Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe i did not know you were a caner. I am certainly not not one jar of any kind in my lifetime. I am sure my doctors will send me to one if I am not well soon. I put some shoes on this morning and can walk a lot better/ Sort of tight on my swollen foot. I was blessed with wide feet to begin with Now even worst.
    I did make a trail run to see if I can get in our Trail blazer. and I made it. Now I can go to Walmart. you take care of yourself. I am waiting on my nurse to come clean my sore and take my blood count. Bye Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz what is the ideal you staying up till 6 AM. You know you shouldn't
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! It is a cool partly cloudy day today. Yea...maybe rain later in the week. We need the moisture as they say.

    Reading about the drama in families makes me realize that my own issue with my daughter is not too unusual. Families are a special group of people with different values, different interests and experiences as well as different physical and cultural issues. We are all then susposed to love and care for one another. In my case, I fear the difference is too wade. Oh well, we all do the best we can. No one chooses to be angry and demanding. But we are sometimes. We all want the best for our family. Enough of my Monday musings.

    Marie, I have a diabetic ulcer on my heel that is 3 years old! It is quite small now but that thing is has taken enormous effort to get this far. It started about the size of half dollar. It is now a pin head sizred spot. But it is still there, ready to get bigger at any time. I have been to many different kinds of doctors. Special shoes, insoles, daily dressing changes, twice weekly debreding! The thing that you must do is stay positive, be as active as possible, and the dressing changes must be done with care and as sterile as possible. I had to have something on this wound to relieve pressure on it while walking. If you aren't getting any better, call your diabetes doctor and ask for a wound care specialist. Really!

    Anne: in our house, we do not have a queen! We have a dirty blonde gangster. She loves to dumpster dive, chew up disgusting trash, brings big sticks and rocks into the living room and she plays football. She tosses the ball into the air herself. Her aim is not good! Our whole house looks a bit beat up and ragged as a result.

    Lin: your puzzles sound fun. There is an artist that is very popular around here and at the Smithsonion, called Jim Shore. He does the kind of whimsical art you like. I have two pieces of his that our son gave us.

    Buzz: you sound like you are getting along just fine. To my mind, if you are enjoying your computer time and social visits at meals, a bit of simulating entertainment...who could ask for more? I'll bet you are still the best looking girl in the whole place.

    Happy Monday everyone...
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2016
    Oh Patsy--I love Jim Shore too but do not believe I own any of his work. It always attracts me.

    When I had family we certainly did not get along like the Waltons and I do not miss the anger and the fights and hurt feelings but I do not like the idea of having no family. I found out recently (more a reminder I guess) that I am a friend or acquaintance with some people that I had considered good friends. It really stings to realize you do not mean much to people you care for. But I guess that could be family or friends couldn't it.

    Well, I am so happy. I found a very nice bilingual Bible with type that is at least readable. Yippee!! I also got to Costco, Younkers, and Starbucks. I drug a 50 pound bag of softener salt in the house and to the basement. It is not Morton's as Costco does not sell that brand. So not the regular 40 lb. bag I am sort of used to. We'll see how it works. So I have just dodged a trip to Walmart for a little while.

    Did some more laundry this afternoon, got an appointment scheduled to have my furnace serviced and have a haircut appointment just after Labor Day. I need to straighten out my gift for a wedding shower next Saturday. I have purchased several things so just need to decide what is for the shower and what is for the wedding. Think I need a card too. Should check on that. This shower goes on forever. It starts at noon and then families are encouraged to join in at 5pm for pizza and continued celebrating.

    I am trying to brush up a bit on my extremely rusty Spanish from my freshman year in college. I found an app for that too. Duolingo. Many options, Spanish, French, Italian, German....

    We had much thunder and dark clouds this afternoon but not much rain in my Neighborhood although there was quite a bit in other areas of the metro. Tomorrow is the last Mah Jongg class so will study my card and handouts a bit tonight. Ha, I give myself homework!!

    I wish you all pleasant days filled with blessings.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited August 2016
    Oh LIN it does sting doesn't it. People can be quite insensitive and stupid. It happens to most of us at some point. Their loss. I'm having trouble with this device today, but wanted to say I've just been mildly berated by my neighbour, she who owns the huge placid dog with the great big feet. He's neutered. However, she says, if I don't rush off and get Jilly spayed immediately I will have hundreds of intact dogs hanging around my place and thus cause next doors neutered dog to get beaten up in the melee. It's five days now and I haven't seen a single male OR female dog hanging around my place so far, only hers. Jilly is blissfully unaware of the discussions she is causing. She's happily playing with her purple squeaky rubber bone at the moment with a pause to yap at a passing something. That was something else the neighbour remarked on. Jilly is noisy. Well all I can say is, she protects Anne!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2016
    Thanks for the information Patsy I did not know you could keep one. sore thought it would end
    and that was all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hugs, LIN! You are very dear to all of us, I'm sure! The folks who made hurtful remarks are insensitive clods who wouldn't recognize a genuine friend if it was handed on a silver platter (or some other mixed metaphors!) Perhaps your personality is too complex for such simpletons!!!
    After a long day, I'm finally getting to bed at an almost reasonable hour! Would like to comment on everyone's post, but then I'd be up another hour or so. MARIE, see a wound care specialist; as a diabetic, you can't afford to wait and see. We all need you to be here and healthy! <3
    Mike is still having telephone problems; nothing was working today! I'm doing better, though!
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Got home from our weekend away with friends down to C'oeur d'alene in Idaho. So much fun. We stayed out of town at a cottage on a llama ranch but came in each day to explore. The cottage, the town, everything was fun.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Lovely photo to frame Jeri.
    Good morning fellow hard working Sneakers, Jilly and I sneaked out for our long walk after most of the other dog walkers had gone to work and with their dogs safely yapping behind closed windows. I kept a wary eye out for my neighbours predicted hundreds of dogs charging down our street but all we saw was a lone squirrel with an acorn in her mouth, and a pretty little cat who took off behind a fence when she spotted the ferocious Jilly.
    You can see I live an adventurous life these days she said sarcastically! All will change on Friday when I go get my new specs and see a much clearer world.
    Happy Tuesday,
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good morning, ladies. I returned home from the Orlando ladies retreat late Sunday evening. What a blessed time. The speakers were wonderful and inspiring. Yesterday was spent catching up on stuff (including some rest) and organizing for the week.

    Jeri - Love your picture! It's so beautiful.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2016
    Just made myself a cuppa as it's nearly 4pm here and I've been tidying the garden in little bits. The gardener will visit at 9am tomorrow so silly me is trying to make the place look more presentable rather than saying here it is, do what you can! It's a glorious day and we had a wonderful walk across the top of the moors and I wish I'd taken my camera because I don't possess the vocabulary to describe the beauty of it all. We stayed an extra half hour just because and walked about 6,000 steps which doesn't mean an awful lot to me, just know I enjoyed every moment.
    Yesterday morning I saw a Persian cat sitting in the middle of the lane so knowing one was reported missing on posters took a note of the phone number to let them know "Barnie" was still around after 2 weeks on the run! A long story but the owner saw me outside my property before I had a chance to call because another neighbour had seen him the previous night and my immediate neighbours found him in their house at 2am crying for food so of course they obliged before sending him on his way not realising he was lost. Anyway after much back and forth he was picked up last night and taken home where he's apparently been shouting constantly and demanding food every hour so a happy ending.
    The hospital phoned this morning to tell me an appointment has been set up Friday week for my follow up mammogram and a part of me can't believe a whole year has gone..... but it has!
    As well as the gardener's visit tomorrow I have an appointment for a pedicure, then in the evening I'm going to the outdoor theatre one last time this summer for a performance of The Hound of the Baskervilles. Not exactly a laugh a minute this time but I'm sure we'll be entertained.
    A lovely photo Jeri with you both looking so relaxed.

    Anne ~ I'm sure you'd like to think your dog owning neighbours are in control of their mutts rather than let them run to every property that has a *kitten* in heat (Jilly, not you!!!) Some people do like to have opinions AND interfere but take no notice.

    Lin ~ I hope you know you are very special to us all and it's certainly their loss if others don't display the same friendship.

    That's it, I'm going back outside to enjoy the sunshine and do a little more pruning.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2016
    Happy Tuesday!! :) I had so much fun with Robby yesterday, he is so chatty and so social. The kids place was great, I had never seen it so was a new experience. First I showed Lisa and Robby the Rainforest Cafe restaurant/gift shop. Robby was in awe of the talking tree and that is all he could talk about. He was actually a little afraid of it so watched it from a distance.
    After playing hard at the kids place we went across the way back to Rainforest and had dinner.
    There he saw the animated gorilla beating his chest. After dinner we went to Build a Bear where grandma bought him Rubble (have no clue) so it was a great day for all.
    Before that I went to Walmart and look what I bought!


    Lots of little pieces, should keep me busy for a very long time. lol

    Marcella, welcome home. I am glad you had a wonderful retreat, puts life back in order and gives you serenity.

    Anne, tell your nosy neighbor to mind her own business, sounds like something out of a movie were hundreds of dogs are following you. Again, love your description of walking Jilly, you really are such a good writer.

    Jeri, beautiful picture as usual. What a beautiful place to visit!!

    Buzz, midnight is better than 6 AM so I hope you feel rested. Mike will probably always have some challenges but take a deep breathe and then take care of yourself.

    Marie, all the advice given is given in love, so maybe it would be good to call the diabetic doctor and ask about a wound doctor as suggested. Love you!!

    Lin, I don't think those people were really "friends" and you are better off without them.
    As you know I have "family" members who want no part of me, but I find my life is much better without them. We are your family and will always be here for you. I am so happy you met new people to share your life.

    Patsy, we probably all have some drama with family or friends and although it hurts we all move on with our lives. As Anne does you are wonderful in your description of Katie. Both of you should write a doggy book. lol Good advice for Marie, thank you.

    Phoebe, did you make it to the doctor and what did he say? The funny thing is Babe is convinced that someday as he says, when we get old, like we aren't already that we will get back together. He says not in that house but somewhere else. In the meantime, my land lady called and is bringing my new lease with no increase. <3

    Jackie, what a happy ending for the Persian Cat. Your are such a great animal lover, I am proud to be your friend.

    Have a wonderful day!! I just got great news and want to thank all of you for all those prayers, they worked and God is Good!!

    One Day at a Time

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yay, preserves all done. Have no idea what to do with all of them after gift giving at Christmas. They are certainly sweet though. I'm kinda gonna have to limit them for me.
    The Dr. didn't x-ray. He said no symptoms re:. concussion. Most likely a bruised tailbone, and if it was cracked, there is not anything to do. Sore yes, stepping up Hurst the most. He sent me to get a cushion to relieve pressure, and I think our Aflac will reimburse for it.
    Marie. Please be proactive about your injury. This means don't wait, don't let a doctor decide when you need a specialist. Diabetics must be a bit bossy to take care of themselves. Remember, they are also making money from every visit. Glad you are getting out but hope it doesn't irritate the wound.
    Sandy, love the photos and video of Robby. He's such a cute and happy baby. My goodness, is the pool opening at 4pm now? You can't promise not to get in it, just for sunbathing? No fair. Hope you can get enough sun exposure that late in the day. How is Babe since he's home? Hope his pain is gone now.
    The nurse said my heart rate is low.(52) She said it was low on my last visit too. My primary care doctor is off this week, but I'll send her a message about it to see if I need to do anything.
    Jeri, I love that part of Idaho. All of it. Interstate 90 is where we saw bears. Jim saw a grizzly, and a mother black bear with two cubs ran across the road in front of me. Did you let the llama smell your breath? My brother had me do that when introducing me to his pet llama. Weird!!
    Buzz, glad you're doing better, you still have a lot going on. Please take care of yourself. How are your legs?
    Welcome back Marcella. I'm glad you enjoyed your retreat. Just in time for fall. Here comes pumpkin everything!
    Lin, how are you today? Is your check engine light behaving now? Have you finished the puzzle? Lol, I know, it's only been a day. I think I had an app for puzzles. Don't know what happened with it.
    Patsy, love the images of Katie in her 'rags', getting muddy and loving it Honey is a city girl hound dog. She eats like a hound, but she avoids water, wet feet, wet grass(except when she can't), and prefers air conditioning.
    Anne, as long as you don't run into a mean dog during your walks, I think you have a bad neighbor. Don't you wish you had neighbors like Jackie's? Make sure she doesn't get any apples from your tree!!
    I'm going to visit my aunt tomorrow, trying my new cushion. I'll take some preserves to her! There is a sale on knockout roses and i hope to pick up one. So today, I need to get on the computer(upstairs, ugh), and begin laundry, part two.
    Take care
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    LIN iS special to us. I feel like setting Jilly bean on the insensitive twits. BUZZ got it right when she more or less said Lin is far too bright for these clods. Having got that off my chest, love the puzzle SANDY, maybe it's time I found one for the coming months. The little brown dog to the right is the Bean only the Bean is shiny black. Same face though. Can you see that face chasing the clods off! The Dalmatian has pinched her cut away ball.
    I'm beginning to think that there is a network for lost kitties in Cornwall JACKIE! When the gipsies managed to sell something up north, clothes pegs, bits of lace, etc, they would put a mark on ones gatepost to let other passing gipsies know that this house is good for a sale and maybe a cup of tea. Is it at all possible that all these lost kitties are passing the word around "hey, go to Jackie's cottage, she'll sort things out. Look how that Brady has fallen on his paws!" The Hound of the Baskervilles seems like the perfect play to end a perfect summer of pet rescues. Well, I'm going by the title, NOT the actual play with Sherlock risking a gruesome end, lol.
    Bye everybody, must give the Bean her chicken and rice which I slaved over a hot stove cooking yesterday, just like Jackie with her lamb and rice. Must keep George and Jilly's strength up!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good afternoon - we had the last Mah Jongg class this morning and I got a Mahj again today! Wahoo!! Anyone who wishes to play can meet on Tuesday mornings at the same start time as our class has been meeting. The room is available for the months of Sept and Oct. They need people with Mah Jongg sets to attend. The mentors and two of the students have sets so hopefully it will work out as there is no advance sign-up and only one of the mentors made a commitment to attend. Also several of the mentors are part of the group who meet each Tuesday afternoon at the library near me. That seems convenient!! So apparently there will be more Mah Jongg in my future if I put forth the effort.

    Sandy. I love that puzzle. Darling and loads of pieces!! I haven't taken down the miniature golf course puzzle yet so no start on the dragon puzzle. I think I'll be back to a slow pace. Haaaaaa. And I loved all the pictures of Robby. He looks like a sweet little boy now rather than a baby. What fun you had!!

    Jeri, what a great trip you had. I love the picture. It sounds as if you were happy with everything. That is just what a trip should provide. <3

    Anne, did you and Jilly frighten the squirrel or where you just observed and/or ignored? :D I have a picture in my mind now that when you have tea that Jilly has delicious food which she eats when perched on a red cushion and a little crown on her head. You my dear Anne, are like Cinderella, eating your crumbs.

    Jackie, I hope you are enjoying the show. What a classic!! I guess this is another sign that summer is just about over. I hope the gardener straightens lots of things out for you tomorrow Best wishes for you as you have your follow-up test. A friend wrote today that she had a follow-up after her skin cancer treatment and they found something else suspicious to remove I believe. Always need to stay vigilant I guess. Hugs.

    Phoebe, I am glad you do not have a concussion but gosh, I also hope you find a wonderful pillow since sitting and getting up and down is a lot of what you do. And my check engine light comes back on each time the vehicle decides to run an emissions test. I have a little routine now and I have added in using my trouble light which really provides more illumination than my little flashlight which makes plugging in the device so much easier. A bit of an annoyance but much cheaper and faster than the alternative. The pear preserves sound yummy and friends/family that receive a jar should be well-pleased.

    Marcella, so glad you had a great time in Orlando. Glad you had a safe trip and that you are catching up a bit. It takes a while doesn't it?

    Buzz, I am so happy you got to bed a bit earlier. But still, I think I require twice the rest you do!! Please keep on going to bed 'early'!!

    Shirley, I hope you are feeling better.

    Marie, you too. The wound management people do know their business and I will say again that they really helped my dad.

    I do want to thank everyone for all the kind words (as you always offer without fail) and for being my family. I am so grateful. Truly. I wish I could find more adequate words to thank you. <3

    Hello to all our Sneakers!! Hugs.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy loved the pictures on facebook of Robby he looks like he had a great time. Isaac went on his first camping trip this weekend with mom and dad and he was really good when time to go to bed. Kathy is so lucky with him.

    Jeri - Your vacation looked very restful and what a cute picture of you and Ed. Your surroundings are beautiful.

    We got home yesterday so today was laundry and gardening in the backyard. Dave went and bought new tires for my car today so more time on the road for me. :D
    Our week was good with a little rain and WiFi was spotty but I got what I needed to do the basics and keep my days on here. My IBS is getting better with only a little pain now, I have had this for years now but mostly it doesn't bother me so we decided the nuts is what triggered it. I have had problems in the past with digesting nuts so I will just not eat them now.

    We are leaving again on Friday for our last sailing cruise of the season. I hope the weather is good.

    Buzz - I see you got to bed at 6am are you suffering from insomnia? I hope not, try and get your rest
    because you need it as a care giver right now. Pleasant dreams tonight.

    Lin - I read your post about friends and family. We can pick our friends but family is forever. Good and bad I guess. You are a special person to all of us.

    Hello to the rest.

    Here is a picture of Isaac I tried sending earlier this week.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    <3<3<3<3<3 Isaac!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    <3<3<3<3<3 Isaac!

    Just what I was thinking <3
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    And I was thinking as well!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Shirley: I think Issac has such dreamy beautiful eyes! He is such a handsome little boy. I wonder if he will be interested in drama or films as he grows up?

    Lin: it is nice to get those reminders that you are loved and appreciated. I know you try give affirmations often! It is true...we should always remember to give flowers to the living. You are indeed a beautiful flower right here amoung us!

    Phoebe: Hope your travels will not be too hard on your "bottom." I have read in AARP magazine that bathrooms are very dangerous places. Many falls happen on wet slippery bathroom floors.

    Marie: Hope you get some help with your wound. Here in Oregon, we can't just go to a wound care specialist. We have to be refered by a primary care physician. Not sure about Texas but in any case, my friend, there are advanced strategies that can help. I even had a series of skin graphs on my wound. It helped. Do not get discouraged.

    Jackie: what is it about cats? They insist on being adventurous but forget their way home. There is a lady on our road that walks her cat on a leash every evening. The beautiful big cat is older but still chases bugs and seems interested in possible rodents. Katie doesn't appear interested in chasing or even investigating for a possible friend. Odd...but I think this cat gave off a silent message. "DONT MESS WITH ME !"

    Buzz: are you getting any of these storms?

    Take care, dear sneakers,