Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Looks like some are getting ready for Christmas or thinking about it. I got my cards done as I am
    sitting here with the heat on now after the ice. The ritual continues. I did call the doctor for an apt.
    but could not get an early apt. I do have one for Dec. 15th anyway so I will have to take that one as the
    receptionist suggested. So I will continue with the chiropractor until then, and mention to her about
    getting an xray for her to look at.

    Its been a rainy day but has stopped now and good thing it wasn't snow or we would be in deep.

    Patsy - I will be late this year getting things done due to my knee issue.

    Sandy- congrats on the win!! I really liked your tree and decorations, it looked very cozy. I hope Lisa
    has a good ultrasound.

    Chris - Feel better soon. All trees are lovely decorated no matter how big they are.

    Jackie - Writing a book how exciting that would be, think about it.

    Patience is a virtue
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning friends
    My back is feeling better, I just need to pace myself from things.
    Hubby had eye appt this morning then we went to lunch and the library.

    This is the first year we decorated early. I think because my DD gave me the little tree. We got a light for outside that lights up and sparkles on the house too. Cute.

    Going to start laundry and clean the house now. Tomorrow I may Christmas shop a luttle.

    Sandy; $100.00 great. We haven't gone to bingo in years.
    Marie, what's up by you these days.
    Phoebe, are you on the road.
    Shirley, hope you get relief with your knee.
    Buzz, keep those legs up and sleep more.
    Lin. I don't know how you keep your weight down all the time. I can't seem to budge the scale and then I cheat. Always thanks for the likes.

    Can't remember everyone so just know I'm thinking of you all.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good morning, back to Tai Chi this morning and I am looking forward to it. Then I will meet a friend who has a day off work and is Christmas shopping. I will just tag around with her for a while and hope we get to chat a bit although a certain amount of attention is required when trying to shop for many people. She still seemingly stores her list in her head and not on paper. Oh my. If I had as many folks to shop for as she does I would NEED to write things down. Perhaps she has shopped online and the list is now short? :D

    So sorry for a short flyby but I need to get packed for the day. When you need your own food and beverages, prep takes. Ore time.

    Hugs. Wishing everyone health and happiness. <3

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Today is the first day since Nov. 8th I have had less pain in my knee. Something is working. I have a chiropractor apt. this morning then I will continue next week too. I emailed my yoga instructor and told her how much I missed everyone and hope to be back as soon as I can. I am waiting this morning for
    my Avon rep to bring my order so I was up early today. Then an epsom salt bath before my apt.
    Welcome to my world LOL. Christmas preparations are on hold for now.

    Enjoy your day with a light heart. <3

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Good Morning All

    Heading out again to do more Xmas shopping. Actually we are doing very well.

    We are supposed to get cold weather here this week. Brrrr. We had such a nice November I'm not looking forward to it.

    Have a great day.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So sorry, my mound of papers keeps getting higher as I get slower! Social Security actually made a mistake in my account and shorted my new check! I cannot believe how much can get mixed up at such a vulnerable time! I can't really concentrate right now, so I'll come back when I can actually read your posts. And oh yes, an alert on my email saying Code #... is applied and thus I have READ ONLY in my folders and cannot send mail or save it!!! Id today Peter Principle Day, although that's the wrong name! I mean "If anything can go wrong, it will!" It's now 1:05 PM, so I better go eat breakfast before it's dinner time! :s
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Friday to you! Mine is not too good so just checking in. All is can say is Babe hurt me again over finances and he just doesn't get why I am upset. I will watch Daisy while he goes to Mayo but after that the less I see of him the better.

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time or maybe today it is One Minute at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member

    Finally, with help from my granddaughter and cleaning girl!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Awesome puzzle Sandy!! <3
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    edited December 2016
    Definitely sending big hugs to Sandy and Buzz.

    Love your puzzle Sandy.

    Bought more presents and got our flu shots. My arm is sore but other than that ok. Sure don't want the flu as it is going around quite a bit

    Having a rest after a long long week.

    Talk more tomorrow


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2016
    A cold wind and fine drizzle on our walk then a trip to the farm supply shop for pet food where a battery hen rescue group had some beautiful chooks on show as well as one sad little thing with no feathers just out of one of those dreadful places. I've taken details and promised I will adopt as many as I can in the Spring. Local hospital physio made contact yesterday so I have appointment Tuesday and should get blood test results Monday. Meanwhile I won't bore you with my aches and pains. Had a great time with Scruff on her overnight stay but she's now back with her mum and George has got his toys back.... enough said on that score!! Sandy what a gorgeous jigsaw picture! Mine is still in its box because Brady arrived soon after I bought it and I'm sure he'll have all the pieces on the floor in no time if I begin to put it together at the moment!
    I'm still feeling chilled from this morning's walk so will go light my fire (who sang that song? Patsy will know!). Then it's lunchtime for me.
    Happy Saturday.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Come on baby, light my fire. The Doors right??
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Happy Saturday from me as well. Gorgeous day, but quite a frost on the ground. We met Janice and Amy on our walk and Janice wanted to talk about an ants nest she found in the top cupboard shelf of the apartment she's just moved into. Apparently, the lady next door who moved out was a great cook, forever baking, and she thinks that's what brought the ants in, in the first place. When her lease ends she's moving back to where she moved from! Meanwhile, during this tale of woe I noticed Jilly shivering with cold despite her pink coat. Picked her up and cuddled her bare tummy and paws in my parka and she was quite toasty when we got back into the house, I wasn't! Time for thick socks with my heavy hiking boots or better yet, my winter boots! Just for early in the morning at first!
    Lucky future chickens JACKIE. If reincarnation is possible I hope I come back as a chicken etc. In your location!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Saturday! No plans for the weekend except for going to take care of Daisy tomorrow.
    I really don't want to go, but will and hopefully this is the end of Mayo Clinic. Trying to get over the hurt but it is not easy, one minute at a time.

    Anne, it that the same lady with the ant problem? Poor Jilly, she might need boots to keep her paws warm. Lin I used to love that song, the old ones were so good. Jackie Maybe they have a rooster that can peck your bun like Charlie used to do. Jeri I am going to wait until after I sit for Robby on Monday before getting the flu and Tdap shot, just in case either makes me sick.

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited December 2016
    This has been an oddly busy week. I’ve missed spending time with you guys the past couple of days.

    Sandy - This information may be a little late for you, but… concerning the TDAP, Jim tells his patients that it’s a good idea for folks that are going to be around a newborn to be up-to-date with the TDAP, but mainly that you shouldn’t be around a newborn if you’re sick or potentially sick. As for your personal decision, he said that it’s typically best to ask your doctor what he/she recommends for you.
    - I noticed your post about Babe hurting you again. I don’t know much about your situation, but I think sometimes it’s really okay (and freeing) to just say “I’ve had enough.”
    …and I love the puzzle. <3

    Buzz - I’m so sorry that you are having to deal with the incompetence of others. There’s already enough to do without it having to be further complicated! Hang in there.

    Jeri - I hope you’re logging exercise hours for all that shopping you’re doing!!

    Anne - Jilly is a luck puppy! :)

    Chris - Congrats on getting your decorating done!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
    Looks like my plans include a little cleaning, some laundry and a bit of decorating. Hoping for an at-home, quiet sort of day.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy - Sorry you are hurting, but I guess it emphasizes why you are not with Babe and on your own for your sanity. <3

    Well I made it through choir rehearsal today without too much pain with my knee brace on. I got a black one so it won't show under my long skirt which has slits up both sides. I passed out all the paper plates and zip loc bags to all the members who will bringing their goodies tomorrow for the reception. I still have to bring the napkins and paper cups tomorrow and then we can get set up early for the reception.

    I am sitting here with ice on my knee and taking it easy until tomorrow. I did get an xray on my knee yesterday for my chiropractor and doctor and got the process going.

    Have a wonderful day!
    One day at a time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Here is Isaac with Santa, we are going to see him next week!


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my, Isaac is all grown up!!! How lovely to look forward to seeing him. SHIRLEY, you have many good things in your life, and may the knee be a minor irritation!
    MARCELLA, thank you for the message, and I just remembered another beaut! Medicare sent a notice that they will not pay for Mike's flu shot since it was not proven he needed one!!! I guess it's true had they known he would soon be deceased, huh?
    SANDY, I'm with you 100%, dear lon Buzzg-suffering victim of of spousal emotional inadequacy! I don't know of anyone else who would have put up with kind of abuse Babe's kids have shown you and now his slide into self-absorption! You are still young, vibrant and beautiful, and unbelievably giving and we all wish you a happy life ahead, so do not feel guilty about finally taking care of you, you, you! Love you, sweetheart! Plus the puzzle looks fantastic :#
    ANNE, I would guess Jilly has little fat on her to keep her warm in this chilly weather you are having, and think how close to that cold ground her belly and tiny paws are! And let's face it, she has a doting Mother to take good care of her, so you are both lucky!
    JACKIE, you continue to amaze me with your lifestyle and abilities and love and understanding of almost all things and creatures in nature! Wish you were on this side of the Puddle!
    LIN, love, I cannot begin to tell you how I admire the effort and time you put into preparing every morsel you eat! I do not miss the
    I may nap now until dinnertime. Sitting at my breakfast counter yesterday, I felt and heard a thud and realized it was my nose and forehead smacking the countertop as I must have snoozed off, so I can take a hint!
    Have a lovely weekend, y'all!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good evening. I spent time at the library today making gift tags. It is so kind of them to provide a wide range of supplies and allow us to just use up anything we wish. I am always greedy and make lots of amateurish creations but it makes me happy.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We are back to bright and cold weather which I must say I prefer. A lovely walk across the top of the moors and only a small problem when Scruff chased into the middle of a herd of moorland ponies barking all the way. One turned to kick her but it was luckily just a warning and in the end our repeated shouts for her to come away worked although she was then properly chastised and put on her lead. She is such an intelligent dog but at times we do wonder although a mix of Jack Russell and Border Collie was bound to bring some crazy issues. I seem to be constantly cleaning out the hen house but it's that time again after another veggie soup is on the go.

    Lin ~ You're right of course it is the Doors that sang Light My Fire, in fact I've a vinyl album of their hits in my cupboard full of hoarded memorabilia. What pretty gift cards you've made and I just wish our local library would hold similar events. It's under threat of closure because the local authority says it can't afford to keep it going which seems a tragedy.

    Buzz ~ Heartless and just plain tight is my response to your Medicare notice about Mike's flu jab and I wonder at the mentality of those sending out such refusals to pay. Reminds me of the insurance company I had to deal with after my mum died in a car accident and they wrote to tell me that although she died at the moment of the crash it didn't prove that was cause of death! A complaint to the Ombudsman overseeing such organisations sorted the matter but didn't take away my feeling of utter disgust. It is a shame we have such a vast amount of water between us although right now our UK political situation fades into insignificance compared to yours.... not sure I could cope!! :*

    Shirley ~ Isaac is shooting up isn't he, just look at those long legs. Enjoy your visit next week.

    Sandy ~ Really sweetheart, perhaps it's time to pull away from Babe in order to avoid the hurt he dumps on you at times. You do nothing but give and sometimes you have to direct the giving at yourself which isn't being selfish, just plain self preservation! Unfortunately, in a battery farm environment roosters don't live beyond fluffy chick state because they don't lay eggs and it's a mercenary business. No Charlie to peck my bum!! I learned talking to the girls from the rescue centre that the hens are expected to lay several eggs a day and when they get down to only one they are "dispatched". One egg a day from my chooks would be a treat but the cold weather has them sitting with their legs crossed! :'(

    Anne ~ When I lived in Toronto I never liked to stand still for too long on a cold winter's day so can understand Jilly feeling it. A good job she's such a little babe and you're able to carry her.... not sure I'd get far with the lump that is George in my arms!!

    I must get on, the time is flying.
    Enjoy your Sunday.