Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited September 2016
    Oh DIANE, the verse was just me sitting on the sofa having fun here after what PATSY wrote about her idea for a children's book. I have a blanket box full of verses and drawings, and stories that I made up for my boys when very small, and then later for the grands. Maybe they'll be found one day and used for great grandchildren! But Good Heavens, I'm no author, just enjoy doodling. At work I sometimes would make up silly poems about some of my co workers. Nothing cruel I hasten to add. ie: One of the bosses, a handsome man of Nepalese descent wore the most awful long and old raincoat which was the cause of many disparaging and teasing remarks among his fellow engineers. I wrote a poem about how
    "Attila the Hun, the rampaging one"
    wouldn't be seen dead in an ancient British trench coat. He took the hint and henceforth rolled up at the office in a very nifty Attila-worthy leather coat and I swear his move up the corporate ladder increased accordingly.
    It's our long weekend in Canada as well as in the States, so I wish us all a most happy and pleasant Sunday and Monday. No Wellington boots or "wellies" and rain for us, just sandals and sunshine. Yeah SANDY!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2016
    Typical me..... when buying new items I never read the instructions, just press on and get cross when whatever it is doesn't fit together or work as I want. Well, having gone through another 24 hours of hell with Brady I was rummaging through my handbag this morning looking for the appointment card from the vet to confirm time tomorrow for his vaccination booster when I came across a sheet entitled post operative advice for Brady and first point after the one stating he would be sleepy for up to 36 hours was "keep him in for 24 hours"! (Well done Phoebe,you were right!) Perhaps the receptionist thought he was a spayed female but whatever, as soon as I read that I opened up the door and gave him his freedom.... and mine!! So all is peace, the cat litter tray is gone and I'm about to vacuum up all the specks that litter the floor. Having just spent half an hour searching through Amazon jigsaw puzzles and then dvd's to make up the cost to free delivery, when I clicked on purchase I was charged close to £5 postage so immediately cancelled the order because although each stated eligible for free delivery there wasn't a box to click. Instead I will visit a charity shop where I'm sure they'll be stacked to the ceiling with a variety of boxes!

    Patsy ~ How exciting, an illustrated book about our pooches.... I can't wait! There's no doubt they'd all get on in the real world so I'm sure your story will be magical. Poor John but then men will rarely be told but have to discover the uncomfortable truth themselves! I do hope he's no longer suffering today.

    What started as a rather gloomy day with low cloud and drizzle has now turned into a pleasant although somewhat cool afternoon so I might just get on with weeding the bed my gardener started in the week otherwise if he suddenly turns up unexpectedly I will feel terribly embarrassed! :*

    Happy Sunday
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2016
    Attila!! I have had some bosses who had those attributes although they didn't look the part. :D I am glad it was all in good fun. I hope all of your wonderful work and doodles will be given to children/grandchildren at some point. Creative Anne!!

    Jackie, following instructions, what a bother. I find I have to pay more attention these days. Details used to effortlessly enter my brain AND stick there. Not now, I must review, review, review. I have noticed any items on Amazon now say FREE shipping after order or some such language. I have Amazon Prime and try to pay attention to what ships on Prime then I can order just the one thing I want. Also many offers require that items are fulfilled by Amazon. It is becoming more like a maze to get what you want with free shipping! Enjoy the rest of the day.

    Time to leave soon for church. I know I am being silly but an older lady was parked in a Dollar store parking lot here waiting for her grand daughter and she was shot in the head. Several things shocked me. First the shot came from a block away so they say she was. It the target, it was an errant shot. Second, I drive through that area fairly regularly to or from church. I know, this could happen anywhere at any time but it somehow feels a bit personal. They had taken her to the hospital but after several days she passed away. Ever feel that way??

    Well, time to make a cup of tea to take to church in my insulated carrier.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited September 2016
    You aren't being silly LIN! The same thing happened in Toronto a few days ago. She was "random" the police said. 62 years old. Her family are in shock. Then a young man killed his mother and two brothers with a cross bow of all things. We seem to be living in an increasingly unsafe age. All seems so quiet and peaceful here in our neighbor hood but one really never knows. Stay safe. Jill woke me with loud barking at 2 in the morning. My little watchdog. I think it was just a passing raccoon, who knows!
    Glad all is peaceful on the Brady front JACKIE. We have maybe 4 days to go and Jill will have more freedom! I hope! It's been a long 2 weeks!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2016
    Happy Sunday! :) I am going to Mass this morning so again short on time. We had a great time at Robby's house yesterday, Robby got used to Aunt Kristy and they had fun together.
    My ex was there and unfortunately when Robby woke up from his nap he saw grandpa who is a "big" man and very loud. He startled Robby and Robby cried saying I don't like grandpa over and over again while crying, which was funny but sad. Grandpa understood but we all felt bad for him. In spite of it he did the grilling and everything was delicious. We attempted to play some tether ball, went to the park where Kristy got a lesson on Pokemon go from her brother and had a great time. I am glad my kids got some brother and sister bonding and wish my family all lived closer to me.
    Today I think we are going to the fest and then I will grill some steaks on the grill for dinner.

    Anne, enjoyed your poem, such talent. Patsy, can't wait for the book!!

    Enjoy your Sunday!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    JACKIE, millions of honey bees killed in the States after being sprayed with a mosquito pesticide to counteract the zika virus. What are we doing!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Cool weather again here. I think I have the strange condition...I love cool weather but I often get creaky when it is damp and cool out. That is very annoying. I have made a mistake in trying to compose my draft stories for the children's lit workshop on the iPad. I can't seem to move text from the email to the forum(?)
    I will need to compose on my apple computer so I can print up copy. This is such a fun workshop. There are criteria that we are given to use in our work.
    * the length is 32 pages but the story plus title page covers both sides of the page.
    * The illustrations must tell part of the story and ideally have a lesson or learning experience
    * There must be a vocabulary list and should include a few new words for the 2-5 age range
    That is just a few of the challenges set forth in the workshop. It is very interesting to take an analytical approach to children's literature. Dissecting classic children's books really makes you realize how truely complicated they can be. Dr. Suess was a genius! As you can see, it is a lot like a college class in creative writing. I love the comments and observations of the other participants.

    Charming little poem Anne! It is great fun to set rhyme to children's stories. You are a natural.

    And the weekend continues...everyone is here at the coast for the last fling of the summer. I am getting a slight hint of the light depression condition I suffer. Must take vitamin D and get out my special full spectrum lamps. Crazy condition!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin ~ Life can be so cruel at times so I do my best to go along with the thought if my time has come so be it however it may happen. That dear lady's death was a chance in many millions and a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time but I can understand the incident would make you feel unsettled. Just the other day I was talking to a friend about a news story covering a grandmother and her grandson hit and killed by a car being chased by police; one minute walking him to school, the next both gone and we affirmed our belief that each day has to be lived to the full.

    Patsy ~ There are I think, plenty of lessons and learning experiences those of us owned by our dogs have discovered and I'm sure you'll be able to incorporate many into your story! George teaches me something every day, mostly on an emotional level. Miserable weather can get us down and I too creak when it rains too much but think you are on to a winner with the Vitamin D, something that's being talked about a lot recently almost as a miracle cure. Tuck yourself under those lamps and cuddle Katie, then feel a whole lot better very soon. <3

    Anne ~ Such a tragic event when family members turn on their own and I can only imagine the killer with a crossbow must have serious mental health issues because no sane person would contemplate such an act. The killing of the honey bees is another tragedy and I do wonder if it crossed the minds of those in charge of the spraying beforehand.... more likely they decided to sacrifice them and will have to deal with the consequences at a later date.

    Sandy ~ Poor Grandpa but he didn't take Robby personally so that's good. Sounds like you had a ball with your family and must be looking forward to the grilled steaks.... yummy!

    The 2nd series of Poldark will start in about 20 minutes so I'll finish now because I want to google search medication to help old Boris with his arthritic joints. He will lie on the damp grass which doesn't help and just like Patsy, seems to creak on rainy days but feel better in the sunshine.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, I just returned from a few days in the hospital, totally unexpected, and since Mike is probably eating dinner, I had to check up on everyone here! So no comments, but just to let you know I'm home and OK.
    On Friday, I was up in the medical floor discussing plans for Mike when the administrator said, Please lift your pant legs. I asked why and she said she had seen something disturbing
    last week and was just checking. When she saw my swollen legs, she called the head nurse, who looked, touched and said You have cellulitis and I'm concerned about sepsis and you must get to the hospital immediately. After weakly arguing about hospitals on holiday weekends and I'll wait til Tuesday, she picked up the phone and asked if I wanted her to call 911 or a private company. I said 911 is OK, and before I knew it 3 people were helping me stuff a small tote with a few things and off I went The Emergency was quite thorough, and I was admitted and put on an IV of antibiotics to which they subsequently added extra diuretics the following day. Mostly, my treatment consisted of lying on my back with legs elevated! Most of the problem is still sodium, lymphedema and lipodermatosclerosis! A mouthful, to be sure, but I'm basically a healthy old lady! MARIE, will warm compresses help your blister? I know a doctor is watching you so I'll just remind you about legs raised above heart level as often as possible, and they used 2 pillows under my calves and knees and left my heels hang free! Stay well, all of you!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2016
    Oh my gosh Buzz, thanksfor getting in touch. I thought perhaps your I had computer problems or something to do with the weather. Hospital!!!! Glad you are home and I trust the medical personnel will continue to monitor your various problems. Hugs. And more hugs and best wishes.

    God bless you.

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good evening friends.
    Thought I should check in as it's been way to long. Still no computer but get some usage on my phone.
    So sorry to hear about the medical problems some of you have been experiencing
    I to have had stomach problems for about 5 yrs.well the meds were not helping so I went on line to see what foods I should aviod. (I have acid reflux / gerd and I B S. Well guess what I am feeling better than ever most days. I eat 95 percent veggies and fruits, no meats except fish. I do have bread sometimes.
    When I eat something wrong like sweets then my stomach acts up. Oh well feeling better now.
    Hope everyone who feels bad gets better.

    Today I made applesauce and picked apples, pears, and plums. Then dug up onions, beans,tomatoes and garlic. I also picked some fresh mint, oh boy it smells so good.

    I visited a church friend and brought her fresh veggies, she is 85 and was so happy.
    I've talked to much, take care.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Buzz: you are one lucky lady! If that medical person had not been monitoring you, this could have turned very bad...very quickly! You know that, I am sure. I am so glad you are being looked after and you are getting meds you need. This is so common, when you are concerned about a loved one and your own health is compromised because of overwork and no rest. You must take care of yourself! You will have everyone yammering at you constantly...because we love you, lovely lady.

    John is doing better today. He rediscovered the joy of frozen low-fat sugar free yoghurt. Sort of like ice cream and with fresh berries, it was terrific. He is happy now. A treat he can have without pain or reprocussions. He has had to temporarily give up salmon as well. Strangely it really caused the acid reflux to give him fits.

    I am doing my homework, under my lamp, while John watches the game. We will have a veggy soup after the game. I need to get in my hour of exercise in tonight. I've been very inactive today. A sort of big Oregon slug. We have slugs so big they have addresses and cell,phones. Seriously!
  • Love you Buzz, losing my signal soon.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited September 2016
    Buzz that is what i have. I will run out of my antibody Monday night so will not be able to get a enewer till Tues. But My nurse will be by in the morning. I am still getting new blister.Hope i do not have to go to Er. I know for sure I will not go back to that Re hab. But I think I am feeling a little better, at least I am not going to the tyenol pills as much. Take care My friend.
    I did lose 4 pounds this weekend.. got rid of lots of water.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Chris you never talk too much. love hearing from you Sweetie
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    All the best from now on BUZZ lovely lady. God bless. Anne
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2016
    Buzz and Marie!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    OMG Buzz thanks for checking in. So glad that was caught early. Hugs.

    Marieyou've been through quite a bit. Big hugs to you too.

    So busy, but you know how my life is. LOL.

    Just came back from a great walk. Beautiful morning here today.

    My appointment with the Rhuematologist went well. He doesn't think I have lupus. He believes my elevated ena and ana results are from my autoimmune liver disease not lupus. I have some other symptoms but they are mild and I guess he thinks are not applicable. I don't want to be diagnosed with lupus for sure as any of those diagnosises make travel insurance more expensive.

    Diane definitely put Canada on your list and come and see us.

    Cheers to all

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :D I feel your warmth, dear friends and thank you for your good wishes!....
    I will learn to lie down with elevated legs throughout the day, and if
    anyone has suggestions on using a computer with one's legs up, please share with me!
    PATSY, I'm not surprised about the salmon and John's reflux. I was surprised to find on the gout no-no list also! Send me your slugs phone number ! Thank you for your sweet message@!
    Hugs and love to you, too, LIN, and PHOEBE
    Dear MARIE, aging is not for sissies; right, li'l Sis? Hope they get your legs under control (mine, too) and yes, I lost five pounds eating very well in the hospital! They doubled my diuretic beside including some in my IV! I needed no tylenol today!
    Thank you, ANNE dear.
    SANDY, thanks for your greeting, and our chaplain brought me a teddy bear in the hospital that looks just look your graphic! How could you know???
    JERI,...NO, No Lupus!!! Amazing how doctors diagnose things so differently. Three doctors gave 3 different versions of cold legs/hot legs, cellilitus/no cellulitus, high BP/normal , Few agreed on anything, Just hope you end up with glowing health! Hugs backatcha!
    Hi, CHRIS, ever the busy bee!
    <3 Buzz