Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Buzz, you are you wise my friend. More hugs....


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    BUZZ, thinking of you today and the wonderful message you sent us, despite your grief. Thank you,
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Buzz, you've said it many times, you and Mike made the best choice for the both of you when moving to your home there. You'll have so much companionship. You inspire me.
    Anne, here's to your new career as a critter knitter! Your supermodel is your precious Miss Jilly Bean. , There could be a profitable hobby for you two! I can't imagine Jilly's sweater on a Great Dane! :D Maybe have size limits.
    Shirley, are you still enjoying your meditation? I've been meaning to ask.
    This is how forgetful I've become. We were rained out of last year's air show, but we were given tickets to this year's event.
    I thought I had them in the envelope with the map and other information. They weren't. I don't know what I did with them. I searched for a bit, but finally purchased two more tickets before they sold out. :/
    I think it's time I faced this issue. I've been trying to downsize, paperwork and general 'stuff'. It seems like I'm pulling from the bottom of a pile that just gets bigger.
    I changed my plans to visit my aunt until Sunday. I'll work on that pile a bit today.
    Hi to everyone, be safe.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    GO CUBS!! Happy Friday! It was great to hear from Buzz and know that she is doing as best as can be expected. If any of you would like her address please private message me and I will share it with you. For privacy reasons I do not want to post it here. Phoebe luckily had it and shared it with me.

    I will be back later, I am still at Babe's and the coffee pot broke. I am making coffee in a pot and straining it through a paper towel. The morning hasn't started out well.

    Enjoy today, make each day count!

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2016
    May I share with you my granddaughter's Facebook post?
    "Poppa, thank you for being with me last night as mom heard the news. It's easier to get through times like this knowing you're still close by. You always knew how to make me laugh and put a smile on my face with your loud sneezes, sarcasm, or the inappropriate timing of a joke. Your strong, meaningful hugs and inhaling as deeply as I could, each time, to soak up every scent of your cologne. And the way you matched Babbo's "God bless you" to a haunting extent. It makes me understand how vast and deep this universe really is and I will spend forever and beyond missing you. Thank you for being the sweetest man I've known over the time we had together. It's never enough. I love you so much poppa mike. RIP
    I just cherish it!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz so sorry I knew it was coming but was not ready for it with for your sake.I know how much you love him I really can't put it into words for my thoughts I care deeply for you and Mike. .Love you with all my heart
    <3<3<3 Marie
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Buzz - Your granddaughter's post is such a special tribute. So sweet.

    Phoebe - ( from you post: "I think it's time I faced this issue. I've been trying to downsize, paperwork and general 'stuff'. It seems like I'm pulling from the bottom of a pile that just gets bigger.") We have been downsizing/organizing for some time now. It was difficult at first. But now, it has gotten easier and easier to get rid of stuff. This has made it easier to organize what's left. I'm almost to a point where I don't feel that I'm completely drowning in everything that's been collected through the years. I can typically even find what I'm looking for now. The only down-side is that when I can't find something, I discover more quickly that it's truly lost!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Thank you, Marcella. I'm not alone!!

    Buzz, your granddaughter said it so well. What sweet memories she has.

    Sandy, I actually pm'd Buzz for her address, lol, bless her. Now to put it in a place where I Can find it!

    Got a phone call from a local number, $29.00 for a duct cleaning and several other tasks performed. Kept the girl on the phone while I looked them up. Very bad review. Crooks, scam, etc. Told the girl about it and I said no thank you. Wasn't a true local business, they are in Atlanta.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My earliest memory of mike is Buzz telling us he still takes up Tennis and was a very dashing young man. RIP Mike <3 marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2016

    Buzz, I was a little shocked to hear about Mike. My heart goes out to you and your family <3
    By what you posted lately I thought his days were getting shorter. May all go well on Sunday.

  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    edited October 2016
    Buzz....Such an unexpected surprise to hear of Mikes recent passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you during the coming days and may those past memories comfort you during this difficult week. So until you meet again I will be thinking of you.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Dear Buzz,

    We are away in Banff on vacation and I haven't been checking in. I did just see a post on Facebook by Phoebe and I was so shocked. My deepest love and sympathy to you. So unexpected and shocking. I always have had the great respect and admiration for you. These next days will be hard but I know you are a woman of extraordinary strength. I know Mike is in a better place and it has been hard on both of you but you'll miss him so much.

    Big hugs my dear.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Good morning!! We are off to the airshow today. Sunny and very warm. So much for the 'no more 80's forecast'. Almost 90 this Monday!
    Sandy, sorry the Cubs lost last night. It really was a nail biter.
    Hope you all enjoy your Saturday. Be safe.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Complete mayhem and disorganization here today.
    1. Got up late.
    2 got engrossed in emails with bed unmade, dishes unwashed etc etc.
    3. Janice with dog Amy appeared on doorstep with old British knitting patterns, said she'd started a cold and wouldn't come in, thank the lord for small mercies, re mess!
    4. Jilly still daren't come DOWN the stairs so stood on the top step, yapped and wriggled with excitement and wet her pants.
    I am now having a coffee after taking her out, although it seemed pointless since she'd already wet her pants!
    I find if I'm not up at 6am, complete disorganization for rest of the day.
    Hope yours is better,
    Anne, the disorganized!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    Happy Saturday! Cubs Lost but it's not over until well you know!!
    So Babe has something wrong with his Central Nervous System. It is not life threatening but they need to do a closed MRI on a certain part of his brain. Since Mayo couldn't do it until next Friday the doctor referred him to someone here who is his colleague. Babe is claustrophobic so they will put him under for the MRI. The doctor said every time he moves too fast he gets dizzy so to take it easy. Hopefully, they can correct it and he can get back to normal or as normal as his family can be. He is coming home later this afternoon and I can get back to my cozy house and hopefully watch the Cubs win!!

    It is a beautiful day here so maybe I will take Daisy for a walk and shed some of the food Jen and I ate while watching the Cubs.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Hello Buzz--


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Jeri - My husband has a beer mug he bought while on a ski vacation in Banff years ago. Have fun.

    Phoebe - Enjoy the air show!

    Anne - I kind of need my morning routine as well. Mine starts later in the day than yours, but it still sets the tone for the day. Happy organizing this afternoon.

    Sandy - Enjoy the Cubs! Hopefully the doctors will get things worked out with Babe soon.

    Marie - Hope your blood sugar is getting back under control. Are you doing better?

    This has been a nice, slow week here in Georgia. Jim had the week off. He’s been outside repairing our back deck and getting it ready to re-paint/stain. He only has the painting left to do. On the inside, I have everything organized and up-to-date with our personal finances so that we can meet with our estate planner on Tuesday. Jim is thinking about retiring in the next couple of years so it was time to get everything in order and make certain we’re on our best track for the occasion. Today the hubby will be painting the deck and I will be busy in the kitchen organizing/baking for the week and also doing laundry. I feel like this may finally be the Sunday that begins the week in an orderly fashion. (I can hope.) B)
    Wishing everyone a blessed weekend!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    Marie, here is the poem you asked me to post:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    i have been trying to send you a message but can't remember how or at least i have not found it. everything is fine Alice has gone to the store for me.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers. I really feel like the odd ball. I am up rattling around until 1:00 in the morning most of the time. I get up at 8:00 am only because Katie tells me to get up or else. You all know how important that is.

    I have been disorganized all of my life. I am not sure how to act when I come face to face with organization. Today Katie gets a brush-brush and I am scheduling a bit of time working on a creative project. Most important for me!

    Have a great day,