Senior Golden Sneakers



  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Thanks Shirley. Just wondering what to do next. I am not losing and I need some change
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Brrr, a cold start to the day but glorious sunshine and blue skies so not complaining. George and I walked on our own so took the old route we used to travel pre-Scruff and had a wonderful time with stunning views across miles of countryside. Now just finishing my coffee before making a plan for the day.

    Buzz ~ What you're doing is going to be exhausting emotionally and physically so do take a break when you can. <3 Of course you know that envelope will turn up the minute the new ones arrive but what can you do? A couple of weeks ago I thought I'd lost my mobile phone, waited a few days then ordered a new one which turned out to be rubbish and of course then found the original. The new one is now in a drawer waiting for some sort of emergency!

    Decision made, I'm heading for the garden because today's forecast has warned of a colder than usual winter coming up so I'd better make the most of 6c temperatures!!

    Have a good Monday everyone.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Pretty nippy and frosty on our early walk, 3C, but sunny and a promise of 16C this afternoon, so not complaining either! Our views were not exactly stunning Jackie, but the trees are. Gorgeous colours. The man who called my beautiful little dog a 'rat on a leash' was lurking behind a bush in his garden and made us jump out of our skins when he boomed "good morning". I graciously said good morning back and added "I'm taking my rat for a walk." Grrr.
    Well, I better go and start cooking Jillys next two days of meals, or I will be in the dog house!
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    edited November 2016
    Happy Birthday
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Leaving for Yoga this morning but just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIE!! Have a wonderful day!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member

    Marie - have a wonderful day. <3<3


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    Of all things to disappear , our certificates of marriage and our birth certificates are nowhere to be found! Every other shred of paper is where it should be, but the envelope I knewexactly where to find, that one is missing! I'll have to send for replacements, and I guess it's best to stop hunting and keep on working on just folding and shredding and getting stuff donated! I hoped his sweater collection would be enjoyed by friends, but no one here wears a medium! Sorry, but I must grab a bite and get to bed ASAP! Simply tired as can be!
    <3 Buzz

    Buzz, I hope you did get some rest. So sorry that important papers are missing. That is so frustrating. Hugs to you.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIE. I hope you are thoroughly spoilt today, Anne.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Happy Birthday, Marie!!! :D

    <3 ... and wishing everyone a wonderful week.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member

    Happy Happy Birthday!!!!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Back later, but a phone call to the pension company was so helpful, I wanted to share it. I was told that in place of a marriage certificate, a 1040 tax return showing we filed as a married couple, plus the cover page of a bank statement showing a joint account would be just fine!!! Phew!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    li'l Sis, MARIE!!!
    <3 big Sis Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I guess I missed barbie and jake happy birthday telephone call to me.Someone call but at the monment i was away from the phone hopefully who ever it was callled back
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2016
    Time for my shower and get dddress to go to the. new Doctor see you all later
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited November 2016
    A beautiful day here to celebrate Marie's birthday!! Marie, please be careful on your plant food diet, keep your sugar readings in check, ok? You reminded me that I have sweet potatoes and some beets I can roast them with carrots and red potatoes tonight. I love the color of beets.
    Chris, I belong to a group on Facebook for truckers who cook while traveling. I'm learning I'm only limited by my laziness. :p One guy posted a photo of his meal in a truck stop. It was a steak(think sirloin, maybe 6oz), broccoli, and squash/zucchini. He said he had 5 meals per day. 3 are shakes, two are like the photo. I'm thinking about it. If I could sip a shake while driving, it might eliminate my need for nervous snacking, which is my worst enemy. He uses premier protein shake in banana. They are in Walmart. He gave some numbers, for him, 60 carbs max per day, and 100 grams of protein as his goals. Since June, he's lost about 50 lbs. Of course, there are many variables, he's a man, they lose faster, his numbers are for about a 280 lb male.
    Buzz, hugs to you! <3o:)<3
    I would have figured many people could wear a medium, I'm surprised. I lose more than I find! For example, I lost the tickets to the airshow we attended. I bought two more. :s You just go at your own pace, a little or a lot, but please don't exhaust yourself. Take breaks, enjoy some sunshine, a fresh piece of fruit. Love you.
    Lin, I hope they have suspects in the police killings there. We've got to turn this around or we'll be afraid to go out on our own. Our police will be hesitant to respond to calls from the areas where they are being targeted. Then the innocent will really suffer. I've enjoyed your puzzles and colorings. Even with a piece missing. . This is a website/catalog with some nice puzzles. I get one catalog per year. Love the ideas they give me. And for you and Sandy, a puzzle board with storage! Costly, but I may get it so I can work around my cats! I think they used to have more puzzles. I like them all though!Shirley/b], you, Jeri, Anne, and Jackie have such a blessing in your country's healthcare programs. This is the first year that our employer insurance has deteriorated to the point where it is an emergency plan instead of healthcare plan. Higher deductible, and big cuts in coverage = find other solutions to non life threatening issues.
    Sandy, so glad you're still getting some time with Robby. Hope everything is going well with Lisa and the baby. My friend's mother started having dizziness and some other symptoms. She had a MRI. They are waiting to hear from the doctor. Hope Babe will get his problems solved. Hate to think he might have to live with them. (Now that wasn't meant to be a pun, but think about it.. lol) Again, glad you got time with your other baby, Daisy.
    Marcella, this weather is Perfection!! Hope your house plans all turn out well done. Glad you made it thru your tire troubles safely. Sometimes while driving , I will notice several cars within a few miles, pulled over with flat tires. I wonder if it is people throwing nails on the roads. I never find out, since I keep driving, but it's noticeable when several vehicles have flats.
    Hi Karen, hope to see more of you. I remember your Church burned. Whatever came of that? Did you rebuild? Catch us up on your life now.
    Patsy, you picked a good time to visit your doctor, election day!! Hope it goes well for you. Does your doctor have you get labwork before your appointment? Mine does. So far, good reports except my b12 stays too low. I give myself injections.
    My vit D is too high, so I know the capsules work. Had to lower my dosage.
    Hug Katie for me.
    Anne, if a rat she must be, then your little rat is the poster child for them all!! I think of you and your little beanie baby often. We saw a tiny chihuahua wearing a tutu! So cute but probably not practical, maybe Mom wants to get all she can from her Halloween costume. :-D. Your meal sounded delicious. I'm hungry.
    Jackie, I can sympathize with your menagerie when Brady is stuck inside. Like a kid who gets bored when it's raining. Our cats who would rather sleep are pestered by Okie, who would rather chase them. Good gardening wishes to you. Hope this year is not like your previous, all those sandbags!! How do you tell a chicken to get indoors before this door closes?? Lol, as I typed the word chicken, my automatic word suggested 'whisperer' as the next possible word. Chicken whisperer?? Lol, first time I ever got a laugh from the suggested word.
    Just called my dentist for an appointment. Tomorrow. A bit of a toothache. Not bad, but it could get worse if I delay and I am a wimp big time re: toothaches.
    Honey is dreaming, little 'woofs'. Yesterday, in the truck, she had a happy dream. The only thing moving was her tail wagging. I hope she has happy dreams all the time now. I've enjoyed her. I have no regrets.
    Sorry if I missed you, next time
    PS, somehow got bold half way thru. Too lazy to correct it :-)
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh! Oh! Marie! A very happy birthday to you! You have a special place in our heart. Your as sweet as your sweet potatos and twice as nice. Hope your day is filled with happiness and many many more just like them.
    Patsy (a fellow Texan)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Enjoy your day. Love you <3

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Marie happy birthday to you.