Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lin, I'm not sure if it is the original. It is on metal, of all things! I was planning to put it on a wall in the dining/cat dining area, but I can enjoy it more if I put it on a small space in the bedroom. It just won't be very visible to anyone else. That's OK though, it was a treat for me! I also won two signed baseballs for Jim. Atlanta Braves players from the 80's. Some Indian arrowheads, a leash and collar for Honey(a spare set), some homemade apple butter, peach preserves, pickled OKRA, lol. I'll send that to you! I don't like vinegary things. There are big cloves of garlic in with it, and a carrot. Also won, but not yet received, a vintage(really) Boston terrier cast iron statue/door stop, and a small pet carrier. Won and donated back to the shelter- small pet harnesses, collars, and a small pet coat. Also a cat door flap. They are having a yard sale Oct 22,im happy to donate,aka, clean out stuff I don't need. Christmas items, I have too much and want to let a lot of things go. Problem is I may not have time to get it all together. We leave tomorrow and may not return until a few days before the yard sale. Sigh, a good opportunity missed.
    I've already been asleep, woke, now sleepy again, night all
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The 1st part of my post disappeared! Has anyone seen a red message saying there are too many characters contained in your message? Seems mine was 12000 characters too long, so I cut it in half but the first part disappeared! I simply mentioned we went downstairs for dinner tonight and Mike responded mush better tonight to being with friends. His aide also took him outdoors for a short time today and he enjoyed it, so I will try to take him outside more often. He like leaving the air conditioning as he often is too cold!
    We seem to have been given rules here that I knew nothing about but that's it for tonight!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Buzz, I haven't seen any limitation on the length of a post. So far at least. I am glad you and Mike were able to get outside for a little while. And a visit with friends. Lovely. Moments to be treasured.

    And my photo is just a snapshot of a round puzzle I assembled. I always thought putting packets of food in evergreen trees would be lovely in our long winters. I think as a child some books or stories advocated for that. Romantic notion perhaps?? Taking care of beautiful birds? When I've had a bird feeder in the past it was more like hoards of sparrows and blackbirds running the songbirds away!!

    Phoebe, my goodness, what a lot of items!!! You are such a friend of animals but really, OKRA!!!

    Time to run along and will be back this evening.


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Lin - Love the round puzzle.
    Phoebe - Love the piece of art you won in the auction. It's beautiful.

    This week is going better now. Amazing how much it helps to get some sleep and eat nutritious food. It's also been helpful to spend some quiet time contemplating life a bit. I guess I get so caught up in getting through the day or week that I forget to be purposeful about it. This week, I've given more thought to how I really want to be spending my time and what keeps me from it. Really turns out to be quite simple. I'd like to spend more time learning new (from scratch) stuff in the kitchen, continuing to downsize/simplify and more gardening. The only thing keeping me from it, would seem to be me. So, I guess, problem solved.

    First up in the kitchen: I will nail down a recipe for bread that I'm comfortable baking weekly. I will not stop until I'm content with the outcome and the process. I will also attempt, for the first time, to make cream cheese and whey from my raw/fresh milk.
    Outside: I will get my new iris bulbs planted.
    Inside: My office will be organized - completely!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Busy days! I can't stop sneezing. Ever have such fun?
    Marcella, so glad you've set your goals. Yes, I loved that dog as soon as I saw it.
    I don't know where today went, the days must be getting shorter. I've still got a few things to do before we go back to work tonight, so have a great, safe October.
    That sounds like i won't be posting. I will. Just maybe not from home.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    You too BUZZ.
    I've woken up full of the joys of spring. No idea why.
    The winds yesterday were tremendous! At times I thought Jilly would be airborne and anybody looking out of their windows would think "what's that crazy old woman doing galloping along holding a string with a small airborne black balloon" . We managed to remain land locked but the walks consisted simply of lots of small pee breaks as we dodged flying leaves, twigs and other debris it being garbage day. I know our garbage men get paid pretty well, but one can't help but feel sorry for the lads in gale force winds. Little dogs too not having the comfort of indoor plumbing. It must have been awful for the pioneers fighting the forces of nature as they made their way to their outhouses. Mind you, back in the forties we had an outside toilet. You had to make your way down a path past the bushes and the chickens and I remember scuttling along with a torch scared to death until I reached the toilet door, safely inside, and then having to face the terrifying journey back being a big girl of 8 or 9 and considered too old for adult protection. The adults no doubt huddled over the fire knitting or drinking cups of tea and listening to "war of the world's" on the radio whilst their offspring was facing her own nightly terrors. Hmm, no wonder I feel full of the joys of spring today!
    Not a sniff of any other dog walkers yesterday. All probably having fenced in yards. Just a bunch of miserable looking huddled school kids out waiting for school buses in the morning.
    Think I'll bake a quiche today.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    What a lovely graphic and wish. Thank you Buzz!! I am going to have a nice day at home today. Lots of little things to accomplish. While most people are running around on Saturday that seems to be the day that I often just stay at home and leave the world to others! :)

    Barbie, welcome home. I am so happy for you that you are back in your familiar surroundings. There is no place like home.

    Anne, you provided me with such a giggle. Black balloon.... ❤️ I doubt little Jilly really minded the weather that much as being outdoors is so exciting. Have you considered a fence for your backyard??

    Yesterday was very nice. Tai Chi, met up with my friend and we did see Sully (which I enjoyed immensely), picked up my glasses, and made my stop at the library.

    Today I need to finish straightening the basement and am thinking of making soup as have odds and ends of veggies in the fridge. Laundry, and really must get serious about finishing assembling the wedding gift, and etc. for NEXT Saturday's wedding. And time to get together cards for shut-ins once again. But I have wonderful books to read and challenging and compelling puzzles. Hummmm.

    Wishing everyone healthy days!


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hi LIN, I'm ALWAYS considering a fenced in yard, but my landlord isn't. Granted it would be difficult if you could see the layout. Secondly, Michael is convinced a large hawk will swoop down and take off with a small Jilly Bean if out on her own so I might as well go walkies! Actually, that could be possible because the hawks have already finished off the pigeons, and have been known to take off with rabbits and squirrels and Jilly isn't any bigger. I could block off near the garage with the pen we don't use, but I'd have to haul it into the garage every night to prevent rust and it's awfully heavy and unwieldy. The drawbacks to acquiring a tiny dog, but I wouldn't swop her.
    Walks, windblown, rain etc aren't doing me much far!
    Enjoy your nice quiet day at home. Me too.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Phoebe - Drive carefully. Stay safe.

    Buzz - Your graphic made me smile. Thank you.

    Lin - Me too with the Saturday thing. It's my day to enjoy quietly. I've learned that works well for me to set it aside and just enjoy. I don't like going out or forcing myself to do anything too heavy duty. I like that.

    Anne - I loved the descriptive narrative of your morning. My grandparents had "outdoor plumbing." Makes you appreciate staying inside on cool, windy days. If I were a talented artist (which I am not) I would be inspired to sketch a picture of you walking your doggie and your little black puff of a dog being elevated by the wind.

    I'm enjoying my morning. Both sons are still asleep, the husband is out playing golf, and my 2 kitties are curled up in bed with me as I sip my morning coffee and type on the laptop. Saturday mornings should be.
    Happy Saturday, everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    happy October
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Happy month of things that go bump in the night back, MARIE.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Oooh, how cute Marie. Thank you <3
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Buzz and Marie - Love the graphics and they both made me smile. :)

    I went to Yoga class this morning after much rain pouring down this morning. When I got home Dave
    had started on the garage floor. He is scraping now and has a few steps to do before the final finished painting. The floor really needs it and hopefully this time it will last longer than the last time it was done.

    Lin - The Chrismas puzzle is lovely and gets me the mood. One holiday at a time I guess. ;)

    Marcella -After Yoga yesterday I bought a Himalayan Salt Lamp for my meditation room. I am still meditating twice a day for 20 mins and if I miss one I can feel it. It gives you extra energy and calms your stresses. I agree also about simplifying things and getting back to basics. I try hard at this but
    sometimes life gets in the way of our plans.

    Anne- Our weather is changing and your walkies with Jilly will become challenging soon. Too bad you can't have a fence put in. On the pulse side you get your exercise too.

    Phoebe - Your dog picture is great! I think I saw that on facebook.

    Well I have a few more comments to make and then i have to get some things done around here too.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2016
    What a weird way to "celebrate our 39th anniversary! Basically separated, even though the buildings are attached, but different living quarters and somehow detached emotions! Nevertheless, 39 years is far beyond what we expected when we married. me at 50, Mike at 52.5. I recall how amazed we were at our 1st anniversary, since we had each been through caring for an ill spouse. Anyway, we make the most of each day, and I will see if the weather allows me to go outdoors with him in a few minutes!
    Our best wishes to everyone for a wonderful weekend!qk9x9f3quece.jpg
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2016
    Buzz enjoy what time you have together .Love is the most precious things there is. I think Jerry and I love each other more than ever.even tho we are both ailing his memory and my illness and menory We still depend on each other
    Jerry is out picking up pecans. I don't think we will have many
    Buzz love your happy weekend graphic. Love you and Mike so much.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    My friend has wended her way safely back home and I'm about to go to bed but wanted to catch up on posts. Lots of giggles and some sadness too so I send hugs to my friends that are travelling through troubled times. <3

    It's just a few minutes from midnight so off to that bed... I should find time tomorrow to catch up properly.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Buzz. Happy anniversary. Like Marie said enjoy what you have at this moment. Our lives are changing but love makes it all worth it.
    Marie, Mike and I love each other more now too, we enjoy the life we have now. Things change so fast.
    Hi to all of my friends.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    I just ran across this and thought I would share it. Not as pretty as the other graphics but I like it. Hello Chris and Jackie. Hugs to you Buzz and for Mike. Things change but grab onto each moment that you can.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Buzz - Happy Anniversary!