Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Hello all, feeling crummy. Going to sleep and rest today.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    edited November 2016
    Happy Tuesday! :) Today is my baby boy's birthday, he is 44. He lives in Arizona so can't take him out for dinner. Tomorrow is Rob's 45, so we are celebrating tonight. Lisa also asked me to get a TDAP shot which is basically for whopping cough and her doctor told her that anyone in close contact with the newborn should have a shot. She said I should have had one with Robby but my doctor said I only had the TD shot when I cut my finger so I will go to Walgreens and get the shot needed. It is not covered by medicare but $65 is worth the health of Max. I just hope it doesn't make me sick like the flu shot did last year, which btw I will never get again.

    Lin, so sorry you are ill, stay in bed and get better. Wish I could bring you some chicken soup.

    Jeri, happy to read your finger is on the mend. I don't know how you can shop for all those grandkids and adults. Mine are mostly older now so they just get money, except for Robby.

    Shirley, glad you are home safe and sound but it sounds exhausting. Rest up, take care of that knee and I agree, an ortho might be in your near future.

    Buzz, too bad you couldn't continue with the home care for your leg, but please do as she said and take care of yourself. Set an alarm clock to remind you to wrap before dinner.

    Anne, it is amazing how things get built up around us. When I go back to certain areas where there used to be land I am in awe. The country as I knew it as a little girl is now all built up with new communities. Sad, but life goes on and things keep developing.

    Jackie, I do hope everything is all right with you and you are just busy and not in pain.

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I was getting caught up today and ended up getting a chiropractic apt. and talked to my chiropractor about seeing my doctor. It has beren 21 days since I hurt the back of my knee. She said it couldn't hurt to get an ultrasound to rule out anything else. After shopping it is back to hurting again. I go for more treatments tomorrow and Friday and possibly Thursday if I can get an apt.

    I have choir practice tonight and must go because our performance is on Sunday and rehearsal on Saturday. I will be glad to get through this pain free, wishful thinking.

    Jeri - Glad to hear your finger is healing and you are on the road to recovery. It must be hard having
    a finger injury when we use our hands all the time.

    Lin - Feel better soon.

    Sandy- was exhausting and will be my last for a while. There are other options to buy Christmas gifts.

    Buzz- Keep wrapping those legs so you will feel better and walk better.

    Anne - Condos are going up all over in our area too and cookie cutter houses too.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here I am back with you after a busy couple of days swimming, hair appointments, shopping, yoga and of course George walking! We have the most glorious if cold weather at the moment which means frost and icy roads first thing so our morning walks are a bit later. Today we walked across the top moor with not one person in sight until we got back to the car park and although we always say if only people realised what they miss not climbing the hills, we are just a little selfish wanting it all to ourselves and George seems to think he's back on his ancestors' Tibetan mountain as he races about gleefully!

    Anne ~ Even in our small parish we have developers doing their best to destroy our way of life as they plan to build 100 small and frail homes in a green field that not so long ago was used to graze cattle or grow corn. Our residents' association has fought them off for the past couple of years, especially since less than 2 miles away a couple of hundred houses have been built on the town outskirts and many stand unsold! What do they all imagine is going to happen to an area that has no trees or green fields to soak up the rain or clean the air and since there's no industry in the area the new owners jump in their cars and drive away each day cluttering up our roads and you can imagine what that's like on our narrow country lanes! Idyllic it might be at the moment but it's a battle to fend off the the greedy ones and I have every sympathy for you living in what I remember to have been a typically charming Canadian town once upon a time.

    Sandy ~ Don't worry sweetie, I'm chewing Ibuprofen tablets as if they were sweets, or so it seems to me since I never like to take tablets. They have taken the sting out of my sore back and my legs are not as painful as they were so it might all be connected but I should find out next Monday when I phone for the results of blood tests.

    Shirley ~ I'm the worst one for not getting myself to a GP but certainly think you should visit a doctor for advice at least. I returned to my yoga class yesterday evening and goodness, didn't I feel it last night! We stretched everything and at one point lying on my side I did think my hips were going to give up but certainly can see the advantages of such exercise and hope you can return to yours soon.

    Lin ~ Horrid to have to lose a tooth and never a pleasant experience but I do hope you wake this morning feeling better than you were yesterday. If you don't have to go out or do much, allow yourself a lazy day with a good book or tv drama.

    Jeri ~ That's such good news about your finger. If the surgeon is pleased with his work then you must be. Goodness, with all those grandkids and extended family I'd have to start shopping in January!

    Buzz ~ Sandy's idea is brilliant, set an alarm an hour before dinner to give yourself a chance to organise the compression boots.

    Brrr, just remembered I left the door into the garden open for George to potter and since it's only about 7c I can now feel a cool breeze around my legs so had better get myself moving.
    Missed lots of you I know so I'm wishing you all a grand Wednesday.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    It was once a charming small town and reminded me so much of "home" when I first arrived, creek and all with a lake thrown in, instead of the sea, JACKIE. Stay put, and FIGHT! one of the seven deadly sins, GREED. These small towns and villages are havens to escape to and visit on weekends for folk who have to earn a living in the big "smoke". Why can't people see that and preserve a way of life to enjoy, instead of being always surrounded by endless concrete and traffic congested roads.
    I'm getting old!
    It was beautiful today, the sky different shades of grey from scudding clouds, the sun breaking through, and the beautiful patterns of the old (soon to be destroyed?) trees leafless branches.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Hello, I have errands piling up so will try to tackle some today.

    Jackie, your walk sounds so delightful and I am amazed at all you accomplish each day while fighting pain and chewing on tablets! It is distressing to hear of the development in your area. I had naively assumed little development would be allowed in your area. I guess profit rules everywhere these days.

    Shirley, I am sorry about your knee. I have a friend who hurt her knee and has been doctoring for several months now. They did find fluid in the knee and drained it but it hasn't helped much. She is taking hydrocodone I think and is going back to discover what else can be tried.

    Anne, I hope your walking paths and the roads you need to cross will not become unmanageable. I don't think that here at least that these run away developments can be stopped. The municipalities want them to garner more property tax revenue.

    Sandy, enjoy all the celebrations. The pictures you out on Facebook were lovely. What a handsome family.

    Buzz, I hope you can manage your schedule to continue treating your legs. I know you will feel better but I also know time just melts away.

    Jeri, so happy to hear you are healing well. Terrific news!

    Although the oral surgeon says it is not possible I seem to have had an unusual reaction to the novacaine, I was shaking, teeth chattering and just miserable for quite a period of time. Even with layers of clothes and a fleece blanket I had to turn the heat up to 80 for a while. Then yesterday I had the runs all day. I did not take any pain medication so I don't know what else it could have been. Anyway, I trust that is all in the past now.

    Time to try to get started in the errands. It feels quite odd to have missed my Mah Jongg game and ducking out on Tai Chi today. Oh well, roll with it, right?


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Rob's birthday celebration was great and sometimes silly.
    I don't know why he decided to pick me up but I couldn't stop laughing. Fun night!!

    Lin, it certainly does sound like you had a reaction to something, maybe the antibiotic? I know I don't tolerate Augmentin, it makes me get diarrhea. I am nervous about the shot needed for the new baby, hoping it doesn't make me sick.

    Anne, I agree, change is hard. Just enjoy each day and take it one day at a time. You were nervous about adopting Jilly and now you couldn't be without her. <3

    Jackie, you do keep busy, pain or not. I do hope you get answers soon, pain from your back down your leg sounds like a disc problem to me, but I am no doctor.

    Shirley, as with Jackie, I do hope you check with your doctor soon about your knee. So many different things it could be not fixable from a chiropractor. Maybe I just worry too much. :'(

    Jeri, I am curious if in Canada they require the Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) vaccine for pregnant women or those is contact with a newborn as they suggest in the U.S. ?

    Marcella, your husband is a pediatrician isn't he? Does he suggest the TDAP shot for those in contact with a newborn? This is all new to me and just curious.

    Tonight is bingo night, I hope I win some Christmas money. lol Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning my friends.
    Everyone seems to be very busy these days. I am so glad all of you with leg, knee, back, and teeth problems are taking care of yourselves. The first thing we should do is take care of ourselves so we can take care of others in our lives.
    My back has been bothering me for some reason. I didn't do anything, taking ibprophin. My weight has stayed the same .
    This year we are cutting down on decorations, so we put up one strand of lights and a wooden Christmas caroler outside. Inside my daughter bought us a small pine tree in a pot so we can have it year round. On the fire place a few things.

    I have been sewing p. J.'s for the greatgrandchildren, also small quilts for them.
    Today after Bible study we are decorating hats for a member of our Bible study group, she is 85 and has lymphoma cancer and gas just lost her hair. We send her a card from us every Wednesday.

    I don't post often but I think of all of you. Take care.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Not sure this will work but for all my Canadian Friends, your Country just made my day!!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy ~ Love the video, thanks for the laugh. :D A strange one you being asked to get that vaccination because tetanus is not contagious and normally it's baby that gets jabs against whooping cough and Diptheria so will be immune. I don't want to get in the middle of a family 'discussion' but just offering my thoughts which probably doesn't help one bit!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    They ask everyone around here to be immunized against pertussis if in contact with infants and small children.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »
    Sandy ~ Love the video, thanks for the laugh. :D A strange one you being asked to get that vaccination because tetanus is not contagious and normally it's baby that gets jabs against whooping cough and Diptheria so will be immune. I don't want to get in the middle of a family 'discussion' but just offering my thoughts which probably doesn't help one bit!!

    Your thoughts are more than welcomed but I think you misunderstood.
    Help protect babies from whooping cough. Babies have the highest risk of serious illness from whooping cough. Anyone in close contact with a baby, including parents, siblings, child care providers, grandparents, and healthcare workers, should get a single dose of Tdap vaccine.
    I certainly understand why I should get a vaccine but have only just heard of it being required.
    Our new baby Max, could have problems, we won't know until he born. I wouldn't want to harm him in any way and will get the shot to protect him.

    I am not sure if I had the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine as a baby but if I did, then it is recommended to get a booster just to be safe. This could be just in the States and I am sorry if I made a big deal out of a single vaccine. I might need a life!! lol

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Yes Sandy, we need a booster shot apparently. I got one a couple of years ago I believe.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    I should add there was not just a pertussis booster, it only comes packaged with lots of other junk--I was sick for a few days
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I hope this post finds everyone who needs healing is getting it today. <3 I am still struggling with my knee and calf. I saw the chiropractor today and I have an apt. tomorrow and Friday. If I don't see any relief soon I am calling my doctor to see if anything else is going on that we can rule out. I know I have a tendon involved in all this and should be resting more. I am an inpatient patient and as we know there is much to get done for Christmas. So I will take Sandy's slogan of "One day at a time". I just want to get
    through this weekend choir performance and then move on. I am sitting here with the heating pad on
    and leg raised up. I am still doing ice and heat to see some results.

    Enough about me, I did get out today for lunch with a friend from my yoga class, which I miss terribly and my bike and just plain walking for exercise.

    Have a good evening!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another cold start with plenty of frost so I held off taking George out until gone 9.30. We then found a lower area of moors to walk that was a huge frost pocket, so pretty and crunchy under foot and a new place for George to run and run. Luckily I returned home just in time to greet my lovely pedicure lady that I'd forgotten was visiting because I hadn't turned the calendar page on to December!! Feet now feeling wonderful so it's going to be a day of housework, making veggie soup and possibly cleaning the hen house out, if not today then tomorrow.

    Sandy ~ Yes, definitely an American idea because in the UK the onus is placed on parents to protect their children and vaccinations are offered for what they call age specific risk so boosters are available until the age of 14 then adults don't get more until flu jabs around 65. Of course if anyone thinks they may risk contracting tetanus they can get a free jab. Different strokes for different folks as the saying goes but don't worry, I'm easily confused. LOL B)

    Chris ~ Back in 1979 I bought a small pine tree no more than 8" high as a Christmas decoration and because it turned out to be the last Christmas I had with my mother I held on to it for sentimental reasons. It moved house with me 9 years later and is now planted out beside the track that takes me from my cottage to the road and the next time I have my camera in my car I will photograph it because it is huge!! Long may your little pine tree be with you all. :)

    Shirley ~ Our knees take so much stress on a daily basis it is going to be difficult for you to rest yours unless you do little to nothing so I understand your frustration. It does sound as if you are doing the right thing when you do stop so hope it soon starts to mend.

    My feet are getting cold because I kept them uncovered after their massage with gorgeous cream and goodness, it's nearly lunchtime so I'll finish with a cheery hello to everyone, toast a couple of crumpets and then continue with the vacuuming!
    Enjoy your day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good day

    Jackie, that sounds like a wonderful walk and thank heavens you got home in time for a scrumptious foot pampering. That sounds fantastic. Your descriptions of each day are so vivid I can imagine myself there with you. You have a gift!!

    Well, I am off to spend some time with the ladies at the library. And then home for a webinar. Looks like I am back on my feet!

    Starting December right--I watched "Christmas Vacation" last night. And laughed. And laughed.

    Time to pack up.

    Hugs. Wishing everyone good health and many blessings.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I won $100 at bingo so that goes in my Christmas fund. :) Today is my meeting and a couple of errands including that shot. I just hope I don't get sick like Lin did.
    I will be going to Babe's house Sunday night and hopefully coming home Tuesday. Monday I go to Lisa's to watch Robby as she is having another extensive ultra sound.

    Lin, glad to read you are feeling better and able to join your friends at the library.

    Jackie, I agree with Lin, your descriptions of your walks takes us right there with you. You do have a gift for writing, maybe you should consider writing a book.

    Shirley, glad you got to go out with your friend for lunch, takes your mind off of the pain.
    I do hope you mend soon, it has been too long.

    Chris, nice hearing from you again but sorry your back is hurting. Mine hurts when I do too much lifting, but I more or less just ignore it. lol

    Not much time this morning so will wish you all a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Congrats on your win Sandy. :D

    Anne, I saw a lady out for a walk with a small dog wearing a red jacket but she also had a wide fabric type harness over it that was reflective fluorescent. That must be great for early mornings and of course the evenings. I thought of Jilly when I saw this. I was driving and couldn't snap a photo.

    Hugs. Time for the webinar.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Dec. 1st? No! Not yet! I am already behind again. John is dealing with a broken gold crown, tooth extraction to come and a implant with bone graft as well. He is tough and has a high tolerance for discomfort. Horrible time to have to deal with it, Christmas and all the usual food indulgences. Maybe this will help keep me on track. I am easily lead astray.

    We have had a really nasty fall thus far. Cold rain every day for months. I have never experienced so many rainy days in a row. The ground is very soggy and the least little wind will topple the big trees. We do have a reappearance of our sweet slowwwwwww salamanders. They creep along in our drive way. Everyone steps very carefully to avoid hurting them.

    Today is hair day for everyone. John and I need our hair cut and I need my Hair styled and cut. Katie needs her weekly brush-brush and if we are strong enough we will trim her toenails. You will never believe the effort required for this. Words cannot describe this hollabloo.

    Started putting up Christmas decor and some Christmas shopping. I send valentines instead of Christmas cards, so I get a break on that project. I can't seem to get my act together enough to include cards with letters at Christmas time. I love getting cards with news from old friends and family.
