Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Yippee <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    kathy and Ricky got married again last weemade me so Happy.

    Se are having a
    cowboy party duing the gane Sunday
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I was getting ready to give my beloved old-fashioned motorized wheel chair to the neighbor across the hall, who has a bad case of Parkinson's when I realized there's something about Mike's chair that makes my upper legs painful, so I think I'll check the cushion and order a lower size.
    Meggie has gone to visit with her Dad, who is considering a stint in Germany for the next 3 years until retirement! I'm holding my breath! Calls are still taking much of my time, but slowly dwindling. And I'm hoping I will get a bit of sleep tonight.
    I must also get through my mail of welcome and beautiful cards. I truly dread putting on the TV and may simply wait until after Tuesday!
    I learned about Microsoft dropping the latest version of Windows 10 into every PC and that explains why mine can no longer use an "outmoded" mail system! Good luck all! And good night!
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member

    Thank you so much for sharing about Mike. I loved the picture and especially enjoyed your telling us about every thing that has happened. All of this has made me appreciate all of you as part of my extended family.

    Hugs to all,

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    I realized that I haven't posted any pictures of our trip to Banff. We had such a good time. It was a relaxing enjoyable week away. We saw lots of gorgeous scenery and relaxed. We went out for supper a couple of nights but mostly ate at the time share. I was organized enough to get a semi idea of what we wanted to eat and to bring things with us.

    Here is a picture I took one day.


    Have a great day,

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Here are two more



    Hope you enjoy

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Beautiful Jeri. Your pictures make me want to get out the easel and brushes.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Jacean2016 wrote: »
    Beautiful Jeri. Your pictures make me want to get out the easel and brushes.

    I wish I could paint, the photos are lively but I found the last photo to be just astounding.

    The trip sounds lovely Jeri. <3


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Overnight two police officers were ambushed and killed in separate incidents in our metro area. Shocking news. No suspects in custody.

    One shooting is near a high school and the senior center I attend. Schools are closed, streets are shutdown, and there is a lot of turmoil. I am certain there will be no activities at the center and now I wonder if the library will be open? The second shooting was near where I was playing Mah Jongg yesterday. Such a sad world.

    I still have a couple of things I plan to do today. One is an annual appreciation sale at a lovely shop that honestly I only visit a couple of times a year. The other is discount day at the grocery store with a swing by the pharmacy to pick up my Rx refill.

    Stay safe. Hugs.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited November 2016
    You CAN paint LIN. Just draw the outlines of the mountains and lake, and then fill in with the crayons you use for your colouring pictures. You will probably get a "Group of Seven" effect or maybe a native Indian effect. Think totem poles etc. It's easier than you think.

    I read the news about the police officers on the BBC news and immediately thought of you LIN. Please stay safe, although police men appear to be the targets these days. So sad. The world, (ie Jeri's photos) is so beautiful, and yet spoilt by such cruel people.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our morning walk began in thick fog and a chill wind but within 15 minutes the sun had burned off most on the top moors and we ended up having a beautiful stroll. The valleys around the moor were covered in mist which made it look as if we were surrounded by small lakes. On the way home I stopped off at the local farm supplies shop for chicken pellets, detoured to my solicitor's office to drop off a letter telling him I'm not happy with his service and then to the car wash before this afternoon's MOT. While that's being done I'll walk George round to my friend and her Scruff for a coffee and to see the results of her hard work in the garden. Yoga last night was exhausting, especially after 5 minutes on my back with legs straight up into the air doing a variety of moves, including cycling!! Before I went to bed I took some pain killers but have to say today everything feels fine so I do think this is a good way forward for my weak limbs.

    Jeri ~ Beautiful scenery... you must wonder where to point your camera next, so spoiled for choice!

    Buzz ~ Whatever happens now with the US elections it's beyond your control so best not put yourself anywhere near a tv news station and have to listen to the sniping and hate.... what will be will be! When it came to our EU referendum I did everything possible to avoid listening to politicians and their lies! Microsoft has done its best to get me on to Windows 10 by not offering any more updates on Windows 8 but I'm still holding out, on principle more than anything! Do make sure you get as much rest as you can. <3

    Lin ~ No chance today to catch up with news so I'm very sorry to learn from you of more attacks on your police officers. Do be safe wherever you go and maybe don't go too far until you know what it's supposed to be all about. How annoying to find one piece missing from a jigsaw.... I'd be cross!

    Anne ~ Good morning! Are you sunny and warm today or back in the grip of Winter? I've felt a change in our temperature in the last hour and we've been warned Arctic blasts are on the way! :o

    Time for some veggie soup, then off to the garage, fingers crossed nothing to be done with the car.

    Enjoy your day everyone; sorry I missed so many of you.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Lin - Sorry about the tooth. Nice idea, though, to be picky about who you trust to do the extraction. Hope the tooth doesn’t bother you too much while you’re waiting for your appointment. It’s sad that we live in a time when shooting police officers can be glorified by some people. We should honor those who risk their lives daily to keep us safe. Please take care of yourself and stay out of harms way!

    Buzz - Thinking of you and happy to hear that so many other people are too. It’s so nice that you will be able to help someone else with Mike chair. Good luck with the new “Windows”.

    Marie - Hope your new doctor works out well for you. I think it’s sometimes a good thing to get a fresh perspective on things. Please let us know how your Monday appointment goes with him.

    Lin - Seriously cute puzzle!

    Jeri - Love, love, love your pictures. Absolutely wishing I was there!

    Anne - Sometimes I’m a bit envious of my sons artistic abilities. The eldest son, James, (24 year old) has been trading math tutoring for drawing lessons with a friend. His friend is a wonderful artist but apparently isn’t so good with basic college math. James, who is absolutely gifted with a head for math, had been wanting to learn more about better artistic techniques but had no money for classes. It works!

    Jackie - Sounds like a beautiful, busy morning with time for friends. No better way to start a day!

    Yesterday, we met with an estate planner. Wow, who knew there were so many things to think about! Anyway, this week the hubby is back at work and we still have painting to do on the deck. We hired someone yesterday to clean gutters, pressure wash the entire house, paint soffits and gutters and the back part of the house (the front and sides are stucco). He is scheduled to start the work on Monday. Today is a home office day. Fun times.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Up early as I had an awful attack of something or other on my left ankle, foot and toes and was unable to sleep. I found some Hot/Cold green stuff I rubbed all over toes right up to the ankle, took 2 Aleve and started to fold Mike's shirts, sweaters and PJ's I had washed, and I will slowly start getting through all his stuff. People want to know if I'm giving away his sweaters....ut, of course! Did I previously mention most of the men wore wild sweaters to the Celebration of his Life? And what a celebration! It's on the tip of everyone's tongue here!
    LIN, I know it's makes no sense to tell you to be careful, because you will be, and I agree with you that this place has become ugly, with divisive groups, and hate-mongers appearing to appeal to so many unhappy people! Where did the dream disappear? Was it really different years ago, or is it the instant news 24/7? I really don't want to see or hear it now, but be aware of where you are and keep alert!
    JERI, you are a true artist! Your composition, proportion and keen observation are just magnificent! Were you ever a professional photographer?
    JACKIE, and LIN, too; you must know I can never get enough of Jacquie Lawson, and thank you for filling my hunger! Just lovely, especially at 2 A.M.!!!
    I agree with the assessment of the new download from Microsoft! I already had Windows 10, and had almost set it up exactly for my needs and now I must learn it all over email just sits for days (some for months!) in that OUTBOX instead of being sent! GRRrrrrrrr!
    I'll finally get breakfast before noon, and must start my packing. I just hope someone will enjoy the clothes, some of which still have original tags on them! His belts have about 6 or seven hole marks where he kept taking them smaller and smaller as his weight reduced. Ah well, time to move on. MARIE, SHIRLEY , ANNE< and everyone who was here today, have a lovely day, and just enjoy life!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2016
    Buzz so glad we are all sticking together. I love my familly here. you are all the best. I may not be as active as I once wss But I am so thankful I am still here and have my . i will coontinue to have my good days and bad days.My nurse came by this morning After i ad a real bad low blood ssugar real early this mornin and my home nurse caught me in bed sound asleep.

    But had breakfast of oatmeal.and my coffee feeling great now.I gave phoebe my cell number so she can call me if necessary.
    I almost lost my old big jeans at walmart the other day. Fell below my underwear... I just grab them and pull em back up .. i think i need to shop in my closet or order me some new jeans But
    i love em old comfort and raged pants But think its time for retirement
    i am thru rambling on for awhile
    Love all my friends
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    CUBS WIN! Happy Tuesday! :) Got to Robby's at 10:30 and he is napping since 12:40. Not sure what time his mom is coming home, but he is easy to be with. I am not going to bingo tonight, I just can't miss the last game of the World Series! Go Cubs! I Believe!

    Marie, you were so calm in telling your story about your pants in Walmart. I have to admit it brought a smile to my face? I think I would have died from embarrassment, but you were cool! I think it is time for some new pants! That is a good thing!

    Buzz, I am sure it is hard packing all of Mike's things, if necessary crying is good for the soul! Mike certainly will be missed and although you seem ready to handle it, don't worry if you can't for a while.

    Lin, I couldn't find the missing piece from the puzzle but as usual I am so impressed with the speed you put these puzzles together. Mine is still on my dining table, getting done a little at a time. If I weren't such a TV addict, I could probably do more.

    I am on my IPad so one finger typing. Please forgive me for not responding to all!

    Have a great day, it is very wet here!

    Sandy One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Congratulations CUBS!!!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    I did my part last night. I only watched a couple of minutes of the baseball game at a time. If I watched longer, bad things happened. :D

    I did read "Curious Minds" by Janet Evanovich and Phoef Sutton. And I colored and colored. It was a very trying day so I used up a couple of glitter gel pens.

    I do plan to go to the library today. And back home for the Thursday webinar.

    Marie, I likely would not have been so calm.

    Buzz, I am sure you are taking things at your own pace. I will admit to keeping one of my dad's multitude of sweaters. It will go someday. I remember that my grandmother wore one of my grandfather's sweaters often. She wore it until it fell apart. Frugal? I think it was more that it was his but she never said why.

    Phoebe, are you still using the Quell? I am still thinking of trying it. Just thinking.

    Jackie, I hope you have the chicken door working properly now.

    Marcella, much accomplished during your hubby's days off. Financial issues are very complicated even for a single person. Married with children must be overwhelming.

    Anne, how's our dear bean? Adapting to the sweater?

    Shirley, I hope you are well. I was thinking of you and your DH and all the time you spend on preparing your boat for the sailing season and for winter. A friend just went through winterizing their little pull behind the car camping trailer, finding a facility where they could store it, driving it out there (no place close so it was a drive!), got it situated in the facility, last touches and drove home. Probably simple compared to what you do for your boat.

    Well, time to zip along. I don't think I have the ability to paint anything it here was my anxiety relief from last night.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    CUBS WIN! Happy Thursday! :) It was a long nail biting game but the Cubs finally won the World Series after 108 years!! It was so exciting to watch and see that part of history!! Now I can get back to my recorded shows that I have been missing. lol

    Lin, I wish you would come over and finish my puzzle, you are so good at doing them. I see you have something under your puzzle, I should have done that so I could use my table when needed. lol Thank you for your support with the Cubs! I had my own superstition about watching them alone in my own home. My son in Portland watched the beginning and they were winning but he had to go practice for a tennis match and the Indians caught up, when he returned the Cubs started winning again so I am so glad he and I helped bring in the win. lol

    Marie, we are just as happy as you are that you are part of this family. I love that we are all connected even though we haven't met in person. (I did meet Buzz) When one of us is ill or just down we can always count on each other for support. Truly a family!!

    Buzz, have you considered using Outlook, Comcast or Gmail for your email? It might be easier to work with than Microsoft.

    Marcella, I have no hidden talents except for being technical on the computer. If I had one wish, it would to be able to sing. I am so awful I hardly sing in Church and if I do it is very quiet. lol

    Jackie, busy as always, but glad you are having some good weather. Yoga sounds like something I could use to stretch my back, it has been bothering me. I am going to look into some things at our recreation center from my village. As far as voting, I still can't imagine voting for either one of them, but I do not want my vote wasted so I have to make up my mind by Tuesday.

    Anne, love your new profile picture of Jilly, but still prefer the one with the both of you. <3

    Meeting today so not a lot of time as usual. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Good morning, especially to happy SANDY. I am no longer clueless because the Cubs win was announced on our radio. Now....could you rub some of that luck on The Hull City Tigers (professional English soccer team). They sure could do with it according to my late cousins hubby. Roy literally sobs down the phone every Sunday morning, that's a lot of sobbing on his overseas phone bill! Here's me wanting to know what's going on in the old country, and I get a good half hour of how the "boys" shot the ball into their own goal net etc. "we wuz robbed" sort of thing. It's HIS phone call so I listen patiently.
    Hi LIN. We've had balmy temperatures for the last three days so the Bean hasn't needed her new sweater, nor me, my bright red parka. It's the usual thing, knit like crazy all afternoon so she will be a cosy Jilly, and summer comes back. I'm not complaining. We gardened and she chased all the bugs and flies who woke up from their winter slumbers. Maybe those 2 days of freezing weather WAS winter. Meanwhile the grass is a growing and the flowers are a blooming!