Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I will be leaving shortly for the diet clinic. I will let you know how it went whomever is interested.

    Just finished lunch after practicing choir for tomorrow.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Beautiful day here!! Cleaning girl is here, laundry is being done and a bill was paid. The church breakfast was a success and my friend was grateful for three of us friends to help serve.
    Tomorrow is the official voting day and I am still not sure for whom to vote. I am so tired of the political posts on face book, do they honestly think they can change my vote to theirs? People and some of them my relatives are just getting so mean just because they think they are picking the right person. Maybe I will just toss a coin. Not really, I think I have decided for whom I will vote but in all honesty I really don't like either. Maybe I should just write my name in and see what happens. lol

    Marie, I hope you liked your new doctor and can enjoy the rest of your birthday with Alice.
    You are our monarch and this day should be special.

    Shirley, good luck at the diet clinic, I really have to get back on the stick before I am back to the beginning. I know for sure I have to ride my bike and if I could get back in the habit of recording my food that would be wonderful.

    Phoebe, yes, babysitting does have it rewards and spending time with Robby is first. So far all looks good with the pregnancy except for the possibility of gestational diabetes. Lisa tested a little high so Wednesday she is going for the extended testing. She is not worried as she said the same thing happened with Robby. One more ultrasound in December and we will continue to pray for a healthy baby who is due in January.

    Cleaning girl has to get in my office to clean, have a great afternoon and evening.

    One Day at a Time

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member

    Marie, we called a few minutes ago and talked to Jerry and left him a message for you that we wish you a happy birthday and love you a lot.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Jackie, Diane asked me to share this with you since you aren't on Facebook.
    She thought it would be perfect for your walks with George!!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Wow, I looked it up and read the happy customers comments and photos, and after a first smile, I think it's a great idea! Wonder if muddymutts make them in Jillys size? She's very close to the ground and gets sopping wet.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy- I saw that dog coat on Facebook, its really cute, and I bet it would work for any dog especially in muddy, rainy weather. A perfect idea for little George.

    Well I have returned from the clinic and saw the doctor again as you do at every visit. I told him I had a heart murmer when he started to listen to my heart, which I have had as a kid. He said I should be having Echo's done every 2-3 years. Well I guess my doctor slipped on that one. I have had two in the past but I guess I am due again. I handed in my diaries from MFP and the lady I talked with said I am making good food choices except that I am low in Protein and Fiber. So I guess I have to up those two food categories. Next week's apt. I will be given a food plan to start with, with calories ranging from
    1200 to 1300.

    Marie - I hope you are having a fabulous day! I saw your picture on Facebook and you are looking good!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    edited November 2016
    A very busy day. Highlights---laundry, conversation with my agent regarding next year's Rx and Canadian pharmacies, call to LTC administrator for information to help me make a decision, a trip to pick up a gift that I won in a recent drawing (yippee!), hours of research and phone calls pertaining to replacing the missing baking pans at church, some online banking and worked on a jigsaw puzzle, played a game of scrabble and started to read a new book. Some little sweet potatoes are cooking now.

    Tomorrow is Mah Jongg morning and coloring in the afternoon. My church is holding their annual turkey dinner and craft/bake sale on Saturday. I am lining up little things to take along for the craft sale (things we needed last year and had trouble finding such as card stock, pens, tape, change box is ready, oh and extra pricing labels and a small notebook as well). Will be a busy week me thinks.

    Phoebe, it has been a very unsettling week here with the deaths of the officers. Lots of sadness, crying, upset, and a feeling that you don't know what to do. The suspect aka coward got his truck stuck in the mud in a rural area. He flagged down a DNR officer and surrendered saying he was sick. They took him to the hospital and he was not charged until the hospital discharged him some days later. He has appeared in court with bail set at $5 million cash on each count of murder. The first funeral was today and the public was barred from the service. Only family and law enforcement were allowed in as I understand it. So yes, a man has been arrested and I do believe people are saying he has mental problems.

    So I have babbled too long, time to check the taters!! Hugs to everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2016
    Thanks everyone for all of your beautiful birthday wishes. they mend the world/tyo me. <3 marie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I hope there will be fewer emails after tomorrow, and I hope our country will truly remember what we stand for and who we are and come together to heal and fix and grow into the promise that was always America!
    PHOEBE, our message department has reduced your name to a number! I could not believe the problem I had messaging you! Thank you so much!
    Little by little, things are getting done, cleared out, shredded or simply discovered after years of being forgotten. Oh my, the memories!
    Forgive me for not addressing each one of you individually tonight; my eyes will not remain open! I will return to my usual self soon! I hope you know how much you are part of my life!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2016
    Thanks to Sandy and Diane, that's hilarious and I can just imagine a grumpy George in such attire!! I'll definitely keep them in mind, especially if our winter is as cold and wet as threatened. Anne, watching our lunchtime news and forecast I'm sure I spotted an area of white on the weather map over the shoulder of the presenter which could be you!! As for the news, all I can say is thank goodness the US elections are drawing to a close because I'm exhausted by it all and don't even get to vote! LOL Good luck to you all whatever the result.

    This morning was our swimming meet and I've since been pottering about at home but in an hour I must take George for a walk because first thing was a short one. Cold rain beginning to fall so I'm planning the local woods where we'll get a bit of shelter. Then it's my weekly yoga class which after so much gardening yesterday afternoon is going to be a struggle! Now off to the kitchen sink to wash up breakfast and lunch items and probably light the stove because it's getting chilly.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    JACKIE!!! Oh no!!! A white blob behind your weatherman in MY direction! Say it's not so! Jill and I went for a long, long walk this morning. It was nippy, FROST on the pumpkins at 7 am, but lovely and bracing. I've worn us both out, she's snoozing on the sofa, and I'm trying to stay awake! Things to do. Must stay awake for this evening because I think me and all of Ontario will be watching what you guys south of our border are up to.
    What are we all going to do for entertainment now all the shouting is done?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Who says the shouting will die down????
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning What a day yesterday Rain all day long. and drive clear across town to the new doctor. and i hd to get to irving, Texas. clear across town Got off track twice. Got to thru to the with minutes tp and I discover I did not have doctor. my insurance card at home in my other purse and I could not see the doctor. But they scheduled me withThen we stopped an the doctor office here in Mesquite Which I will go to this coming thursday. just a couple blocks from my house.What a mix up day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    edited November 2016
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Well, it has arrived the day we vote for the next US President!! With all the bashing and terrible things people say to each other no matter who wins they will continue to bash one another blaming each other. I have a rule to never discuss politics or religion, it is much easier that way and my views are my own. I will vote because it is my right, I just pray that I am making the right choice.

    Marie, I am so sorry you had a bad mixed up day at the doctor's office. At least you got to go for a nice lunch with Alice on your birthday. One Day at a Time, things will improve.

    Lin, I'm with you, who says the shouting will stop? I am ready to unfriend good friends with all the bashing they do against their opposing candidate. I can guarantee they will keep it up no matter who gets elected. They will call fraud and every other other vial things they have been doing. Why can't we just all get along????

    Jackie, our weather here has been so spring like, it is hard to believe it is November. I hope we don't hit hard when that white stuff starts falling. I think George would be adorable in those pants, although I did not check out the price. lol

    Anne, Jilly is so good for your health. Did you used to walk alone when you didn't have her or is she what is keeping you so healthy?

    Tomorrow I have to be at Robby's by 8 AM so I hope to go to bed early.

    Have a good day and if in America.......

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday!! :)
    I am ready to unfriend good friends with all the bashing they do against their opposing candidate. I can guarantee they will keep it up no matter who gets elected. They will call fraud and every other other vial things they have been doing. Why can't we just all get along
    One Day at a Time

    Oh Sandy, I so agree. I have many friends here whom I dearly love, and no matter who wins, I will continue to care about them because we do not discuss politics! Most of us respect our differences, and following the Golden Rule, we remain "family".
    I heard a commentator say, yesterday, disliking the views of the person running for office does not mean we dislike the followers. We all believe we want the best for our country, and are probably all fed up with the gridlock, and we all would like to find the answers to how to become functional again! We MUST get back to finding solutions that work for all!
    Good luck, world!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good luck to all who have to vote tonight! I don't discuss politics or religion either, you can never win in those discussions which usually become debates.

    Have a good evening.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Good evening, nice long day. Busy avoiding anything pertaining to elections. Thank goodness for DVDs and Netflix.

    Have a bit of a stomach ache so am going to take it easy for the rest of the evening. Hugs.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Long day! Dentist wants me to take antibiotics and see if my achy tooth gets better. I'm for that! Better than a numb mouth.
    Sandy, I see your point but I must admit I am loving the passion this election year has shown. Imagine how it feels for someone who has Never seen a line when I've voted. It's amazing! Apathy has taken a back seat, people Want to make a difference. I love it.
    Marie, sorry it all got messed up. Hope you can wait for your new appointment.
    Jackie, the cold must go thru your continent before it gets to ours, lol... I really don't have a clue. I'm glad it isn't that cold here yet. I wish I could walk Honey like you and Anne, braving all weathers. Me, the wimp.
    I bought a Keurig today. Marked down. Hope it works. I've been wishy-washy about getting one. A new garbage can. What fun. Sigh. Now it's time to relax. We're back to work in the morning.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm going to sleep! I clearly remember going to bed certain Dewey had won, and waking up to the new President Truman! I just hope whoever wins can recall what it's like to care about US and our beautiful country, and have respect for everyone! To a better future, everyone!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    President Trump.