Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Well, after a bad start it all turned out pretty good! House cleaned and polished for Sunday, Jilly yapping at blow up ghosts on our walks, me writing 2 birthday cards, and one long email to cousin in Australia, Jillys home cooked dog food cooked for the next 3 days, and yellowing foliage cut back in the garden until the knees became too creaky. Now the Bean and I can sit back with no guilty conscience and watch our favourite tv programs tonight, well she usually snoozes unless a dog appears on the screen, and alls well in our neat little world.
    Have a lovely relaxing evening girls,
    Anne the organized! (For now anyway).
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So much news today, hard for this old lady to take it all in and remember it.Especially the remembering it. Just know i am thinking of all of you.In the morning I take my last anticodic pill Thank gooddness Maybe things will get back to normal. around here

    Sandy is there any way to copy that poem I can't seems to copy it?
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Buzz, so very sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how you are coping but know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hello Chris i am watching the cubs. To see what the girls are taking about. Altho i am a football fan not a baseball fan Just crazy about my cowboys
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    Sandy is there any way to copy that poem I can't seems to copy it?

    Marie, if you right click on it, there is a place where it says save image it to your pictures and it should be able to be viewed or printed once you save it. Otherwise send me your address in a private message and I will send it to you.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Dearest Buzz ~ You are an amazing lady and I know, surrounded by family and friends that love you so much, you'll stay strong as you bid Mike au revoir, 'til you meet again.
    I'll be with you in spirit. <3
    Love you ~ Jackie
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    The same BUZZ, god bless you, Anne.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    I started writing a post and it diappeared. I will try later
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Cubs lost, my dream is dwindling. There is still time if they win tonight so here's hoping. I am staying in today and doing nothing but vegging. I have another busy week, going to see Robby in his costume tomorrow morning with Bryanna, then lunch with my buddy Joe, Tuesday is a Holy Day so Mass at noon, Tuesday night a GR Meeting, Wednesday watching Robby for another doctor's appointment for Lisa, Wednesday night bingo, Thursday my meeting and possibly back to Robby's unless Lisa takes him with for another appointment and Thursday night exhausted. And people ask me what to you do to keep busy since you don't work. lol
    Gayla sent me an email and wants me to be sure to tell you she said hello. She is busy with three grandchildren and arthritis issues but I did give her the link in case she wants to drop in to say hello.

    Chris, sorry about your post.
    Marie, the poem will be in the mail tomorrow. You picked a bad day to watch the Cubs.
    Anne, are you trying to say Jilly doesn't like Halloween?
    Patsy, you are not odd at all, I am a late night person also but I sleep later than you do, sometimes to 9 or later.
    Marcella Glad you got organized and can enjoy your Sunday.
    Lin What a beautiful graphic.

    Nothing like being home, I love my place.

    One Day at a Time

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just arrived at Kathy's and she has the house decorated so cute for Halloween. Isaac is having his nap
    now so waiting for him to get up. Dave and Tom went up to the cottage and my nephew Glenn and his son are coming too.

    Buzz- It will be a hard day for you so thinking about you. <3

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I think the airshow was more tiring than I expected. I didn't feel well this morning, so I went back to bed, and slept thru the day. Headache is gone now. It was very warm. I stayed hydrated, there was plenty to drink, tea, water, sodas, beer and wine. Water tasted best. Jim was pretty tired, ready to go as soon as the airshow main attraction finished. That was the Thunderbirds.
    Hugs to Buzz, everyone have a good night.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, here it is, "The Party's Over" and the Celebration was (dare I say it?) a huge success. The first thing upon entering the auditorium was a table filled with the most gorgeous bouguets I've ever seen. And no address on the ticket of the largest but since it came from Mike's son's partners, I can get it fairly easily. The guests were literally a mob spilling out the doors! I don't think anyone stayed home! The Chaplain set the tone when he opened with memories of how he first met Mike and me, and how the two men hit it off immediately while his wife and I rolled our eyes in pretended pain from their jokes! His service had us laughing and crying at the same time. Mike's son started his speech by apologizing that since Reverend Joel had stolen all his material, he had little left to say! But actually, he gave us a very uplifting short glimpse of his Dad's finest hours when faced with life's difficulties. And the musician daughter spoke beautifully and played on her iPod Richard Tucker's rendition of Exodus. It was exquisite!Darling Meggie read Deanie's Facebook paragraph, and I asked to tell about two traits I adored about my husband: 1. He never had a bit of envy for anyone or anything! He shared everyone's joys, sorrows and successes equally, and I found that an invaluable asset! 2. He was competitive only in sports! Pretty darn rare in today's society! I discovered in his drawer a Rolex watch I had no recollection of him ever wearing. Perhaps it was a gift, but it never occurred to him to impress by wearing the thing! And I was able to use his table-hopping dinner joke, so familiar to everyone who adored him here, by asking "Don't you have anything better to do today?" We will all miss that quip of his. As the microphone was passed around, it was so gratifying to hear how missed he already is by so many people. Oh...and someone had made a phone call today asking all the men to please wear their most outrageous sweaters in honor of the "sweater man" we will miss so much. I hope our video my DGD took on my iPad will show that! So we will have wonderful memories of a great guy instead of the haunted eyes of the past few weeks, and I hope he viewed and loved it from wherever he may be! R.I.P., Mikey; you've more than earned it!
    <3<3<3<3<3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2016
    You've brought a tear to my eye Buzz and I oh so wish I'd had an opportunity to meet the man. It's obvious yesterday was a perfect celebration of Mike's life so all that's left for me to comment right now is GORGEOUS when looking at that photo!
    Hugs and love
    <3 Jackie
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Oh BUZZ, you've brought tears to my eyes as well. What a beautiful looking man. What a wonderful celebration for a much loved gentleman.
    I too wish I'd had the privilege to meet Mike.
    Hugs from Anne.❤️
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Buzz, Thank you for sharing about Mike's "Celebration". That picture is amazing! Not only does it show how handsome he was, but the picture itself, seems to have captured that strength of character you spoke of.
    Sending hugs and blessings,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Buzz, I have no words. <3:'(<3

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz Thank you sweetheart thank you for sharing Mike with us. <3 marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    just wanted to let my dear friends I have been busy tis morning Bath . getting dress getttiin my beautiful
    shoes on.for the second time. my feet looks skinny but my ankle big but that ran in my father family. still looks great to me.I plan on going to Walmart for much needed Shopping.. Alice went ffor me and did a swelled job of buying me some T v dinners marie's colindars which to me taste like Home cooked meals This is just to give me a start, Maybe next week i can return to cooking.I know too much sodium but this is just temperary. I am still holding 169.6 lbs.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lovely rendition of Mike's life, may all his memories give you comfort. He was one handsome man. <3
