Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    To All Our Canadian Sneakers:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good Monday morning. Laundry day!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    And October 10th is Jake's birthday. Best wishes!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    We've just got back from our morning walk and......FROST on some roofs. We met a very "nithered" Janice and Amy, but didn't linger chatting, and we avoided the skunk on her way home, and we saw a kestrel I think in the apple tree. Small hawk anyway. Lovely to be inside with the central heating clicking on and having a cuppa. I think I bought our winter coats in the nick of time!
    Happy thanksgiving day!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Oh my frost! We haven't had any yet but it is chilly and my furnace is humming away. Glad you have your coats and good job avoiding the skunk!

    I'm making another hot cup of coffee this morning.

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning friends, hope your Canadian thanksgiving went well and family and friends gathered for a wonderful feast.

    My day today.
    Breakfast. Egg, green tomato, raisin toast, decafe coffee.
    Have to take hubby's car in, on the way to church yesterday it started shaking, it was saying all kinds of stuff on the monitor and get serviced. When we turned it off the fan stayed on 15 min. Anyway it will be towed in shortly. It's a 2012.

    I am planning a walk later too. We had rain all night so hopefully I won't get to wet.

    Have to clean house today.

    If I can I am going to work out at the community center.

    Take care, chris
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Furnace man is here checking the furnace for winter. My landlady has him come twice a year. Once he leaves I will start my laundry, after all it is Monday. The balcony is finally finished and I can put my furniture back again after noon. I brought the Halloween decorations to my son's house and think they look really cute. What do you think?


    Babe had lots of tests but needs four more according to the Mayo doctor. They are trying to schedule them all at the same time for the end of October. Of course with Babe having anxiety he is really worried about something serious. He said the doctor said it could be many things including Lupus or Cancer. They should never say anything to Babe because he always presumes he has the worst case scenario. I tend to think positive so I don't worry about things that might never happen.

    I plan on staying home today and catching up on all my paper work and computer games.
    I leave again Sunday for two days for our annual casino trip in Michigan.

    Have a great day with all the celebrations!
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Celebrations went well yesterday and everyone enjoyed our meal. :D

    Kristina and John left this morning and we drove them to the Go Train for their trip back to Toronto.
    I left their bed sheets until I get back and will wash them then. I will have lots of laundry when I get back from our trip. I will be packing all clothes today and we will be picked up at 6:30AM just to be sure there are no hiccups at the border.

    Getting excited for our trip, see you when I get back. I will have WiFi and hope to be posting pictures on Facebook. See you when I get back.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Beautiful day today. I think it would be great to go on a drive and look at the colors. Oregon has fall colors but not as intense as Colorado or the northeastern US. It is great to get out and smell the air-leaves-autumn! I do have a bunch of stuff that really needs to be attended to, but is calling!

    I have a worrisome thing that happens with our Katie. Sometimes she just "up-chucks" her food. I guess I will call the vet later this afternoon. This darn dog is way too much on my mind. I have become possessed.

    Watched the debates last night. Hummmmthis is too disgusting, that's it for me. No more reading or watching election news.

    I heard about a device, that has already been invented but needs refinement, that uses a drop of blood to analyze a person's physical health. It highlights possible anomalies in the blood. It would help regular people diagnose an problem and call the doctor for further treatment. Sort of sci-fi but interesting.

    I have decorated for Halloween. We have a little lighted haunted house that I sit on the fireplace mantle. Sandy's decor is very cute and I think little Robby will really enjoy Halloween this year. I loved dressing up for Halloween each year. I always taught my art classes in costume. I understand that the teachers and students at the college I taught at, still do this. It was such fun.

    Not sure why but this time of year makes me very sentimental. Cool weather, cozy sweaters, fire in the fireplace, pumpkin pie....oooooooooops!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    I have a worrisome thing that happens with our Katie. Sometimes she just "up-chucks" her food. I guess I will call the vet later this afternoon. This darn dog is way too much on my mind. I have become possessed.
    This is what happened to Daisy, she has a sensitive stomach and cannot tolerate any people food other than the chicken that is boiled and added to her prescription dog food. She even has special treats because she would up chuck with anything else. I would try a sensitive dog food or just chicken and rice, she could have the same issues as Daisy. We also give her a pepcid AC under doctor's orders to keep her tummy calm. When I was there I noticed her bad breathe so I brushed her teeth with her doggy toothpaste and as soon as I was done she up chucked all her breakfast food. Talk to your vet and keep us informed.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Patsy, our cat Boo does it too. Mostly right after eating. We think she eats too fast.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Birthday, JAKE! Many more healthy ones...
    Belated HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Canadiennes!
    SHIRLEY, as only a part-time caregiver, I cannot imagine what full time might be! Even now, I find it takes most of my time procuring for my DH! My next project is finding the best buy for Glucerna. He eats only breakfast now, so Glucerna might help. SANDY, hope BABE's problem is solved soon! Gotta get going here as I spent too much time watching last night's debates and comments, and I can barely stay awake now! Please forgive?
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Gosh! This is just so silly but Katie throws up right after she drinks water. The vet suggested letting the water sit in the water bowl after she goes to bed. It would warm up and de-gas (sort of) and Katie doesn't drink a lot of water unless it is a warm day. I am so careful about what she eats really. But this happens a couple of times a week. We are to warm her food to room temp. Does this sound like I am raising another baby? I guess we are!

    The interesting thing is we were as nutty about our kids. I made baby food from scratch and I really watched food with preservatives and artificial coloring. Not sure they were any healthier or anything else but they seemed to grow up just fine. Now if we can just get this amazing puppy to keep her food down, quit eating sticks and stones and pee out in the yard instead of on the deck, under the picnic table. Aaaaaaaarrrgh!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello everybody.
    hope everyone get the puppy problems fixs

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :) Jake celebrated his birthday by taking me to get my stitches out. Tomorrow he goes to see a movie with a friend. My good friend will come over while he's gone and walk the dogs if needed
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. It's a busy time for me what with so much gardening to do as I make the most of some half decent weather. It's certainly going to be a winter project and not something that will be achieved in a few weeks but so far I am beginning to see how it's not impossible for me. Our weather is changeable so after sitting at the allotment yesterday afternoon in glorious sunshine and feeling I could sunbathe as I waited for a friend to drop off bags of horse manure, today is much cooler. We did manage a lovely dog walk across the moors wrapped up in warm jackets and hats!

    Patsy ~ My cat Hebe throws her food up immediately after eating if allowed to eat too much too fast which is usually when she moves on to another cat's bowl after her own! Katie doesn't have that luxury but if she does actually swallow stones it might be something to keep an eye on because young Scruff that George and I walk with brought up at least four after her first ever visit to a beach where she drank some sea water before realising it didn't taste very nice. Just as well she did drink it because it had the right effect! George won't eat his chicken and lamb brunch straight out of the fridge so I have to remember to bring it out before we go on our walk..... I know, they're worse than kids!!

    Barbie ~ Good news that your stitches are out as it's another sign of onwards and upwards! Won't be long before you are able to walk your dogs I'm sure.

    Buzz ~ So you still have the stamina to watch those debates? I suppose it's interesting to see just how bad things can get and fascinating to those of us across the pond because if our politicians behaved in such a way they'd have been deselected months ago!! Sad times for you all.

    Time for me to walk George up the lane to visit our housebound neighbour before I cut my grass, hopefully for the last time this year although I have my doubts!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good morning, one of my Huskiesnwould eat anything and everything but. I matter what I fed him, he lived his entire life with, ummm, the runs. I wish everyone solutions for their darling fur children's eating/drinking issues. It is very concerning.

    Jackie, you are very busy and I assume your occasional gardener is not helping out much. Sorry about that.

    I am off to play Mah Jong, home for lunch and then will meet the monthly coloring group at the library near my home.

    Hugs from the grasshopper who is enjoying getting out while the weather is pleasant.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Jake celebrated his birthday by taking me to get my stitches out. Tomorrow he goes to see a movie with a friend. My good friend will come over while he's gone and walk the dogs if needed

    Barbie, glad the stitches are out. Jake, enjoy the movie!!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited October 2016
    We got up late for us, mainly because I was "thinking" so we got up had a cup of tea, put my thoughts down and went back to bed at around 5:30. Consequently we got up late and I found out that Jill can go at least 8 hours without a toilet break. This can't be said for me!

    Talking of Jill, and when am I not, besotted new mom that I am, when I put her food down, hot or cold, there it sits until its at room temperature I suppose. I put her brekkie down at 8 o clock this morning, but she didn't eat it until 9:30. I was told by her previous owner that these little dogs are self regulating, and this appears to be correct for her. And yes, they ARE worse than kids! We haven't had a "bring up" session so far, touch wood! BUT I have to watch Jill all the time on her walks, and I'm constantly taking small stones, berries, rabbit pellets, conker (chestnut) shells, and acorns out of her mouth. If I could let her out in the yard unsupervised I suspect she would soon be barfing!

    And some presidential hopefuls I could mention but won't are worse than kids! One of them attacked Canada's health system which caused quite a bit of amusement on the streets of Toronto during the news hour. As one grateful ex patient said, he didn't mind standing in the line up for a successful operation that cost him nothing.

    It's slightly chilly here but very sunny. Perfect weather for putting the garden "to bed". So....I am joining all the other busy bees doing or trying to do all the chores before the big freeze. The frost appears to have gone......for now.