Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    l, maybe not quite drowning, but we have to replace his new oxygen maker with one that is truly portable, as this one weighs 14.5 lbs and only gives him enough for 1 hour 20 minutes! Our little "outings on the patio" at dinnertime are becoming very popular as the destination to achieve! We seem to host a different couple every evening!
    Can't keep my eyes open, but please know I devour the posts every day; they are (and YOU are) my sustenance!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Buzz, good to see you. I hope you can find a new oxygen maker that is lighter and works your a longer period of time. My goodness, someone who helped you get one should have thought about that. Sorry, it seems medical people are not too considerate.


    Not feeling well today. Thinking of just lounging in my PJs.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    PATSY, I think Jilly views the 4 back stairs the same as we would looking over a steep cliff, and wondering if we dare risk the crumbling pebbles and rocks.
    Sorry you aren't feeling well LIN, hope you feel better quickly. We are about to trot off for our morning walk prior to my early appointment with the eye doc. I expect I will be told off for not going for the free annual check up granted us oldies for at least 3 years. So after my previous rant we do get one or two freebies to be fair. I don't take much notice of being told off by opticians, dentists or vets. The doctors have given up on me I think. It's all water off a ducks back.
    Anne (quack, quack, waddling off for walkies.)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We had an absolute soaking this morning as we took a walk in the woods rather than the moors. I'm not sure we were any less wet for getting under the trees so my plan to drop in on my neighbour on the way home changed and I phoned her to say not only did we need to dry off first but since George had played in the river he was just a little smelly too!! The sun is now out so I'll walk us up to the neighbour to make sure she is alright although she sounded fine on the phone. While I caught up on late night Olympics I also caught some video of a bedraggled George playing with Brady.

    Lin ~ Feel better soon but meanwhile a great idea to mooch and do little!

    Anne ~ Good luck with the optician! Mine was quite chilled about the fact I'd missed last year's appointment but the previous one I went to would have told me off..... one of the reasons I changed!!

    Patsy ~ A couple of the childrens' mothers have apoligised for taking over the pool for a few weeks but I tell them well done for getting them away from computers and iphones!! Love the idea of taking the dogs in for a session although George prefers a muddy puddle or mucky river to anything clean. I bought him a paddling pool to cool his feet on hot days but he doesn't go near!!

    Must get going to the neighbour and then make a salad with smoked mackeral. Hello to all I missed.

    Happy Friday everyone.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning and Happy Friday, just another day for us retired people but when you were working it was

    Jackie- Love the video, so funny and kittys love to play when they are young. George seems to be having a good time too. Your cottage is so cute.

    I have my mammogram this morning :s I just took an Advill so its not so painful. Good times(sarcastic)

    Enjoy the day!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) Another rainy day and more expected tomorrow for the party. :( Robby again has worn me out but it is worth it just to hear his laugh. We went to the park even though it was hot, he did better than grandma. I brought the goodies I was supposed to bring so all I have to carry tomorrow is the meatball appetizer. I am really praying for no rain but at least their house is big enough to stay indoors.

    Shirley, good luck with the mammogram, I still think there should be an easier way like an MRI or cat scan.

    Jackie, oh my goodness, what a great video! Both George and Brady are adorable while Boris thinks they are both crazy. You must get lots of entertainment watching them play. However mom, why is Brady allowed on the table??? lol Your house, your rules, just teasing you. Your cottage is just so charming, I love it!!! Except for all the rain it would be perfect!!!!

    Anne, good luck at the eye doctor, I myself go twice a year. He keeps a close watch on my macular degeneration and since my brother can't hardly see with his, I don't want to have the same problem.

    Lin, sorry you aren't feeling well, just stay in and take care of yourself.

    Buzz, it sounds like Mike is adjusting to his new quarters and having dinner on the patio sounds wonderful. I too, hope they have some lighter weight tank which lasts longer.
    Hope you are getting some rest and taking care of yourself.

    Patsy, no, I do not keep track of my winnings and losings but probably should to see how much money I throw away. I think my losing column might be larger than my winning column.
    I love summer but now that our pool has shortened hours I could use some cooler weather or at least less humid. My body and my hair both hate humidity.

    Marcella, glad to hear you are feeling better and have the all clear to get on with your life.
    Don't overdo, take it a little at a time.

    Phoebe, hope you aren't caught in any of the flood or fire areas!! Has Jim made a decision about the surgery?

    Marie, congratulations on your weight loss, I hope you are feeling better each day!!

    Have a great day and hopefully a dry day.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    After much research, I think I found some possible oxygen machines, although as long as he breathes through his mouth (I'm not allowed to tell him to shut it!), most oxygen escapes into thin air! That one month's charges for tanks could have almost purchased one of these things! So of course my Doctor took Friday off and we can't replace the thing until next week.

    LIN, lounging seems fine, but not feeling well is definitely not a good reason for treating yourself to quiet time. Hope you feel better fast....and what is wrong?

    I agree with you and PATSY that something has gone awry with the entire medical and insurance side of our health industry! I recall when the focus was on keeping a patient well and comfortable; now it appears to be based on profit and the bottom line! Can we make it a law (LOL) to get Congress on the same system as us peons? Fat chance with the making the rules!

    PHOEBE, thanks love...miss you, too! And what is Jim's decision on surgery?

    JACKIE, love that video of your 2 active pets; we know George is Gorgeous but Brady has the loveliest face, too! You have the space set up so nicely for these entertaining babies! Your stairwell and door reminds me of when I had my 2 poodles using the same setup to play beach balls up and down the stairs (and sometimes out that back door!). I never thought of a bouncing doll!

    SANDY, are you taking care of Robby on a regular basis again? He sound so adorable. Glad you are watching that MD so carefully!

    SHIRLEY, I never thought to take Aleve before the mammograms; how I dread them! Wishing you well on the outcome!

    ANNE, what a wonderful thought: too old to fill forms! I'd quickly move anywhere that offers freedom from form-filling, except the thought of ever moving again fills me with fear!

    MARCELLA, I find the "little things" joyful, as well! They are more controllable!

    MARIE, I missed your post on weight loss, but congratulations again! Want you to have a super weekend, sis!

    Must get something done here, so everyone have a great weekend, too!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited August 2016
    Love the video JACKIE. Brady has sure enhanced Georges life! Isn't it great that they can play together. Our Jilly looked pretty muddy earlier helping me cut back dead yarrow in the morning dew. Why do dogs love digging in muddy earth? Beats me.
    I'm obviously back from the opticians and wonders, I didn't get told off! He just told me I was very lucky to be in the shape I am. I am very lucky. Anyway, wonders, no change in my eyesight. Same prescription, but because my present lenses are scratched, I'm keeping the glasses but having fresh lenses installed. I like my present glasses. They are rather unusual so this pleases me no end, only having to pay for lenses. I'd overpaid the gas bill too over the year so no bill for this month either! Here's my 3.5 years glasses.
    The side arms, brown on the outside but green inside the cut away, remind me of twigs.
    Anne - who's dilated pupils are slowly coming back to normal!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am back from mammogram and all went well. We don't get our results for another week, we don't
    get results like the US does immediately. The hospital got a new machine and less painful, one of the ladies was talking about it in the waiting room and she was right. I told them I was going away for a week starting Monday and they said I should make apts. when I am home. I gave them my cell number in case they have to call, but hope they don't.

    Lin - I hope you are feeling better. <3

    Buzz - Thinking of you and Mike and hope things get a little easier.

    Marie - Great weight loss, you are beating me to the finish. I guess its a journey not a race. ;)

    Sandy - Have fun at the party and I get to see Isaac on Monday. If you follow my Instagram there are some new pictures of him. Nice that you got to spend time with Robby.

    Marcella - Good to hear your doctor gave you the okay to do activities again. :)

    Hello to Patsy, Anne, Jackie and Phoebe

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Dropping in for a minute. I am exhausted but because of fun. Lots of company this summer. A friend stayed for a day and slept over night and then the next day my cousin and his wife spent 2 days with us. We had so much fun with them but they like to stay up much later than I do but yet we were up early both mornings. They just left and I am having a break.

    We did go for a great walk with them and spent time enjoying our back yard with them.

    Buzz - the whole oxygen thing is a pain for sure. Mom used to have an oxygen concentrator at the house with a huge long cord that followed her all around. Up and down both floors and even out to the patio. That's okay if that is where you live all day but certainly not good for eating in dining rooms etc. Then she had portable oxygen tanks which we took to take her shopping etc with spare ones in the trunk. On trips away she works rent a portable oxygen concentrator that would plug into the car for power but had enough battery power to last on a plane ride without being plugged in. Mike is probably using some or all of these things. Mom's were rentals and were mostly covered by Blue Cross. Every place has different coverage for sure.

    We have been having hummingbirds in the yard. So nice to see them.


    I'll check in later. Tomorrow is Maggie's baptism.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Really hot here now. I get so cranky and my way of coping just about drives everyone else crazy. Every year about this time I campaign for air conditioning. The big issue is John hates the idea of giving up a window. We just had new double glass Eco windows at an enormous cost. So I say...heck just punch a hole in the wall and be done with it! John just turns the fan toward me and smiles. I believe women hate hot weather more than I right on this?

    Jeri: the hummingbird photo is so beautiful. I hope someday you have a photography show or else send some of your work into some magazines. It would be great to share these wonderful images.

    Shirley: tests and dr. Visits are anxiety-producing and I cannot figure out why. The idea is that they are to help us but sometimes it feels like I have done something wrong. You do have a great attitude about it.

    Anne: I agree that your glasses are very stylish. I love them. I bought a pair of inexpensive sunglasses but I loved the unusual style. I had prescription lens put in them. I still have them and wear them. By the way we are trying to teach Katie to go up and down stairs. Up the stairs is going pretty well. down the stairs...not going too well. This is a process! Must be positive and patient.

    Buzz: I always get my really good ideas from old movies. I can hear you using a Katherine Hepburn voice..."no explanations necessary, my dear. Just get the oxygen we need and the equipment and have it here in 10 minutes...12 minutes TOP! We will wait here, phone in hand!" I would love to be like her. We have to channel her and her great indomitable spirit.

    Sandy: you can't fool us! It might be Robbie's birthday but all you adults are going to have a great time after Robbie goes to bed. It sounds like you are planning a wonderful get togather.

    Jackie: loved the video! Little George looks like Katie. They dress casually. They are country dogs. They love mud, dirt, muddy water and all manner of poo to roll in. Brady is very handsome. Wonderful markings.

    Stay cool everyone, Lin, hope you are feeling better.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, continuing fatigue, tummy issues, sinuses packed and blowing nasty stuff out of my nose. It is wedding day so I have a lot to do. Rain? Who knows. It did storm last night. Yesterday I did get up, go to Tai Chi, stopped for one quick errand on the way home, then did the normal things around the house at dragging around pace. Well, I will just do what I can. Just heard possibility of storms through lunchtime.

    Meanwhile, what an adorable video. Thank you Jackie. Don't animals have such fun!!

    Jeri, another tremendous photo. It always makes me smile to see any photo you post!!

    Sandy, have a great time today.

    Shirley, I never get immediate results from any test. They generally send something in the mail within a week or so. I guess if there was a problem, they would call to schedule another test or an appointment or something.

    Marie, I hope each day is a tiny bit better.

    Anne, love the glasses. Just the type of thing I would prefer if I saw them in a shop!

    Patsy, any visits to doctors or tests cause me a lot of anxiety because if they find something that is wrong it means I cannot live my life in the same way. I am going to have to do something different, or take medication, or maybe something worse if I Don't know I can just live my life in pleasant ignorance.

    Phoebe, hello!!!

    Buzz, thank you for the gorgeous graphic. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited August 2016
    We've been for our morning walk in lovely hazy mist. Everything looked beautiful. No other dog walkers in view, just me and Jilly and a couple of crows hanging around the garbage bin near the bus stop, oh and 2 early morning dedicated speed walkers. We had a thunderstorm during the night so puddles everywhere. I managed to keep Jilly out of them. I don't think there ARE country dogs versus town dogs PATSY. ALL dogs seem to enjoy getting as mucky as possible, big or small. I am trying to lure Jill down the stairs with treats but to no avail so far. Maybe if she grows a little more, which she should when I think of all she consumes, healthy and otherwise! She's probably Brady's size or a bit less.
    Enjoy lovely glorious Saturday!
    PS - just seen your post LIN. So sorry you are still not well! I'm with you living life in pleasant ignorance! I sometimes wonder, viewing my friends, if all this poking about by doctors stirs things up that are dormant. I take after my Mother in this. She avoided doctors and ended up dying of old age (death certificate reason) in her 92nd year..
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I was wakened by torrential rain so hopefully it is over and light showers will be for the rest of the day. I don't mind driving in light rain but hate the heavy rain. I have the meatballs in the crock pot heating so I should be good to go around noon.

    Anne, I give you credit for walking in the rain, you are like Barbie who lets nothing stop her walks. I am sure both Jilly and Katie will learn to go down the steps especially as they get older. Your picture was clever with your glasses and they are indeed stylish.

    Lin, I don't suppose you would consider staying home and resting since you feel ill. I know you have the wedding but are you going to enjoy yourself? Take care, I worry about you.

    Patsy, actually the party is only from 2-6, they work around Robby's nap and bed time. My son and his wife are both in recovery so there is not a lot of "partying". They will have some beer and wine for their guests, thanks to me, and they don't mind if anyone else drinks but no one drinks "too" much. It is all about Robby today and most other days. LOL I am not sure how you can stand to be without any A/C, especially when it gets hot and muggy. I really hate A/C but when it is needed I bear it!!

    Jeri, love your picture of the hummingbird. For the first time yesterday I followed one go from my feeder to sitting on a branch. I tried to take a picture with my phone but he/she was too far away. You are so great at capturing the most beautiful pictures.

    Shirley, I do have you on instagram but only saw one picture of Isaac, do you have more than one account? I hate that we have to wait so long for our results from any tests. With modern technology you would think they could have instant results.

    Buzz, no more sitting Robby, Lisa has taken a leave of absence from her job and with the new baby due in January she will probably not go back to work until they are in school. I try to go see Robby once a week because I do miss him but happy for my own time.

    Jackie, where are you?

    Marie, hope today is even better than yesterday.

    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lost my post be back later.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I'm so excited. I finally got a really good night's sleep last night. Wow! Now, if I can go 2 nights in a row, that will be truly awesome. Enjoying a slow, quiet day with the family. Well, they are coming and going and doing stuff (Jim played golf early, James is practicing his bass to some really good 70s/80s songs, Jordan's been busy updating his business Facebook page info.) I'm just slow and quiet today watching them... sippin' my coffee. B)

    Jeri - Love the humming bird!
    Jackie - Cute video!
    Buzz - Good luck with the oxygen machine. I'm inclined to agree that the way the health system is set up, it does tend more to the bottom line now. Frustrates the heck out of my doctor husband too for whatever that's worth.
    Lin - Take care of yourself and feel better. A lot to be said for rest.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Another hot and humid day, I did get my walk in early this morning and again peeled my clothes off and had to dry them before going in the hamper. Still waiting for the cooler temperatures. I hear next week it will be in the 70's F. I sure hope so.

    Today was making food for the cottage which we will be leaving on Monday for a week. I made some homemade soup, salad dressing and a cold pasta salad.

    Tonight we are going to the sailing club to watch a Podcast of the Tragically Hip concert. They are from Kingston, On. and the lead singer has terminal brain cancer so this will be their fairwell tour. This is a National concert and there are several venues selling tickerts to this concert ours will be free!!

    Jeri- Love hummingbirds, great picture.
    Buzz - I hope Jeri's account of the oxygen with her mom gave you some ideas to make things more confortable for Mike.
    Lin- Have fun at the wedding, I hope you can get through the wedding okay without feeling worse.
    Marcella - Enjoy your relaxing day and your coffee.

    Have a good evening,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    81824br5uyrfrsr.gif My report for the day is that the line dance performance at the County Fair was a great success....the heat wasn't a problem thanks to the early hour, lots of shelter for the stage and audience, and some big fans. It seemed to me that we all did well and I was happy with my performance. I remembered to smile the whole time and stayed focused on the dances and made only the tiniest of errors that were easily corrected. Jake is delighted that I won't be dancing on Thursday afternoons anymore. The rest of the day has been a day of rest.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Great family photo