Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Shirley talk about cute. He's so big now!!

    Lin they look great. Good for you.

    SandyI agree with Buzz. You are a wonderful caring person and don't deserve to be constantly hurt by Babe and his family.

    Jackieyour walks always sound so much fun.

    Oh, I hear Ed up, we'll be heading out for breakfast soon. Better get ready. For a number of years we head out to A&W for breakfast. The chain has a different menu in Canada and has a full breakfast menu served in real plates and real cups. Lots of seniors - and others- go there for breakfast. In fact at times we can't get a seat. We know the staff (all very, very nice) and lots of the regular customers. It is a real social, atmosphere.

    See you all later

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2016
    Help please I forgot how to change my sodium from 2300 to 1500. can someone help me.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Help please I forgot how to change my sodium from 2300 to 1500. can someone help me.

    Try this Marie.....go to your home page, click on goals. On the right it says Micronutrients, click on edit and change your sodium to 1500 and go to bottom and click on save. Hope this works for you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) It is snowing here but seems to be sticking only to the grass. They are calling for two inches so I do hope they fly out for Mayo tonight and not get delayed. Yes, I am still watching Daisy even though I am still upset. No reason to take it out on Daisy, she has nothing to do with any of this.

    My mind seems to be wondering too much to post so let me just say have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy I know you will make the right decision. Just keep your interest at heart . i just hope your monthly check Don't get involve. But i am sure you have that all taken care of Maybe its time to recheck all of your options. looks like to me. Babe is string you alone. The best of 2 worlds. He has you and his son Maybe it is time to split up if it is an option. And keep your montly check coming in.
    You are too kind to everyone
    Love 'ya

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Help please I forgot how to change my sodium from 2300 to 1500. can someone help me.

    Try this Marie.....go to your home page, click on goals. On the right it says Micronutrients, click on edit and change your sodium to 1500 and go to bottom and click on save. Hope this works for you.
    ........................................I will keep on working on it have not made it Right now it is on 1500 but will not let me save it yet.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh happy day! There is a bit of sunshine and a tiny bit of blue skies. It is true that rain clouds are gathering in the distance and will slink in later today but for right now, we got sunshine, Baby! It is rumored that we are to get light snow tomorrow. Here on the coast, we don't handle snow very well. The wet conditions make ice and snow especially dangerous. Snow day for the kids!

    I simply can't find any great and wonderful things to get for family this year. In the past, there has always been that big hot thing that everyone wanted. Not this year. I have techie family, especially our son, I am looking at stuff having to do with his big love...sailing. Our daughter wants money. That's easy but kind of non-Christmasy. I usuall put togather a big Christmas basket of goodies since they will not come over for Christmas. It is a complicated relationship but I have come to the conclusion that most families have some relonships that are"uneven." So I tell myself, okay! We are normal, sort of...

    I am not sure what is going on with MFP this morning. I type one thing and something else shows on the screen. The cursor also has disappeared. No spell check or backspace. I guess you need to read this with an interpreter.

    It is interesting how the national and international situations influence our general mood. I sense insecurity in everyone these days. Our community production of the Nutcracker has had very poor attendance. The town decor is pretty miserable also. They just didn't put a lot of the stuff up this year. The reason was that it cost too much in staff time to put it up and take it down. Sort of grinchy, but then I didn't volunteer to help put the stuff up either. I guess I just gave up my right to complain.

    Sandy: I hope you have a councilor to work with. This is a very emotional time of year. John and I been married all our lives it seems. If we ever get cranky with each other, it seems to be during th stressful holiday season. Just when you do not want strife or disagreement. I hope you are able to consentrate on the new babe that is on his into the world. I also wondered if Babe is a bit jealous of the attention everyone is giving the coming new baby. John used to get very jealous of my concentrated attention to my one grandson. He said it seems to be that eternal mother/grandmother thing.

    Be well, everyone.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Have spent almost all day trying to straighten out a possible virus entering through an email titled "Wife out of Control". Since it seemed sent by me to myself, I became suspicious and sent copies to plus I received an answer from Comcast who had received many complaints about the same mail, and they suggested a scan and possible clean up by a professional! I copied and pasted all the properties and sent them in a forwarded mail, and had Dell clean out my computer so now all my cookies are gone and I have to look up all my passwords! EEK! Then tonight I got an email from my bank with an alert about a message that I could not locate, so I worried again about a virus. Waste another hour calling bank (no live agents!) chasing down hidden areas and finally found the message hidden in my credit card section, and all's well again! Whew! But we hear so much about fraud it worries me! However, I was also reassured by an annoyed operator that my accounts are fully insured by the bank, so not to worry! I think I need to devise a whole new file system as I discovered while paying a bill and printing the receipt, I actually have no file to place printed paid bills! It's all online!!!
    JACKIE, So shocked by your experience when your poor Mother died! So sorry, too. It seems unbelievable until one goes through similar things! You did cheer me with chuckles about chicks and how unnecessary baby roosters become! Then you had to go and remind me of the weird activities happening in the not-yet-presidential quarters and I shake my head at things I have never before seen in all my almost 90 years! Sigh! But I'm so happy things will improve with all these successful billionaires running things fresh in D.C.!
    Hey, JERI, I recall wonderfully yummy breakfast at A & W!!! It's been years, though. Now I can run downstairs to our Bistro for almost anything one could want for breakfast, including Belgian waffles. I seldom go down as there is always Greek style yogurt and blueberries in my fridge.
    PATSY, I think every family has its skeletons, and I find mine change, sometimes with the seasons! At least I do believe we all would be there for one another should anything ever be truly needed, but then, maybe it's wishful thinking. Just try to relax and enjoy instead of stress over the holidays. What exactly is it that causes stress at this season? Hopes of perfection? Expectation? Can anyone pin it down?
    LIN, as usual, you have created terrific articles; in this case, tags! You're so productive! I noticed much of my sentence was cut off in posting but I think I was referring to cooking. I don't miss it too much! I bet I'd love your produce concoctions!
    MARIE, yes, love, the sodium really does a number on us, doesn't it? If you are able to get it way down, it should help you feel well. Make sure, mostly, that you two enjoy your time together! It's so precious...
    SANDY, wish I could just hug away your hurt! Thank goodness for your inner strength, and we all know you will survive whatever the latest hurt was, but after having given your best for so many years, in so many ways, it's time you just make certain you are legally protected and then move on to where you are cherished for all your excellent qualities!!! You've learned a lot about yourself during this separation, and Babe, poor thing, has not grown one iota! In fact, he seems to have become very dependent on others, while you have flourished! I hope you feel good about yourself!
    Well, sleepy time and just a bit after midnight, so I'll get me to bed, where I just love the new leg wedge I ordered from Amazon! No more pillows bunching under my knees! Nite all!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our usual morning walk across the moors with just a hint of sunshine through a bank of cloud that seemed to appear the minute I put a load of washing on. Tumble dryers are so energy wasteful when I have a rotary washing line but there again I do restrict myself! The forecast was for dry weather so I might as well risk hanging it out. A phone call to my GP practice confirmed blood test results were normal so at least no deficiencies and I'm going to chat to physio tomorrow to see what I can do for myself rather than go down a medication road.

    Buzz ~ I'd respond with a big huff to any organisation telling me not to worry, I'm fully insured because life just ain't like that as we know. We might be covered for fraud but what a nightmare to sort out and receive recompense from banks that seem to forget without customers they're out of business. It's a shame but I'm now suspicious of everything that arrives in my inbox and assume the worst. In trying to organise a coach trip to our annual Chelsea Flower show in London next May I've found a website that appears to offer a cheap trip from my local town.... too good to be true I'm warning myself but how to find out since their website is based in Germany? The internet can be a scary place!

    Patsy ~ It seems to me it's the commercial aspect of Christmas that puts so much pressure on us because when I was a kid, and I'm sure your childhood would have been similar, we were grateful for one toy, one piece of night attire and a few sweets all purchased by parents just a few days before the big day. Now the shops seem to fill with goodies in September and by the time we get to the festivities I for one have had enough!! A bit bah humbug I know!

    Time to get on with a few chores so I'll wish everyone a peaceful day.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good morning. Driving the hour and a half today to look in on the camper and to get my hair done. Still can't decide if I want to get it cut super short or leave it like it is. Either way, the color will look better when she is finished. On the way home, I will most likely stop at the outlet mall for some new sweat shirts. I love the work attire that I get to wear with an at-home office!
    Wishing everyone a blessed day!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) It is with a broken heart for Barbie and Jake that I am posting from the homepage that they are sending Brandy to Rainbow Bridge. Barbie said she was a trooper fighting cancer for several months but the time has come to let her go so she has no pain.
    I know both Barbie and Jake are heart broken for their little girl but they are terrific fur parents and should have no regrets. Having been in your circumstances several times I know how hard this is, but you have our love and support.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank you SANDY, for preparing us.
    BARBIE and JAKE, our sorrow is with you as you say farewell to BRANDY to save her from the pain she would endure. It is a brave and proper choice and I hope knowing we all grieve with you will give you strength!
    tearfully ,
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Barbie & Jake I just read the post about Brandy, so sorry for your loss but she is out of pain now, so now the healing begins. I hope you are doing well with your recovery too. <3

    We are seeing clouds and rain here and so far no snow. The weathermen have been predicting this old fashioned Christmas and so far nothing. Our choir performance yesterday was sold out and it went off great. I was on the reception committee afterward and that went without a hitch. My knee seemed to have held up but kind of sore today. I go tomorrow for my chiro treatment and she will read my xray.

    Dave is putting up my new curtains today that I bought during Black Friday week and rods. I just ironed them all and am resting my knee now. I hope to start decorating the inside for Christmas sometime this week but taking it easy as I go. Finishing up some laundry now and the day is flying by.

    Hello to the rest of the Sneakers and hope all is well in your lives. :)

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Barbie and Jake, sending along hugs and all best wishes in your time of loss. I have been through that type of agonizing decision three times. Just sending love to you both. <3<3

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    So very sorry Barbie and Jake. It is very hard to say goodbye to a faithful and loved companion and friend. Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Dear Barbie and Jake, if I could but find the words to let you know how devastating I understand this is. There are people who make statements like "well, you'll get another dog soon." They don't have a clue! These furry companions are true family members. It has been almost a year now since we lost our sweet Mazzie and MoMo. Their photos are are still on the end table. We love our new little Katie. And You will find a way to help fill that enormous void. They are still missed. We still get tears when we think about them. Our hearts are elastic however, it stretches to include others without forgetting loved ones now gone. That is the only comfort there is. My sincerest sympathy.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    petting-poodle-smiley-emoticon.gif Thank you all for your kind words. We took Brandy to the vet where they had a special room with low lighting and a soft pad covered with a paw print blanket for Brandy to lie on. We stayed with her to the end and her last actions were to kiss Jake and me. It was sad and yet a relief that she was out of pain and we were not fearful every minute for what might be going on with her. She'll be cremated and her ashes spread in an apple orchard in Eastern Washington. Sasha and Bernie know something is going on but we're spending a lot of time with them. Sasha and I went for a long walk together which is what we do when we're stressed. Then she and Bernie took a nap with Jake which is what he does when he's stressed.


    Brandy, July 30, 2005-December 5,2016
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2016
    <3 Barbie and jake. So very sorry hugs to you both. Our preciouse pet have such a short time. With hesrt ach for you both. Hugs

    <3 MArie
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Barbie and Jake - So sorry to hear about Brandy. Sending deepest sympathy and hugs.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Barbie and Jake. So sorry about Brandy. It is so hard to lose a beloved family member. Hugs.
