Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    Beautiful graphics and lovely wishes. I stayed home today. Did laundry, some cooking, visited with the handyman about some fixes to my deck and a few other things. Finished reading "Survivors Will Be Shot Again" by Bill Crider. Then got caught up in Carola Dunn's "Superflous Women." And I giggled through the movie Kung Fu Panda 3 and was shocked at the level of violence in London Has Fallen. I have my Mah Jongg set packed up for tomorrow. Haircut, grocery store, Mah Jongg, credit union, library, well, whatever I can manage to get around to.

    Buzz and Marie, healing thoughts coming at you.

    Jeri, glad you were not diagnosed with lupus. Thank goodness!!!

    Diane, good to hear from you.

    Patsy and Anne, if the two of you ever collaborate on a project It would be fabulous!!!

    Sandy, I hope you have enjoyed your day.

    Phoebe, where are you??

    Chris, hello to you!!

    Marcella, I trust you too had a pleasant day.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi Seniors., i have had connie on my mindd Don't recalled hearing from her sincce the death of her beautiful hound dogs. So sad. has any body heard from connie?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    She is on Facebook Marie, you can ask her to be your friend. Look for Connie Merrill Schachel.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Happy Labor Day!! At least while I'm typing those words it still is labor day! By the time I post it, labor day will be over for several of you.
    We made it to California, met with our niece and her boyfriend. We brought their album collection from Georgia. They were concerned about shipping them, so we put them in the truck and beep beep, away we went! They are living their dream while they are still young. Two wonderful people. I was going to say kids, but they're not kids anymore. They travel to state parks and work and live there in their RV.
    Hugs to all.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    Phoebe, how nice of you to do a special delivery for your niece and boy friend. I am very interested in what they are doing. Living and working in their RV and traveling to state parks. Amazing. So they have jobs that they can do via WiFi?

    Good morning Sneakers. Hugs.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello everyone, the kids here are going back to school, shorts and a heatwave. Well! Wouldn't you guess. Whilst most people are suffering from mosquitos, ticks and sun stroke, my Mark and Mary Jo and Derek have got the most dreadful colds caught originally by Derek in the "healthy" gym. Bad enough to have kept them off work last week, but that didn't stop Mark, who is recovering, from coming over, crawling up a ladder and fixing a new cowl on the furnace chimney before the inevitable autumn rains start. The last one got torn off and blown away in the tremendous winds a couple of weeks back. He wouldn't come into the house in case dear old mom, me, caught it, but hovered on the doorstep which sent Jilly Bean into a frenzy of course. "Yip yip, come and play" sort of thing. She's dreadfully spoilt in the play department because Mike came over the day before to play, take her on very long walks, at the end of which she had to be picked up and carried having ducks disease, or in plain English, short legs, and supper. All in all it was a very nice long weekend.
    I'm awfully glad BUZZ and MARIE are on the mend. It's frustrating sitting here unable to extend a helping hand which we all would if we were neighbours rather than "pen pals".
    I'm really interested in your children's book PATSY, but the instructions you have to follow would send me, of little brain, into a tizzy. Did Louis Carroll and the other great writers analyze their work I wonder or did it all just spew forth? I was definitely of the spew forth variety when I told my Mark the story of "little Mark two buttons". That was about a poor kid (Mark) who only had two buttons on his pyjamas because of his lazy Mom (me) and the dire consequences. It was his very favourite story at the age of 2 whilst Michael loved "horrible Horace" a baby dragon who got blown over to Canada from Wales on a tremendous wind and grew up to be a nuisance. Ha, happy days!
    Well, me and The Bean must assemble for walkies and watch some of the kids dragging their feet towards the school bus.
    Enjoy Tuesday, which seems like Monday wash day.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Up early this AM and I am just creeping around so not to wake John and Katie. Both deep into their pillows.
    Our rains have started this week. Yea! I will be glad to see the wilted, dry vegetation get a good drink.
    I am going through that awful seasonal affect disorder (sad) words cannot describe the odd disorientation of this condition.

    Anne: your children's stories sound charming. The workshop that is part of the writers conference later in the fall is truely interesting. It is like opening up a watch to see how it ticks. As part of that exercise, we are writing our own stories acknowledging the structure and story development of the real amazing artist/writers. Some of the writers were very analytical, I guess. You would love this workshop.

    Need coffee and toast! I am in the dungeon and Someone disturbed my mess. I hate it when John tries to find something in the dungeon. I am putting away some things to make room for more things. I need a yard sale or a flame thrower...either will do!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    You are right PATSY, I WOULD enjoy the workshop. Oh to be in Oregon now the rains are there. Have fun! I know you will!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    edited September 2016
    Happy Tuesday! :) Feels like Monday since I am, like Anne doing laundry. I drove my daughter back to downtown Chicago and then just did some errands for labor day. Never got to enjoy the last weekend of the pool but spending time with my daughter was worth it. She will spend the rest of the week helping her aunt except for a break on Wednesday when she is going to take a train to meet her son's birth mother for the first time. It will be interesting and probably very emotional for both of them.

    Anne and Patsy, I think you both should write a book, you are both so clever with your words and descriptions. Love hearing stories about each of your puppies, although I love to hear good stories about any animal. My granddaughter who is in Africa for school just posted pictures of her photo safari and the pictures were amazing. I was slightly jealous.

    Phoebe, I agree with Lin, how nice to bring your niece those albums to keep them safe. You have a very kind heart and are such a good person.

    Marie, I hope you connected with Connie, if not let me know and I will ask her to ask you to be her friend on Facebook. Hope today has you pain free and those blisters are gone.

    Lin, it sounds like you had a good labor day doing what you love to do.

    Buzz, I hope you listened and kept your legs up all day yesterday. You can always use a laptop or an IPad when lying down. Your health is more important my dear friend.

    Jackie, our steaks were delicious and along with a salad and brussel sprouts a perfect meal. I would probably lose weight if my daughter lived with me, not eating carbs is too hard for me by myself.

    Jeri, so glad to read you don't have lupus and can travel where you choose. I can't imagine why you are so busy with ten or is it eleven grandchildren?

    Chris, sorry you suffer with stomach problems, makes eating so difficult.

    Time to get moving, enjoy this Tuesday and remember it is not Monday.

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    So many good posts. I wish I could remember and reply to all of you. Buzz, I hope you can make arrangements like Marie has to notify us when you are unwell or hospitalized. Someone at the facility maybe?
    Hope Marie and Buzz are on the way to mending.
    Sandy, glad you had time with Kristy and Robby and a great cookout.
    Chris glad you checked in, we have missed you.
    Anne and Patsy, of puppy fame, your stories sound wonderful and fun for the kids. I encourage you to leave the stories all in writing for your children. They will love these special memories.
    Jackie, now than Brady is a free man, hope you can stop pulling your hair out and get in some last minute fall gardening. Is it time to reap your honey yet? Be careful of those multiple personality bees you have guesting in your hives.
    Lin, I too love their plans to see the country. This is how it works. They know how to put out feelers for jobs in the area they want to visit. They actually work for the state or national park that they live in. They pay no rent. All utilities are included. They still get paid by the hour. Kiaya works in the office. Stephen works in maintenance. They are in Felton, California now. They love it there and will likely spend a while before moving on. They started out with a used camper that wasn't very large. For some reason, the park wanted them to upgrade to a newer model. They bought a fifth wheel RV, much larger and it requires a pickup truck to pull it. It was delivered to the park, because, lol, they don't have a truck!! So, I think they'll be at this location for a while, until they find an affordable pickup. This is their second place. First was in southern Colorado. Beautiful, rustic place that closed in the winter. Their first experience in deep snow! They have a week off in the winter months and they already want to visit Patsy's Portland area. They're loving it! Kiaya is an excellent photographer and an artist. They love animals, currently they have three cats. Thistle is a stray from Colorado. Two Siamese they are teaching to walk on leashes. They get homesick, but Kathy, Kiaya's mom, is visiting them starting this Friday. They came home last year for Christmas.
    Better get myself to work.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    Forty seven posts and I went through them as quickly as I could. I hope I can keep up much better that our major trips on done for awhile.

    Chris, glad to hear from you and how is the weight loss going? I started today and hope to keep up the momentum for a long time.

    Buzz and Marie - I hopy both you lovely ladies are feeling better today and being taken care of. <3

    Anne & Patsy - I hope to read your books and poems in the near future.

    Our trip on the boat to our port on Saturday was a rolling one. We arrived okay but my stomach was not in good order even though I took something before we left. It was an uncomfortable ride. Our pot luck dinner had a theme of "super heroes" and I was Wonder Woman and Dave was Batman. Only t-shirts
    and masks for us but a good time had by all. Sunday was visiting the members on their boats and then at 3pm we had a get together of snacks and finishing off any drinks that were left from the night before.
    Sunday night we had dinner with some friends that live in the area and always nice to see them again.
    We left on Monday and our sail home was much better and the weather the whole weekend was fabulous couldn't complain.

    Now back to reality and started today with keeping on track and of course exercising to get some of this major weight off I gained over the summer. We will have nice days this September to go sailing before we put the boat to bed. We are having a heat wave again this week with rain on Thursday.

    Keep going that is what keeps us young. B)


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy. thanks for the offer of getting in touch wit Connie for me. But i as soon leave well enough along she evidently took me off of her friends list for a reason.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    edited September 2016
    Phoebe, thank you for all the detail. It is fascinating and good for them. Not many of us try to make our dreams come true. I hope they have safe travels and happy days.

    Shirley, I am sorry that part of your trip was not too enjoyable. Glad you are home now and trust you will do better when eating at home most days.

    Patsy, I am sorry your own form of organization was disturbed. Anything that is moved is all my fault. And sometimes I do reorganize things and then hunt for them in their prior location. Duh. I wonder why the old location sticks in memory while the new one does not?

    Well 92 degrees F today and I was just melting while finishing my errands late this morning. I did my running around and arrived to play Mah Jongg just a couple of minutes early. Surprise, they cancelled it as the crafters who usually have the room on Monday wanted it for Tuesday instead. They had sent an email about an hour ahead of time but since I was running errands I didn't see it. Apparently several others didn't see it either and wandered in and out as they found out we were cancelled. I moved on to the rest of my errands including the special Senior day at Walgreens.

    I have "A Great Reckoning" by Louise Penny to read. Excited!!! I need to clean and cut some vegetables, finish my supper, and take out the trash but all I want to do is read!!!

    Hugs for my dear friends.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Mike's CHAIR arrived today and he's like a kid in a....what is that saying? Anyway, I'm off to bed!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am glad you are off to bed early and staying off that computer. My nurse tole me to used my I pad and stayoff of the big one. I do limit myself to a couple of 15 minutes a day tho. Made a big different already. for me.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Buzz, maybe a 'kid in a candy shop'?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good morning sneakers. I'll have to keep things short because I've my hands full with a visiting Scruff whose mum is on her way to Crete for her holidays and lots to do on the one dry day of the week! I walked the dogs before 8.30 and we traveled about 3 miles across the moors where I only saw one other dog walker for miles around. People don't know what they're missing! Washing is on the line, the pets are fed their mid morning meal and I've just unpacked a pack of 2 luxury fitted sheets via Amazon so can make up the bed and try one out! The garden will then be calling although Phoebe I'm still giving the bees a wide birth so am not sure how much honey if any I'll be able to take off. My new gardener friend is also a beekeeper and raised his eyebrows when I mentioned the bees attacking George and agreed I'll have to be very careful..... shut the animals in the next time I kit up to take their roof off!
    Buzz Mike could be a kid in a sweet shop (my English version!) or perhaps more appropriate is the term boys and their toys which we use for lads in their racer cars or on speedy bikes but hopefully he won't be travelling too fast.

    Brady had his vaccination booster on Monday where the vet cuddled and kissed him and told him he is the most wonderful gentle, soft boy..... this is a male vet by the way!! Anyway all is well, he's had a few cross words with Scruff and is now parading around the garden swishing his tail and telling everyone he's the boss!!

    Hugs to everyone.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hi BUZZ, In my day, and coming from uncouth Yorkshire, it was "he's as happy as a pig in a pile of ****. Oh dear, I'm going to get banned again. Honest, just saying !!
    Hi everybody. I think today is going to be busy, so that's probably my only contribution, not exactly elevating. I'll just say last evening my little Jilly and I encountered a Rottweiler straining on its leash to grab our Jilly by the scruff of the neck and shake her like a rag doll. The two owners had great trouble dragging it across the road and away from our drive. I've since been told it lives on the next street, has bitten a child, and bitten a young mans legs as he got off his motor bike. Police called, but no charges laid so after a week in the pound back home and terrorizing puppies, not to mention everything else no doubt. I shall be on the lookout from now on!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    Buzz, maybe a 'kid in a candy shop'?

    Yes Buzz, I agree, that is a good phrase and I would admit that it feels good to be delighted from time to time! So I hope he does enjoy the new toy for a long time.

    Marie, I am glad you are seeing improvement by keeping your legs elevated. Sometimes taking medical advice is the very best thing we can do.

    Jackie, happy doggie sitting to you. My, you will have a very busy life until Scruff returns home. Take care. Your current hive of bees give me a fright. Well more than usual. This year I've seen a few bumblebees, a couple of honey bees but everywhere there have been wasps. A friend has been stung multiple times. She is very wasp shy now!!

    Anne, my gosh, stay clear of that dog. It sounds like a menace. Little Jilly would be no match for such a brute.

    Time to think about going to Tai Chi/Qigong. Then discount day at the store, a quick lunch and then something I have wanted to do for years. I am going to a tour and lecture at our local observatory. They allow the public to attend viewing of celestial events but I have never attended as of course it is at night and the observatory is at the end of a long drive deep in the midst of a golf course and there are no homes or people in the area at night. So this is a lovely opportunity.

    Rain is likely later. I must remember to grab my coat.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The postman just delivered and as he handed a couple of parcels over the garden gate admitted he unfortunately pulled on the bell cord too hard and broke it..... another Amazon order on the way! As well as medication for Boris' stiff joints my jigsaw puzzle has arrived which, after problems on my Amazon order, I got direct from the company. Happy winter months ahead!!

    Back to work in the garden....