Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good day Sneakers - I went to Aigong/Tai Chi this morning. The class was packed today and I would estimate fully half of the people were either first timers or only a couple of classes. Having attended for a few months now I am an expert. Haaaaaa. Stopped by the store and got a bag of beat-up apples and then to the pharmacy to provide my new RX plan information so when I need it I should be able to order a refill. I've made lunch, caught up a bit on email, called for a prayer chain request and made applesauce.

    Tonight I am going to a TEI class on 'Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse'. I hasten to add I do. It care for zombies, or zombie walks, or zombie movies. I am expecting some laughs and if I ca not laugh out loud, I will be storing it up for later I would imagine.

    My CSA box has been delivered and there are some beyond jumbo okra. I don't see a use for those in my house. Ack!!

    Sandy, good luck at bingo and I am happy your life is good. I hope you do see Babe though. Hugs.

    Shirley, what a cutie but I see a stick in each hand when I look closely. Maybe Isaac will be a drummer some day!! Enjoy the time on the boat.

    Jackie, I am sorry the gardener didn't show up. I trust he gets to you soon. Not all gardening chores can be put off indefinitely if you wish to keep things going properly. I went out last night and spent time pulling all the little sprouting button weeds in the big circles where the trees were removed and topsoil and grass seed applied. I sort of wonder about that topsoil. How did it have so many button weed seeds in it? I think I will be doing this many times in the next few months.

    Buz, I am still marveling at our tenacity in getting the. Radical bills straightened out.

    I wonder what you wear to a presentation on zombies???? :D


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Shirley - You guys have the cutest grandkids. Isaac is a serious cutie!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lin, okra is a great thickening agent
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited September 2016
    SANDY, thank you so much for that reminder, which is not as simple to remember as I had hoped!
    And when the person one is dealing with seems to recall things better than I do, it's really crazy! Today we made the decision to have him attended by Hospice. Simply palliative treatment to keep him comfortable and as happy as possible. They provide music therapy, round the clock nursing or aides when necessary and many things his insurance does not provide. Several other people in Skilled Nursing have chosen it, so I hope we are not making a mistake ( we can always opt out!). He is certainly not a happy camper now, so perhaps that will be an improvement.
    I still own a tape of Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah! Haven't listened in years, but he was a very funny man.
    SANDY, I was hunting and found something that sort of seems to represent your Unniversary
    We all wish you the best, dear friend.
    I won't go through my day, but things may brighten soon, I think. Oh, my printed broke! And they don't make them the way they used to 8 years ago! More research!
    everybody have a lovely Thursday...
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day. Babe gave me a beautiful card for our anniversary. I have lost one of my diamond earrings and he said if I don't find it in the house then he will replace it. I really hope I find it but I have searched every where. I will keep looking and ask at the places I last visited just in case it was turned in by some honest person.
    I won again at bingo so my streak continues, for how long who knows?

    My landlady is supposed to come with a handy man to stain my balcony tomorrow morning which means everything has to be brought inside including the grill. They are calling for rain so not sure if she will cancel so waiting until tonight to move everything. My friend Jen will come and help me.

    Buzz, hospice was wonderful with my mother, I am not sure what we would have done without them. I am sure they can make him comfortable and pain free which should be a relief for you.
    Is the pneumonia getting any better or is it worse?

    Time again is getting away from me, enjoy your day!

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Buzz, how Wonderful! I hope Mike does well with the hospice team. Really hope you don't have so much on your shoulders.
    Better scoot. Home for a couple.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good evening

    Buzz, I Hope you got some sleep. And I hope hospice helps take some of the pressure from you. I was pleased with what hospice did for my dad. Unfortunately they would not spend much time with him as they didn't deem it necessary. I hope Mike gets many more hours of attention.

    Phoebe, glad you're home for a little while. And nope, those monsterously large okras are not for me. :D

    Sandy, still winning at bingo. Good for you and so happy Babe will replace your ear ring if you cannot locate it. We are not having rain here but apparently it is raining to the North of us. Maybe later. And maybe you'll escape the rain tomorrow.

    Spent time with the ladies at the library and was chatting so much several of us stayed an extra half hour. Haaa.

    Several friends are having surgery soon so I did these little coloring cards today to tuck into cards as I don't know how to cut card stock down to a size to fit into envelopes and don't know what type of tool you need to make those crisp straight folds. Will try to attach photo examples of what I am doing.

    I got a jigsaw puzzle and I am just not liking it. I think I will rebox it with my color sorted pieces in baggies so I can perhaps start again another day. The pieces are so small I have trouble handling them. Well, that may be for another time.

    Tai chi tomorrow and perhaps a stop by a garage sale my friends are having. Then I need to find a birthday gift for a friend. I need to get it to her this weekend if possible.

    Hugs my friends.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Beautiful moon out tonight. Huge full harvest moon. Peeking between the trees and to make the evening absolutely perfect...a big barred owl that lives nearby, just gave several of his weird hoots. It is so weird sounding. It reminds me of that little book I read years ago. I heard the owl call my name. Except the book had a sort of sad message as I recall.

    Dearest Buzz, we are with you in spirit. We all are aware of the trauma you are feeling. This I do know, you are a wonderful and loving companion and mate for your Mike. No one could care more or try harder than you have to help him. I think he must know this also. Hospice care is often as healing as regular nursing care. It was for several family members of mine. Mom moved out of hospice care and lived several more good years. Hospice care can be very helpful for the family as well. You know all this I am sure.

    Sandy, so happy you had a nice anniversary. Your Babe does love you! I think you love him also. I am such a romantic. Marriages come in many different flavors just like ice cream. If this works for you and Babe, that is all that counts.

    Lin: lovely coloring cards. The verses will mean so much to your friends. I will never forget the year my grandmother grew huge okra and ended up drying them and spray painting them. She made them into a wreath. They looked like huge red peppers...sort of. She hung the wreath in the kitchen. It was very colorful and attractive, but odd, sort of.

    I am volunteering at the grade school once a week reading to kids. The SMART program.
    This week it is kindergarten and I am reading the Hungry butterfly. Cute story and kids love it.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Still here. Things are beginning to look up. Except I must replace my beloved printer! Hate shopping!
    LIN, if I ever get a new printer, I'll continue to use 8X11 110 lb stock folded in half AFTER printing the card. My envelopes are 5 1/4 x 8 3/4 and I buy them by the box at Amazon. Believe it or not, I have several magnifying glasses with nice round handles. I try to match the cards' corner edges, then holding flat, I carefully straighten the edge before using the handle to flatten the folded side! Works like a charm!
    Thanks, PHOEBE, and everyone else who is so supportive of our choosing hospice! Learned today that we do not have to return his portable oxygen concentrator, as Humana gave it to him outright. I was ready to purchase it for him! In case anyone is considering, our HMO has been wonderful to us for over 10 years! Our hospice decision was not a reflection on Humana Medicare Advantage, but a matter of getting more palliative care rather than aggressive treatment for Mike. Rather than a bunch of medicines and rules, he needs loving care and hope. He will have several daily visits from nurses, doctor visits at least 3 times a week, medicines adjusted as necessary, a music therapist who comes with his guitar, an aide/companion 3 times a week to go where Mike wants to visit (lobby, gym, workshop, etc.) and he will still have all the nurses he has become so fond of, and vice versa! Sounds great!
    SANDY, take advantage of Babe's offer to match your remaining earring. Glad things worked out for you.
    Oh dear, 1:26, and I was planning an earlier bedtime! where doe the time go?
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2016
    Phew, Scruff was picked up yesterday late afternoon after my friend's rather stressful coach ride home from Heathrow airport. She was a joy to have staying with us but so full on it was quite exhausting so of course not as much got done as I'd have liked. This morning we met up for our usual moorland walk and were fascinated to see that at the site of the Hurlers stones an excavation is taking place to uncover a third ring. Of course no one really knows what those prehistoric folk were thinking when they created such structures but it's obvious from the times the sun hits them they are linked to the solstice. Still no sign of the gardener, unless he has tried to find me when I've been out so after a catch up visit with the housebound neighbour I shall crack on myself.... little and often might get me to the wild bottom before next Spring!

    Patsy ~ Loved the description of your aunt's wreath of okra.... what a laugh! It's obvious there's a creative streak running through your family! As a thank you for looking after Scruff my friend gave me, amongst other things, a pastel of George that she got someone she knows to do for her copying a photo of him. Apparently the 85 year old gentleman lost his wife last year and to keep occupied took up painting and drawing only to discover he has a real talent! Once framed I'll take a photo. A shame as ever we live so far apart since you are obviously experienced in such things what with reframing your art! I spotted that moon too.... beautiful and all the better light for Brady to hunt in even if his little paws aren't really big enough to take on anything more than a tiny shrew!

    Anne ~ My teens were in the 60's so wasn't aware of the Spinners although they must have been played on the BBC light service during that Sunday programme when families sent messages to armed forces in Germany.... wow there's another blast from the past!

    Phoebe ~ I think it was you mentioned a dog suffering fits after spaying which is interesting because a friend's cat had the same problem. She blamed the vet so I'll let her know it's something that happens for no real reason.

    Buzz ~ Hospice care is I'm sure, the best you can arrange for Mike and for your peace of mind. I think sometimes in the past people thought the word meant the end but it certainly isn't, just a way of obtaining comfort both physically and emotionally. Of course you're going to struggle some days with Mike's personality change, anyone would because none of us are saints!

    Sandy ~ You're wonderfully accepting of your situation so perhaps you are a saint! LOL That's quite a run on the bingo wins and long may it continue. :p

    Lin ~ Beautiful cards you make that must mean so much to your friends. My jigsaw puzzle box hasn't been opened yet so I'm hoping the pieces aren't too small for my fingers although some would say it's good exercise for them. Mine will be 28" x 20" so I'm going to need to get a piece of wood to build it on in case I want to use the table and have to move it.

    Missing lots of you I know but must get George and me up the lane to visit the neighbour.

    Enjoy your Friday

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Buzz, my older dog, Brandy, and I walk every morning with two women and the little dog that belongs to one of them....the woman without the dog lives with her husband who has Alzheimer's....this walk in the morning is the only time she gets away from her house by herself....I've learned a lot from listening to her tell about her life at home and have gained enormous respect for the grace and alacrity with which she greets her life situation. When she works in her garden, she wears the receiver for a "baby monitor" so she can hear her husband if he needs her. It helps me to put my life in perspective and to understand some of what you are dealing with in your situation with Mike. <3
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Jackie, there are puzzle mats that are supposed to keep the pieces in place and you can roll the mat. I haven't tried it but may if I get time for puzzles in the future. Be back later
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hello everyone, today there is a slight nip in the morning air. I had to wear a light jacket for our morning sniffle.
    JACKIE, The Spinners are from the early sixties at their peak, but you wouldn't be into their kind of music in your teens with the Beatles emerging. Mike who is 55 remembers them, but only because I was forever playing the album when he was a small boy. Today, I can't get "I'm a rambler" out of my head and I've been singing it on and off ever since, much I think to my Jilly's dismay. I'm not the most musical person in the world! I love their version of Liverpool lullaby and think Cilla pinched it from the Spinners who recorded it earlier. I'm so glad they are still around and still playing together apparently.

    I echo everything Jackie said about your dealings with Mike BUZZ who you obviously love to pieces. He is a very lucky man to have you batting for him, and so is your friends husband BARBIE. Like you, I realize just how fortunate I am in these latter years. I'm so glad Buzz tells us about her daily battles and makes us aware just how fortunate most of us are.

    And today is shopping day, must go and get The Beans chicken to make her dinners for the week otherwise I WILL be in the doghouse. Oh and her daily vitamin tablets, just in case my efforts don't have all the vitamins the canned foods have. I can't get her to eat canned food anymore, but it's little trouble to cook her meals and costs about the same. She doesn't appear to be suffering from my efforts. Bouncy as ever, and her coat is sleek and shiny.

    We all appear to be picking up our winter hobbies again as the evenings close in earlier. I'm no exception.
    Happy hobbying (is that a word, MFP thinks not!)
    PS. It's the harvest moon tonight.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) Although the staining of my balcony was cancelled because of rain, the sun is shining. My landlady will stop by to have me sign the new lease and to bring me new furnace filters which she has me change monthly. Date night for Rob and Lisa has been cancelled as Robby is running a fever. His cousin ended up having hand, foot and mouth disease after being with us on Monday and we were hoping Robby would be fine but evidently he isn't. Just hope none of us adults get sick, especially Lisa. I met friends last night to watch the Chicago Cubs so I am not weighing in today and will wait until tomorrow. I am supposed to go to an assembly in the morning but not sure if I want to drive the hour at 8 A.M. Babe is having an open MRI for his ears this morning and is hoping they find something wrong so they can correct the problem. I think that is all my news for the day.

    Anne, Beans/Jilly is one lucky little lady with homemade dog food and walks everyday. You are a great fur mommy as well as a human mommy.

    Phoebe, I will check Amazon for that puzzle mat as I can tell it is going to take me a very long time to complete my puzzle. My cleaning girl told me she loved puzzles, picked up a piece and connected it to another in one try. I am still trying to get the outer edge and not getting very far with the small pieces which total 700.

    Barbie, I think anyone who has dealt with Dementia/Alzheimer's deserves high praise. It has to be so hard being with the one you love and either they are changed or in some cases they don't even know you. It was so hard for me to see my uncle and not have him know who I was. His daughter, my cousin was wonderful with him and even though she had to put him in a home, he was happy until the day he died.

    Jackie, believe me, I am no saint!! I just take things one day at a time. It helps being in a program where I have learned I have no control over anyone or anything and it is my job to take care of myself.

    Buzz, I love that Mike will get extra attention and maybe make your life a little easier. I am still searching for the earring hoping it is in the house but if not I will take Babe up on his offer.

    Patsy, our situation seems to be working although we both get days where we are lonely. I keep myself busy where as Babe with his health problems is more housebound. I think it is wonderful you are volunteering at the grade school, what a great idea.

    Lin, love your little coloring cards, one is prettier than the next. I am sure your friends will appreciate all your hard work. Glad you are keeping busy before the dreaded winter comes when most of spend our time indoors.

    Enjoy your day!
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello all,

    If life wasn't busy before we are now driving Mary Jo to kindergarten 2 days a week. Tuesday is a half day and we take her for lunch after. Thursday is a full day so we are working out what to do to occupy us as it is too far to drive there and then come home and return at 3 to pick her up. Had lunch yesterday with a cousin I seldom see so that was good. Need to make plans.

    Buzz - it sounds like progress is being made for sure. Big hugs to you.

    We are off to see Dolly Parton tonight. Should be fun.

    I had an appt w a hand doctor about my little finger and it looks like surgery is the only option. Darn. I can't leave it too long either as that can cause more of a problem. Darn darn. I am also starting radiation treatment on my palm next week for 5 days.

    Then down to visit Val for 10 days or so. She is feeling down and needs a pick me up.

    As for busy, I also started digital scrapping again. I am way behind and need to do at least the important dates. I did Sarah's birth on 2013 and need to do Maggie's next. I am not going to print them myself. I'll either print page by page at Costco or incorporate them into a photo book. Still deciding. I'll post a couple for you to see.

    Hugs to all

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hope this works. This is a page I did for the birth of Sarah.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited September 2016
    Here's another from December, 2013


    Text reads:
    Sarah Blair
    What an amazing day. Melanie texted Ed from church Christmas Morning to say she was having labour pains. Sean took her to the Foothills Hospital and Jack Leslie took the kids to our house. After all, we were hosting Christmas dinner that day. It wasn’t that long before Sean phoned to say that Sarah Joy Blair was the newest member of the family and the first born in a hospital. Melanie had to spend the night with Sarah to make sure she was okay. We had a nice Christmas Dinner without them and the next day we took all the kids to the hospital to see their new sister. So cute. We all held her and fell in love. Then Mel and Sean and the kids packed up and took Sarah home. We brought Christmas Day leftovers for Mel and Sean as they hadn’t had Christmas dinner with all of us. What a satisfying couple of days.

    Can you see these okay?

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    One last one:



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    As I have gotten older and older, I have noticed a common thread amoung some of our friends. There are a lot of them that adopt a sort of old person whine in their voice. It is very discouraging to be around them. It is like, no matter what, they refuse to be happy. Then there are those folks that have issues like we all have, yet shoulder them with a grin and carry on. Those are people I try to learn from. I heard one of them tell us must always be planning something. It doesn't have to be a big or glamorous thing. Just something beyond this day or moment. I love that! I guess I've mentioned this before....

    I am planning to dust and condition the leather and refurbish my brown leather armchair. The little carved Queen Anne legs look sadly abused by the vacuum cleaner and various children and dogs throughout the years. Okay! How's that for a plan?

    Katie has a lovely new expensive dog bed. So far she will not even come near it. It should please her. It is sort of a big nest like she enjoys. I could have bet money on this this. Like our kids at Christmas, they used to play with all the empty boxes instead of the new toys!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Jeri! Stunning pictures and design on your digital scrapbook pages! Beautiful job, really. I'll bet your family is thrilled with them.