Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited September 2016
    hey good morning sneakers/
    Football day .Win or lose I am for the Cowboys. Got to go get Jerry to help doctor my new sore. The big blister busted and turn into very sore spot. No rest for the wicked I guess
    Will be cooking a pork roast and green beans and new potatoes for dinner
    have a great day

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Hard to believe it's been 15 years since 9/11 attack. It was a sad, memorable day. :/
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Dave and I have booked a trip to NYC in October for 4 days and I want to see the 911 Memorial I hear it makes you cry. Bless all those souls who died on that day. o:)<3

    We just got back from a 12 mile bike ride to our other town, mind you we stopped and had breakfast/lunch and then headed back. It was a glorious day and no humidity. Tonight I have signed up for a 2 hour Yoga class with Sandskrit singing too. Looking forward to some relaxing.

    I am starting tomorrow with my 1200 calorie food meal plan and want to stick to it as much as I can.
    I need some discipline and smaller portions and at my age I don't need all the food I am consuming now.

    Sand & Marie - Thanks for posting the graphics to keep us remembering that awful day.

    Anne - I don't have dual citizenship, I am still American, I never gave up my citizenship. We live in a border town so access to the US is important to us. I am not going across as much due to our money
    not worth as much now. All I know is I wouldn't know who to vote for, Hillary is getting herself more
    and more in trouble lately too.

    Buzz - I hope you can get things straightened out in your favor this time with all the medical bills. :/

    Lin - Your coloring pictures look so professional. What kind of coloring pens do you use again? I have used the pencils which get my hand tired after while. Then I bought the markers and they bleed through the other side to another picture. :( I know what you mean about postal delivery, our system is really bad here in Canada, but if anything comes from China it is held up in customs and takes forever to get.

    Have a wonderful day its memorable.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited September 2016
    Our church service revolved around remembrance and 9/11. I am glad I had Kleenex ready. Our Sunday school teacher did not show up so I spent the time reading the Bible to our Spanish-speaking gentleman. We worked on having a conversation and I found the time quite rewarding.

    Shirley, I use all sorts of different pens, pencils, pastels, watercolor blocks as I am very fond of coloring. Here's a fuzzy photo of some of the types of pens and markers that I use. And they all bleed through so I have a clipboard with a cut out piece of a silicon cutting board on it. Then I place what I want to color on top of the silicon and under the clip. Works quite well.


    Here's my latest puzzle. I am still a Beatles fan. I understand Ron Howard has a film out this coming week on their touring years.


    I hope those of you who enjoy football have victorious teams!


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I fell asleep before I posted and it's gone. See you tomorrow
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :) I finally have a solution to what ails my legs. I had put off seeking any more answers until after Jake's surgery and would do no good for both of us to be out of commission at the same doctor suggested an MRI and after my asking for a prescription for something to help me deal with claustrophobia in the MRI machine she wrote a prescription for something that worked great. The MRI was just a few days after Jake was cleared to drive again after his surgery. I had an appointment scheduled for a few weeks later to talk to the doctor about the results. Instead, she called the minute she got the results (two days later) and said the results said spinal stenosis and she wanted to refer me to a the MRI results got sent to the same doctor who did Jake's surgery. After a few phone calls from the doctor's office to get more information, an appointment was scheduled for October 31. Then Tuesday I got a call to see if I could come in on Thursday I rescheduled my dentist appointment and told the line dance teacher I wouldn't be in class. The appointment with the neurosurgeon in Seattle lasted quite a long time and when I left, I was scheduled for surgery on September 28. He said I was a great candidate for surgery and that the surgery would relieve the pressure on the nerves that has been causing the pain, numbness, and tingling in my legs and feet. The recovery will be long and slow and he told me several times that I would have to take it very slow to get back to my current level of activity. I am ready to do anything to make it possible for me to walk and dance without pain and to be able to stand in one place for more than a minute or two without having to sit down.

    <3 Barbie
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited September 2016
    Barbie - Happy to hear that they were able to figure out the cause and have a way to fix it. Do be a good patient while you are recovering. Sounds very promising! :)

    Lin - Love the puzzle!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I still cannot deal with 9/11, and the memories of that day haunt me too often! Two of the hijackers went to the gym we went to at that time and the thought makes me ill! And arriving back in NY and seeing the empty sky where those 2 (ugly) tower had existed was terribly traumatic . We have never gone back again. We used to see those twin towers from Jones Beach every time we'd go there to swim. I hated them for the design which had no grace, but those pictures of the disaster will never leave me!

    This morning a group of bicyclists left Miami and arrived here several hours later to celebrate grandparents' day! Delightful music from an electric violin and lovely snacks made the morning special until I discovered Mike's oxygen concentrator appeared to be not working. I assumed the nurse had forgotten to turn it on, but found out he had stayed too long without following her instructions to plug it into an outlet while downstairs. After the batteries ran out, he ignored the alerts and remained in the lobby. I've had to give a request he not be allowed to leave his floor unless I am with him as a monitor. I hope it's not too overbearing, but he simply cannot be counted on to remember to take care! Tomorrow we visit the new doctor and I have loads of questions and matters to discuss! Hope I have the strength!
    LIN, your picture of your materials is very illuminating. Thank you!
    PHOEBE, glad to hear I'm not alone in falling asleep at the computer!
    Running late and have so much to do so once more, forgive me for not mentioning each of you, as you are all so special! Love seeing your pictures and reading your posts. One day I may return to normal!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Barbie, I am glad the doctors were able to accelerate your appointments so you will not have to wait as long to get this resolved and concentrate on healing. Another test of patience my friend. I know you will do what is necessary. <3

    Buzz, sorry for the continuing upsetting problems with Mike's oxygen. Others will need to look after all details related to his oxygen right? It doesn't appear he can be trusted to remember the details related to operation of the mechanisms.

    Marie, how did your Cowboys come out today?

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I'm so glad you have found out the reason for all your pain BARBIE and best of all the problem will be resolved. The very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Just think, a year from today you and Jake will be fully recovered and especially if you follow instructions and are not tempted to dance etc during recovery time.
    BUZZ, such a lot of anguish for you. Mike really cannot be trusted to look after himself. I'm so very sorry that life is not full of sunshine for you at the moment because it should be.
    It's not exactly full of flowers either for you MARIE or for poor Jerry, who wasn't meant to be a cook I gather.
    Everything continues pretty much the same over here. Lots of walks in my life with Miss Exuberant. The blessed departure of the humidity and heat is causing me to have the usual aches and twinges in the aged bones, something that happens every time the weather alters. So to be expected, and preferred actually to the heat and mosquitos.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A miserable day weather-wise so after a walk along local country lanes the dogs are now drying out and I'm about to do some serious housework.

    Barbie ~ It's been a long wait to discover what has been troubling your legs but thank goodness, you are now on your way to being 'fixed' and with the same surgeon that did such a great job on Jake so more good news. The fitness needed for your walking and dancing is so important to you I have faith in you doing just as the doctor ordered to take care of yourself, build up your strength slowly and surely so before we know it we'll be reading your posts describing dance classes as well as those walks with the frisky poodles.

    Buzz ~ Could it be Mike's pneumonia that is leaving him struggling to reason... It can happen? Whatever, the medical staff need to get their act together, keep a good eye on him and give you a break.... no wonder you're so tired all the time because you shouldn't have to be worrying about being overbearing. I love the sound that emanates from an electric violin; sort of gives me goosebumps!

    Lin ~ That's a delightful new puzzle with the Beatles which brought back memories of me buying Sergeant Pepper as a 17 year old and driving my dad mad playing it over and over in my bedroom! My mum had left the marital home by then but I think she'd have enjoyed it because I also remember her coming out from the kitchen to stand in the bedroom doorway to listen to Phil Spector music on my old radio and few years before!

    Time to get on.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lin they lost by 1 point. We work up to no hot water this morning. Trying to get Jerry to called on our neighbor to come have a look. But he thinks he can fix it He is still piddling with it. Oh Men. See you later got to try to get clean up for my nurse who will be by soon.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) . Instead, she called the minute she got the results (two days later) and said the results said spinal stenosis and she wanted to refer me to a the MRI results got sent to the same doctor who did Jake's surgery. <3 Barbie

    Ed had surgery for spinal stenosis. He was off work for about 2 months. He recovered fully and it worked like a charm. Slow process at first but the results were worth it. Good luck.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Good morning friends. I've made a trip to TJ and have been trying to track down my packages. I left a note for the postal carrier. Maybe that might help.

    Jackie, Ick, bad weather. A harbinger of things to come? We have had lovely cooler weather the last several days with lots of sunshine. Rain maybe tomorrow. I loved the early albums and drove my parents crazy as I played them over and over. The grooves are worn down...

    Marie, oh no, no hot water!!! I hope that is fixed soon. Why are so many surprises unpleasant? And sorry your Cowboys lost. :/

    Jeri, that is excellent news to share with Barbie.

    Anne, not much from you recently. I imagine you at home creating new stories and working on art projects when the Bean allows. :)

    Onward. Bits and pieces of things to do. I need to track down, if possible, a deposit that didn't arrive in my checking account. Just changed my password and cannot remember it so will consult my list.



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Our neighbor will be down shortly to heck it out. Lin. Its not very old.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited September 2016
    Happy Monday!! :) Laundry day as it is for a few of you. Windows are open fresh air is coming in and I love it!! My cleaning girl is here, so I am trying to stay out of her way in my office. I am meeting, Lisa, Robby and her mom today at the same play area in the mall that we went a couple of weeks ago. Her mom and dad will be leaving for Florida in a couple of weeks so I thought it would be nice to get together for lunch. We will again go to the Rainforest Cafe since Robby loves the talking tree. In fact his mom said he was naughty this morning because she told him they were going there later but he wanted to go now, so had a tantrum. I told her lesson learned never tell kids where you are going until you get there. Ummm, she said I like to tell him our plans for the day and he will have to learn to wait. Opps!! I just sent a smiley face in return.

    Marie, hopefully it just a pilot light and your neighbor can fix the problem.

    Lin, we are getting the same weather which I can handle, just keep that "S" word away.

    Jeri, thanks for sharing and hopefully it will ease Barbies mind.

    Barbie, not sure what they do for spinal stenosis but you have a great surgeon so you should be as great as new in six months.

    Jackie, sorry about your bad weather, but a good excuse to clean the house.

    Anne, is Jilly all done with her time of the month? Are you thinking of spaying her now?

    I put together a "few" pieces of my puzzle, this will be a long process. LOL

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Sounds like a lovely day Sandy!!

    Marie, the water heater in my house is old. I keep my fingers crossed.

    I realized the picture I posted was really fuzzy so here's a bit more information. The Dual tip markers are Tombow. I do have fine point Sharpies but use the Tombows all the time. The gel pens are Gelly Roll and I have many different sets of these. Metallic, Classic, Moonlight, Stardust, Gold Shadow come to mind.

    This is the small Mandela book I won and have been coloring a lot lately. (Six more to go and the book will be full.)


    At midnight I really liked this. :D:D


    Interesting that things are different by the light of day. ;)


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lin - You do such wonderful colors on your coloring pages. Mine is a book so the colors would definitely bleed through to the other picture. Thanks for showing me some of your colors.

    Sandy- Sounds like a nice day at the Raintree cafe and I agree never tell the kids where you are going until you are there. Makes for less stress on the parent.

    Buzz - I guess you will be the caretaker for Mike for all his needs. Good luck at the doctor's and may your questions be answered.

    Barbie - Great day for you that you found out what your pain was from. A lot patience on your part, now more patience for healing. Good luck with the surgery and will be thinking of you.

    Marie - I understand your heater is not working. I hope that gets resolved soon.

    Jackie - Happy housecleaning.

    Anne - Have you decided on the spaying yet, inquiring minds want to know. LOL

    Laundry day for me too like Sandy, and had my hair cut today. Started the 1200 calorie eating plan today. Hope I can stick with it. So far so good.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was just the reset button on out on water heather Got hot water now..

    Shirley I got to find me new plan, which one are you following now?
