find yourself sitting up half the night! It's definitely on my list of pastimes for the coming winter months although I'll expect a similar response from Brady to Phoebe's puss cats! Ah yes, Ladybird books were always in our household and when I returned to the UK from Canada my mother bought me one after a lovely walk we took in this area.... still got it!

    Buzz ~ The takeover of our lives by technology has left my head reeling but that's only gone on for about 15 years, nothing compared to the changes you say you've experienced..... incredible every one!! I used to say I would one day be the mad old lady at the end of the lane with cats and here I am and doing my best to avoid twittering, facebooking and checking a phone every few seconds in case I'm missing something...... I'd never have wanted to avoid the innovations of the 20th century. A friend's husband was finally diagnosed with COPD after years being told his problem stemmed from being overweight.... not something Mike could be accused of I know. It was only after a test showed his oxygen levels to be dangerously low he was taken seriously so perhaps it is difficult to diagnose??

    Patsy ~ 12,500 participants running past your door!! That must be some spectacle but I do hope no one succumbs to the heat this year.

    Phoebe ~ Enjoy your reunion, chicken nuggets and all. LOL

    Six hours later I'm back to finish this post! The gardener phoned and will come by on Wednesday to see what needs doing.... what doesn't? George's groomer then phoned to ask if she could make an earlier visit and now he's beautifully trimmed and very pleased with himself. When she was introduced to Brady and saw what a cuddly boy he is she wanted to kidnap him but then has never had cats before so wouldn't know what she'd be letting herself in for!

    It's time now for me to cook an evening meal which will probably be a mushroom omlette with salad so will end here wishing everyone an enjoyable weekend.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited August 2016
    Patsy: 2 weeks I think. She might be small but our Jill is also into hole digging. Maybe her and Katie will meet one day, sort of like the French and English when digging the "Chunnel". Instead of champers, share a bone. I have to admit one of the Beans attractive features is glossy, velvety fur which should never need cutting or grooming, just frequent baths. Today my youngest human child is 52! Jill and I have been invited downtown for coffee, goodies, and people staring. Most people have a dog with them, roughly half male I would think, so Jill and I have declined and will stare at the garden instead. Can't complain however, I kept an eye on next door whilst the house owners were in Croatia, and these lovely people have brought me back yummy choccy biccys and a lacy lavender pad for my undies, apparently from a part of Croatia famous for its lavender fields. One lives and learns!
    Like the idea of blaming the messy house and me on the pint sized one. Thanks for the tip PATSY!
    Anne and Jill, confined to quarters!
    PS. We too have a yearly photo book out showing the stylish, thoroughbred, dogs of this town. I've enquired about an entry form but don't think the Bean will make it!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    I am keeping up with posts and sorry to hear Sandy is going through hell yet again with Babe. Hang in there my dear friend, you to shall recover from this and be even stronger than you are.

    We are still at the cottage and here with Kristina and John and enjoying each other's company.

    WiFi is still awful so I keep in touch when I can. Yes...whomever asked my MIL is with us too.
    No fish for me but Dave is catching Bass and we will have a fish fry tonight. My new pole is catching nothing but weeds. :(
