Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy you sound like me all summer, do laundry and pack my bags for another adventure.
    I hope they find out what is wrong with Babe so you can rest your mind from worry.

    LinI hope you itches get better. It must be maddening. I would take the Benadryle or some other allergy medicine, Benadryle makes me sleepy.

    Barbie So happy to hear you are feeling better and getting around. Jake probably loves taking care of you.

    JeriLovely family photos and everyone looks happy.

    BuzzHappy holidays to you and Mike. How is Mike these days?

    Another beautiful day, autumn sure is warm and sunny so far. I will take it! I went for a bike ride by myself as Dave was still doing the garage floor. He is slowly doing some painting now. A big job and we have a double car garage.

    I have been getting my recipes ready for Canadian Thanksgiving and my shopping list. I also will be
    packing for our NYC trip on the 11th. Getting excited to see the big apple, my first time.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Apple picking with mom and dad.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So nice to have SANDY back! And hope you will be back in your own nest quickly, with acceptable news on Babe! Funny about the same age coincidence! At least enjoy Daisy!
    JERI, what a terrific bunch you two have produced, or at least started!Great pictures!
    LIN, I recall making a mess with calamine lotion, but I think it worked on itchy bites. Anyone else remember that? I think today they use some type of hot pepper lotion, but the idea scares me!
    Well, I'm determined to listen to tonight's debate so I'll log off and get my legs up up up! Maybe it will be illuminating, and I just heard some theories about attack that may have me just turn over after shutting off this wretched mess! I'll dream about sunset in Hawaii!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh, thank you SANDY for the kind wishes. I hope this will be a happier Rosh Hashanah (New Year) than last year!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lin, is this a rash, coz it sounds like it's spreading. Vinegar may help. Bleach dabbed on with a cotton ball may be better. Two old wives remedies.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Lin, is this a rash, coz it sounds like it's spreading. Vinegar may help. Bleach dabbed on with a cotton ball may be better. Two old wives remedies.

    Thanks Phoebe. Good suggestions. These really are bites/stings. I apparently brought home part of the swarm. I have been killing gnats in my car. I think I may have finally eradicated them.

    Wishing you a happy New Year Buzz.

    Shirley, coming up quickly on Canadian Thanksgiving. Another busy time for you. Love the photo of Isaac. Total cutie.

    Sandy, home from Wisconsin but not home. Enjoy Daisy!! I hope all goes well for Babe.

    Hi Marie, Patsy, Marcella, Diane, Jackie, Anne and the rest of our dear Sneakers

    Barbie, keep on healing.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Another fantastic autumn day. I had choir practice last night with alot of new members. Our Altos are a little weak now but I know they will get better.

    Yoga this morning and some house cleaning. I have my recipes ready to go and the groceries bought now ready to have a nice meal on Sunday.

    Lin - I hope your bites get better. I can relate, when Kathy got married in Jamaica, the resort where we stayed in November had lots of sand fleas. I was bitten all over and some of our other wedding guests.
    A cortozone cream and Reactin helped me get through the itching.

    Enjoy the day!!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Heavens, thanks for the tip girls! I've been walking around with my head in the clouds, brain buzzing with ideas for things to do in the winter months, plus glorious weather in the seventies that I hadn't a clue Canadian thanksgiving/harvest festival is coming up rapidly. Must pick up some autumn leaves to decorate the old homestead the next time Miss Jilly and I go walkies. This will be fairly difficult because with the warm temperatures things are still pretty green around here.
    We met Jilly's friend Amy today, and I noticed the beagle boys owner rapidly crossed the road when she saw us 4. Saved a lot of baying and barking from the boys and Jilly joining in and yipping. Amy is far too ladylike for such carry ons.
    Well must away and get back to brain buzzing with ideas you might say.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Busy days for me because we have dry and relatively warm weather although it comes along with a blustery easterly wind that is incredibly annoying when trying to get gardening done because the trug keeps blowing away every time it's emptied. Yesterday I swam with friends in the morning and then after the said gardening walked across the moors with Scruff, Bee-bee and friend on a lovely evening. That after the most glorious sunrise that had me muttering about shepherds' warnings! Today I've managed some serious weeding at the allotment and have now lit the fire to cozy up to. Read all your posts and hope Sandy has an uneventful visit at Babe's and Lin soon loses the urge to scratch!

    Time for me to steam veggies to have with roast chicken that currently cooking in the oven in a coating of Jamaican spices.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Mmmm Jamaican spices sounds really good. I love Jamacian patties which you can get either with beef, pork or chicken. So looking forward to it in February when we go there for vacation.

    Yoga today and another autumn day that is brilliant.

  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    I joined this group ages ago but somehow got lost by the wayside. I would love to join in again if that is okay.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    We are on hurricane warning here and the preparations are awesome! About all I need to take care of is loads of pots of water for washing. I used to have a roman tub, but here I have 2 showers. They will keep generators moving our elevators, and will serve 3 meals a day instead of one if we lose power. What a difference from living in our own home, where we struggled with shutters of heavy steel! We've had no hurricanes in 10 years now, so I cannot complain.
    SHIRLEY, Mike has some days better than others, but truthfully, he won't be improving very much. His functions are breaking down slowly, and he seems far away and depressed too much, showing little interest in concentrating on anything, including eating. I went outdoors with him for about 20 minutes today, and I think it made no difference to him. I must re-read Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's book that she wrote about 41 years ago to see if I can talk with Mike about his thoughts. I really must get a Social Worker to help, since men are so reluctant to discuss feelings! He used to love concerts with vocalists, but he stayed about 3 minutes last night before asking to leave. I may not even mention the current events discussion tonight, as he might simply get agitated or bored by talk!
    One of these days I'll get back to chair yoga or maybe Tai Chi class. They also started a Jazz dance class which I'd have love a year ago but standing has become too painful now!
    Gotta get going in case we lose power!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Nancela wrote: »
    I joined this group ages ago but somehow got lost by the wayside. I would love to join in again if that is okay.

    Nancela, you are always welcome no matter how long you have been gone!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited October 2016
    Happy Wednesday! :) I met Robby and Lisa at Sunny Acres Farm this morning and it was wonderful.

    Babe called and they did some tests and possibly more tomorrow. Things are great with me and Daisy, she mostly just sleeps. I am going to bingo tonight and hope I win the big jackpot!

    My daughter is also under hurricane watch. There hasn't been one in Jacksonville since the 1960's, but it could hit there Friday. Praying it loses steam so no one gets hurt or any damage.

    I actually took a little nap so I still have to shower and get ready. Will be back tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Nancela wrote: »
    I joined this group ages ago but somehow got lost by the wayside. I would love to join in again if that is okay.

    Nancela, you are always welcome no matter how long you have been gone!

    Thank you.
  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    Hi happy to be back in this group. I am 69 years old, married 49 years with two married daughters and two beautiful granddaughters. I have been struggling with my weight for years but I seem to be in a good place right now. I have found out that it takes hard work, diligence, and I cannot get away with many slips. I have been here before and somehow lost my way but I am hoping with everything I have that this may be the time I succeed. I came here to talk with people close to my age because I feel it is more difficult for us. I cannot exercise much because of osteoarthritis but I am doing the best I can. So here I am. Hope to make some friends.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome Nancela. you will feel at home here. some of us are still struggling Me inculded. I m 86 years old. maried for 60 years to my dear husband i have 3 childen , 6 g. 4 great grankid I am recovering from a bed sore i got while in rehab and being disbetic it is so slow in healing. I started a new diet today.
    Welcome again
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe are you safe?
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Yes, Marie we are safe. Delivering in Georgia today and back west again.
    Hi Nancela, I travel for work. Welcome back. Many people agree that exercise is too much. Walking and step goals are pretty good for achy bodies I have found.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Nancela wrote: »
    I joined this group ages ago but somehow got lost by the wayside. I would love to join in again if that is okay.

    Welcome! I am retired, live in the Midwest, no family or pets. At this point I do as much walking, moving,and standing as possible. I go to Qigong/Tai Chi classes twice a week as well. I remember hearing repeatedly no pain no gain. I no longer believe that and try to avoid adding to chronic pain with more gentle approaches.
