Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hello, would you believe I have spent hours today trying to get a package ready to return? I had to find the packing materials, the invoice and the instruction booklet. Okay, finally found all that but no way to get everything back in that box!! I finally taped the box closed, used sealing tape to add the stuff that wouldn't fit in the box to the top of the box. Slipped all that in a larger box and added some packing paper. I have copied the return slip and am ready to tape the larger box up and add the label. Monday.

    Tomorrow will be a very busy day. I will leave it at that.

    Marie, if you are going too much, I have been told to eat bland food--white rice, bananas, plain potatoes and toast. If you are eating dairy products I guess cheese is good too.

    Anne, NO! Not freezing rain!!!!

    Diane, wow, all that flooring. I cannot imagine how much work was involved for you in moving furniture and cleaning up!!! Wow. Good luck with those darling grandchildren. They seem to have lots of energy. I see pictures that my friends post and there seems to be very little sitting around. More action!!

    Chris, your new teapot sounds wonderful! I love tea but usually only make it by the mug.

    Sandy, you will be on the move for the upcoming week. Good times in store!!

    Jackie, it is time for another cup of tea here as well! I love hot tea in the fall and winter. Did I hear the tennis was exciting today??

    Karen, how is the paleontology challenge going?

    Shirley, I hope your knee is feeling better.

    Time to get moving again.

    Hugs my friends.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    So ready to go to sleep. The hubby and I got up early this morning and drove up to our camper to get it winterized before the freezing temps tonight. Returned home late. Wishing everyone a snuggly, warm night.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Deciding whether to install the new Hallmark 2017 program or wait to an earlier hour another day! I've so much catching up to do! Spent hours documenting overcharges todayand then the Humana website suddeny stopped providing information
    on claims made for Mike! Lots of things I never gave permission for, and administration tells me they will swallow most of the charges they made that were denied! It is all so confusing, but I try to muddle on. My head is foggy lately, and I just hope I'm not "losing it"!
    SHIRLEY, easy does it on that knee! No pain no gain is pretty much out of fashion these days! Those Epsom baths are amazingly soothing!
    Nice to see you back, KAREN. Let us know how Paleo is working for you. I didn't realize it says no nuts, since they are part of nature! I get a lot of shopping ;done through Amazon. I still don't quite understanf their Pantry rules so I probably don't get full advantage!
    DIANE, the wedding sounds relaxed an fun! Sometimes they can get too tense and the desserts instead of those huge tastless cakes sound great! You look terrific! For plantar fasciitis, you might try standing on a step or curb with your forefoot and stretch the heel downward as much as possible! Also, the thing that most eased it for me (aside from time) was that band that goes around the instep and under the arch, holding the fascia in place. It had a velcro fastening..
    MARIE, freeze warning? BRRRRrrrrr! What kind of problem are you having? Too loose or bound up? If bound, I've had luck with Metamucil whe I've been bound I also pretty much stay away from potatoes

    Deciding whether to install the new Hallmark 2017 program or wait to an earlier hour another day! I've so much catching up to do! Spent hours documenting overcharges todayand then the Humana website suddeny stopped providing information
    on claims made for Mike! Lots of things I never gave permission for, and administration tells me they will swallow most of the charges they made that were denied! It is all so confusing, but I try to muddle on. My head is foggy lately, and I just hope I'm not "losing it"!
    SHIRLEY, easy does it on that knee! No pain no gain is pretty much out of fashion these days! Those Epsom baths are amazingly soothing!
    Nice to see you back, KAREN. Let us know how Paleo is working for you. I didn't realize it says no nuts, since they are part of nature! I get a lot of shopping ;done through Amazon. I still don't quite understanf their Pantry rules so I probably don't get full advantage!
    DIANE, the wedding sounds relaxed an fun! Sometimes they can get too tense and the desserts instead of those huge tastless cakes sound great! You look terrific! For plantar fasciitis, you might try standing on a step or curb with your forefoot and stretch the heel downward as much as possible! Also, the thing that most eased it for me (aside from time) was that band that goes around the instep and under the arch, holding the fascia in place. It had a velcro fastening..
    MARIE, freeze warning? BRRRRrrrrr! What kind of problem are you having? Too loose or bound up? If bound, I've had luck with Metamucil when I've been bound I also pretty much stay away from potatoes.
    I fell asleep several times while typing this so I'd better get to bed.
    <3 Buzz

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    7:15 am. A dusting of snow outside. Jilly is still in her bed! Who can blame her! That's it from me, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    just waiting forthr game to start
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    To Gayla:



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Storm Angus hit us last night and goodness, didn't it rain. The sky had cleared this morning by the time our doggy walk was planned and we had a pleasant stroll across the top moor even though the ground was sometimes waterlogged, in fact at one point my boots were close to being sucked off my feet! My plan this afternoon is to do a little cooking, continue to extract honey from a bowl of beeswax and keep an eye on the garden because I've some of George's washed towels on the line and we are promised another downpour later.

    Buzz ~ You won't be losing it, just emotionally exhausted so be kinder to yourself if you can. <3

    Lin ~ Yes, the tennis was very exciting and came down to just one point for either to win the match and Andy Murrey was the lucky one because it really could have gone either way. I've been looking for the Birthdays topic for a few days but couldn't see it and hoped we weren't missing anyone.

    Gayla ~ A happy birthday to you!

    Anne ~ A dusting of snow! Go carefully when you walk. The rain was coming down so hard last night George refused to go into the garden for his late pee and Brady reverted to bored kitten as he climbed everywhere, knocked things off shelves, tore at wallpaper and tried his best to squeeze behind the tv even though he's now twice the size he was when able to do so. A few cross words from me made no difference of course!

    Marie ~ Enjoy the game.... I'm guessing who's playing!! I hope you are feeling better today too.

    Sandy ~ Enjoy those birthday celebrations. It's so nice you can remain friends with your ex.

    Looks about ready to rain so I'd better get George's towels in off the line.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited November 2016
    Yes it's me again to wish Happy birthday!! Gayla.
    Jilly finally dragged herself out of her dog basket, and we made our walk. Definitely a nip in the air! She wore her knitted red sweater and I wore my clod hopping great big hiking boots JACKIE so I would remain upright. The dusting of snow had gone, but it's still darn cold and 1 degree I believe. We all got spoilt with that warm spell. Like Brady, Jill is full of beans right now, much tugging with her teeth on the leash and bouncing up and down. I wonder when this puppy and kitten stage will pass? My little terror is 9 months old right now.
    I can only repeat what Jackie has said to everyone already, having the same sentiments.
    Take care, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Birthday Gayla Enjoy your day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I have my car all packed up with Christmas decorations and will be going to see Robby after his nap. Dinner celebration and then home. I did not sleep well for some reason so I am very tired today. :(

    Anne, now I know why you call Jilly "Beans"! lol

    Jackie, the birthday list is posted under announcements on our first page. I was hoping that made it easier for everyone to find. :p

    Marie, enjoy those Cowboys!! Hope you feel better and get regular with your potty breaks.

    Buzz, your post was so nice, you did it twice!! I do hope you are not pushing yourself!! There is no hurry to get everything done, take your time.

    Marcella, I hope you got some rest after winterizing your camper.

    Lin, I am sorry it took so long to get your package ready, it was to Amazon they are not fussy.
    It seems all your days are busy, which I hope you are enjoying.

    Chris, not sure I could just eat fruits and vegetables, I need meat with my meals. lol

    Have a great day, it is cold here and wearing a winter coat seems so strange.

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just a quick note, yesterday was a Bliss Day for me, meditation and gentle yoga and it ran a little late closer to 5pm and we were supposed to stop at 4:30pm. Our lunch was Ethopian food which I have never had and it was delicious. Still a little tired from all the meditation but feel good. My knee is progressing and is sore only in one spot now. Chiropractor on Tues. for another treatment.

    Going to my nephew's too see his wife who is havimg a Christmas tour with all the crafters in her area.
    She makes all kinds of soaps, lotions, and things like that. Her sister is an artist and her mom does jewlery so it should be a good show to buy some Christmas things. We are taking Dave's mom with us and Kathy and Isaac will be there too. Bonus!

    I will finish reading all posts later.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Happy Birthday Gayla.

    Having fun with Melissa's two boys. They spent the night, we are watching a movie. Then going to McDonalds.

    Love these boys.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Happy Birthday Gayla!
    from Marcella
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Just a quick note. My friend did not make it to church today BUT her family is in town AND she has agreed to try another type of chemo. So she is back to trying to fight again.

    My package is not going back to Amazon but to QVC and they are a little touchier. Hope they settle for the job I was able to do.

    Marie, how's the football game going? Or is it over?

    Jeri, how lovely that you have fun with the boys!!

    Buzz, best wishes on getting everything straightened out. It can definitely be a nightmare. I finally just gave up with my dad's bills and paid what the providers would not give up on. It didn't end up being that much thank the Lord.

    Shirley, your day sounds wonderful and peaceful.

    Just got home and I think I will stay. There is a program at church tonight and I should be there to make change for craft purchases but you know I guess they will just need to wing it.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jackie I think this is the recipe you were looking for:

    Oatmeal Breakfast Cakes - Readers Digest

    1 1/2 c. Quick cooking oats
    1/4 c. Finely chopped nuts
    1/4 c. Flaxseed meal
    1/2 tsp. Baking soda
    1/4 tsp. Sea salt (fine)
    3 Tbsp. Chopped dates
    1/4 c. + 2 Tbsp. Nonfat yogurt
    2 Tbsp. Extra light Olive oil
    2 Tbsp. honey
    1 - egg

    Preheat oven to 350F. - 16 - 18 mins.
    Spray baking sheet with oil
    In a large bowl stir together oats, nuts, flaxseed meal, baking soda, salt until combined.
    Work the dates in with your hands, evenly distribute
    Add yogurt, oil, honey and egg.
    Beat together with a fork
    Stir in oat mixture to form a wet dough
    1/4 c. measure, scoop out dough and plop 1-inch apart on baking sheet
    Use wet hands to put into cakes (8 cakes)
    Bake 16-18 mins.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2016
    Sounds delicious, JACKIE; if someone bakes, will they send me one??? I opted out of an oven when we moved here. Spent the entire day more or less lounging around in y housedress, being lazy and installing a new program in my computer. I may regret it tomorrow, but I enjoyed today!
    LIN, I may end up doing what you did, but the documentation may help them recover money from the insurance company so I don't have to pay so much! SANDY, I didn't see the 2 posts! My face i red! I hope YOU are not overdoing!!! JERI, MARCELLA, SHIRLEY, hi, loves. Did I miss MARIE somehow? Forgive me if I didn't see you all, but my eyes get so blurry I can't read the entire thing!
    <3 Buzz
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member

    I know it is not here yet...but wanted to say thanks to you all for being such great friends to my mom, Marie. You are all wonderful people!
    If you are traveling this week please be safe!
    God Bless you all!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    gemfrire wrote: »

    I know it is not here yet...but wanted to say thanks to you all for being such great friends to my mom, Marie. You are all wonderful people!
    If you are traveling this week please be safe!
    God Bless you all!
    How is Sidney this morning.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good day....joining in the wishes


