Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,402 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is started, expecting some rain the next few days, no sun in sight. I am going to lunch (low carb) with Joe today, I haven't seen him since February. He will be disappointed that I am moving if I can't find a unit in this complex.

    Anne, it is always sad to see good friends leave but your memories will help ease the pain.

    Jackie, busy days ahead for you trying to get your cruise organized. Enjoy those friends and especially that carrot cake, luckily I don't care for it.

    Buzz, what a scam, glad you were not taken in by it and knew how to handle the situation.
    I am getting so many robo calls I finally picked one up yesterday and gave the poor guy a piece of my mind for calling 4 to 5 times a day. Just trying to sell me an extended warranty on my car which I refused.

    Lin, it seems most of you took advantage of the weather to do some outside work while I enjoy walking with Daisy. I also cooked my chicken breast on the outside grill although it started to get chilly. It was very good though along with grilled asparagus.

    Patsy, Oregon is now minus one family and replaced with another. My son and his wife are on the road back to Illinois. Their many friends will miss them but I am sure they will make new.

    Have a great Friday.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Soggy weekend here. Hope to chat with our son on Sunday. I have read in the news that early risers live longer. Night owls have a problem living in a world that is set for early birds. I agree. John is a true night owl and he is always ready for a nap and grumbles loudly at anything causing him to rise early.

    It is cold this morning as well as having a cold rain. I would like to stew up some soup for the weekend. Hope I can think of something to please John.

    As our ever present conflict continues in Washington, I am looking longingly at Mars again.just wish the climate was better there, and the atmosphere, and the vegetation. Then there is the Commute!

    Carrot cake? My anniversary cake and Easter dessert! Cream cheese frosting. I like it with walnuts, oooops I am drooling.

    Buzz: good for you. I would have realized it as a scam about 2 minutes after I had given the creeps my information. Too late! They can clear your bank account in seconds.

    Anne: so sorry your friends are moving. Maybe the new family will be just as pleasant. We have some neighbors that I hope never moves.

    More coffee then I must attack the dungeon again. Someone made a huge mess in there. Need to clean paint brushes, empty a full trash can, put paint and paper and other graphic materials away. There is more to do but you get the picture.
    Embrace the chill, savor the rain, send welcome songs to the sun,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Shopping completed in as far as we didn't buy much between us but seemed to spend plenty of money! The carrot cake was put to one side when we headed home after a few hours instead. It's cool and somewhat grey outside so I'm tempted to light my fire even though I've put an extra layer on. My phone continued to have a few hiccups but today is behaving itself so it's hopefully settled in with me now. It doesn't get used much as I tend to do most on my laptop but have been assured one day I'll do everything on the phone. Well done you Buzz for shaking off that scammer. I'm suspicious of every call these days and find myself having to apologise occasionally if one does turn out to be genuine although the caller says they understand my initial cool unfriendly voice. Anne, having wonderful, helpful neighbours is something rare and I do empathise with your mixed feelings about the farewell party. So long as their house isn't destined for development you may well find like-minded folk will move in; I do hope so.
    The travel agent I chased earlier for our tickets emailed attachments of the original ones before our upgrade so yet again I despair at the incompetence that seems to occur so often these days as I respond with a rather tart reply! Hey ho.

    It's time for me to cook my evening meal but have decided to forego a fire..... I can always put George's fleece blanket over my knees!! Hello to Sandy Lin, Patsy and any other sneakers popping in.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,498 Member
    Hello, exciting day here. Tai Chi, Whole Foods and then I came home and got my new robot vacuum fired up. It cleaned and cleaned until the battery went low and it journeyed back and put itself onto the charging platform. Soooo cool! Later on I cleaned out the dust and dirt container and the roller brush things. It is back on the charger. Such fun. I could use it everyday. You do have to clear away throw rugs and keep it away from things it could get tangled in like cords and stuff. It was so funny, I went upstairs to see how it was doing. I could hear it but couldn’t see it. Wahoo, it was cleaning under my overstuffed chair. Gotta love that. A bit later, it emerged.

    I have been so enthralled with this toy that I have not packed for tomorrow and have achieved precious little except smiling at my toy.

    Oh boy, great toy, much joy. Smiles.

    Wishing everyone the best. I cannot participate in carrot cake discussions so I will move along to sorting my mail and packing up for card club tomorrow while keeping one ear open for the multiple warnings regarding the weather. Possible hail? Tornados? Snow and/or blizzard? What the heck????


  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Mike loves his robot vacuum LIN. The weather forecast is so bad here for the weekend that the forecaster on the news channel says he is going into hiding in case he gets lynched! So rain now, ice rain or sleet overnight then changing to ice pellets all Saturday and Sunday People are asked to keep off the icy roads because the salt contracts finished on April 1st. We are warned of power outages, oh joy! Maybe Darren and family know what they are doing emigrating to the UK!
    Apart from the ice storm the news here is full of quotes from The Book.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, are you talking about THE book that hasn't come out yet?LOL!!! PATSY will let us know if it's worth buying! SANDY, I look at today's news as a huge historic novel, and am beginning to see how it might end. But still a hint of being unsure about the ending. So now we are being distracted from the latest lies by striking @ Syria ....while the Great Own's lawyer needs his own lawyer!!! If THAT doesn' sound interesting enough, then throw in some salacious history that includes a hidden daughter who is now about 30! Fact or Fiction, lol?
    Yesterday , my friend insisted I accompany her to her nail salon where she had made an appointment for a pedicure for me! So I settled into the massage lounge while Theresa started scrubbing, exfoliating, massaging, pummeling me like I never had before been treated! My legs actually lost some swelling and became satiny shiny! And my feet were treated like gold! A nice deep polish now adorns my toenails, and I've decided after years of depriving myself, I will get one of these spa treatments about every 5 or 6 weeks! My friend had planned to treat me to this pedicure, but since I chose the more extensive one, I insisted on paying, and it was worth it! I also talked HER into having her very first pedicure! This afternoon, I gave myself a French Manicure on my splitting brittle nails and realized how arthritic my fingers have become. Perhaps a totally wasted day, but I just relaxed into it! I had cereal with blueberries instead of going down for dinner so I will replace that lost meal with a marvelous Bistro breakfast or lunch one day this month!
    LIN, your robot helper sounds fabulous! Have you named her/him yet?
    JACKIE , I wish I could develop a taste for carrot cake, but I don't really eat anything indulgent if it isn't chocolate! Bittersweet chocolate! Good for you adapting to your phone! My cell is a smartphone but my program doesn't include the internet. I'm too frugal there!!! I'm planning my Comcast rebuttal! ANd yes, I also find everything I plan takes twice as long as it did before computers came into the picture. Travel agents and others seemed to follow through more efficiently when they had to actually check on things!
    Off to bed. I wonder if I will ever learn to use both sides, or even the center!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen! ..............................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I took a "selfie" to show my French Manicure and it didn't show up. I'll try once more!
    I'm awful with folders and files so I hope this is the one!
    <3 Buzz <3
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen! ..............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2018
    A walk in the woods and trip to the supermarket to replenish my empty fridge and now a cool mist is starting to burn off I will get myself into some old gardening clothes and see what I can achieve outside although I have noticed I could do with some help from Lin's robot! What a hoot it sounds and I'm sure I too would spend all of my time being entertained rather than getting on with other jobs. Does it talk to you Lin? Everything seems to these days and even I am getting used to talking to my phone and getting a reply although did laugh yesterday when I wanted to send a text to my friend and asked it to find her name but of course it came up with a zillion similar names in a google search rather than looking into my address book. I'm going to have to expand my expectations!!

    Buzz ~ Beautiful nails and may I say your hair is looking stunning too. An occasional pamper is a great idea otherwise we can find life takes control so we think we can't spare the time. My friend I travel with is doing all sorts to her nails in order to smarten them for the cruise but I'm afraid my gardener's nails will just have to be scrubbed and kept short! At least I'm thinking more about rubbing hand cream in more than once a month!!!

    Anne ~ Your winter really is dragging its heels this year isn't it. My plan is to switch off my wall heaters tomorrow night and take the consequences although we are told our temperatures will go up next week. Normally they'd have been off at the end of March but everything, including trees and shrubs, is running late. A weekly gardening programme I watched last night advised it's a waste of time to be digging and seeding at the moment as the ground is so cold so my cottage garden plant seeds might not come to anything. Luckily I bought 2 boxes and still have one to spare but will wait until I'm back in May before tossing them into the wind!

    Coffee finished so I'll change and get outside because I can at least then ignore news of the no win situation in the Middle East..... funny how someone can have a huge reversal of opinion on bombing a country once he gets into the White House!!! Does he revisit his old tweets I wonder?

    Happy Saturday to us all. <3
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    I opened my blinds, peered out into the gloom and driving rain and shut them again. Contemplated going back to bed but decided The Bean and I might just as well have brekkie. She's now snoozing on the sofa and I'm writing on the iPad. It's going to be that sort of a day of course, apart from a huddled up crossing of the icy road to wish Darren a fare-thee-well. Too many folks for Jilly to visit as well, and she will probably be pleased about this, but honestly if it's as bad as the forecast forecasts how many much more distanced folks will show up?

    Yes THE Book IS the book Patsy referred to BUZZ. The book someone responded by calling the author a slime ball or something similar. Back to the school playground. History repeats itself yet again. Going back to the driving rain and this winter of discontent maybe Mother Nature is responding to it all? Good for you treating yourself! I have to admit no one has cut my nails south or north since I was a little kid! Never worn nail varnish either, although I did buy it in the past to stop runs in stockings! You really are a pretty lady.

    I was getting a bit worried about my tax refund not showing up in the bank account so called Canada Revenue yesterday, and a nice young thing said it should arrive Monday which means after paying off the new washer I'll have approximately $11.03c to indulge myself. Nail varnish or cheese cake, I think I know which one will win! But can you buy either for eleven dollars these days?

    Hope the weather is better for everyone else,
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    I read this on BBC top stories SANDY. "Publishers should set up in the north". I thought it might interest PATSY, but I haven't a clue how to do a link should she be interested. Maybe not, because it is the UK. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,402 Member
    Jacean1935 wrote: »
    I read this on BBC top stories SANDY. "Publishers should set up in the north". I thought it might interest PATSY, but I haven't a clue how to do a link should she be interested. Maybe not, because it is the UK. Anne.

    On the page you want to copy go to the address bar on top of the screen. Right click on the address and then go down to copy and click on that. Come back here and right click again and go down to paste. The link should then be in your post. Got it?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,402 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Miserable day here as well and I have about a 45 minute drive to the baby shower. First I have to figure out how to get my gift down the stairs to my car. The UPS man brought it up but wrapped it is more difficult and is heavy. I am sure I will go ask my young neighbor to put it in my car for me, he is a great guy. BTW it is a bassinet she had on her gift list plus a box of diapers for a chance at a gift.

    Because of time I do not have time to post but wish you all a great day. Stay dry if possible.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Northern Fiction Alliance says publishing industry should move north
    Brilliant SANDY, thanks yet again. Owe you big time. I'm not sure if this will be of interest PATSY. Ignore of course if not.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2018
    I've chicken breasts roasting in the convection oven to enjoy with salad and coleslaw and while I wait am enjoying my usual cuppa. After some weeding and moving a rose bush away from the area planned for decking I sat in warm sunshine (sorry to those suffering the cold!!) and contemplated cutting the lawns then suddenly saw a bank of dark clouds heading rapidly in my direction so out from the shed came the lawnmower and I've managed to run over all 3 sections with a high cutting blade before a few spots of rain fell. Just wanted to say Anne it's not just south east England publishers that dictate but just about every creative genre. A politician came up with the term northern power house a few years ago in an effort to shift emphasis away from London but apart from the BBC moving one of their studios 'op north' forcing staff to move or lose their jobs not much else has happened... oh yes, Hull was designated a city of culture!! Enjoy the get-together at Darren's and let him know they will be heading for a British style heatwave next week if travelling in this direction already, in other words not too hot and probably still a risk of rain!!

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited April 2018
    Yes Darren will be moving to Cambridge next week JACKIE. Catherine and the girls go when schools out. There's all sorts of strangers arriving across the road in icy sleet. (Cars so far). I'm starting to chicken out! I'm not a party animal at the best of times and if it's a cheese and wine do I can't drink wine anyway because I get full blown migraines from most booze except Sherry. It really is a day for staying home with a good book or movie. Do you think they'd notice if I stayed huddled home with The Bean? I'd be the odd one out old lady as well which come to think of it would probably be noticed if I go AWOL.

    Just had a thought, my cousin Peter, and his grandfather were past presidents of the literary society in Hull, and Peters uncle was a published author and during the war a Reuters correspondent. A very colourful character and I found him on the internet. He wrote quite a few books which were considered too racy for me to read as a child. But I did when staying at my aunts! I'm not from Hull, but it was an interesting city to visit. We went to concerts and I loved to go to the art gallery when young. Lots of history as well.

    Now: Decisions, Anne!
    Snow accumulating on the roofs now!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! First off...the weather is miserable here as well. Heavy rain! So vacuuming with my old heavy vac. Katie barking incessantly as we go. Headache and Aspirin after I put vacuum away! Whew!

    Now about Comey’s book. It is such an emotional exercise to read it. It is clear from the outset, this book is a cathartic exercise for Comey. He is angry and he feels set up and betrayed. To my mind, this is all true and understandable. He wants to set the record straight and tell his side of the story. Yes! He gets down and dirty. He tells things about Trump that were undoubtably true but it felt sort of creepy. Interesting book. Something interesting happening here now. The tell all books that happen after people leave their positions. People are angry and feel betrayed! Read it if you want to understand the level of despair Comey is feeling. You will come away with an overriding sadness that things have happened this way in our democracy. We are in trouble. My thoughts and my book review...couldn’t finish the whole book!

    Thanks for the info, Anne and Sandy. I will try to attach a photo of one of the pages from my poetry chap book. Publishing is scary and I have no idea how to proceed. I do know that the writing and creative adventure of putting experiences and adventures in words to paper, well nothing can compare to a creative experience as it develops. Kind of like being pregnant without having to deal with diapers or midnight feedings. OMG!
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    We are now covered in snow. It looks like January out there! 'Nuff said!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,498 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hello, overnight we did get some hail, thunderstorms, gusty winds, and periods of rain. This morning I got pretty wet both going into and leaving the card making club meeting. It it did not stop me. We have a break right now but reportedly more rain, gusty winds and snow are expected overnight. Well, I must say if the roads are nasty tomorrow morning, I will be staying home. I am a chicken.

    Well, when I got home, got unpacked, warmed up and had lunch, yes, you guessed it. I set the robot vacuum to cleaning once again. This time I moved some furniture out of my bedroom but I did not do a good job with the cords today. Poor baby got stuck in the cords. I got it out and reset it but not long afterward it started to lose its battery power and could not make it back to home base. Poor darling, I had to carry it back. :'( But no ladies, it does not speak to me. It’s rather like a ditzy little device that goes about bumping into everything trying to find its way about. I know it is working when I hear bump, bump, bump. When things go quiet, there’s trouble. Ha. :D

    Well, I got my notice from Facebook that one of my friends used that compromised app—My Digital Life. Grrrr. I never did share much info with Facebook including no birthday and no phone number. I revoked the permission of pretty much all apps quite a while ago. Oh well, that is the state of things these days.

    Still ignoring as much as possible in the Political world. I did listen to info on the bombing of Syria. You know, these days everything can be quite masterfully faked. Attributing actions to anyone no longer seems possible.


    Okay, back to my little messes. I glued a leg back on my quilt rack which fell apart when I moved it today. If it doesn’t hold, it is probably headed for the trash. Darn. And one of my toilets is not working properly. I am not good at fixing them. I did get out the WD 40 and some leather gloves and was able to shut off the water supply so I could see if it really is slowly dumping out. And it is. The little flipper seems fine so I don’t know what is wrong. Hummm. Really, my house is not treating me well these days.

    Everyone, weather whatever storms may be headed your way.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Just another quick note here. Anne! Please be careful. It only takes a second to slip and fall on the ice and snow. One fall can change your life forever. That little thought runs through my mind constantly. I try not to take unreasonable risks. Write a note of well wishes to your sweet neighbors and have your son drop it by their door when he comes around as usual. Just a thought! I know that is what I would do.

    Wind and rain here. We haven’t lost power yet. I think spring decided to skip us all this year. We will probably go straight into summer. Still trying to get a decent photo of one page of our poem book. Well, enough from me.

    Good night, sleep tight,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited April 2018
    I think my eyes are going to the same place my hearing aid batteries - Helper Heaven
    I got 2 hours sleep last night, yet managed to stay as intermittenetly awake throughout Atonement. Excellent movie! But falling asleep now :o ! Back tomorrow
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen! .............................. :o
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2018
    Oh dear, I pulled back the bedroom curtains to a scene of thick mist, a rain spattered window and trees waving in the wind..... complete opposite to yesterday!! Housework is definitely required so I may get on with that rather than wait until tomorrow. On the way home from our walk in the woods I detoured to a mega store to buy a couple of pots of sweet pea plants that do look incredibly fragile so I'm hoping they pick up before I go away. Not the best timing but I know they'll be gone from the store in no time. I've also got 6 small tomato plants coming on nicely so will just have to cover my kitchen counter with all these youngsters with a note for my neighbours asking them to please keep everything watered!

    Anne ~ Snow and ice is a good enough reason not to go beyond your front door so I do hope you didn't risk it. At least living opposite Darren you will probably have a chance to see him and wish him well before he leaves. Is he heading for the university of Cambridge because if so I can imagine it's not an opportunity to be missed? A trailer for a movie version of the Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Society is currently being shown on tv here so I'm hoping they have followed the novel's heart rather than turning it into a mushy romance but see those involved in Four Weddings and Exotic Marigold Hotel have an input so have my doubts!

    Patsy ~ George did his best to disrupt my efforts with the lawnmower yesterday probably because so many of his favourite stones are scattered where either I've thrown them or he has dropped. There's too much drama on the news here about our involvement in Syria so we don't hear much of THE BOOK! It does sound like one of those kiss and tell stories and it's sad that anyone who held such an important position would feel the need to hit back by writing his own version. I tend to believe in that old chestnut of discretion being the better part of valour in the hope that the truth will out one day.

    Lin ~ There's nothing worse than a misbehaving loo because you never quite know what it's going to throw back at you!! LOL Perhaps a plumber will be your best option although if they are the same with you as I find, a mortgage needs to be taken out to pay them!! Please, you must name your naughty robot vacuum cleaner because already it seems to have developed a personality and is rather like George who when caught up in brambles or even a wayward twig stands stock still and waits for me to extricate him before carrying him to safety. They are probably a similar size too!

    Buzz ~ I seemed to miss Atonement when it was released so will add it to my list of dvd's to buy through Amazon when they offer free delivery over a certain amount..... I always seem to find myself spending a few pence less than their offer! I gather it too was a novel so perhaps I should follow my own advice and read it first!

    Sandy ~ Did you find your knight in shining armour to carry your baby shower gift to the car? Far too dangerous to attempt stairs on your own. I had to google search bassinet, a word I'd never come across before. What a lovely gift!

    I've rambled on enough so perhaps an early lunch before settling to housework.... more avoidance tactics.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Forgot my name but you know it's me!! :D:D
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited April 2018
    It's funny, but LINS robot is so like Jilly Bean as well. Bump, bump, bump, silence, what's she up to sort of thing.

    The weather is atrocious! No other word for it. Over 500 road crashes yesterday, planes grounded, outages forecast, icy snow on the ground and hail rattling the windows. Stop the world, I want to get off. And as for the news coming out of Syria on nerve gas plants is it false news again like the last time? All a ploy as it were! Who do we believe these days, but then who could we believe in the past? Just been reading about the nuclear disaster in Cumbria in 1957. Round about the time I married. Contaminated milk, people developing leukaemia and bone cancer, but all was "under control". Dad died of bone cancer 10 years later, and so did his brother, my uncle, and his best friend, all outdoor men. This certainly makes you think and wonder. Atomic Particles crossed the North Sea to be discovered in Holland.

    I didn't go to the party. I didn't see any of the neighbours trotting over so suspect I was the only local invited. Just cars rolling up with unknown folk huddled up carrying wine I think. Great idea PATSY which I will follow through. Yes, Darren is heading for the university JACKIE and its Catherine's home town as well. Mike wanted me to not risk the ice. I think he's thinking if Ma breaks a hip I'll end up with the little horror! He's hoping to get over on Monday to help with groceries because he is owed a day, good Friday being his day off normally. We will survive if things haven't improved! Lots of frozen veggies, frozen chicken and yeast for bread making!

    Reading the above I do seem to be a "bundle of joy" (sarcasm) don't I, but in truth I'm quite looking forward to a quiet day at home with The Bean. That's if the lights and heating don't go off!
    Hugs to all, at the moment warm hugs,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Jacean1935 wrote: »

    Mike wanted me to not risk the ice. I think he's thinking if Ma breaks a hip I'll end up with the little horror!

    Who's the little horror Anne, you or the Bean, perhaps both? LOL
    I'm glad you didn't take any risks and am sure Darren will understand.

    In the past we weren't told anything much were we, now it's take your pick.... propaganda. fake or maybe the truth, who knows? I can often be heard muttering blah, blah, blah as a politician does their best to convince us of a particular point of view! That's so sad about your family and must have happened to many others kept in the dark. After the Chernobyl accident in Ukraine we were told there was no risk in the UK and enjoyed our usual Spring lamb from the Welsh hills as the fallout drifted over and landed amongst the herds of sheep... the geiger counters must have been louder than any bleating!!

    Barely half my housework completed but there's always tomorrow when I gather the rain will continue. It's certainly cold enough to light my fire! Time for a cuppa.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited April 2018
    Well, I actually meant my little Jilly JACKIE, but point made. Mike could end up with me! Doubt it though me being the greater evil!
    I think they'd all have a whip round to put me in care!
    Outside is still white over, but the "rain" on the windows isn't making so much noise anymore. Maybe it's turning to just water! Mark just phoned, he's huddled inside with Mary Jo as well. Meanwhile Roy phoned but he's going dreadfully deaf. I told him we were having an ice storm and even though I spelled ICE over and over he departed still wondering what an 'Ouse storm is!
    Jilly's gone back to bed and tucked under her baby blanket.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello and happy Sunday sneakers! It is cloudy and cold but not raining. I am grateful for that. Katie is in and out and bringing in treasures like muddy sticks and stones. I don’t think a robot vacuum is up to the task of keeping this household vacuumed.

    I am feeling very creaky with this cold wet weather. I am trying to avoid taking any aspirin. Heating pad and gentle exercise will be my treatment of choice.

    I am So amazed at our son’s girlfriend. She is South American but she speaks lovely English in a beautiful accent. She can sew anything. The thing I find so wonderful is the way she wants to make everything beautiful, no matter how common in use. She decorated her kitchen broom! She painted the handle with designs. Etc. she folds her paper napkins into extraordinary shapes. I could go on and on. No wonder our son is entranced by this lovely person. It is interesting to hear them converse in Spanish. She speaks rapid-fire Spanish. Our son speaks slow and smooth Spanish. We live in a multi-cultural world. Border walls will not work...just my thought and belief.

    Some day soon we will be complaining of summer heat and begging for a bit of rain. Hummmmmmm
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Sounds like my Portuguese DIL PATSY. Enjoy. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,402 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Cold, rainy, snowy a beautiful spring day. NOT!! The shower was wonderful, more like a wedding since the men were also invited. It was great seeing my brother and nieces and their husbands. After the shower we went back to my niece's house where there was more food and drink. Her daughter, the one who is having the baby bought a new house a couple of blocks away so some of us walked over there to see it. She also had a house full of her friends so I imagine they partied until the wee hours of the morning. (not the expectant mother of course) I got home around 9 or so and went to Church this morning. It is so gloomy though I think I will lay on the couch and take a nap.

    Patsy, I don't think you will hear me complain about hot weather, I love summer. If I didn't have little grandsons here with a new granddaughter on the way, Florida is looking better and better to me.

    Speaking of grandsons, Lisa's mom and dad's house had a pipe that exploded or something but it caused extensive damage. They had to pack it up and are on their way back from Florida. Their daughter in law went to their house to borrow a can opener and found the pipe shooting water all over and leaking into the family room. Everything is ruined. Thank goodness for insurance but I am sure they will be heart broken when they return. Her mom was just here for a funeral and everything was fine then so it must be weather related which the insurance company is investigating.

    I am volunteering at a high school in the morning for a health fair. Al Anon will have a table and explain the program to the teens who might have someone with a drinking problem that affects their life. It is amazing how many teens no nothing of Al Anon.

    I also am waiting for the call to pick up our taxes seeing as they have to be in by Tuesday at midnight.

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,498 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hello. I am housebound today. Too much ice this morning and I really did not plan on going out today anyway as my sinuses are enjoying being cranky.

    I did some straightening out this morning. Makings for Easter cards are put away, stencils somewhat straightened out, excess emails deleted, others answered, some free images downloaded, watched today’s church service online. Baked some of that mess I’ve made before with pumpkin, old fashioned oats, applesauce, cinnamon, raisins. Cleaned some vegetables, cleaned out the refrigerator, and just made a few mashed potatoes from some spuds that were going bad. I watched a couple of old B&W movies while doing this.

    Oh, and I did communicate with a friend who does need a ride to physical therapy tomorrow. I had offered early last week but I hadn’t heard from her until now. It is funny. I have to drive across town to pick her up then physical therapy is actually at a clinic a couple of blocks from where I live! Haaaa. Then I will take her home across town and drive myself back here. Oh, and I did volunteer to stop anywhere that she wants to pick something up. Still not driving but getting closer. So I won’t be around much tomorrow. But I am glad to do it, I am not complaining.

    I also spent some time hunting for Tai Chi classes. I will check it out but the Y has a number of classes and there is one for single fan which I adore!!! Wahoo! Now I need to see if that instructor is still there and how much the monthly fee is.

    I see Sandy was posting as I am writing this message since I saw a notification fly by.

    I wish the weather would straighten out. We are hearing this may not be the last of the snow. Maybe next week too!!

    Hugs. Stay off the ice.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Just an update if you are interested.
    Storm still going on here. We are white over but it's like crusty snow. Trees swaying in the wind and apparently 10s of thousands without power. It's a pity the Christmas lights got taken down! It's January out there. I tried to copy the piece on the weather channel for you but couldn't manage it. People sending photos in of inches thick ice pellets on their lawns and Lake Ontario looks like the North Sea with waves lashing the shoreline which is cordoned off in case someone slips on the ice and falls in. I am so lucky to still have power and warmth, but if this keeps up Darren won't be flying anywhere. I did totter out with the garbage to the garage and it's like walking on an iced cake if you can imagine the crunching.