Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Long day; got some packing done and picked out clothes to donate to various charities. Certificates arrived, and the great news about what I owe the government for the month in which My husband passed on the 26th, even though they still take medicare out of the Social Security taken back for that month! Is this for real? I will not receive a full S.S. check now until February. I just won't think about it this weekend!
    JERI, I hope the shoulder improves. Those shots sometimes take awhile before helping, don't they?
    SHIRLEY, how sweet to post your Dad's handsome picture! Most veterans were mere kids when they joined!
    SANDY, busy day for you! About how much does Daisy weigh? I know she's a rather large bundle of love!
    JACKIE, how delightful to be so close to goal! Keep making parsnip soup!
    NOL, I recall your "scatter kindness"; lovely thought!
    Are you out there, dimples-er, PHOEBE?
    PATSY, hope you are feeling better tonight. Hugs, dear gal!
    ANNE, I imagine you prefer the people pick up the bean than try to lift you! And do you attempt a nap when she takes one? What a change your life has taken with that adorable little baby!
    Looking forward to seeing one of our granddaughters tomorrow, even though it will only be 1/2 hour visit. She is a photojournalist and is finishing a 7 year project on women body builders! Glad it brought her to Florida to complete it!
    Now to fill in a few forms and perhaps get to sleep at a reasonable hour? Happy weekend you all...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2016
    A beautiful day, warm and sunny. A pot of coffee is on the go and I'm planning to muck out the hens and do some gardening because the rest of the week looks grey. Watch out for the moon tonight because it will be the closest to our planet since 1948 so quite a sight.

    Nola ~ Yes, you are going in the right direction so well done and thanks for the congratulations on my crawl to the line! I did reach it about 2 years ago but then let things slip but I'm determined to stay in control now and yes Buzz, live on parsnip soup!

    Shirley ~ What a handsome man your dad was. Hopefully your aches and pains have gone... ready for the next yoga class! I'm getting there and will definitely take your advice on Tuesday and avoid too many stretches in the wrong direction.

    Anne ~ Our dogs certainly do open up doors to the community don't they. A good job your Bean doesn't have George's grumpy ways.... he'd never tolerate being picked up by strangers and would no doubt embarrass me!

    Buzz ~ Enjoy your short time with your grand daughter. Women body builders, now there's a different subject!

    Lin ~ When it comes to Amazon I'm not too sure what I have but am sure options are available. When I ordered the last series of The Good Wife because I missed its broadcast I expected a pack of dvds to arrive in the post but instead have to watch on line so must have signed up for something in the process! There are news stories about Amazon at the moment treating their delivery drivers badly so I may well look elsewhere in future unless they improve. That's a sweet quilt you found, now you need a little Jilly Bean to sit on it!! LOL

    I must get on while the sun shines so wish everyone a peaceful Sunday.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Just me with a quick pop in because Sunday usually is my busiest day. I don't know if it was the furnace man plodding up and down the basement stairs that jogged Marks memory, but he showed up yesterday with tool bag and Mary Jo in tow to reinstall the bannister or railing which has been sitting around for years waiting to be reinstalled. It's already improving my life and my 81 year old knees love it! At 52, his age, we have no idea what's in store for our knees!
    FREEZING early this morning for our walk, but warming up now, yeah.
    Happy Sunday, Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Drag! I never went to bed last night! Owed several birthday and anniversary cards and just finished the last one! And I don't really feel tired! Perhaps I'll nap this afternoon!
    JACKIE, I think Amazon here does not use its own drivers. Mine seem to come from UPS or FedEx! I buy so much from them but I'll discontinue if they treat their workers poorly!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Hello - just popping by for a moment. Need to run again. We had a relatively successful craft/bake sale in conjunction with the annual turkey dinner but oh my, what a lot of work and running about while trying treat each person with lots of kindness. Sometimes crazy wired up children do test my patience :)

    Off soon as it is my month for communion prep and clean-up plus will be selling crafts before and after church. See you later.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited November 2016
    Happy Sunday! :) The Team Event went well, it was just long. The good thing was that it was only 10 minutes from my house. Went to Mass and then stopped by Babe's and we ordered a pizza. Daisy was happy to see me as I was her. Today I have nothing planned but that could change. I do love staying home by myself and catching up on shows I have recorded. I sort of just invited myself to Rob and Lisa's for Thanksgiving but I didn't want to wait to the last minute to see if they were inviting me. (was that rude) We will keep it simple so it will be fine.

    Lin, you do keep busy, I would be worn out. Love the quilt.

    Buzz, I wish you wouldn't stay up all night, that is not good for your health. I do hope you get a nap, a long nap today. I worry about you and that you are doing too much too fast, slow down and smell the roses please.

    Anne, where did Mark install the handrail? To the basement or to your upstairs? He is such a good son and always there for you.

    Jackie, so jealous you are only two pounds from your goal. I have added pounds and now need to lose 7 to get to my goal. I am working harder on it except for that pizza last night.

    Nola, so good to hear from you, we have missed your scattered kindness as Marie mentioned.

    Shirley, I agree, your dad was such a good looking man. Thanks for sharing.

    Jeri, I am thinking of calling my doctor for another cortisone shot in my shoulder as well. My rotary cuff doesn't bother me as much during the day as it does when I try to sleep. I hope your shot works and the pain goes away.

    Marie, hope you are feeling better each day and enjoying your plant diet.

    Karen, I hope that they can cure your dizziness, it seems like Babe is destined to live with his.

    Patsy, my son told me the protests are calming down as they are in Chicago. I read they are putting together a protest on the day of inauguration in January. I pray that this all calms down before then, I hate that the country is so divided.

    If I missed anyone I apologize, have a great day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jackie - I am finally healing from the muscle pull and haven't exercised since Monday at Yoga. I am going to try and go on my bike for about 20 mins tomorrow and see how I feel. Congratulations on losing your weight. I am still struggling and have to get my mind in the game again. I am reading a book called "Health at Every Size" and hope to get more insight.

    Sandy - Enjoy your recorded shows, we are always catching up on them too. I bet Daisy was
    happy to see you. I think Lisa would have invited you anyway, I don't think asking too soon was wrong.

    Lin - A lovely quilt you brought home from your craft show. I like looking at crafts and getting ideas.

    Buzz - I agree with Sandy, you should get to bed earlier its not good for your health to stay up so late,
    unless you nap during the day. Take your time on getting things organized it will always be there tomorrow.

    Karen - I once had a bout of dizziness, but that was after being sick. It took a few weeks to get back
    to normal. I hope you find some relief soon.

    Anne - Glad your bannister is finally up and you can be safe and secure.

    Thanks for the compliments on my Dad's picture. Yes..he was a handsome guy in his day.

    Today was making pancakes this morning, I make oatmeal and cottage cheese pancakes in the blender and we both really like them. Then off to Walmart and picked up some gifts for Isaac for Christmas and he is pretty well done now except for one online gift still coming.

    It's already 4 oclock and where did the day go. I still want to repair a bathing suit coverup that I shortened. Some of the threads came apart from the machine. I guess the steamstress didn't
    do a good job. LOL

    Next week is another apt at the diet clinic, I hate that word diet because we all know they don't work.
    So..I am supposed to get a meal plan with 1200-1300 calories. Oh! another diet. (sarcasm)
    We shall see how this works. Do you think I have an attitude? LOL
    I finished the book INTUITIVE EATING and now I am reading HEALTH AT EVERY SIZE. These books
    go against what I am doing at this clinic so I am very torn.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member

    I think they look alike, what do you think?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I made up for the sleep by sleeping through a movie! You are right, and I'll get to bed early tonight. DD arrives tomorrow.
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Early to bed, early to rise,
    Keeps a maid healthy, wealthy and wise!

    I do this, well, I'm pretty healthy, but definitely not wealthy and wise!

    Don't forget to view the big beautiful moon tonight before going to beddy byes. It's the closest to earth since 1948. Gorgeous last night on our last evening trot to end a lovely day.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Wow, I'm not quite sure what happened to this past week. My weight is up. Ugh. :o It was a busy week and I guess there must have been food choices that I didn't really notice. The house did get a few needed outside repairs and the painting is complete.
    This week will include more activity and exercise and hopefully more focus on completing tasks. I will be doing a little furniture rearranging and continuing to get the inside more and more organized. I'm looking forward to the moon watching this evening. B)
    Wishing everyone a wonderful week.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne it was a fantastic view after watching the great Cowboy game

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Cowboy game, thzt is Duke by my side Rickie beautiful dog and very friendly dog.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    I love Kathy new hair style.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I started writing a post and accidentally closed my window. :s Laundry is started, after all it is Monday. :p We have agreed to purchase a cooked turkey with all the trimmings instead of cooking on Thanksgiving. There is only four of us and it will just be much easier to heat it up than to cook from scratch. Mariano's and Whole Foods both have good deals so I will probably go today or tomorrow to order from one of them. I also asked them if they would like my Christmas decorations from Babe's house since they are not being used and they said yes. I am happy about that because I have a lot of decorations and hope they make good use of them. I think I will put up my balcony decorations this week since the weather is still warm. I won't turn the lights on until after Thanksgiving, one holiday at a time.

    Marie, great pictures of your family, including Duke!!

    Marcella, I too, have gained weight and it is frustrating. It is so easy to gain and so hard to lose. My granddaughter made me laugh last week when I said I wanted to lose the last 5 pounds (more now) and she said you have been trying to lose 5 pounds for years. It is true but I will never give up.

    Anne, you are wrong, you are wealthy and wise, wealthy with good family and good friends, wise with all your experience of life. I took a couple of pictures of the moon, but I am no Jeri!

    Buzz, glad you got a nap through the movie but also hope you went to bed early to be rested for your daughter.

    Shirley, I hope you don't mind that I made that collage, for some reason I think they look alike but that just might be me. lol I did catch up on some shows yesterday but still have many on my DVR.

    Lin, you must be busy running around, I hope it is fun stuff.

    Jackie, weather must be nice enough for you to be outside.

    Patsy, I hope you are feeling better and things have quieted down in Oregon.

    Phoebe, must be on the road.

    Nola, Karen and everyone else I missed, I hope your day is going well!!

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good day. I stayed up very late to finish a coloring project! Now I am behind on my list of stuff to do! I did get two errands out of the way and got answers to my issues with my OnStar account. There is a tax webinar coming up soon. It is related to agricultural issues so I would imagine much of this will not pertain to me but some of it could be helpful.

    Lots of cooking to do, stuff to toss out as tomorrow is trash day, and still that pesky list of things to do that includes filling out several multi-page forms (something I tend to put off). Need to get lunch wrapped up as the webinar is starting soon.

    Lovely family Marie! And that was an interesting photo comparison younpisted Sandy.

    Shirley, your dad was so handsome.

    Buzz, more naps are in order for you! A friend had an announcement made at church yesterday. She had nearly new men's overcoats to give away. These were her late husband's things. It has literally taken her well over a year to touch some of these things. Please take your time if you can my friend.

    Sorry, I need to toddle along. I seem to be incapable of rushing through everything these days. Kind of frustrating.

    Hugs from your turtle friend

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy /What a wonderful idea to do that collage. Never thought about my dad and Isaac having similiar features but I can see them too. Thanks for doing that, you are talented.

    Laundry day for me too and practicing choir music today. I just got an email to put our songs in order for the performance so that job is done. I am ready for practice tomorrow night.

    Tonight I am meeting a friend for dinner from our sailing club, our husbands are on the board, so its nice to talk with her without a group of people around all the time.

    Dave picked up another gate for our stairs when Isaac comes. We have two sets of stairs he can go down. Dave also picked up some Christmas jammies for him which we will give to Kathy early so he can wear them on Christmas. You can never get enough for the grandchild I am finding out. ;)

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Marie - Great picture. Thanks for sharing!

    Sandy - I'm sure we will both get those pounds back off quickly.

    Today, I did a good bit of furniture rearranging. Still have a little more to do later in the week. I am so ready to go to bed and get some rest!
    Sweet dreams, everyone,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What started off as a misty and murky morning has improved greatly once it lifted and the sun started to shine through. Scruff's mum and I took our dogs to the local woods and walked twice around the path in order to get a few more steps in. Most of the leaves are now covering the ground so it's a beautiful sight to behold although someone who should have collected their dog's poo into a bag had left it in the middle of the path so of course I managed to step into it because it was hidden!! Luckily I had a pack of tissues in my pocket but even so my walking shoes are now waiting outside for me to organise a bucket of soapy water and scrubbing brush!

    Sandy ~ Did you mention Christmas decorations already? :o LOL. My dog walking friend has finally lost about 70 lbs this year but used to joke that over the years she had probably lost hundreds but the problem was they all went back on! She seems determined this time around and I think because her health has improved so much she'll stick to it. Thanks for the moon photo because over Cornwall we've had cloud every night although I can see when I let George into the garden for his last pee there's enough light not to need a torch so it's shining bright up there somewhere!!

    Marcella ~ It's so easy to let eating choices slip when we're busy; I certainly have to concentrate because there are times I skip lunch as I work then eat too much at the end of the day because I'm hungry. George has more sense than me because I've just given him a bit too much to eat for his brunch so he's now sitting over his Denture stick growling at any cat that dares to look at it but too stuffed to be able to eat it!!

    Shirley ~ My muscles are just beginning to get back to normal and now I have a yoga class this evening! Think I'll definitely take things steady!!

    Marie ~ Love the photos.... looks like you all had a great time!

    I had better get on and do something constructive so will say hi to Anne, Lin, Jeri, Barbie and Buzz plus anyone else I missed. Enjoy your Tuesday.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited November 2016
    We had a lovely long crunch and shuffle through the leaves this morning. We are enjoying "fall" while we can. The town will soon come around with the giant vacuum cleaner and suck autumn away. I've always walked, but must admit it's extra pleasurable with a little dog to talk to (and scoop unknown objects and twigs out of her mouth!)

    Our little family had a talk this weekend about Christmas and no little ones as yet in our clan. We've decided not to give gifts this year but to enjoy a Christmas Eve dinner at Mark and Mary Jo's (traditional for Mary Jo, she's already made the Christmas puddings) and a Christmas Day dinner all together instead. A stress free Christmas for once. I must admit I'm tremendously relieved about this. I've been worrying about what to give middle aged established family whose tastes differ from mine. Hate to waste money on unwanted gifts, hate them having to return them or change wrong sizes. Plus the hassle for me around the stores and buses. This all started at a get together for Mark and Mary Jo with their friends who also have grown up children. The group have all given up gift giving as well but will enjoy a big Christmas party instead, and they asked if that's what Mike and I would like to do. For me it's like a weights been lifted off my shoulders, I much prefer to have fun with them all without the worry beforehand. Mind you I'll more than likely sneak the 20 plus grands a little cash when no ones looking! One always needs gas money at their age!

    So......the only little soul I'll be shopping for this Christmas will be a certain little pup who's managed to chew to pieces most of her toys! I'll wrap them up, and guess who will enjoy the paper tearing more than the gifts.

    Positively skipping with joy now the worry is gone,
    Anne, the grinch.