Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All, no I'm not lost just extremely busy with family and life. We've had lots of fun but wow. Out of town company, a visit up to where I grew up and spending time with grandkids taking them fishing. I'm also trying very hard to get in my 10,000 steps each day.

    Glad I'm missed though. You are all so nice.

    Today I am having a slower day.. Ed isn't feeling 100% so we're are having a rare day at home.

    Here's a photo of me and the twins.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri you looks fantasticfantastic and what a great smile
    The boys what a hansome pair.. I'm are getting so is that new love Marie

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi Jeri. You look beautiful!!!! Great kiddos as well. Thanks for posting the pictures.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    You are a woman to envy Jeri. Beautiful family.
    We've just had a quick snuffle around the garden before our brekky. I'm not sure who's being watched and trained because I've just had to rush in....... No treat for me though, just porridge! I'm not supposed to leave the tiny Jilly in the garden alone. This from Michael the clucking, protective "dad"? He's frightened a hawk will swoop down and carry her off for a tasty snack, or worse a coyote will amble by with similar intent. I am doing as I'm told, the tables are reversed in our golden years. Today, hopefully, I'm taking her to yet another Mike (popular name!) at "the debonair dog" to get madams nails or claws cut and fork out $10. By the way, does one tip at a pet groomers like we do at the hairdressers?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) I have my sheets in the washer and will have them back on the bed before my cleaning girl gets here. I have no other laundry today so easy peasy. It looks like a dreary day so I think I will run some errands today, need to bring some things to the party on Saturday. I think I will also make my meatball appetizer which is also easy and can be made in crock pot!
    I had a wonderful time with my cousin. We went to Mass and then to Bass Lake where both of our parents had a trailer on the lake. That was over 50 years ago so needless to say things have changed a lot. We think the original trailers are there but fixed up to be more modern.
    Then we went to another house on the lake that was owned by my godmother and uncle. They are both deceased and left the house to their nephews, my cousins. I knocked on the door and reminded my cousin who I was, but I think he recognized the name but not the face. He did let me take a picture with him, even though he thought I was crazy. lol We then went to dinner and back to her house. She has a beautiful house set on 29 acres which she maintains mostly by herself. She is a true farm girl and I am a true city girl!!! Sunday before leaving we went to her SIL's house, another beautiful place set on over a 100 acres. She also had cows which made me happy because I don't see too many cows in Schaumburg! lol Traffic was a bear coming home but it was worth the drive!!

    Anne, we do tip our groomer.

    Jeri, beautiful twins, beautiful grandmother!

    Have a wonderful day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    SANDY, thanks for the tip on tipping. Will do!
    Unfortunately I can't get the video because I think you have to be on Facebook, and I'm not. I'll keep trying though. Sounds as if you had a wonderful time with your cousins, so pleased for you! Made me think of my cousins, more like sisters than cousins, and so much fun to be with, what with all the banter going on etc. All sadly gone. Today the younger generation keep me on my toes with all the banter. So all is not lost!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hilarious Sandy!!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, I tip at groomers but I don't at the vet. I don't know why. Just never thought about it until you asked.
    Sandy, that puppy video, <3<3<3 !!! I loved both of the dogs. Anne I wish I could post it here but I don't know how.
    Hi Jeri, beautiful boys!
    Hi Marie, have a wonderful day, love you.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Got it SANDY! Thank you so much, she is exactly like the puppy in the video. A proper little munchkin.
    Anne, the exhausted. I need a big dog as well to give me a break!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jeri - Lovely family and grandchildren, I just have the one but that's okay I can really spoil him. We will see him in a week again and I can't wait.

    Sandy - Welcome home, I followed your trip on facebook and you were busy but you had a smile on your face and looked liked you were having fun. That video of the dogs was hilarious and so cute!!

    Anne - We finally got some rain here in my neck of the woods. Yay! Still could use more to fill up
    the cracks in the lawn. I always tipped the groomers when I had dogs and I always tip my hairdresser and when I get a pedi too.

    Lin - You did great on that puzzle and you were fast at it. Your towels are pretty too I have never seen
    any like that. It must brighten up your bathroom.

    Buzz - Sorry to hear your legs are swollen again, I hope they come down for you so you can walk better. <3

    Phoebe - I saw you video on the flooding on FB, were you in that area?

    Patsy - How is little Katie doing? I see you are still sticking close to home.

    Marie - How are you feeling today? I see you have not been without pain with your heel. I hope you feel better soon.

    Today was my dermotologist apt. and I had two areas froze today. One on my ear and one at the end of my eyebrow. That one I had to pay for because it was considered cosmetic. Now I don't go back for 9 months.

    I am doing laundry today and Dave and I did get a bike ride in on our path. It was very humid and hardly any wind.

    Tomorrow is my eye doctor apt. Exciting times. :*


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Got to watch, my sodiu,m better. How do you do that..?my visiting nurse.was just here. i am not healing as good as i should be.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi Marie, I am sorry you are not healing quickly. Hugs. Wishing for better days.

    Sandy, thanks for all the cute dog videos. Loved them. I can imagine the tiny dog playing with the large dog as Anne's Jilly.

    Shirley, I hope your appointment with the eye doctor goes well. And good for you getting in a bike ride.

    Sandy, did you run a lot of errands today?

    Buzz, thinking of you today and hope you are doing well. I am sorry your feelings were hurt. People can be so insensitive.

    I went for a drive today and finally found the wedding venue for Saturday's wedding. I was asked yesterday to help out so will be going early and wanted some idea of where I was headed. There is road construction of course but I think I will be okay now.

    Did some online bill pay and found out we will be required to change passwords every three mo this from now on. They will track the timing and apparently they will just spring a required change on you. Guess I will always need to have paper and pencil at hand.

    I still have the puzzle assembled and would you believe it finally struck me that I had purchased a mug with the same design for my dad's 90th birthday? I attached Mylar balloons to it.


    I am looking at a other puzzle. I received it as a gift back in the mid-1980s and have never tried to assemble it. Maybe now's the time.

    Errands tomorrow and the second Mah Jongg class.

    Hugs my friends.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Cute Lin!
    Marie, half the battle to reduce sodium is in canned, frozen, and processed foods. Even chicken bought raw has sodium. Some drinks contain sodium. Good luck. Jim won't do most of the things drs.tell him to do. He uses lots of salt. Wish I could use less. I try to drink my water to help flush out excesses.
    Hope your heel will get well, it must hurt.
    Home, need to go to bed. Have a lot to do tomorrow.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Oh MARIE, so sorry that you have pain in your heel.
    After weeks of dryness it sure is making up for it today. The road outside is a running river and the water is coming down as if a giant is pouring a giant bucket of water on us. One extreme to the other. I'm ever so pleased my house is on slightly higher ground than the road anyway. The water is rushing downhill to Lake Ontario.
    We are having a week of getting things fixed. Yesterday we couldn't find the Debonair Dog so we ended up at the vets for Jilly's much needed nail clip. With tax they charged $23:50. I didn't tip the vet PHOEBE. I wonder if it's the same price for Great Danes? Jilly's nails are little slivers. Am considering looking for clippers at the pet store.
    Then on Friday I have to get the eyes tested and expect to be told off by the optician who is good at his job but a somewhat dour man, for not going for 3 years. Pleading being a pensioner with a gold plated pup (or so it seems!) will not wash with the optician. Eyes will be more important to him than pups. I should take Jilly who charms almost (see further on) everyone, maybe she'll charm him, but I doubt it.
    I've seen that mug LIN in the stores, it IS cute. It features JACKIES new kitten, Brady.
    Jilly was insulted yesterday. A woman we've met before who calls her husband "pointy head" (is that REALLY his name?) asked if I had a rabbit on a leash! Me and Jilly feel sorry for pointy head and the poor dog on the end of her leash!
    Well, seeing we can't possibly go out just now in the downpour I shall vacuum up the shedding puppy fluff (she's growing up!) milk bone crumbs, chewed carrot remains, and all the debris from being a joyful rabbit, whoops, puppy owner.
    Cheers girls, don't forget your wellies and umbrellas if you are getting the same downpour,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Caught up with all your posts but talk of rain reminds me we are threatened here tonight so a section of lawn that's been waiting since the weekend for the mower is now going to be cut before I then head off to the allotment for a couple of hours.

    Should catch up later today if the Olympics don't interfere!!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, my vet charges 14.50 for nails. 30.00 for complete grooming. Also, PetSmart does grooming. ., They often have coupons. There are mobile pet groomers, they come to you. Some of them charge more.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Definitely don't want to spend $300 a year on nail clipping PHOEBE! Jill's nails grow fast! I am told that the very convenient vet I use, and they ARE good, are also the most expensive vets in our town. Convenience really, me not having a car it's in walking distance. I have no idea what they would charge if, and when Jilly's spayed! I've never heard of mobile pet groomers here. Must look into that.
    Thanks for the info.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2016
    Happy Tuesday! :) Sun is shining so might be a pool day. Have to take advantage when I can since the season is almost over. There was talk of trying to keep the pool open after labor day so we will see. I have my hairdresser coming to my house after work to give me a haircut. It is so nice that she is able to come here. She has a day job besides her weekend salon job and passes my house to go home so it is not really out of her way.

    Anne, we used to take Daisy to the groomer every week but now Daisy's groomer has started her own mobile pet grooming so she goes to Daisy's house and Daisy runs out to her truck to be groomed. I believe Babe pays $60 a week so it isn't cheap but Daisy always looks beautiful.
    I also think the vet does her toenails because I was always afraid to cut the quick. Daisy also has a problem with anal glands and they have to be cleaned once a month. So with all that and her prescription dog food, she is one expensive dog, but well worth it!!!!

    Phoebe, your vet is reasonable especially with the grooming but don't forget Daisy is 95 pounds so she might be more. lol The mobile groomers seem to be getting bigger and it is convenient.

    Jackie, hope you get all your outside work done before the rain. I just can't seem to get into the Olympics this year, only the gymnastics and swimming with Michael Phelps.

    Lin, love your coffee mug, how funny it matches your puzzle. Good luck with the 1980's puzzle, I wonder if it is harder than today's.

    Marie, sorry your sore is taking so long to heal, a common thing with diabetics. I don't add salt to any of my food except for cooking purposes but Phoebe is right about the processed foods. I do hope it heals soon so you can get back to your old self.

    Shirley, there is that reminder that I want my bike again, will have to remind Babe. I am going to go to my dermatologist at the end of the season. The last time I went he told me that the spot on my cheek was just a freckle but I would like it removed if possible.

    Patsy, I do hope you are not in any danger with those fires in California. Can you check in with us to let us know every thing is okay?

    Have a great day everyone!!
    One Day at a Time

    Opps!! I see we missed Phyllis's birthday on August 12. Happy belated Birthday, hope it was wonderful!!