Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Ok, officially pooped! We moved the entertainment center into its place, figured out where most of the pieces went, figured out how to turn the lights on, now to put the rest of the room back together. So pooped or not, there's more to do.
    I agree Sandy, I'll root for the Cubs for you. I've already forgotten who the other guys are.
    We wait until after the first of the year to clean up around the yards. The leaves blow back into our yard since we are surrounded by trees and leaves.
    Jackie Lin Shirley, have a great Monday, be careful all of you.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited October 2016
    After years of knitting school uniform sweaters, I'm now knitting, can you believe, a bright red sweater for the bean. It's getting chilly out there and so far everything in the stores is too big for her, so....I'm sat here knitting a sweater which she is barking at. I'm not sure what she thinks it is. I was hoping she would grow a bit more because the coat I bought is still too big, but will have to do in freezing rain or snowy weather! Almost up to the armholes according to the pattern which features a happy looking Yorkie wearing his.
    Anne, the little knitwit.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Unusually crazy day, starting with a call from Mike that his beloved breakfast of oatmeal and poached eggs had been served pureed due to his problems with aspirating! Breakfast is practically the only meal he enjoys and he was so upset. I spent much of the day with different administrators straightening out a myriad of problems, including the payment I made online for my ambulance and a letter I received from the Fire Department threatening my credit if I don't pay the bill as agreed! The bank shows the payment as pending and the County Fire Rescue phone says my local Rescue Department does not accept credit card payment! Holy crow! Well, it's been that kind of day. At least my computer seems to be better today. DInner time!
    <3 Buzz

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thisinternetis washeal i do eityerfor it not bebiev my nerves keep
    Loosing my post.mmy home nurse
    Said my wound was heal i do not for it still hurts therefor i do not belie

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sorry Marie. You have your hands full.
    Buzz, so do you! Keep fighting, goofy billing and I went thru similar. Sorry Mike's food is not being prepared his way. I understand. I like my oatmeal my way.
    Where did today go?? Please slow down the days before we go back to work.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gosh, I read something about Amazon being hacked and many customer's computers being taken over. Yesterday, I changed my password to Amazon, wondering if my computer was one of the victims! I seem to be able to access sites today, but have spent little time on line. As far as Comcast , no, nothing is accessible without a major move of my media center, the bottom of which is being held up by book stacks after the movers shoved it into place on the carpet 4 years ago; the bottom retaining structure fell out! I love the lines and design but it is built so poorly in comparison to my solid teak furniture from over 40 years ago. Today's furniture is veneered, and I cannot have it moved, so I'll have to put up with cable/modem/phone problems, I guess!
    Our staff is really trying to accommodate to Mike's palate by leaving his breakfast as is and pureeing his veggies and proteins at lunch and dinner. We tried the "mechanical" diet tonight (chopped food) and he could not chew it. Also cannot taste much! Poor dear, he looks so defeated today. So unlike him.
    PHOEBE, I know you have endured much of the same, and certainly LIN, also. Eventually, we all have to learn how to deal with life's aspects that are not simple. As I think about the past years, I recall the pain expressed in these posts by so many of our dear group, and the survivors remain to support the rest of us! Amazing bunch we are...
    MARIE, are you finding the internet difficult to read? Have you enlarged your ZOOM? Don't worry about posting; simply let us know you are OK, or whatever . Otherwise we worry about you two!
    Hugs to every one of you...
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I forgot to explain all the cables come together in the wall behind that media center! This may be a picture of it in the den of the house we sold before moving to Edgewater Pointe.

    <3 Buzz
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    My cat woke me up this morning meowing for attention. I finally got up and now that I'm awake, she has curled up and gone back to sleep. I'm thinking maybe I'll wait a little bit and then go get real close to her and start meowing loudly at her! >:)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Buzz- We had a similiar problem behind our unit where the TV sits. We had a mess of wires and cables and I always hated it but Dave couldn't do anything about it until we had a cable problem. The cable guy got rid a lot of wires and cables and made everything neat and tidy. He also got rid of excess wires on the outside of the house too. I guess you have to have a problem to get things done. Its so sad to hear about Mike and I bet his eating menu now is very frustrating for him. <3

    Marie - I agree with Buzz see if you can make your letters bigger so you can see better. Thinking of you today! <3

    Sandy- I see you are packing again, where are you going I guess I forgot. I hope Lisa finds her ultra sound safe and healthy for the baby. <3

    Phoebe - Hooray, your unit is set up and now you can enjoy it.

    Anne - We must see a picture of Jilly Bean in her new sweater. My MIL knits baby outfits for the hospital auxiliary. She has also made all the grandchildren, the girls, an afghan each. I missed out on that one. LOL

    Jackie- Make sure you are well protected from the bees, as well you know this already. Lets see the picture you got of an image of George, would like to see it.

    Lin - I can't believe how busy you are these days with all your activities. I got a magazine in the mail
    and it was filled with puzzles of all kinds, I was thinking of you.

    We are all caught up on the pruning and cleaning of the yard and must have 8 recycle bags full to put on the curb. I am decorated for Fall in our entrance way although I will be at Isaac's on Halloween.
    Dave will be bringing my bike inside and hook it up to the turbo trainer so I can ride during the winter.
    Have a good day everyone!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Good morning, on the run again. I went to Trader Joe's early to look through the lovely cards and did some restocking of my "thinking of you" cards. Got a few delicious smelling little cinnamon brooms. Now need to zip over to the post office and then on to play Mah Jongg.

    I also have a nest of wires but it is a bit better after the last trip to fix my Internet service. If it works, I will live with it.

    Hugs to all my friends.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited October 2016
    Not thrilled with my effort in dog sweater knitting. Awful wool, which wasn't cheap. It unravelled as I knitted. Must look for English wool if the mills haven't all closed down! Jilly not thrilled either, but here she is.

    Anne, no longer a knit wit, lol.
    PS the sweater is 11.5 inches long which will give an idea of her size. She was a big hit in the wool shop. There was a knitting circle in progress and some of the ladies thought she was a cat! What a Cheek!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Red is her color!! Beautiful girl! Thank you for the pictures. Yes, I saw both of them. I just click on or touch them. I was wondering about wool, I think I'll stay away from it. I don't have enough talent to spend big bucks on supplies. Lots to do today around home. We took the huge area rug outside draped over a patio table, and I've attempted to wash it. I soaked it with the water hose, sprayed it with scrubbing bubbles, let it sit and rinsed it. Then Jim helped to flip it and do it on the other side. I felt like my shampoo machine wasn't enough. We'll see how it turns out. It is a braided rug and I would like to save money by downsizing it myself instead of buying a new one. I'm thinking I could do one side at a time(rectangular). Trim the amount I want to remove. Put a small edge of tape on it, then using my supply of denim, hand sew a binding edge over that. There may be enough scraps for small rugs.
    Same problem with so much wiring! While we moved all those TV things, there were wires that we didn't use, all twisted in with the others. A telephone line was run the the back of the DVR, but I don't know if it is supposed to be plugged in! We get our on demand without it so I'll leave it off. Now we are having a few problems with the signal and don't know if we caused it. Still working right now. Sigh.
    Marcella, thats my daily wake up, only the cat(s) want breakfast!! I try to pretend I'm still asleep.
    Lin, hope you have good weather for your activities, I'm enjoying this fall weather, doors and windows open. We are in a drought again. Last year at this time we had lots of rain because our air show was rained out. It will be warm and dry this time.
    Shirley, have a wonderful visit with Isaac, I'm glad you will be there for Halloween.
    Sandy, are you at Babe's now? To Daisy's delight!! I'll check in on the Cubs tonight. Jim and I are for them.
    Patsy, hope your storms are passing without damage. Does Katie enjoy the rain? Honey doesn't, but she manages to go out to potty if she Must or Bust!
    Time for lunch, I can hear a squirrel complaining, probably talking to a cat!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I am back from Robby's and getting ready to get my suitcase ready for Babe's house. He leaves for Mayo Clinic around 6 tonight so I hope to get a nap in before I go.
    The ultra sound was good, baby is going to be tall but all looks good. Lisa posted a picture on Facebook, one of which I could see his face the other I had to ask what it was and was told it was a profile which I finally saw. I took Robby to the library reading class and it was very cute. All were two and the lady read two stories and sang songs and other fun activities. Robby seemed to like it a lot and participated in all.

    I will have my IPad at Babe's which isn't as easy as my desktop but will try to pop in everyday.
    I am hoping to walk Daisy as long as it doesn't get too cold. I am a baby. Not sure I will go to bingo tomorrow or my meeting on Thursday. I really want to stay home and watch the Cubs and Thursday Lisa has another doctor's appointment early in the morning so I need to get to bed early. Babe should be home Saturday if there are no complications or other tests.

    I am really tired so need to try to take a short nap. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I've spent quite a bit of time unraveling the dog sweater, so disregard above photos. Friend Janice is popping over with a much better design leaflet tonight, so I guess I'll be knitting again tomorrow. I think Jilly is happy I've pulled the stuff I knitted apart. She is a very bouncy happy little thing, but didn't look very happy in my effort!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my blood sugar has really gotten high with taking this antibiotic Just talk with the doctor offoce and told me to increase my insulin to 10 units. The home nurse is cutting my home isit to one per week my stressed sore is finally heal.Still very touthie I guess needs more
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Marie, good to hear from you but not happy to hear that you don't feel you are really healed yet. Boy they sure cut back on care in a hurry. So are you finished with that darn antibiotic soon ? I hope so. Hugs. Hugs. Hugs.

    Anne, I loved the sweater and red is definitely a great color. Best wishes on the new pattern for little Miss Bean.

    Sandy, I hope you got a nap. Best wishes to Babe in his tests, to Lisa, and of course to your Cubs. Hugs for Daisy!!

    Buzz, I hope you got some rest today. I thought of you as I was on the phone multiple times--on hold--as I tried to get a few things accomplished. Got a bit of progress but many things left. Always pushing the rock up the hill!! I loved the photos. Your furniture is lovely by the way.

    Phoebe, wow, you have some energy tackling that rug remodel! Good luck!!

    Shirley, so you are both feeling well now and ready for an Isaac visit? Smiles.

    Patsy, does your son have his boat ready for winter? And it makes me somewhat ashamed to get so excited with my little coloring adventures when we have an actual artist in our midst. Thanks for humoring me.

    Mah Jongg was interesting this morning as we had to relocate to the closest mall--there was no room for us this morning at the senior center with massive numbers of seniors wanting to talk to a SHIIP counselor about their RX plans. Yipes!!

    Then off to get gas and to the library to pick up some books. The Tuesday afternoon Mah Jongg group was there so I watched them play a game. They play faster but even with that a game still took over a half hour. Interesting.

    Home to lunch, more tossing out garden stuff. My trash can is small and it will take a few weeks to get everything put out.

    Updated the software on this iPad and now I am off to REI for an evening class.

    Tomorrow early it will be Tai Chi/Qigong followed by coloring and a trip to HyVee for 10% off health market day.

    Hugs to all.

    Talk to you soon.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Marie - Sorry to hear your blood sugar is so high. Hopefully, it will be back down soon. Please take care.

    Anne - Loved the doggy sweater. I'm sure the next one will look nice too. Jilly will probably be a bit more thrilled with the sweater when it gets cold outside this winter.

    Phoebe - I'm curious to hear how the rug turns out.

    Today has been a nice day. Late Sunday night, my son left his I-Phone6 on a downtown park bench. When he noticed that he had forgotten it, he returned to the bench only to find that it was gone. Today, we received a call from the person who had picked it up. He noticed the phone and wanted to make sure the owner got it back. Our son is one very happy (and fortunate) young man. It's always nice to know that there are some very nice people out there willing to go a bit out of their way for someone else. o:)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2016
    sunday is my lasst day on the antibiotic Thanks goodness Then Maybe my blood sugar will drop back down
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    Not so happy Wednesday! Cubs lost the first game, it looks like I will have to go back to my own house to watch the 2nd game with my friend. Not that I am superstitious or anything. B)
    Babe is having tests done this morning so I probably won't hear from him until later. It is a gloomy, dreary day so I won't be walking Daisy.

    Marcella, I am happy that your son got his phone back and glad there are some good people in this world. I would do the same, I am a firm believer in honesty.

    Lin, I did get a short nap in yesterday but since I didn't sleep well today might warrant another. I just got a book from our village and they offer a lot of senior stuff so I might be checking some of the activities. I like they have a gym with classes so that might be something I might pursue.

    Marie, sorry your blood sugar is so high, but please listen to your doctor and adjust your insulin as needed. Glad the pressure sore is healed but sorry it is still tender. Be patient, you have got this and hopefully will feel better in no time.

    Anne, yeah, I don't think I would like a wool sweater either, they get so itchy. Hopefully, the new one is a more gentle yarn. It amazes me that you can just knit a sweater in one day, no matter how small. You have lots of talent, I am jealous.

    Have a great day, I hope the sun is out by you instead of the rain and wind we are getting.

    Laptop computer at Babe's is acting strange or something is wrong with MFP. I had to toggle to full page to finish my post but there is no where to submit the post. When I bring it back down the submit button is not there. I am going to copy this to word and try later. (fixed it)

    One Day at a Time