Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers,
    Monday and it's off to a great week of doing everything. I have a very inefficient method of working. Do a bit of laundry, run in and put something in the instant pot, turn on the computer and check for mail, print up what I need from the email, put stuff into the dryer, etc. etc, I can't concentrate on any one task too long. My mind keeps hopping to something else. I am currently working on a creative writing project that has me by the scruff of the neck...thinking about it all the time.

    The football game that we watched Sunday was the Patriots and cardinals. Very UNexciting! I feel asleep in part of it. Shocking! First NFL game we have watched and I am napping!!!!

    Hope everyone is healthy and full of plans. I believe that is the key to a happy and healthy life. To be planning and looking forward to something...anything!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello enquiringly minds, I'll let you know if I decide to spay The Bean in 3 months time, right plop in the middle of the six months cycle. To be honest it wasn't half bad. A bit more washing of strategically placed towels and dog basket bed. She is almost at the end now, but still very exuberant. I know neutering calms male dogs down, not sure about spaying but I'd like to keep Jill's happy playful nature. Judging by Jackie's doggie friend, Scruff, nothing will change.

    Spot on LIN. While everybody's been chatting about colouring, jigsaws, etc I've been walking around with a head full of ideas for future projects, the sort I enjoy doing.

    Hope I don't offend anyone, but puppies are rather like small kiddies when it comes to what one might say. I have learnt not to say to The Bean, "Mikes coming." She adores Michael and Mark. Once said, she runs to the back stairs, a-whimpering and a-whining, until one of her favourite people appear. No good saying "soon" which she understands I think, it's "no, now" in her world, sigh. I'm learning!

    I wasn't allowed to play "no, we are not listening to that caterwauling row in this house" sort of music, poor deprived teen that I was said she pathetically. I had to go to friends houses if I was to be "with it" and listen there to Cliff Richards, and that guy who was always going on about some "little white cloud that cried" somebody called Faith sort of rings a bell JACKIE? This of course made me sympathetic to my own kids and I endured hours of "Stairway to Heaven" the real thing, and Mark twanging on a guitar which I bought him in a weak moment. I began to understand my own parents at this point and wished I had their strong wills.

    Well I shall go back to my pondering and puppy walking having written my usual nonsense.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited September 2016
    Anne, if nonsense it be, then more please <3
    A few hours to wait for our load to be ready. Then off we go to North Carolina. Should get a night at home then one more trip before a week off. Jim's colonoscopy. He doesn't think he will mind the prep, ha, but I will!
    Buzz, you've got to delegate. Remember everyone is getting paid so let them do their jobs. Gently complain if they need some motivation. Some days you might feel like resting up, and staying in, you should be able to.
    Shirley, are you just doing basic calories counting, using MFP? Everyone is doing low carb around me, it would be the hardest for me, but it would probably have the best results. I already have learned that small portions can be very effective too. Had a veggies and grilled chicken sandwich for lunch. Good in theory, lol. The toughest chicken ever. I think they must have microwaved it. Honey got most of it. The mushrooms green peppers onions and mozzarella on ciabatta bread was good enough.
    Marie, glad you're not in cold vs hot water anymore! We dont know what luxury is until it's gone. Very glad it was a simple fix too.
    Lin that Beatles puzzle reminds me of the Peter Max posters. Wow, posters were The Thing too!
    My friend had Ryan O'Neal and Ali McGraw from 'Love Story'. She blocked Ali and we took her pic with Ryan. :smiley: mine was 'War is not healthy for children and other living things'. It was sent to me by my brother from Vietnam.
    Sandy, if I opened my windows in Chicago , I'd be freezing! I think I read it was in the 60's? No I won't say that s word, and I'm glad you have a garage!
    Patsy,. That's how I do things. A few things that need doing all in the same part of the house, laundry, cooking, etc. I do them at the same time. This is a photo of a cousin to Katie. I can't remember if she's a golden doodle or labradoodle. It's the one that Katie is not.

    Marcella, glad you got to your camper. I see the temps are down a little, I'm happy about that! Even though I won't be able to enjoy it for another week or so.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Wow! Beautiful dog! This must be a goldendoodle. Katie is a labradoodle. Katie is smaller than a Goldendoodle. Katie is only 35-40 lbs. she is a mid-sized dog, her hair isn't as luxurious as the goldens. The labs are sweet and smart but they do love to dig and chew. Katie has literally eaten two leashes. As you can clearly see, her training hasn't been going too well. We love her. She is spoiled beyond all reason.

    We have a week of dry weather and warm temps. John is out doing stuff to the deck and he is vacuuming the side of the house. Cobwebs and spider nests, dust and pollen. Oh how Oregon can we get?

    Our son has been sailing every weekend. The Indian Summer is a sailers delight around here.
    I am feeling lazy tonight. We are having fruit and yoghurt and toast for dinner. Easy-peasy!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Home after a walk in the local woods where the rain fell in large drops from the canopy above and oh dear, leaves were beginning to tumble! We've all had a rub down and now the clouds are moving away and sun appearing. I've a hair appointment in a couple of hours so didn't bother to blow dry my hair and look as bedraggled as the dogs! Anne mentioned not wanting a change in personality in Jilly Bean if spayed and all I can say is Scruff is as mad as a box of frogs so no change there! Here's a couple of pictures just taken when 30 minutes after our walk she's on my lap looking for attention and play time! It's a look I get constantly!!
    This photo she was leaning against me with a pleading face!!

    After being neutered Brady is becoming soft as butter and spends most of his time lolling in the sunshine or looking to tease the dogs!

    Patsy ~ Not sure if I come across as organised but really I do much the same as you in that I jump from one task to another, stop for copious cups of tea and spend some time thinking about what I might do! How wonderful to have a creative project buzzing in your head and I do hope we get to see some of it once on paper.

    Anne ~ Adam Faith ~ not sure about a little white cloud that cried but most of his songs were corny to say the least! This lonely pup song would probably be banned today because it encourages buying dogs for Christmas presents, a big no-no now with so many dogs getting abandoned once people get bored with them. Adam became a popular tv actor in the 70's and 80's until he passed away. I hear myself sounding just like my Gran when some music is played on the radio today, in fact I usually hit the off switch!

    Phoebe ~ What a stunning photo of such a beautiful dog. Did your brother survive Vietnam? Looking through our family tree a few years ago I noticed a cousin several times removed of mine was killed there which I found more poignant than other stories just because that war was particularly mindless. In my first bedsit in Toronto I had a black and white poster of Paul Newman with just his blue eyes coloured in. It was on the back of the door so I'd swoon every time I went out!!

    Sandy ~ Oh dear, I remember Dr Spock back in the 60's telling parents to allow small children to reason things out for themselves LOL Whatever happened to him? I'm hoping my gardener will be back tomorrow for a couple of hours work and can't decide whether to hide myself away and let him get on alone or show willing and do some myself.... probably like you and your cleaner it will be the former!

    Shirley ~ There's a diet around now called something like the miniscule diet that advocates taking a couple of seconds to think before you cook a meal about just how hungry you are and what you don't need. The 5/2 diet did me a lot of good because fasting does make you think twice or even three times about food and how much needs to go on the plate. Good luck with your 1200 calories and perhaps now your sailing season is at an end there won't be so many temptations!

    Must get on with a few chores before going to hairdresser.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :)<3Jeri, Thanks for sharing about Ed's surgery
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Oh JACKIE, what a lovely trip down memory lane! I'd forgotten the lonely pup in the Christmas shop! Thanks so much! Adam Faith! Such a Bonny young man! The little white cloud that cried was SO corny, it stuck in the folds of my brain for all these years!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Oh what glorious pictures of dogs!!! Thank you Phoebe and Jackie.

    Jackie, Scruff is such a cutie and personality just comes through in the pictures. I would imagine I would be unable to keep up with such a lively one!!! I must admit total ignorance regarding Adam Faith. And definitely, all dog advocates would be horrified to hear a song advocating a puppy for Christmas.

    Ah yes, Peter Max. Many memories there but you k ow I don't know if he had any connection to the film. It was a popular style back in the day. I have a Peter Max poster. He did one for Dr. Fuhrman to sign and sell to raise money for nutritional research. So of course, I got one. Photo posted below.

    Patsy and Jackie, I too flit from thing to thing during the day which may be why I don't accomplish as much as I think I should. Happy to report, I did find my two missing packages and my little deposit finally surfaced!

    Off to try to play Mah Johgg once again then to the library this afternoon to color and converse.

    Best wishes to everyone today. With all the sitting it will be. Ore difficult to get in all my steps today but I will work on it!



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Don't know what happened to my brief post yesterday, but I continue to read yours.
    Hope all goes well for BARBIE. Most of my friends have had excellent results and the recovery is not overnight, so utilize all your patience
    PHOEBE, your advice to delegate can be so useful, but in our case, delegating meant taking the billing departments word for what, when and where. Spending many many hours of research, I discovered an almost hidden page on Humana, meant for providers, that detailed every single thing they had sent or paid for, and after printing it, I now have the tools and proof to go to the top and insist they do their job correctly!
    Now I must have breakfast and get my day started, but with a sense of relief and accomplishment! I must also lie down later with my re-swollen legs up, up, up!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) A/C is back on, too humid to leave the windows open. Had a fun time with Robby and his cousin and it was nice to see Lisa's mom. Lisa is getting bigger everyday and she is not happy about it so she said she joined MFP. Babe went to the ear doctor who gave him something for his nausea and will be doing an air test and a MRI next week. The doctor said is not typical vertigo so let's hope he finds out the problem and can cure Babe. He has two appointments with doctors tomorrow so no celebration of our 25th anniversary. I am fine with that and will just go to bingo and win some money. (I hope)

    Jackie and Anne, it was Johnny Ray who sang "Little White Cloud that Cried". One of my favorite songs while growing up.

    Have a great day!

    P.S. Birthday board says it is Jeanne's birthday, anyone remember her?
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited September 2016
    And here's another one who flits around like a demented butterfly. Maybe we are the norms, there are so many of us! I'm definitely not an A personality, i need a shove in the bum every so often because I'm full of glorious ideas to make me rich and famous but at the end of the day opt for a happy peaceful life, which suits the Bean whose own life centres around lots of walks and home cooked dog food when she isn't happily ripping her toys apart.

    You've never heard of Adam Faith LIN! The heart throb of the fifties. Isn't it interesting that pop star idols of that era wore nice suits and ties! I think, well I know, Elvis introduced tight jeans and side burns to the fainting girls. Today most of these individuals and groups seem to be aging, and into shaggy hairstyles or dread locks and with an aim to looking as scruffy as possible. Collecting their old age pensions too no doubt, to add to their bank accounts. You will gather by that, that I was never really into pop music. In those days I conformed to whatever my friends where into and would never have dared say "why all the fuss about 4 youths with beanie hairstyles." That's one of the things I actually like about being ooooooold. We can be ourselves.

    I know that look in Scruffs eyes SO WELL JACKIE! I get it all the time from you know who!

    And you know who needs another walk. The young man across the road said "I bet you've never walked this much before." I smugly replied that oh yes I had being a one time hiker, but agreed, maybe not so much in the last 20 years.
    P.S. Thanks Sandy. Johnny Ray! Guess I'm losing it! However, I just listened to the recording and he goes on about "have FAITH in all kinds of weather", so I guess that's the bit that stuck in the old noggin, re Adam Faith! Lol.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sandy - Enjoyed your song. Here's mine from memory lane. My big brother, Douglas, would sing this to me all the time. He was about 13 years older than me and I thought he was just the coolest big brother every time he would sing it.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited September 2016
    Marcella, that is my childhood song too. I would warble it myself!! No older brother. :)

    Sandy, I swear I'd not heard that song before.

    Thanks everyone.


    P.S. Eating and then on to the library.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I am an old rock and roller and I still love rock and blues. Aretha Franklin, a lot of New Orleans gets your feet moving. A lot of rock started in England. I guess I am stuck in the 60s and 70s and 80s. Even more confounding is that I love the classics as well. The only music I am not too fond of is the music of the 40s. Sadly, that is the music my mom and aunts would sing. It was their pop music of the time.

    I have to remat and reframe a whole series of abstract drawings for the gallery where I show. The gallery owner is related to a deranged pit bull. Honestly! Oh well! It will only take a week of dealing with glass, new matting material and cutting blades and the mat cutter. Ughhhhhhhhah! The mat edges are to be 6 inches instead of 3! All new frames as well. Poo! Maybe I will measure and paint only to fit the frames and mats that I have already cut. That seems like a rather odd but I do go crazy dealing with galleries.

    Katie hasn't changed after spaying. It is just one less thing to worry about with her. She is a very active funny dog. She chews, digs, rolls in disgusting things in the yard and in general is a happy little girl. The week after her spay proceedure was not fun! Watching her every minute to see that she didn't lick her incision or chew at the stitches. She would have been the kind of dog to have 10 little ugly puppies that no one wanted. Then I would have to raise 11 dogs. OMG!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Marcella, that song reminded me of "Your Hit Parade" TV show. I loved it so much and each week they would tell you the top song of the week.
    Lin, I know you are younger so maybe that is why you never heard of it. He dies shortly after recording that song.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Mmm, interesting discussion. I don't think I'm tone deaf because some stuff I do like. I could listen to opera forever and just loved "Rows and rows of angel hair", again I think it was actually called "Clouds"? "Harvest Moon" grabs me, but I've no idea who recorded either song. I have problems with names, so Jackie, what group sang "I'm a rambler, I'm a rambler from Manchester way" and "ee you are a mucky kid, when he finds out what you did, you'll get a belt from your Daddy". I liked them. I'm not exactly highbrow, definitely more on the lowbrow side, because I also laughed at and loved "Dearest mudder, dearest father, here I am in camp Grenada". Again no clue on the singers name! Funnily, I do remember most opera singers names. I also like New Orleans Jazz PATSY, so I'm not completely lost, but I was in the 50s and 60s.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited September 2016
    Just remembered Slim Whitman. Loved him in my teens. "Indian Love Call" etc. Actually saw him perform in Hull/Yorkshire/UK in my late teens. Redemption at last! I was beginning to feel the odd ball!
    Anne, also beginning to feel her age!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited September 2016
    Anne - This one's for you.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Oh Marcella, you've got me bawling my eyes out! I was 19 then and in love!
    Thank you so very much, a happy un birthday gift indeed!
    No wonder I ended up in Canada!
    I'm off to have another listen.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Still watery eyed and I thought I was a tough old bird.
    Jilly is quite bewildered, what's up Anne, sort of thing.
    Thank you again.