Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    edited September 2016
    Buzz, you are a baaad girl, lol. Who knows? It might be the website but might be the browser. It may return without any help!

    Got it back Phoebe, see above post! I see they deleted the images which is what I would have done if I could edit the posts like I could do before all the changes.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member

    Jeri, I hope the family portrait is a-okay! And I hope you've spoken to your sister by now. That shooting was quite frightening.

    Patsy, thanks for the good wishes and after church I am going to a special program on historical sites which I know sounds boring but it sounded interesting to me when I signed up for it!!

    Shirley, what a great bike ride today. I am sorry for your friend's health problems.

    Buzz, you're back!! There seems to be a lag now on MFP on profile picture changes to appear. I don't know why it cannot be immediate.

    Sandy, glad you were able to help resolve the problem. I know you aren't pleased leaving your apartment with the patio furniture indoors but I guess it can't be helped. Enjoy your trip.

    Phoebe, you know our dear Buzz is not a bad girl!!! Ha, that made me giggle.

    Anne, hello!! Hugs for the Jilly Bean!

    Jackie, hope you are having a great weekend!

    Marie, at the craft show today my friend was looking for little things to purchase for her son. She sends him a care package every little while. Today she was hunting for Cowboys items!!! I was surprised how many there were from flannel blankets, to clocks, to electric plate covers among others!!

    Take care. Hugs.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrery, happy birthday? Remember us old ladies.? Most of us are getting older but our Sandy keeps getting younger and younger looking love Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin i am saving yours for tomorrow. You have made s great life for yourdelf.. And a wonderful friend, love you Marie

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    edited September 2016
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Enjoy a wonderful day!
    PHOEBE, I think without
    SANDY's miraculous help, I would be a ghostly member still! Thank you SANDY! And all this while preparing for your trip! You are a true friend!
    Here I am at a ridiculous hour again, but I just used my brand new/old printer to print up 15 pages of instructions on how to wrap my legs to reduce swelling. I found lots of interesting material online tonight. Now too sleepy to think straight!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin my dear friend

    Whatever you do today have a wonderful time and know that you are a very special lady. <3 As the old saying goes (I think from a hair colouring advertisement!!) you're not getting older, you're getting better!

    Hugs ~ Jackie

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Nothing better to do? Here's another pets video including, especially for Sandy, sight of the hens!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Jackie, what a great video :)
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning....

    Happy Birthday Lin!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Sadly, can't do illustrations yet, but LIN, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
    LETS ALL HAVE A PARTY DAY FOR LIN!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Wonderful video JACKIE. I've never seen such a bunch of happy, healthy, pets altogether before. Happy little family, and Brady came along to keep everyone entertained. Thanks for a nice wake up peep into your life.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Sunday, Lin's Day!!! :)<3 I will be packing today and then later going to see Robby.
    I don't know if I can get on the internet while in Wisconsin but I am hoping I can at least pop in to say hello. Not sure about the pound a week either so if you want to take a bi week, this is the week to do so.

    Jackie, thank you so much for the video, it was wonderful. I agree with Anne, all the critters get along and make a wonderful family. One question, is the mulitcolor hen/rooster the male?
    I am not a farm girl so please excuse my stupidity. lol I love their feet they look like slippers.

    Lin, I hope your birthday is extra special just like you!!

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    A happy, happy birthday dear Lin. I wish I could send you a card as lovely as you are. Alas! My skills and iPad are not up to the task. Please imagine a card with my sincerest best wishes. I am so glad there are good people like you in the world. Makes the news easier to read.

    The weather is very warm here. John is preparing to quickly paint his shop. It will be a marathon event that will just about do him in Oregon we have to vacuum off the entire surface of the walls...spiders, dust, pollen etc. then power wash with soap and weak Clorox to kill mold. Rinse and then paint. Whew! The prep is far more arduous than actual painting.

    Our son is still sailing. He will sail as long as the weather permits. The big decision is now about whither winterize the boat and leave it in the water for winter or haul it out and store it. I think he is going to haul it out.

    I am doing some writing that is great fun and has me learning a lot of new things. Researching can be intoxicating. That and painting and John and Katie are my absorbing life activities.

    Sandy: I really was not aware that Wisconsin had a gambling area like Los Vegas. We have a couple of areas like that here in Oregon but they are pretty small and not glamorous at all. The shows are just strange sometimes. Really over the hill musicians that have not kept up their health or skills. Sort of sad events.

    Jackie: loved the video...Katie would be mad to get to those chickens. It would be a blood bath. Too awful to even think about. How great that George, Brady and Boris are content to just chase bugs. Well behaved little critter family.

    And so the week begins...
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lin, happy birthday, again!
    Jackie, thank you for the video, such contentment and pure kitten. Loved the chickens wearing 'slippers' like Sandy said. I've never seen any like that. I never get enough of the views you show us.
    Shirley, so glad you had time with Isaac. He's developing his own sweet personality, such a fun age. Everything is new and in need of thorough investigation. I can't imagine 12 miles!
    Sandy, I meant to tell you that I hope Lisa and the baby are doing well. Have a wonderful week. I hope it goes by too fast for you,lol. Better than too slow.
    Buzz, hope your computer is settled now. I hate it when I want to use mine and it is having a bad day. Glad you and Mike can still go downstairs for dinner sometime. This is the first year my aunt didnt send a card for my birthday. It was the wake up call I needed. I've kind of left her alone for a bit while she gets.settled. She needed to get used to everything at her own pace. She is like that.
    Patsy, I always thought I'd love living in Oregon, But, that house wash doesn't sound like pleasure! Be careful. I agree with you about our Lin.
    Today is Jim's prep day for his colonoscopy tomorrow. So far he hasn't complained. We'll be tired tomorrow. We start at 1:30am in the morning, and have instructions until 4:30am, then we leave by 6am!!! I think I'll take a pillow and nap! I have the alarm set for when it's time to do something else. So, I can get a nap now, or watch a movie....

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    First of all PHOEBE, the very best of good wishes for you and Jim tomorrow. Definitely not a fun day.

    Then LIN, hope today turned out absolutely wonderful, birthday girl in the pretty new necklace.

    My day was good. Michael came over to Jilly's absolute delight. I cooked fried rice and chicken for lunch so that went down well you might say. Then we went over to Mark and Mary Jo's for the afternoon and spent it in their big, big enclosed yard so Jilly could run free of leashes. She was one happy pup, and even more so when grandson Derek came over with his girl Bev who Mike and I met for the first time. Very pretty, nice girl who teaches grade 6 I believe. We all had very fattening Dairy Queen desserts and I felt very full and very much my age watching the "youngsters" playing with the Bean. Now me home, Mike exhausted, him back home as well, I feel more like my norm if I don't look in the mirror, and best of all Jilly is also exhausted and fast asleep! Peace at last! From one demanding pup I mean. After evening walkies this old bird is going to put HER feet up, watch TV and do absolutely nothing!
    Not a bad day at all!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Gone 11pm here and I'm off to bed but wanted to let you know that with my friend arriving tomorrow and staying until next weekend I doubt I'll have time to check in so wish you all a peaceful week with no dramas, traumas or nonsense from your two presidential candidates!! Glad you all enjoyed the video and one day I might be quick enough to catch Brady and George on camera as they tear about chasing each other and both flying into the air when taken by surprise as they collide! From that you'll gather it's not always gentle meanderings and bugs!

    Peace and love <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited September 2016
    What wonderful and precious birthday wishes! Thank you!!!!!! I adored all of them. I really smiled at the Husky of course.

    Jackie, what a marvelous video! Kittens look so antimated when they are getting ready to pounce or chase. What a giggle. I need to watch it again. My dad had some chickens with fluffy feathers on their feet but I cannot remember the name of the breed. Silkies?? I was a week off on the arrival of your company. I hope you enjoy the week. And I hope the gardener shows up someday soon!!

    Sandy, enjoy the week but I hope there aren't too many tribal casinos (or regular ones)!!

    Patsy, oh my goodness. What a lot of work. Is this an annual chore??? Research, writing, painting, John and Katie sound like excellent uses of time. <3

    Phoebe, best wishes to Jim (and you) tomorrow. I am sure you both wish it was over already.

    Anne, I love it. An exhausted Jilly Bean. Enjoy!!! That doesn't happen often. B)

    This morning was very pleasant. Lots of birthday greeting, cards and even a gift at church. And a rousing happy birthday song. I picked up my free drink at Starbucks this afternoon (cold brewed coffee), and attended a long talk by Dan Kaercher. He was the editor in chief of Midwest Living magazine and was on travel programs on our public television station for a number of years. He covered a number of topics and was very entertaining and we saw wonderful video of the Loess Hills in western Iowa as well as Yellow River State Forest. He spoke of the Bily clocks, the giant 10,000 lb. popcorn ball, Brucemore Mansion in Cedar Rapids and a museum devoted to a huge salt and pepper shaker collection. Talk about varied!!! Something for everyone and laughs thrown in.

    I need to call a friend who got sick just after arriving at church. A friend drove her home in her car and her grand daughter went along in her own car to make sure she was ok. My friend has refused to go to Urgent Care from what I've heard so I would like to try to check in on her.

    Tomorrow I need to clean and straighten up my basement as the furnace people will be out in about a week to do my annual furnace check-up.

    Another friend has surgery scheduled on Wednesday and I volunteered to be backup if anything is needed for the kids.

    I have lots of paperwork to get to as well. Need to speak to my advisor before deciding on an IRA withdrawal. Also would like to check on my farm. Loads of rain and waterways and/or tile could have been damaged. Hope my renter did not suffer crop damage.

    Take care. Again, thank you so much for making me feel like such a special lady today. <3


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Happy Birthday!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Happy Birthday Lin. I hope your day was full of love and joy.