Senior Golden Sneakers



  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Happy birthday Gayla, good wishes being sent to you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited November 2016
    Happy Monday! :) Today is Lisa's birthday but we celebrated yesterday and will again tomorrow. I brought them the Christmas stuff but little did I know that Lisa gets freaked out with porcelain faces and all my animated Santa and such reminded her too much of them.
    They are back in my trunk waiting to see who else might want them. lol I am going out for dinner with friends tonight to celebrate Thanksgiving, so much for all my hard work exercising and dieting. Oh well, there is always next week. :p

    Laundry is being done, my cleaning girl is here and the day is half gone. Enjoy the rest of your day and keep being grateful.
    I have to share Robby's picture because it is just so darn cute. I told Lisa she should have it made into Christmas cards.


    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    What a totally adorable photo Sandy!!!! :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    He sure is a cutie!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, you did a fine job bringing up your wonderful daughter, and Happy Thanksgiving to you all, too!
    SANDY, what an adorable baby...and picture! As far as the extra eating, I'm afraid I just learned that worrying too much makes no difference! I wish I had not nagged Mike about eating "the wrong foods"! Enjoy eating it all, just remember to think about portion size! (Me, too!)
    LIN, lovely coloring as usual.
    Just gt in today's mail a pile of papers to fill out, plus and ambulance bill for September which I have paid and have a receipt! GRRRRrrrrrr!
    Finally my legs got wrapped today, and will be done 3 times a week until, I hope, they come down in size!
    Holy crow, this entire post just disappeared except for the 1st line! Thank goodness I recalled clicking <Ctrl z> even though it doesn't always work! Tonight it did!
    I'd better log off while I'm still ahead...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This morning I met friends at the local leisure centre for a swim which seems to have helped a trapped sciatic nerve that is giving me gyp in one leg. A phone call to my GP practice yesterday didn't get me far.... too busy so I'll try again tomorrow in the hopes I can get a physio referral. Yoga tonight but if I go I will certainly take things slowly! Apart from walking George somewhere this afternoon there's nothing else planned, just more never ending housework!

    Shirley ~ Thanks for looking up the recipe but no, that's not it.... looks delicious though so might try it! I'm not sure the mix even went into an oven as it was very basic but not to worry, I'll experiment and see what I come up with.

    Sandy ~ A delightful photo and yes, it would make a wonderful card. At swimming today I was planning a Christmas shopping trip with a couple of friends one day next week so am sure I will creep into the spirit of it all at some point!! LOL

    I must get some lunch going, homemade bean soup and foccasia bread today to warm me up!

    Hello to everyone, especially Alice, thank you for your kind words.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i need an update onour expected Ggrandchilds

    when due & etc my memory did not stored tha informations. Very good.

    Love Marie
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Sandy - Your picture is absolutely too, too cute! o:)

    Buzz - Sounds like you’re keeping busy with businesses bad accounting and paperwork. So sorry the you are having to deal with so much unnecessary stuff. Hope your legs are better soon.

    Jackie - Best wishes getting what you need from your GP quickly. Seems to be a busy time of the year with doctors. Enjoy your walk with George and, of course, fun times with the housekeeping!

    Because of Thanksgiving this week, my “fresh milk run” is today instead of Thursday. So, I guess I will try to do the rest of my food shopping today and then hopefully not have to go out again until after Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) I have to get in the shower and get ready before my grandson arrives but wanted to say good morning. Marie, my new grandson is due in January, a boy named Maxwell Thomas. Lisa is hoping for an early delivery but we will see.
    Going to have my grandson carry up all my Christmas boxes from my garage, it will save me a lot of struggle. I will put up the decorations after Thanksgiving but at least they will be in my house.

    Have a wonderful day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends.

    Alice - thanks so much for checking in to all of us. We love your mom and hope she is healing and starts to enjoy her normal life. You are such a wonderful daughter!

    Jackie - Sorry about the recipe but I will keep looking and see if i can find it. It might not happen until I return.

    We are leaving tomorrow for our Thanksgiving celebration and Black Friday shopping. Chiropractor today and a treatment. I think it won't be my last I am still having some pain in the back of my knee.
    I will know more today. I will be taking an epsom bath this morning and have to get packing.

    See you all when I return on Monday.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What l am cooking. Me some toasted veggies for breakfast Must admot they smell good roasting. Potatoes slice onions, and baby carrots. I have a eggplant to cook later. Looking for a recipes.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Hard to believe I am the first one here today. Everyone must be baking or cooking for Thanksgiving. It was great seeing my grandson and for him to meet Robby. We had a good time but of course ate too much. He did carry up all my Christmas boxes so today I will probably start decorating a little at a time. No one really comes here so basically I am decorating for myself. lol

    Marie You are back to cooking so you must be feeling better. Shirley Safe travels and good luck with the Black Friday shopping. I won't even go near a store on Friday. Marcella Are you cooking for Thanksgiving? Jackie I hope you got to a doctor to manage the pain from the sciatic nerve, believe me I know how much that hurts. Buzz I know this might be a hard holiday for you, but enjoy it with the good friends you have made.Lin I am sure you are busy doing lots of things for the holiday. I am sure your friends are grateful for you and all that you do. Alice We are all grateful for you and how you love your mother. Jeri I couldn't help but notice one of your grandchildren with oxygen on Facebook, is everything okay? Chris Thanks for checking in. Patsy Are you feeling okay? Nola Missing your scattered kindness Anne Missing your post. Karen A Blessed Thanksgiving. Barbie I hope you are back to your favorite activites with no pain.

    I do hope I haven't missed anyone but if I did it wasn't intentional. Have a great day!!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes I have been cooking some but just for me mostly. yes Sandy I have the most wonderful daughter. Alice can't be beat. She is going thru a tough time with her kitty Sydney now.

    i had a nose bleed this morning but got it settle down somewhat . Getting my clothes wash

    how are you doing Barbie?
    and all the rest of the Sneakers


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello, it was freezing this morning when Jilly and I set off on our walk. Heavy frost and she wore her little red sweater which my fair hands lovingly knitted for her. Yesterday she pulled a huge hole under the armpit, I sewed it together. Today she finished it off. Huge, huge hole in the neck. Do I get the impression she didn't like her little red sweater! Maybe only sissies wear little sweaters in the dog world? Whatever, it is a "gone, no more" sweater thats now residing in the trash can.

    I've been busy on a hobby or project this week, wandering around in a daze, thoughts far away, and the times simply flown by, but I did manage to get out and buy myself a really nice pair of rather "dressy" jeans made in Poland and two classy white shirts made in Thailand plus a super choker necklace actually made in Canada. Wonders! No problems in this store! It's a store I really like and the sales lady has been there for years and years and knows exactly what my simple plain tastes are so no hunting through the racks. I just sit in the changing room whilst she hands me things she knows I'll like, PLUS 20% off for being an old customer in more ways than one! Drawback to such lovely old fashioned service, I like everything she hands me and can only afford so much!

    When IS the USA thanksgiving? This weekend? Sorry to be so in the dark, and gormless, but I wish everyone a truly lovely time with loved ones if it's still to come.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2016
    A quick check in because it's time to cook my evening meal. Managed to get a GP appointment today and after a long chat it seems it isn't sciatica but probably related to spine problem with extended pain, I'm going for blood tests on Friday to check vitamin C and D levels although I did explain I'm outdoors more than in and eat healthily but because my legs are strong so I shouldn't be getting the pain that I do, there is a chance I have fibromyalgia (if that's how it's spelled!). A very nice doctor who says she will follow through to a conclusion, whatever that might be!

    Sandy ~ You decorate for yourself, why not.... enjoy!!

    Marie ~ Not a bad nose bleed I hope because I remember you had one not too long ago. Enjoy those roasted veggies. <3

    Now off to prepare that healthy food.... pork medallion with steamed veggies and cous cous.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    really did like my roasted eggplant

    What is your faverite way to fix eggplant. I am not to familiar with egplants
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Anne - Our Thanksgiving celebration is Thursday the 24th. By the time you read this, it will probably already be "Thanksgiving Day" in the States. I must confess that I had to look up the definition for the term "gormless". I totally plan to use this word at some point tomorrow with my sons.

    Jackie - I hope your GP will be able to figure something out soon to give you some relief/recovery from your pain.

    For Thanksgiving, we usually visit with my husband's Aunt who lives about an hour from us. This year, we will see her on Sunday. I'm looking forward to a nice family Thanksgiving this year with just my husband and sons. I have planned to fix an enjoyable brunch for whenever we all get out of bed in the morning followed by favorite foods for dinner later in the day. Probably some on-line shopping for the boys and after the guys all meander off in their different directions, I will most likely sit down and enjoy some personal time and a Hallmark movie.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank you, SANDY, for recognizing the difficulty of the first big holiday without Mike. I didn't realize why I was so sensitive today until I saw your post, which was wonderful in terms of your awareness of each and every one of us here! May you and all of us have a splendid Thanksgiving, remembering the true meaning of this holiday, and the sacrifices and joys of those pilgrims and Native Americans who had worked so hard before their own celebration! My family and I often spent Thanksgiving near Plymouth, at the cranberry bogs, where it was bone-chilling cold most of the time, but the smiles of the attendees at the public sharing of an outdoor Thanksgiving dinner was so special, and the appreciation of those who came before us was intense! I may be alone this year, but being surrounded by loving friends and neighbors, ---how can I not be thankful?
    A happy day to all of you...

    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member

    Now I am aware of the actual date I feel even more "gormless"(slow witted, clueless) because the pilgrim fathers originated in my place of birth, the county of Yorkshire! The actual colony was founded in 1620 if my memory isn't failing with the first celebration dinner in 1621. These dates, (1066, 1215 etc) were drilled into us reluctant kids in my schooldays. I now know the celebration day is always the fourth Thursday in the month of November!

    I expect today will be a quiet day on the Sneaker page, as most of you tuck into a lovely dinner with your loved ones. I'm all for joining in! My Michael will be over today, he's bringing dinner he's cooked himself (a first and something to be indeed thankful for), and Miss Jilly will be tucking into her homemade chicken.
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY friends south of the border.