Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Loved the video of that adorable Robby! What a rock star! I am trying to see if I can post a video of the labradoodle Katie at morning playtime. We'll see if I can figure this out!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    The answer to my question I have not figured this video posting procedure out yet!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    The answer to my question I have not figured this video posting procedure out yet!

    Unfortunately, the only way to post a video is to put it on Youtube first.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Patsy, I hope you will be able to post the video. Love to see the Critters.
    Sandy, Robby sure gets around for a sick baby. He must have lots of energy. Cute as can be, I wonder what he was singing?
    Marie, I saw your post on Facebook and shared the information here.
    Shirley, is this arthritis in your hand? Hate that it's so bad. It must disturb your sleep too.
    Lin, today i saw a handwritten chalk board easel in a small town about 10 miles from here. It said something about joining them for coloring classes.. I thought of you. It would be fun to join them.
    Anne, what a goofball pet owner! I guess that dog runs the show in that household! Do you think he will let the dog behave that way if they encountered really Big dogs? Grrr.........
    Home from dental day. It's been over five hours and I'm still numb! Soup for me.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hi PHOEBE, I think only a Great Dane would be bigger than Reilly. He's a huge carthorse of a dog. He's been clipped for summer and he still looks huge. When the curly hair grows in he'll be like the abominable snowman. If he picked Jilly up she would look like a tennis ball in his mouth. When I picked Jill up and straightened upright he leapt up on me with his paws on my shoulders. The owner just said "oh" and fortunately for doddery old me and little Jill he didn't linger in that position. I know the times he's taken for walks, so we've just changed our time a bit. Problem solved. It's sad really because I think the owner is right in that he's jealous of other dogs sniffing noses with The Bean.
    Robby is a darling wee boy, SANDY.
    And it's goodnight from me, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Go Robby!!! I heard "Fight Song"!! Well some if it. Am I wrong? Just watched the Charlie Brown Halloween show--still love it!!

    Phoebe, I would love coloring classes! I just go to coloring time with no instructions or learning involved. You do what you want to and maybe you might pick something up from watching someone else. I would like to learn techniques.

    Patsy, I don't know how to post videos. I guess I would need to start with a YouTube account.

    Sandy, do you need anything more than the basic account?

    Anne, I hope you avoid that clueless owner and his uncontrolled pet.

    Well, here in the United States, we know what will be on TV very soon. Running away. Haaa.

    Colored another little pumpkin today. Tomorrow is games and puzzles!



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    Yes Lin, Robby was singing this is my fight song. A popular song on the radio!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sandy, I at first clicked on closed captioning, lol, it was cute the way cc tried to interpret Robby.
    Anne, sounds like you've got a big hound in rheilly. Glad Jilly is ok, sigh, little bit must've scared you! What a day!
    P.s. Lin, I won't go, no long term commitment for me.
    I watched the last three or four questions, almost reasonable, but neither one could keep it up. Lol.. slinging arrows!
    P.s. hi Jackie, forgot to say hi earlier
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I been in ER all afteroon some pf the night tell morie

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What a cutie little star ROBBY is! His dancing attempts are adorable too, SANDY! I took PHOEBE's hint about cc and it was hysterical/ridiculous!Now I have to learn how to close a video!!! LIN's pumpkin is just gorgeous; she has a natural talent.
    I finished most things in time to watch the great debate (except for my kitchen counter, woe is me!) sat down, got my legs up, and promptly fell asleep! I don't know if I saw the last 2 or 3 nasties, but having turned in my absentee ballot, I really didn't much care. In my memory, I never recall such a dreadful campaign season! MARIE, happy to see you back, and hope all is well with both of you. PATSY, the entire procedure is more than I can handle, too. Would enjoy seeing videos but I can't even figure out how to "unplay" them! JACKIE, you are such a good friend and I'm sure it's appreciated. Do you ever leave George with others? Neil made an album with Barbra that I enjoyed, as she is my all time female favorite! SHIRLEY, I found with my fingers or hand, the OA was painful and occasional shots were a relief but the pain itself disappeared once the finger finally slipped out of the joint! Not pretty, but finally painless. I guess today there are finger and hand surgeons, but I hate surgery! ANNE, I have horrible visions of the Jilly and the monster dog!Although sometimes those Dane sized dogs turn out to be so-o-o-o gentle. Past my bedtime again. Back tomorrow. Sleep well, y'all!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2016
    I won't be lingering here today because it's glorious outside and I have plans!! A wonderful walk across the moors after a beautiful sunrise, all pink and fluffy and because we now meet up a half hour later are bumping into dog walkers we haven't seen since last winter so that was a treat. The yoga seems to have stretched the right muscles and although a few aches, my back is feeling ever so slightly less painful.

    Marie ~ I'm sure you're saying you've been back in ER and do hope you've not had another fall. Let us know when you can. <3

    Anne ~ Yesterday, on our way back from our moorland walk we came upon a lady with 3 large dogs and only one on its lead. The other 2 bounded over to George and Scruff and terrified both so George growled and Scruff pee'd herself. My friend let her off her lead so she could run if necessary at which point the owner of these rowdy dogs sighed and tutted saying now she wouldn't be able to get her dogs back before promptly slipping onto her backside in the mud.... I did manage to hide my smile!! We came to the conclusion she had no idea how to control her dogs as she seemed to blame us for allowing our dogs some freedom to escape so I think some owners think their pooches can do no wrong. George on the other hand managed to slip through a closed door yesterday and attack the postie who's an unhappy man at the best of times and I had to run down the path in my slippers as I tried to catch my grumbling dog who was obviously thinking it's taken me two and a half years to get you so I'm now going to make the most of it!! No harm done except my embarrassment!

    Buzz ~ Having seen about 2 minutes of that debate on our morning news I'd have to comment that if you didn't laugh you'd have to cry all the way to the polling station so just as well you've had a postal vote. It's going to be an interesting 4 years although not in a good way what with everything that's going on around the world. Loved Barbra and have most of her albums tucked away in a cupboard... will really have to dust them off and play again soon.

    Hi Phoebe,trust your numb mouth is no more!

    Sandy ~ Loved the video even though I wasn't sure what Robby was singing and agree, if he was feeling so rough he did exceptionally well.

    Lin ~ I love that retro pumpkin with its peace, love and ban the bomb symbols.... what ever happened to that movement? I get the impression younger generations generally aren't concerned what goes on around them!

    Patsy ~ It took me a while to grasp the You Tube phenomenon but I have a programme on my laptop called Moviemaker that I load videos on to and it then allows me to choose where I want to send it so if I click the you tube symbol the movie gets filed correctly and uploaded. As I say, it took me a while but you're creative so I'm sure can get your head around it!!

    The sun is calling me but then so is my lunch and thank goodness I remembered to shut the kitchen door so when the postman just arrived George couldn't get close.

    Enjoy your day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I been in ER all afteroon some pf the night tell morie

    Oh no!!!!! Marie, What has happened?


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    MARIE, waiting to hear from you!
    JACKIE I had to smile at George and the mailman/postie. After all what good are postmen if you can't growl at them (dog point of view). We no longer have letter boxes since the dear post office decided to use us as an experimental town to eliminate them in favour of communal street boxes. Big outcry and the "powers that be" decided to abandon the idea. However, they also decided not to go back in just our town to home delivery. This is a great loss to all us old dears slipping and sliding in the winter, but also to the towns dogs! In Reilly's favour I think he is a nice dog normally if on the big dopey side, but since Jillys arrival he seems to have gone into "protection" mode. He was on a leash, but that was half the problem. He tangled up Jillys and Molly's leashes with his so we couldn't rescue the two little dogs. The good news, he lives close by so I know when his owner is on the loose with him on a leash but not exactly controlled.

    One thing about this group we never have a dull moment! Always something going on, sometimes good, sometimes bad and if there's a lull we, at the moment, have Hilary and Donad to keep us tutting or amused, and the guarantee that when their day is done, there'll be more Hilary's and Donald's, and Tony's and Pierre's etc to keep us on our toes.

    We are having a dull, grey, pouring with rain, no long walks day. So dark, the lights are switched on and The Bean is snoozing on the sofa on a throw I was given for my birthday.

    A day to get down to the housework. I wonder when Hilary does hers? Or Donald puts the garbage out, the actual empty pizza box variety.
    Must go and stop misbehaving!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    PS. Put make up on this morning. Why did I bother, Jillys just licked it all off. Do other dog owners get frequent face washes?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    CUBS WIN!! Happy Thursday! :) After my meeting today I am going to go see my little buddy, Robby. We are going to watch Frozen together. <3 My friend came last night because she needed a friend and watching the Cubs win helped cheer her up. She sure is loud though, hope the neighbors didn't get upset. lol

    Anne, Daisy is a "big" kisser but have to admit I love doggie kisses.

    Marie, please let us know what happened to bring you to the ER.

    Jackie, I guess only his parents and grandparents understood what he was singing but it is a popular song here in the US.

    Buzz, if you put your mouse on the bottom of the video the control panel will show for you to shut it off.

    Again, short on time but have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited October 2016
    Off to do errands. Marie, if we don't hear from you by this evening, I might try your house. Don't like to do that, make you or Jerry have to get the phone.
    I called 4 hospitals near Marie, none showed her there.
    Jackie, what makes the postman the enemy? Lol! In your case, a grumpy one earns his badge doesn't he, lol. Tell George he would get slapped with a restraining order over here.. JK!!
    Pretty pretty pumpkin, seasonally appropriate and a great decoration too. I didn't see the close up until Jackie mentioned peace signs etc.
    Anne, our Boo cat likes for me to have a clean face, lol. Honey, sweet dog, gives me tiny licks, one at a time.. She must've been discouraged from licking when she was younger. Enjoy your rainy day. I realized I have been fortunate, mostly. When I walk Honey, if we see another dog owner, I turn my back on them, change direction, etc., To let them know we aren't up for visitors. It's worked so far. Honey isn't aggressive, but some of them make her nervous. She likes people, always wants to be petted, sweet girl.
    Glad some of you get some rain, fill your barrels, flip them over, pointing South. We'll take it! Lakes are down about five feet average.
    Have to go but don't want to.. time to vote!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear sneakers, we are in our beloved umbrella weather so famous here in PNW. Actually, I am okay with that. I get rather tired of it but in between there is a green lovely fragrance and everything remains green most of the year. But it does get a bit damp and we get rusty and crusty.

    The debates are over and we have all made our choices. It is all over but the shouting now. There will be lots of shouting until the final talley comes out. I used to be an election judge for our precinct and we had to HAND count ballots. We would be there counting until 2 or 3 in the AM. We then called the main courthouse with results and had to stay put until they called back. Then the newspapers and radio people were called or we let them know because they were waiting outside! Dinosaur election procedures.

    We have always had big dogs. We have always had several at once. Now we only have one mid-sized labradoodle. She is about 45 lbs. but it was true we had to watch for situations that could turn ugly if not closely controlled. In fact that is still true with Katie. She loves to jump up on people to say hello. We are working on that! Training is wonderful but it sometimes just disappears. No one loves our dogs as we do. Most of us really do not appreciate too enthusiastic and uncontrolled dogs. Katie gets down on her front legs with rump in the air and tail wagging as she greets small dogs. However.....
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    I messaged Alice on Facebook about Marie.

    Alice, we are worried about your mother, is she okay?

    Sandy, she is home and thankfully the Doppler test revealed no clots. She rested today
    Thank you Alice
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    All - my mom (Marie) is home resting. There was concern about further clots in her legs so she went to the ER. Thankfully none were found. I am sure you will hear from her as soon as she rests. Thank you for your concern she is so fortunate to have such caring friends!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    I was worried about Marie too. So glad you posted Alice. Thank you.

    Same old here. Busy as can be. I've started getting caught up with my digital scrapbooking and that is taking a lot of my tim. Plus we are off to a time share in Banff Next week. We'll be gone a week. It is absolutely gorgeous there and hopefully we'll have good weather. If not, we'll snuggle in with the fireplace. I know we will have fun.

    I've also taken up writing crossword puzzles. Definitely challenging but fun. I've been doing one with a theme of family matters and sending them to my sister Val. Anything I can do to cheer her up when she feels down.

    This week the weather hasn't been too bad but we've had snow at time (gone now) and colder weather. I'm not ready for all of this.


    Hugs to all,
