Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2016
    my visit with my foot doctor went great, By he way he is a diabetic wound doctor, he says my sore look better than he had hope for. part of it is almost heal, Great news.

    I am going to Walmart in the morning, Its been almost 2 month s since I been.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    my visit with my foot doctor went great, By he way he is a diabetic wound doctor, he says my sore look better than he had hope for. part of it is almost heal, Great news.

    I am going to Walmart in the morning, Its been almost 2 month s since I been.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Have a lovely day out MARIE. Great news from your doctor. ❤️anne
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2016
    Very good news Marie!!!!! Sending smiles and hugs. Enjoy your trip to Walmart. <3<3

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yay Marie! I'll quit fussing, lol. Love ya. By the way, I've only canned or made preserves. They don't have to go in a pot of boiling water. Last night we had some delicious green beans and potatoes cooked in the instant pot. I could eat them again right now! We usually buy canned green beans but the fresh ones were so much better that it would be worth it to buy them by the bushel and can them. I'd have to buy all that stuff like a huge pot, and I don't really want to.
    Night all
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2016
    Phoebe you need ti take lesson from linette She is a canning dude. However I could not handle all that chickens she cans.ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!I can,;t stand the smell of boil chicken. I bet your green beans and potatoes was delish..................Don't get too much domesticated in kitchen
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited August 2016
    Oh my! The "roof in the center of our lobby is all glass squares; very attractive in sunny weather but when it rains :s ! Pitter-patter sounds like drums in a forest (or something) and so very loud! And yes we are getting huge storms, but I seldom go out now, so I don't mind the rain. I used to hate driving in it!
    SANDY, were we all praying for something to do with your health? I'm so relieved and happy your news is good, and hope it remains that way!
    I've decided Mike needs a recliner, as it looks to me that sitting in a wheelchair all day cannot be comfortable for him.
    Fun reading today's posts and Isaac...delicious baby! But I'll take everyone's advice and get off to bed right now, as it's already too late!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz I need some advice from you. My My foot doctor/ wound care Doctor Wants me in suppot hose. I remember almost 25 years ago. When I had surgery They put me in a pair and They was twisted and miserable. had the nurse remove them and swear I would never wear another pair.But this wound doctor said it would help the swelling in my legs and that they had better one's now.Whaat is your take on them?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Today is Babe's 77th Birthday but we have no plans as he is not ready to do anything. He has an appointment with his heart doctor later this afternoon so I will go see him after lunch and bring him his birthday card. We no longer exchange presents we have all that we need. Not sure if I am going to bingo tonight, waiting to hear if my friends are going.
    My daughter is in from Florida but I won't see her until Friday. She eats low Carbohydrates so I have to buy some groceries before Friday. Who knows maybe I will continue to eat like her after she leaves, she has lost over 30 pounds.

    Buzz, no the prayers weren't for me but for our new baby that is due in January. All is good and we are grateful. I think a recliner sounds like a wonderful idea and comfortable as well.

    Marie, I know nothing about support hose but don't they have them with zippers now so they are easier to get off and on? Buzz it the right person to ask, she uses them.

    Phoebe, I give you credit just for canning the pears, I wouldn't have any idea where to start. How is Jim and has he made any decisions?

    I am really trying to get away from my computer earlier today, besides visiting Babe I would like to go get a manicure. Why am I so slow in the morning?

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello! We have rainy cool weather here. It is a relief to have moisture because all of our forest was very dry and easy to suffer wildfires and damage from a drought.

    We are dealing with John's acid reflux lately. It makes meal planning a real challenge. Bless his heart, he loves his morning coffee. He has had to switch to a coffee substitute. The taste is good but there is no "wake up and start the day" feeling. Pretty boring meals for at least a month. Poor guy! But we need to heal his stomach.

    Sandy:I had a feeling you and your family were concerned about the new baby. I am so glad things are doing well now. Robby is so intelligent and beautiful, I know the new baby will be equally so.

    Phoebe: I think there is some ancient instinct that makes us want to store up for the winter. I get those urges...but it is so much work, I resist!

    Marie: so happy your wound is healing. I wear compression hose. They are from a company called Theraware. They come in different strengths and colors. They help with my edema. I wonder if they would work for you?

    Sounds we are all dealing with life's little challenges. We are all strong women and we can handle almost anything. Be brave! Be bold!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks for the compliments on Isaac, he is such a good looking little boy. No more baby left now and he really known us now when we come to visit. He is also a ham when we are there. He does have the
    most beautiful eyes that makes your heart melt. Enough of that, I could go on forever.

    Marie - So happy your wound is healing. My MIL wears compression hose all the time and she doesn't
    like them but has to because of swelling in her legs. I wear them on the plane when I travel, mostly the knee socks but I think I will get a pair of regular hose too for traveling on the plane. We have a vacation booked in February for Jamaica again at the Grand Pineapple.

    Sandy - Happy Birthday to Babe I hope he feels good enough to celebrate.

    Phoebe - You are a canning machine, all that good food to have in the winter. I admire people who do that every year. It is a lot of work.

    Buzz- How are you faring with all the storms your way? We had a downpour this morning, I needed an umbrella to walk from the car to Yoga class today. I remember my parents being evacuated once in Sarasota during a storm.

    Well I have ironing to do and chili to make for our LAST cruise of the sailing season. We were supposed to leave on Friday, but weather and waves were not too good so we are waiting until Saturday. Dave always says, this is supposed to be fun not a race. The racing is for the racers and we are the cruisers,
    nice and slow and steady gets you there in once piece.

    Enjoy the day!


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited August 2016
    SANDY, I thought prayers were needed for the coming baby, especially after you had mentioned your DIL was at the hospital. Im so glad alls well that will end well.
    I'm also so sorry that so many of us are suffering from leg problems, no fun at all! The men in everyones lives aren't exactly happy campers either. I have faith but I can't help but wish the creator had designed his creatures great and small a little better and more comfortably for our later years.

    We continue with our walks, the Bean and I. No sign still of my neighbours prediction of baying hounds following us! The only dog we've seen today, and in the distance at that, was a small Yorkie attached to an elderly gent who also had leg problems judging by the shuffling gait. No matter, Anne increased her leg speed by a fraction just in case he suddenly took off, much to the Beans displeasure who's great joy in life is sniffing every blade of grass. Caution is the better part of valor as the saying goes.

    PHOEBE your canned pears will be wonderful this coming winter. Anyway MARIES friend will also be all set with her canned chicken! Come what may.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    This is from me, Jilly Bean. As you can see I am a big girl now.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    jill is so cute, my mother had a puppy looks just like Jill. she had to give her up when retirement home retirement home. alike to have broke her heart. She called her cookie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    <3<3<3<3<3 Jilly
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Anne, gorgeous Jilly but she still looks very small to me!!

    Buzz, I agree, a recliner would be great as long as there is room, he can work any mechanism' and they will help him transfer from chair to wheelchair. My dad lost the ability to scoot forward so the particular recliner he had became unusable for him. He also forgot how to use the electric control to operate it. They had me get a recline lift chair/recliner for him and he was pretty comfortable in it and staff could help him more easily. Just something to consider.

    Sandy, I hope you are able to go to Bingo this evening.

    Shirley, I agree, it is not a race!! Your Dave is very sensible. Enjoy the weekend.

    Patsy, I am sorry that John is suffering from acid reflux. That is just miserable. Is he able to sleep? I have had several friends who suffered greatly and slept sitting up in a recliner chair. I hope he gets a bit better each day.

    Marie, I think I have similar socks to what Patsy described. Mine are knee highs and if I have some ankle swelling or other problem, I will pop them on for a couple of days. If I don't sit down all day and pound up and down the stairs I will have some troubles occasionally. I really think the socks help!!

    Phoebe, how are you getting along today? Did you find a cushion??

    Jackie, how was the last show of the season?

    Marcella, I hope you are well today.

    Jeri, more family get togethers on the horizon?

    I went to Tai Chi this morning and the instructor is taking a week off to spend time with her grandchildren who are visiting from out of state. They had the video set up that our Instructor's teacher made. We did some warm-ups and I led a few Qigong movements that are not covered on the DVD. No one was brave enough to lead single fan. I would have done more Qigong and/or rulers but it is kind of disorganized with no one in charge when our teacher isn't there.

    Well onward, I have so many little things I like to d everyday, the little iPad daily jigsaw puzzle, Bible quiz, Scrabble, Spanish, reading, my own real jigsaw puzzle, coloring. I don't have enough time to get to everything each day. Ha!!!

    I went to the store,this afternoon to get a few frozen vegetables as it was 10% off day. Busy store!!

    Hummm, maybe everyone is preparing for the end of summer holiday weekend.

    Happy to be home.

    Barbie, if you read this Inhave been wondering how Jake is doing and if you have progress on your leg issues? I hope all is well or much improved.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Lin, Jake is recovering well from his spine surgery. He has been cleared to drive and walk the dogs and do chores around the house. He went to several sessions of physical therapy and now has exercises to do at home. My legs are the same or maybe worse. My primary care doctor referred me for an MRI and when she saw the results, she referred the me to a neurosurgeon (the same one who did Jake's surgery). I've had two phone calls from his office, but so far, the doctor hasn't seen the MRI and I have no more news.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Barbie, thank you for the update. I am thankful for Jake's recovery but sad for your continued issues. You have patience and endurance. God bless you--I Am sorry you continue to have to use both. Hugs.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Just would like to echo Lins words BARBIE.
  • Anne, I would love to get that little Jilly Bean in my arms. I'd have trouble letting her go! She is so precious. I'm going to show Jim the photo, tell him this is little miss p for treats!!
    I'm on my laptop downloading books for Jim. One day I hope to have time to copy all of his books that are on cds onto the large storage drive I have. Then Ill probably give the cds away.
    He is a big westerns fan. I'm still very sore, but do have the cushion to try. I postponed my trip to visit my aunt until tomorrow. My plan is to have all the other things I needed to do before returning to work, all done.. these books are the last of those chores. So when I get home tomorrow evening, dinner and relax!
    Marie, I know some of those compression hose are hard to put on, but there are so many different levels of fit now. They have cute ones in the catalog/website. But they may not be strong enough.. I just don't know how you figure all of that out. I have compression socks that don't have toes in them.. they just fit like socks, and go up to my ankle. They feel good for a while, and then they don't. That is when I remove them. I should be wearing them now. My left ankle swells badly when I am sitting on this little office chair.
    I squirm a lot, it's uncomfortable.
    Sandy, glad there has been good news for you and the baby.
    Lin, you have lots of fun hobbies to keep you busy. I'm glad it isn't all must do things thru the day. Our Publix grocery stores gives senior discounts on Wednesdays, but it is only 5%. We will be shopping in the morning at our BJs club, hope to get a few things we prefer getting there. We'll go in separate vehicles so we can fill them both with gas. It's cheaper there. Then Jim will take the groceries home, and I will drive to my aunt's.
    Shirley, you are certainly busier now that you are retired... but you are also having lots of fun. Yes, Isaac is a handsome little man.. and he loves his grands too.
    Buzz, hope you are feeling good this evening.. take care of you, ok? We are seeing the big storms you are getting, so glad you are in that big place. I'm sure they have all kinds of back up power.
    Patsy, so sorry John has the awful re-flux. I do too. Mine started in 2004!! Still bothers me, but it has healed quite a bit. Hugs to Katie.
    I ordered a product that Judy who used to post here recommended. The reviews are mixed, but the product has a 60 day guarantee. It is called Quell. It is an e stim unit, I think. It is to manage pain, but I don't know how it works yet. I hope it will relieve the pain in my left hip, leg, etc fro the sciatic nerve. Our insurance has taken a big dip downwards, and I won't be able to get the nerve block in my back again.
    I didn't mean to leave anyone out, but I'd need to focus on getting these books done.