Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Feeling better today so I am keeping my lunch date with Joe. The girl I was meeting for lunch tomorrow had to cancel because she was scheduled for work. I am happy about that because lunch two days in a row is too much for me and I also am going to bingo tomorrow. Now I can take Joe to Olive Garden which is where we were going tomorrow because I really like their soup, salad and breadsticks.

    Anne, hope you are on the mend.
    Jackie, all is forgiven, my family doesn't hang on to grudges, we are very forgiving.
    Phoebe, what a wonderful idea you have thanks to Alice.
    Lin, it does seem like Babe has more than his share of health problems.
    Buzz, I do not know how you can stay up all night, I can't even manage that if I am in a casino where I am having fun.
    Chris, working on another quilt, you are so talented.
    Patsy, not so sure I want a flu shot this year, last year I got really sick and it took forever to get well.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited September 2016
    JACKIE, thank Brady for the lovely get well greeting. I'm sure it was Brady and not you who sent it? Very sweet of him especially after his recent ordeal at the vets! I'll get over it. It's one of those colds which is like the usual but one feels so hot one feels like sitting in Georges cold paddling pool.
    Great for November but not so "cool" on a hot muggy September day.
    Thanks for the wishes everyone, I just hope you don't get the darned unwanted germ.
    Mikes still at home, it really is a doozy.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Beautiful cool sunny day here. It highlights dirty Windows and all the "nose and paw" art on my French doors. Let's not think about what is going on in the dungeon. Pooh ick!

    When it comes to the flu shots, we will get one at Walgreens. A friend is the nurse that gives them. She tells us how effective they are sooooo what the heck! I'll give it a shot, so to speak.

    Katie is back to normal. As normal as she ever gets. Barking for a solid hour each evening at NOTHING! Chewing up her toys and my toys, demanding a game of ball every 15 minutes. Love this puppy! Otherwise I would be a blethering idiot by now.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited September 2016
    Anne - Feel better soon and then you can play with Jilly again. :)

    Sandy - I am sure you will be forgiven for the mishap. You were only trying to help and I think I would have done the same thing.

    Jackie - Enjoy your time with your friend. B)

    Phoebe- I hope all goes well with Jim's colonoscopy, unpleasant thing to do but the results are peace of mind.

    Lin - So sorry about your loss <3

    Marcella - No A/C would do me in. Good luck getting that fixed, it has been a very hot summer.

    Buzz- We thinking about you. What I meant about Isaac was he is walking all over the place now and
    going constantly. No concern at all, except he is getting into everything. :D

    Marie - How is your eating plan going? My hubby doesn't cook either, just breakfast once in a while.

    I did gardening today and I need another shower, sweating like crazy. We are getting company from Tuesday to Thursday next week so I want everything to look nice. We are leaving tomorrow to see Isaac for an over night stay. :)

    I had my doctor apt. and he wants my cholesterol lower than it is. I can't take any statins without getting leg cramps. He has one for me to try with no statins but he has to see if I am a candidate for it.
    He also suggested a diet clinic to go to which is free of charge and our insurance will cover it. So I said I have tried everything else, they will make an apt. and I'll see if this is something that would help me.
    Right now I am following a 1200 calorie plan and it seems to be working okay. I will keep you posted.

    I have choir practice tonight, she wants us there early so we can pay our dues and get our music sheets ready for our binders. Any so it begins!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited September 2016
    Too late; entertained Mike's guardian from the Honor Flight. Hard to believe that was 2 years ago! They are now beginning to process veterans of the Korean War. If you know such a vet,
    suggest they apply for an unforgettable experience, and there is NO CHARGE! Goodnight...
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Huh? I saw my post appear, but when I returned it was gone. Very late, but I wanted to tell you we entertained Mike's Guardian from his Honor Flight, 2 years ago, and Dave informed us they are now opening the flights to veterans of Korea as well as the remaining World War 2 vets. This is a completely free trip to Washington DC for veterans and Mike considers it one of the great highlights of his life! If you know of any vets , suggest they apply for this! Goodnight...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2016
    Just George and me on this morning's walk so we stuck to a track that we used to walk all the time when I first adopted him and he loved it because I throw stones for him to chase and then pee on!! A misty start but that's beginning to lift so my next job is to load the car with items for the local tip then on the way back stop off at a store for a few things like dog treats, a birthday card and if they have, a new swimsuit because the one I'm using at the moment is beginning to look tired.

    Anne ~ I'm sure Brady and Boris send get well wishes. Spend the day snuggled up with Jilly just like them!!

    Shirley ~ Several friends have lowered their cholesterol by following a healthy diet so I'm sure you'll get there. An extra incentive maybe!

    Patsy ~ Living where I am it's not easy to persuade window cleaners to visit me but I've recently found an ad in a local paper for one so am thinking I'll phone to see how much he charges. Hate to get others to do jobs I can manage myself but certainly don't relish climbing ladders anymore! It's that or wait for heavy rain coming in from the south!!

    Sandy ~ I was struck down with flu in 1992 so carry on assuming my immune system is protecting me because I know of a few who felt bad for weeks after the jab and said never again! Of course it depends what strain is floating about too.

    On with the day.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited September 2016
    Lovely, lovely picture JACKIE. Thanks for the advice on snuggling up with Jilly everyone who sent it. Are you kidding! This little pup, is go, go, go, and simply can't understand why Anne is not in the mood to play.

    I haven't got the flu, just a head cold. The last time I had the flu was when I lived in the UK so it's over 40 years ago. I did get Asian flu back in the fifties. The flu to end all flu's! I've never had a flu shot either, and don't intend getting one. It's wrong thinking I know, but my reasoning is, if all around me are getting flu protection jabs, what are my chances of catching it? Having now tempted fate, I shall go and blow my nose, day 4, three more to go if the old assumption of colds lasting 7 days is correct!

    By the way, my late cousin had the flu jab every year and she always caught the flu every year. Did the jab cause it! Who knows. My mother in her nineties, living in a senior home in her latter years and who always refused protection never caught the flu, and yet, poor niece Val, who tried to protect herself, was ill time and time again.

    Well, at least this thing is progressing, I'm past the snivelling stage and now just coughing my head off. I'm sure you all wanted to read that over your morning cuppas!
    Anne (the germ laden one)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Joe and I went to Olive Garden and had the soup, salad and one breadstick. Then he invited me into his house to watch a VCR tape of his 40th wedding anniversary. He is now 93 so it was over 20 years ago and all he kept saying was that person is dead as he told me who they were. Even though I didn't know anyone on that tape it made him happy that I watched it with him. I am sure after being married for over 60 years he misses his wife but he is quite the ladies man in a harmless way. He gave up his car on his own so a lot of us offer to take him to lunch or to drive him where needed. Next he wants me to bring a friend for a game of cards. lol

    Anne, I have mixed emotions on the flu shot but actually your logic of others getting the shot might be enough protection for me. I just couldn't go through what I went through last year although the doctor insisted it wasn't from the shot.

    Jackie, omg, such cuteness with those kitties. Is Brady the bigger or the smaller one? The big one is a big much does he weigh?

    Buzz, both of your posts appeared and could it be the late/early bedtime that confused you?
    I think my brother was in the army at the time of the Korean war but he wasn't in any combat so I don't think he qualifies for an honor flight. I know where I play bingo at the American Legion they are a big part of the honor flights.

    Shirley, good luck in getting your cholesterol lowered and hopefully with just diet. It won't hurt to talk to dietitian but I think you do well on your own. It is the summer sailing that messes with you and I don't blame you for enjoying.

    Patsy, glad to hear Katie is back to her normal mischievous self. As you know OES, no matter how old they are always act like puppies and never lose energy.

    Bingo tonight and my friend and her husband that I sit with invited me to Wisconsin for the week. A week is a long time but they keep busy with casinos and restaurants and even have a pontoon if it is warm enough. I wasn't sure if I could afford to go but Babe is willing to help me so I am thinking of going. Very little Wifi service in their area so that will be hard for me.
    I have that two day casino trip in October so need to win the lotto or something. lol

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, I hope the cough disappears quickly so your ribs don't hurt! Rest as much as possible!
    SANDY, no, it wasn't imagination, my 1st post disappeared after I changed the webpage, and later returned! So I rewrote it, and the next time I went back, both were there, I tried to delete one but ended up editing it by backspacing , went crazy when they asked if I wanted to "save" it (where?) and today , there is the first one, + #2, + the link! It's done that twice this week!
    Aha, the thunder is starting up, so I'd better log off. We are celebrating Spanish week tonight in the Lobby, so I will see if Mike would enjoy it. He gets very bored in his room , sleeping in front of his TV!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I hit the jack pot at the store tis morning. Wonderderful Apple crisp apples and the sweetest strawberries.Yum/
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Well ladies, I will be leaving for Florida in the morning and will be there through the weekend. My brother, who has been ill for some time, passed away late last night. I think I'm going to give myself a break from the computer while I'm visiting with family.
    Wishing everyone a blessed week.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Marcella, take care. I am so sorry for your loss. <3

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So sorry Marcella. My pdrayers are with your you and your family
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Very sad news Marcella. So very sorry. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Oh Marcella, sad news for you. Be safe on your travels and God Bless y'all
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Thank you.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    All my deepest sympathy, my friend. Losing a brother is very hard. It is important for you to be with your family now. Travel safe. You are in our thoughts.