Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    edited October 2016
    Happy Saturday! :) Babe is coming home this afternoon but will go back for more tests. Why he didn't just stay I don't know, he can explain when he gets home. I get to sleep in my own bed, but will miss this silly girl.


    My daughter is still without power but no real damage to her house. They lost a few shingles and had a couple of leaks but her husband is very handy, unless they decide to get a new roof. I hope everyone else in Matthews path is okay!

    Have a great day, I have things to do before Babe gets home!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I sm looking forbour birthday list and dont fine it on our birthday. I know my eyesite is bad but did not knownit was tha bad Am going blind ot what. Tryingto check our Oct. birthday

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Good to hear from you Buzz!!

    Sandy, glad your daughter is doing okay and ADORE Daisy!!!

    Marie, the birthdays are in a file at the top of the overall Sneaker page. Jake's birthday is the 10th I believe.

    Time to get going. Just having a bit of lunch before leaving.


  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    6cookys wrote: »
    Nanela, I have osteoarthritis too. I have had both knees replaced and 3 back fusions. A total of over 15 surgeries, but I find that if I move every day for 20 to 60 minutes I feel better. I do not take any meds for pain either. Just take exercise slowly. We are all getting older and slower but the turtle won the race. Lol
    I feel blessed every day. Take care

    I am now being entered into the system for knee replacement surgery. It will probably be about six months before I hear from them and then another year before I actually have the surgery. I am quite nervous about it and not sure if I want to do it. I hear about good results and bad results and then wonder if I would be better off at all having the surgery. I will go through the motions and enter the intake but when I get to see the actual surgeon I am just not sure. I hear the first two months are horrible. Now I am just hobbling around, icing my leg three times a day and taking meds when I need them. I just don't know what to do.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    ThanksLin. I have been seeing that but I not know what it was for. Now I know.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Nancela- I have had two friends with knee replacements, one went to a hospital where all they do is knees and hips and she had a good outcome. Our other friend just went to a surgeon who does all surgeries and he had a good outcome. Physical therapy is the key to getting your knee to bend to where they want it. He just went back to work on Monday and he is doing great. He will have the other knee done in the Spring and he is pain free in one knee now. I guess it all depends who the surgeon is and where you have it done. I guess you will have research that.

    Sandy - Daisy is such a cutie, she reminds me of a big bear with all that fur.
    Lin - Great puzzle! Cute doggies, have fun at the wedding.
    Marie - The calendar should be with our Topics selection of Golden Sneakers Group.

    We have Kristina here now and I just finished making our dessert for tomorrow for dinner. We also went for a nice walk. It is so nice catching up because I don't see her that often. Dave is putting things back in the garage and still needs to paint some areas which he will finish on Monday.

    I started getting my clothes ready for our trip to NYC on Tueday but still have to pack everything yet.
    It rained this morning but has been clearing up. I went to the last day of the Farmers Market and picked up some sweet potatoes burgers for Kristina to try since she is vegetarian.


  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    Nancela- I have had two friends with knee replacements, one went to a hospital where all they do is knees and hips and she had a good outcome. Our other friend just went to a surgeon who does all surgeries and he had a good outcome. Physical therapy is the key to getting your knee to bend to where they want it. He just went back to work on Monday and he is doing great. He will have the other knee done in the Spring and he is pain free in one knee now. I guess it all depends who the surgeon is and where you have it done. I guess you will have research that.

    Sandy - Daisy is such a cutie, she reminds me of a big bear with all that fur.
    Lin - Great puzzle! Cute doggies, have fun at the wedding.
    Marie - The calendar should be with our Topics selection of Golden Sneakers Group.

    We have Kristina here now and I just finished making our dessert for tomorrow for dinner. We also went for a nice walk. It is so nice catching up because I don't see her that often. Dave is putting things back in the garage and still needs to paint some areas which he will finish on Monday.

    I started getting my clothes ready for our trip to NYC on Tueday but still have to pack everything yet.
    It rained this morning but has been clearing up. I went to the last day of the Farmers Market and picked up some sweet potatoes burgers for Kristina to try since she is vegetarian.


    The place I am having it done is a clinic where they just do knees and hips. Apparently the best four doctors in our city are there. I like hearing stories of success from people. It makes me less afraid to have it done. My goal is to lose about 45 more pounds and get my leg muscles strong before I have the surgery. I am in general good health so that should not be an issue. Our wonderful free medicare in Canada is great financially but the waiting is long and the choice of where you have it done is limited.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2016
    Nancela Oh I didn't know you were from Canada. Losing the weight will probably help and yes the muscles
    is what needs to be strengthened too after your surgery. The knee will be gone so good muscles around the area will help your recovery. This is all information I have gotten from my friends and physical therapy as I said is the key factor to recovery. Don't stop too soon. Where are you from again, I am in Ontario.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Nancela, our Sandy had both knees done, she did great too.
    We are in sunny California today. Just a few hours waiting which I never mind. Honey gets a longer walk, which she doesn't love! She likes the beginning but she tires.
    Well reports from Georgia are generally good. No more damage than what can be expected. A friend who used to post here posted several updates on Facebook. One person threw the biggest 'hissy fit' because he couldn't go back home to pack for his vacation in telluride co. He should be having a fit to go home and help with cleanup. OK, my grump for the day!
    So glad Buzz has not been uprooted from home.
    Have a great weekend!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Nancela, I am 74 and had both knees done about three years ago, three months apart. I am very happy with my results and Shirley is absolutely correct about therapy. Whatever they ask of you do, it is the key to recovery. After I started my therapy I walked daily and rode my recumbent bike. I just finished a mile and a half walk with Daisy with no pain.

    Just my opinion.
  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Nancela, I am 74 and had both knees done about three years ago, three months apart. I am very happy with my results and Shirley is absolutely correct about therapy. Whatever they ask of you do, it is the key to recovery. After I started my therapy I walked daily and rode my recumbent bike. I just finished a mile and a half walk with Daisy with no pain.

    Just my opinion.

    That sounds great. If I knew I could get those kinds of results I would go for it. Did you find the first couple of months really rough? I am just concerned because so many people depend on me.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :)Nancela, too many women refuse to do things for themselves because "so many depend on me" sounds like you are in terrible pain and not at your best to help others so maybe it's time to put yourself first. Listen to Sandy, she is the person with the most experience (back surgery and knee replacement). I've known her through these surgeries and she let other people help her and took care of herself first especially by following all the directions she got for post surgery activity.

    :)Marie, the bad pain in my legs in gone...some of the numbness and tingling are still there but the nurse said that it will go away in time. The pain I have now is at the surgical site. They cut through many layers of muscle and removed a lot of bone from three vertebrae to take the pressure off the nerves. My post surgical walking program includes gradually walking more each day. When I'm walking a little more and the weather is better, I'll ask Jake to go with me to walk outside.

    :)Sandy, Daisy is darling...thanks for posting the video.

    <3 Barbie
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Nancela after my knee surgeries I found that physical therapy was the key to recovery. I still do the recumbent bike twice a week. I am sooooo glad I had them replaced. P.s. my husband said my legs are spoken hot now. Lol

    Marie sounds like you are getting better, hooray.

    Shirley, sounds like you are having fun.

    Sandy, did you win at bingo.

    Buzz, how's it going? I hope you are getting better.

    Lin, you have been busy again. Enjoy.

    My day today: church then visit with friends. Then probably sew a little, just for fun. Relac.
    I am getting ready for a quilt retreat on the 21 st.

    Friends I wish you all a wonderful day.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Forgot to sign out, this is chris
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    edited October 2016
    Happy Sunday! :) I am going to Mass this morning but wanted to check in. Babe is home and will go back in a few weeks for more tests. They have to schedule them thus is the reason he came home. I walked over 10K steps yesterday, something I haven't done in a long time. Daisy loves her walks and they are so good for me.

    I bought some Halloween decorations for Rob and Lisa. A straw stack, some pumpkins and a scarecrow to sit on the straw stack. I had some other scarecrows in my garage so will bring them also. I will stop at Babe's after mass to see if I can find my flood light to shine on the straw stack. I love decorating outside but others do that here so I am doing their's.

    Oh listen to this. My landlady texted me to tell me she was upset with the guy who did my balcony because he didn't use a brush to get in between the slates. She asked my opinion and I said I thought it looked great so she said maybe she will wait until next spring to fix it. I put all my stuff back on my balcony only to have her call about 8:30 last night to tell me she will be here at 11:00 today to do the balcony. WHAT? I didn't tell her I already put everything outside so I had to bring it all back in and in doing so the tiles from my table fell and hit the floor which evidently was very loud because the neighbor from downstairs came running up knocking on my door to find out if I was okay. I had her help me move the grill so it worked out great. I can't wait for this balcony to be done once and for all. Nice to know the neighbors were concerned, I did appreciate that.

    Have a great day, I think mine is busy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Nancela, too many women refuse to do things for themselves because "so many depend on me" sounds like you are in terrible pain and not at your best to help others so maybe it's time to put yourself first. Listen to Sandy, she is the person with the most experience (back surgery and knee replacement). I've known her through these surgeries and she let other people help her and took care of herself first especially by following all the directions she got for post surgery activity.

    :)Marie, the bad pain in my legs in gone...some of the numbness and tingling are still there but the nurse said that it will go away in time. The pain I have now is at the surgical site. They cut through many layers of muscle and removed a lot of bone from three vertebrae to take the pressure off the nerves. My post surgical walking program includes gradually walking more each day. When I'm walking a little more and the weather is better, I'll ask Jake to go with me to walk outside.

    :)Sandy, Daisy is darling...thanks for posting the video.

    <3 Barbie

    Sometimes it's easier said than done. My mother is 93 and living alone. She refuses to go into any kind of assisted living facility. I am the only child and there is no one else to take care of her except my two daughters who are working full time. I need to shop, do her laundry, finances and many other things. I am not sure what would happen if I was laid up for 6 months. She does have some homecare but they only come and give her medication and clean her house.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Great reading your posts after I lost all my cookies and websites along with WiFi etc yesterday! I final have my phone back...and my internet, I hope! Although our storm was not too bad, the aftermath was ridiculous as we kept losing all services.
    SANDY, I might suggest you remind your daughter that if the roof needs repair from the storm, the insurance covers it now, but might not later if they decide to repair! Your history of surgery is so encouraging You did so well! I have been advised to not have my knees replaced due to advanced age and recovery prospects, especially from anaesthesia, being compromised. I walk around my apartment, but use the electric wheelchair (antique!) in our long corridors. No problem.
    Got to get downstairs for brunch now before Mike appears, so I can "plug" him in.
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Nancela - Listen to Sandy, she has been through it all, and I wish you good luck whatever you choose to do. I know how that is being a caregiver, Buzz is a caregiver to her husband and my husband is a caregiver to my my MIL who is 90. Most of the responsibility lies with him but I help when I can.

    Waiting for my company to come looks like my BIL is coming too so added one more to the table and we had to put the leaf in the table.

    If I don't get on here tomorrow I wish all my Canadian friends a Happy Thanksgiving. I will start packing my clothes into the suitcase as we leave on Tuesday. I may pop in tomorrow.

  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    edited October 2016
    Turkey in the electric that thing. My dinner is all logged in my diary and it comes to 902 calories including wine and pumpkin pie with whipping cream. So if I stick to it and do not act much more during the day I should be within my 1200 calories. \

    My mom does not want to come over for dinner. Says she is in the way. Ridiculous. Oh well, you can't force anyone do do something.

    Family should be over around 4. I will start putting my side dishes in soon and making the salad. Wouldn't you know it, my knee is really bad today. Probably because I did my own housecleaning because the housekeeper bombed out on me.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian peeps. Have fun and enjoy your dinner, everything in moderation.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Good evening, much excellent advice has been shared here!! And I hope Thanksgiving for our Canadian friends has been enjoyable.

    Not a lot for me to post. The wedding and reception were wonderful. Best part for me was I seem to have escaped ALL photos. Wahoo!!!! With so many cell phone cameras I consider it a miracle.

    I filled in at church again today. The people responsible for communion didn't show up. Didn't take too long. Spent more time chattering after church :D

    With so many exhausted and emotional people, there were some ruffled feathers today. Hopefully all will be better next week.

    Praying all is well Sneakers.

