Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    just checking in.
    Sandy hang in there. i am fine pain in my foot kept me up most of the night. But had a long nap this morning..Got me some more Pinto beans cooking in my small crock pot
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Babe is home, I am home and all is right in the world!! Not really, but that ordeal is over and I can on with my life. Trying to unwind and catch up on my computer before going to 5:00 Mass.

    Thanks for being there as usual, you ladies are great!!

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited August 2016
    I slipped in the tub, fell out landed on my bum and hit my head on the table. My head doesn't hurt, but there is an egg sized lump. My tailbone does hurt!
    So, no reunion for me. After Jim cleaned up the mess in the bathroom, I reassured him I'm OK and he went. We bring the plates cups napkins and I didn't want to have to call someone else to bring those things.
    Anne, it's hard to believe little one is 6months already! She must be very smart, given her huge list of accomplishments. I still laugh at 'tinkle for treats' lol! I picture you imagining a long que of gentlemen callers, lol! Should we bring back chastity belts? Happy birthday to your young man.
    Patsy, having seen a photo of a coworkers doodle dog, I know how beautiful they are, and how messy a muddy one will likely be. Dried mud would be a real challenge! I wish I could hide when Jim begins some kind of handyman work. 50/50 chance it will be forced to fit or he'll drill knew holes, or 'theyve included the wrong parts'. So, I stay near enough to check progress.Glad you're enjoying cooler temps. Exciting to watch the racers fly by. Hope your sailing son is doing well.
    Shirley, saw the photo on Facebook, so nice! Enjoy your time away. Is Isaac with you? Next year, for sure!
    Marie, sorry your foot hasnt healed. Maybe a visit with an orthopedic doctor would help. So many cushions, inflatable things. Even outpatient physical therapy using ultrasound technology.
    Jackie, I would hate to come to the end of a puzzle and discover one piece missing! Since it's just me today, I've had leftovers. Yum! Cleaning out the fridge. I thought I'd get some sewing done, but not so, too sore to sit still..
    Sandy, rest away your worries for at least a little while. Men are so impatient! Glad he is better and I hope he stays that way. Your description of the chaos is a good way to affirm your choice.
    Take care including me!, Lol
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Ooh, I feel that lump PHOEBE! And have you a bruise on your bum? Little bit is still trying the tinkles for treats trick. She squats and looks at me hopefully. For all I know it's all play acting so I stop treats after two.The family came over and instead of a chastity belt MJ suggested a pair of my knickers bundled up and tied in a knot on top. I don't think I'd dare take her out in the street like that! Lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good evening, it has been a busy day for a Saturday--lots of errands and then off to the surprise 65th birthday party. And believe it or not it really was a surprise. She had no idea when her husband drove up and the garage door opened and there we all were!! I got home a while ago and all that fresh air has my allergies and sinuses in an uproar. I think I will go to bed early tonight.

    Anne, I think just keeping sequestered is the best answer. Given the strong sense of smell that dogs possess, good to keep your little bean out of harm's way. It is so difficult to realize your tiny little bean has grown up. I hope she can have her surgery and can live her life happily!!

    Patsy, I can just envision dear Katie digging great craters in your yard. My male Husky dug holes under the deck so muddy water would fill them in the rainy times and he could flop in the mess! And both the male and female loved to dry to dig escape tunnels under the backyard fence. They don't ever outgrow that do they?? I hope all the runners are past your residence now. Our bike ride across the state passed my folks' house several times over the years. My dad always hit the ceiling. He hated it.

    Sandy, I am sorry for Babe's suffering, I am sorry for all of the upset in your life the last few days, and I do hope the medical problem has been resolved and life can calm down. Get some rest my friend.

    Phoebe, no, no, no!!!!!! Ouch!!!!! I am incredibly sorry to hear of your fall. Please take care and I hope you will be able to lie down or recline or something to get some rest. Prayers for healing.

    Marie, the same for you. I am sorry you are having foot pain. Do you see the wound management people regularly? They helped my dad little by little to heal areas on both feet that had sores from improper use of compression socks. The staff did not put them on him properly. It did take a while but he did heal.

    Shirley, I am sorry your pole is a weed pole rather than a fishing pole! Enjoy your time at the cabin. I saw the photo on Facebook and the setting looks just perfect.

    Jackie, thank you for posting a picture of that lovely book. I love the titles, and actually I love the entire idea of the books. Our Golden books were not that outstanding. Another lovely walk. I enjoy the descriptions so much. My friends have a stray cat at their home right now and I was thinking of you. The cat is lovely and really has settled in as if to stay. Unfortunately she is very allergic to cats so the cat has to pretty much stay in the basement. They had the cat checked and it is micro chipped. It was adopted through the Animal Recue League. They have called the adopter 6 times and he does not return their calls. My friends are trying to find a home for the cat but so far no luck whatsoever. The city is just full of cats that need a home. So sad.

    Buzz, I still do not know how you stay awake for so long. Amazing! I am tired more often than I would say I have energy. As far as doctors understanding our problems, I guess they do try but they are far from perfect. Things that go wrong just aren't easy. We are complex organisms.

    As far as the puzzle, I decided that I would find out if I had any hope of putting it together. If not I was going to put it back in the box and move on to something else. The shapes were odd, the pieces didn't go together well and the die cut was less than outstanding. All of a sudden it clicked and I put together the puzzle with the outside straight pieces going in last. So that's why I did not get much sleep. I will admit I Did not think I would be able to complete the puzzle.

    I wanted to play scrabble and no one was particularly thrilled to show me how to play so I got the Scrabble app for iPad last night. I am playing one on one with the computer. I make a play, then the computer shows me what would have been the optimal move, then it plays its turn. I have not heard of many of the words considered optimal and these 2 and 3 letter words are bizarre. I will muddle along.

    Good evening. I think I may lose this post so hurrying now

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited August 2016
    Whew, lots of news today! SANDY, men are without a doubt, the worst patients, acting as if only they suffer so terribly and are the only person in the world at that moment! In addition, Mike will ask the same question over and over until I'm ready to scream or leave! Remembering your "poem" , I remain, grit my teeth, and answer for the 15th time! Thank goodness he stopped asking about the electric chair (Tempting, isn't it?) but now the question is when do we have an appointment with the doctor? However, it is easier emotionally now than when he was living here with me in our apartment. Physically, I make almost the same mess he did!!! Anyway, I'm happy for you that I think it has become quite apparent to you that your decision to separate was a very wise one indeed! As for Philip, has he stopped drinking? That could account for the change in his personality! Blessings to you!
    PHOEBE, ouch! Falling is the greatest danger to everybody. I hate for you to have the pain!
    ANNE and PATSY, I almost envy the huge pleasure you are getting out of your "babies" and then I remember the work you put in, and know I could not keep up! So enjoy!
    LIN, actually, after this post, I'll toddle off to bed, early! The Scrabble sounds like fun!
    MARIE, what's the foot pain from? Have you neuropathy? I woke in the middle of last night with severe gout in my left toe, and remembered I'd eaten 2 shrimp and 4 asparagus tempura the night before. Both can cause an attack. My legs are a mess!
    Laundry's done so I'm off to bed!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a difference a day makes! That fine, soaking sort of rain has been falling since dawn so my friend and I decided the woods would be the best place to walk and we had a fun time with the dogs chasing each other around the bracken. They then had 10 minutes splashing in the river chasing sticks and stones before strolling back to our cars. Of course George's pristine condition from the groomer's visit has since been covered in the usual woodland muck!

    Phoebe ~ Thank goodness you didn't break anything but even so an egg sized lump on the head has to be very painful. Hopefully you have enough "cover" on your backside to protect you but the shock can sometimes take a while to come out so do take things steady and enjoy those leftovers. <3 I've come home from our walk to the smell of George's lamb and rice cooking in the crock pot but have to remind myself it's not for me!

    Lin ~ That's so sad about the cat your friend took in but surely it shouldn't be her worry to find a new home. Couldn't the rescue league that adopted it out in the first place take it back? So many unwanted creatures out there and still it seems little is done to spay and neuter. Our cats protection league offers vouchers to those on low incomes that pay for the service and still many don't bother. Fingers crossed Brady will finally get his operation on Friday.

    Sandy ~ Welcome home! Now just chill and get on with your life..... perhaps until the next Babe drama but hopefully not!! I say again he should count his lucky stars you're still in his life you poppet!!

    Oh, I can see a ray of sunshine across the floor so am going to pop to a local store that has a sale going on as I've particularly seen trainers that might just be what I'm looking for. Hopefully also delicious bags of coffee beans that occasionally appear on their shelves.

    Hello to everyone else and hoping you all have a peaceful and enjoyable Sunday.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi Jackie, hey George how could you mess up your lovely do from the groomer (laughing).

    My friends could return the cat but it is a kill shelter and they have so many cats they are literally begging people to foster cats as there is just no room. They have had a special event with adoption fees cut to almost nothing but still so many kitties and cats waiting for a home. It breaks my heart and I love my friends for really trying to find a home even with her allergies.

    Off to church. Doing communion again this morning.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Beautiful day and will definitely be going to the pool. I am not sure but I think there is only one more weekend after this before it closes. Where did summer go? Once again, I want to thank all of you for your support, knowing that you all care is such a good feeling and helps with the stress. Writing is good therapy and I am not good at it but with our little group it is easy, so thank you again!!

    Jackie, I agree, I hope there isn't any Babe drama for a long, long time. It is amazing how different I feel when I am home in my own apartment, more calm and serene.

    Buzz, I hope I am not a bad patient but I never yell or demand anything from my caretakers.
    Men just don't know how to cope, they want to be macho but pain or illness depresses them so they lash out at others. My head understands this but sometimes my heart gets hurt. I am not sure if his son is drinking or not, he does look terrible and only used the "F" word a few times, but I did send him a text and thank him for getting along and for taking care of everything. ( I let him handle everything to avoid any conflict)

    LIn, thank you for you kindness, you are a very caring person. I too, hope all stays calm and life can be peaceful again. As soon as I go to the store again I am going to buy a puzzle to keep on my dining table since no one ever eats there. I am sure it will take me forever to put it together but anxious to try. I play words with friends and scrabble on facebook so if you invite me to play we can play together. My user name is Sandydur. I am not very good, but I like to play.

    Phoebe, I don't want to be an old mother hen, but maybe a trip to the ER or doctor is in order?
    A big size lump on the head could mean a concussion, but I am sure you know that. You poor kid, I do feel sorry for you and wish I could help in some way. I hope Jim enjoyed the reunion but I am sure he was worried about you.

    Anne, you are so clever in your descriptions of all that we tell you. You should be writing children's books. The knickers as you called them made me laugh out loud.

    Marie, I feel so bad for you as well, I wish your foot would heal so you can once again enjoy life as you would like. Hang in there my good friend, we are praying for you.

    Shirley, I also saw the picture and it looks wonderful. Just being with friends and family and enjoying time together under such beautiful surroundings is heavenly.

    Patsy, glad it cooled off for you and for the runners. How did Katie like all those people running in front of her house?

    Enjoy your Sunday!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello from the North Country,

    It just rained and I had to get the chair cushions in before they got more soaked than they were.
    Everyone left and went to dinner at a friends house, I on the other hand are suffering from an IBS
    episode and not feeling well today so I stayed behind. I found out nuts of all sorts are really bothering me now. One more thing out of my diet.

    Last night we did have a fish fry and it was delicious thanks to Dave who caught them.

    Going home tomorrow and hopefully a visit to see Isaac. Back home to better WiFi see you then.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening,

    I am sorry to hear of your IBS Shirley. Very uncomfortable and always trying to track down what may be causing problems. I hope you are feeling better, that you travel safely and have a good visit with Isaac.

    Sandy, did you enjoy the pool? Our sunshine is long gone now and it is thunder and bits of rain. What a change!!

    Well, the last Sunday in August is now over and hopefully my communion chores are done for this calendar year. Wahoo!!

    I agreed to a new task today. I need to find a Bible for an older gentleman who speaks primarily Spanish (although he is struggling to learn English). So I have been hunting for a bible with these things in mind---Spanish and English (bilingual bible) New King James or NIV translation, large print due to sight problems AND shipped and delivered in time to take to church next Sunday. After much hunting I see I will have to settle for much less. Everything that looked promising is out of stock. I am going to the local Christian bookstore tomorrow. The options I wanted are out of stock but I called them this afternoon and they said they do have 2 different bilingual Bibles available.

    I think I will read for a while tonight. And maybe some coloring. My life is so incredibly exciting. :D No, I really do enjoy these things. Cannot check my email. The mail server is down again. Same thing happened yesterday.

    Hugs my dear friends. I do cherish your friendship.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2016
    If you are interested in doing a little Jigsaw puzzle each day there is an app for iPad called Jigsaw Puzzle by Critical Hit Software that is fun! You can adjust the number of pieces to display and again you receive a free puzzle each day. Just open the app. You can pay for additional content and extras. I just use the free puzzles.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    better post somthing are i will lose my log in days

    How is everyone. Doing this fine Ausgust day?
    Watshing the football gamr " Texan"
    Got me some sweet potaroes cooking for my dinner.I realize i forgot my tylenol this morning.

    Before I goof up anymore will sign off for now

    Love you all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Kind of lazy day, heavy occasional rain, and since I didn't get to bed to almost 6 AM, I watched Meet the Press from bed! Phone rang, it was a call from Mike, but he somehow hit it by mistake, and I reminded him Id come up for lunch. Tonight I spent a couple of pleasant hours watching PBS's program on the making of Downton Abbey. Read all the sweet posts today, and agree PHOEBE might just check out that bump to be certain it will heal properly. A yawn is warning me my head will not allow my errant ways tonight I see the TV must have played all nigh long near my "office" as it's on now, and it wasn't turned on by me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Good morning all. We've just had our breakfast and I'm wondering just who is the boss in this household! Whilst Jill dined on succulent left over roast chicken, Anne had plain old oatmeal. "She who is queen of this castle" is now snoozing on the sofa whilst Anne is about to go downstairs to take the washing out of the washing machine. It's definitely a dogs life around here! Not much going on really, we are sort of more confined than usual now Jill is a young lady. Some young lady! She's as bouncy as ever, apart from just now.
    Must go, the washing machine is playing its "happy tune" telling me everything is washed, cream pants and all.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Anne.Jill got it made.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Jilly is indeed the Queen of the house. :)

    Hi Marie, sending along bugs.

    My first load of washing is in the dryer and am sorting out my battle plan for errands when the dryer is finished. Christian book store first, then a whole host of maybes--Costco, Younkers, eye glass store, Walmart, etc. No way I will visit all of these!!!! I apparently like to do most of my shopping online. I no longer enjoy wandering for endless hours looking at things.

    I like whimsical things and have many prints around my home by Randal Spangler and always seek him out when he's at an art show or craft show in town. Over the last few years I have found two Jigsaw puzzles based on his work. I am surprised the puzzles are nothing like the originals in terms of quality but anyway I think this is the next puzzle in my future.


    Back to my plotting.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2016
    Happy Monday! :) I too, am doing laundry. My cleaning girl comes today and I have a couple of errands to run. After Robby/s nap, I am meeting them at our mall at I haven't seen Robby other than on a video call yesterday and am missing him. Babe seems to be fine so all is good. Yesterday while I was at the pool I had a missed call from his son and for a minute panicked. He however just wanted the wifi password for Babe's house because Marisa was there and wanted to make a movie of Daisy. All of a sudden we are "friends".

    Lin, the puzzle looks complicated but with your talent it will be done in a day. lol I am going to Walmart today and hopefully find a puzzle. I don't think I will get too complicated on the first one. I did download the puzzle on my IPad, thanks for the information.

    Anne, this surprises you, that Jilly is queen of your castle?

    Marie, sorry to read on facebook that you are back on an antibiotic and your foot is still not healing. Don't give up but perhaps you need to go see a wound type doctor, I know they have machines that help wounds just not sure what kind of doctor.

    Buzz, a lazy kind of day is just what you needed. I do not know how you stay up so late or early, that just can't be good for your health. I am a night person and I stay up until 1AM but I also sleep until 8 or 9. I hope you went to bed early last night although it looks like it was after midnight.

    Shirley, sorry about your IBS, that can be so painful. I hope you get to visit with Isaac today, I know you miss him as much as I do Robby.

    I better get moving, have a great day!

    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Well SANDY, I did expect to be at least equals! Not princess Jill and the peasant! Now to do the ironing. In my future, not only mud coloured pants but clothes that do NOT need ironing.
    I told you! Out of bad comes good! So glad you and Phil are friends, but don't let him thus take advantage of your good nature! Oh Anne, stop poking the old beak in.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited August 2016
    Getting the pears preserved. Unless you get a very early start, it is a two day job. So they are cooking on the stove. I hope to go to the doctor today, as soon as the preserves are ladled in jars. It isn't Too bad but does cause a wince when stepping up with my right leg. Plus, a pain in the Not a good place for a truck driver!
    Lin, that's a cute puzzle, you are finding some unusual ones. I used to get a puzzle catalog by mail, guess they've given up on me.
    Sandy, maybe the two men are discovering just what a handful they both are!! Phil is tiring of the caregiver role that he Thinks he is doing. Babe realizes that Phil is a poor substitute for you and he wants it his way, of course he made his bed, didn't he? I'm glad you have the peace of your own getaway.
    Anne, princess Anne and Queen Jilly. If you need her, lol, wake her up!! Lol. I think you tip toe to keep her sleeping. Love the stories of your days.
    Shirley, oh dear, didn't know you had IBS. Hope you feel better now. Glad you haven't been bothered with it over the sailing summer. Yes, must visit Isaac or your week will be missing something important. <3
    Marie, I agree with Sandy, look for a wound care specialist. Hate this has happened to you. Is it worth it?? Oh Yes, You are worth it! Love ya
    Time to stir the pots, love the smell.