Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ha!! Brady has returned with a comment from veterinary nurse that he will probably sleep for 24 hours. Well, so far nearly 3 hours later and still high as a kite so the pain meds given just before I collected him must be very nice!! Not for the household though as he throws himself at window sill with plants, catflap, George, me and the 2 older cats. Keep him in for a week?? Lucky if he isn't out within 24 hours!

    Sandy ~ Yes, the pedicurist visits homes and is very reasonable. She gets to know everyone much better this way too and George already adores her! She also works part time at the local hospital's minor injuries department..... a mini version of A&E or is that ER to you? Always loved that series and based in Chicago wasn't it.

    Time for a salad evening meal.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Since being home for a stretch we have been catching up on Games of Thrones. We started at Season 1 and are on Season 4 right now. I didn't realize how violent it was, we did see Season 1 & 2 and then
    since we don't get HBO I lost the rest of the seasons. It sure gets your attention and so many characters. Kristina's boyfriend John recorded all of them for us.

    I am yet packing again for our last sailing cruise of the season. Hard to believe summer is coming to a close. The theme of the pot luck dinner on Saturday will be Super Heroes. Dave and I went to Party City to check out the costumes and ended up with t-shirts and masks, I am Wonder Woman and Dave is Batman. Easy costumes to wear and should be fun.

    Marie - Don't worry too much about the blister until you see the nurse, it may not be as bad you think. <3

    Lin- You are so busy lately with all the crafts, your puzzles seem hard to do. I hope after this weekend I can settle down to some adult coloring again.

    Jackie, Anne & Patsy- Your fur babies are so cute and each has its own personality.

    Sandy- Congrats on the bingo win and have fun with family this weekend. Lovely picture of your last house and the backyard. I didn't know that your DIL was in the hospital about the baby I must have missed that. I hope all is well.

    Barbie - Sorry to hear you are still dealing with leg pain, but I see it hasn't got you down. I hope your
    MRI will show something.

    Hello to anyone I missed.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Well because my eyes haven't changed in prescription and all the optician had to do was just change the scratched and fuzzy lenses in my glasses I took the bean with me and I can see clearly now, I can see obstacles in my way, and that being said I can see my little black obstacle more clearly now. We then went to the pet store because she was fast asleep early this morning when I woke up first for once. She was all squished up in her little bed now that she's "grown up" and so we tootled off for a bigger round bed and now; the old one with cushion removed; makes a super accessible toy box for the short legged one. We had roast chicken, chips and peas for lunch. I know! One of these days I'll jump on the scales! That being said, Jilly, stuffed with one chip, 6 peas and oodles of chicken is snoozing in her new bed. It was inspected first of course, cushion lifted etc and now approved.

    We both send our deepest sympathy to poor old Brady, no doubt licking his wounds!

    I must say, everyone in our little group has had an interesting week with lots of interesting reading! Who ever said things calmed down in our later years sure got it wrong and to cap it all BUZZ is living through a hurricane!.

    Oh and just to get you all upset the Canadian farmers almanac is predicting a very hard, cold, snowy, icy winter! My next shopping trip will be a new fleece lined anorak for morning walkies. Goggles might be called for as well if the prediction for blizzards is correct!

    It's a beautiful day here today and hard to imagine that just around the corner.........etc.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi everybody Just droppin in to say Hello my nurse house bound me today just to elax ith my feet pro up ave a great night.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Marie, so the nurse said to stay home with your feet up all week-end? Are the blisters gone?? Hugs.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited September 2016
    Lin here is the only one left really weird l[ookin like A buubleTis is why i am still on antibiotic

    She said the sore on my heel is really looking to get rid of this infection I have.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Of Marie, that looks painful. Please heal up fast my friend. I hope the nurse's advice is just what is needed. Hugs. Love you my friend.

  • Marie, keep your feet and your spirits up! Hope you'll be able to rest. Good to hear from everyone. Here we are, September again. Also looking forward to a bit of cool. Just no hurry for cold and snow!
    Jackie, glad Brady made it home the same day as the surgery. Unless they did more than a snip, he should be able to go outside after 24 hours. Especially if he comes back inside so he gets his meds. Poor little guy must be loopy!
    Night all
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Oh MARIE that looks awful. Love sent.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I was putting on my shoes this morning and thought I was having some kind of attack. My bed seemed to be gently shaking. Then I looked across the room and my plant was gently swaying. Yep, it was earthquake tremors. Anyone else??? This is a first for me.

    Time to get myself moving. I hope the room doesn't move again.


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Lin - Well, that's an "earth shattering" way to start your day!!! :o Glad to hear nothing was broken or otherwise damaged -- especially, you! Hope the rest of your day is a little less exciting. :#
  • Oh Lin yes we have but not today. Didn't expect you to have strong ones in Iowa.. well strong enough to sway. Glad it didn't last long and glad that you weren't about to say you were having dizzy spells! I hope you don't experience more of them.
    Heading to the post office, Quell has arrived!
    Be well everyone
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I picked my daughter up from her aunt's at ten last night. She is only here until Monday and then I will drive her back downtown. We are going to see Robby today and possibly going to September Fest tonight depending on when we get home. Not sure what is planned for tomorrow, one day at a time.

    Lin, my cousin's daughter, who lives in Kansas also felt her first earthquake. She said there was a 5.8 somewhere in Oklahoma. Her dog was barking, drawers opened from the shaking and rattling throughout the house, even the bed was shaking. Long aftershock as well.
    I felt my first one in California when my first granddaughter was born in 1989. I went to visit her and there was an after shock and scared the crap out of me.

    Marie, that looks awful, I do hope it is not painful. Listen to the nurse and keep your feet up and just chill out today. Happy to hear the sore is getting much better.

    Anne, don't ever mention that "S" word again until at least December. Although the cooler weather feels good and I can open windows I am not ready for winter.

    Shirley, have a wonderful time on the last sailing cruise of the season. I hope the weather cooperates and smooth sailing is in your future.

    Jackie, I hope Brady has calmed down and is resting like he should. How great to have the pedicurist come to your house, I am grateful my hair dresser comes to mine, it makes it so much easier. We are lucky ladies.

    My daughter is making her low carb breakfast of eggs and sausage, I will have pancakes and sausage. Not a fan of eggs.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited September 2016
    The link is way too long. Was gonna post to show info on the earthquake.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Don't mention the S word? You mean I can't mention your name again SANDY until December? ( asks she, innocently, lol.)
    Well this week we've had S ***, hurricanes, humidity and earthquakes mentioned. Happily, no volcanoes erupting, over here anyway.
    I think me and the Bean will go do a bit of digging in the garden this afternoon and cut back some foliage in readiness for the S***.
    That is before the SUN gets too hot!
    How's Brady?
    Don't mind me folks, I get a little giddy at times and it ain't from an earthquake. I believe we are on a fault line by the way running between Ontario and Quebec. I hope LINS nasty experience this morning isn't a foreshadow of things to come in our neck of the woods. She isn't that far away geologically speaking. We had a small tremor not so long ago.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ No sympathy required by Brady as he hasn't licked his wounds once but continues to climb on to every surface, places he never went on before, jump on George, Hebe and Boris and eat as if every little morsel is his last, in fact yells at me if I don't!! George barks each time he hears Brady clambering across a kitchen counter on to the hob because he knows he shouldn't be up there! All in all I definitely won't be waiting a full week before letting him out because he has internal dissolving stitches and I'm sure will be less inclined to hurt himself outdoors but is just very frustrated at being confined.... so am I!!

    Phoebe ~ You're right, I'm sure whatever was given to Brady was something like silly kids of today take as 'legal highs' not really knowing what's in them. The vet practice was broken into a couple of years ago and strong horse drugs called Ketamine stolen, probably to be sold in night clubs!! He is calming down a bit tonight and seems to be accepting he can't go out so I might get a decent nights sleep!!

    Marie ~ I'm no expert but that blister could be retained fluids in your body finding a way out so do get it checked. That's great news about your healing heel though especially if it's less painful.

    A wet and miserable day so after a walk not much achieved but we are promised warm winds from north Africa from Monday and for the week so that will be wonderful and keep that "S" word at bay!!

    I'm now going to look through an auction house online catalogue to see if it's worth a visit on Tuesday so will wish you all a pleasant weekend.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello all. This is our Labor Day Week End here in the US. That is the official end of summer. Start of school and football season. We did a bit of home maintence today. Vacuuming, little repair jobs and bathroom cleaning for me as well as laundry. An evening ball game for John and salmon for dinner. John's acid reflex took a step backward when he insisted on Thai food take out. I hate to be an I told him so...but I told him so! There is little joy in being right sometimes.

    Okay, I thought I would bore you all with a little project of mine. I always go to a writer's conference in Portland in the late fall. It is one where you sign up for several writing assignments and then share them with the crowd. I decided to try the children's picture book workshop. That is for a 32 page illustrated book with a vocabulary list aimed for early childhood non-readers. My story is called "Katie and Daisy, Jilly and George." A tale of 4 little puppies. I have the basic little story but will be refining. I have only just started the drawings.

    Hope this copies okay.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited September 2016
    PATSY Wow, fame for our little boy and the girls! I'm so impressed!

    4 little puppies
    Who live on a hill,
    Katie and Daisy,
    George and Jill.
    Katie the tomboy,
    And Jilly so small,
    Daisy and George
    Who's leader of all.
    Four little puppies
    Who went out to play
    And came home all muddy
    At the end of the day.
    4 little puppies
    Washed bottom to head
    Wrapped in a towel,
    And sent up to bed!

    And so forth, sort of thing? One line for 16 pages and 16 pages of drawings across from each line?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2016
    What an interesting day. Excited to hear more about the project Patsy. Nice verse Anne!!

    Phoebe, looking forward to a report on Quell.

    Jackie, I hope you can let Brady out soon. If not, you'll be driving each other mad!

    Sandy, enjoy your time with your daughter. Lovely.

    It was an interesting wedding shower. I left before the after party broke up. I was quite sneezy and the mosquitoes were on the hunt. I was tired of looking out for stinging insects all afternoon. Wasps, wasps, and more wasps. Eeck.

    Happy to be home. I think I will read for a little while. Church tomorrow. With a Holiday weekend I heard that I might be needed to serve communion and do offering. I really hope someone is here to prepare communion. Ha. I am lazy.

    Hugs. I hope everyone is safe.

  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Anne I love your story writing and just know that Patsy will provide some awesome drawings to go with
    your story. Who would have known you both could write a book together that children would love. Who doesn't love puppies ? Keep on sharing this because we are all curious now. Also remember they love counting books too, so there is a thought for you. Keep us all in the loop...:)