Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Good for you, Sandy! And
    -6C = 21.2F.
    Which in my books is cold enough!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    I met some friends at a craft program this evening--book folding. Here's my Christmas tree.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Lin that is so nice

    Anne -23C -9F here tonight .

    Sandy, Buzz, Shirley, Jackie, every time I help my kids financially I take it out of a fund I established from money from my Mom's estate. I know that her and my Dad would very much approve and it makes me feel good too.

    We have a band concert tomorrow afternoon and then out for supper with friends. December has been so busy.

    Keep warm. Hugs to you all,

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree! JERI, you are generous and kind , and that's what produced your loving family!
    LIN, love your inventive tree! Mele Kalikimaka!
    SANDY, so glad you made contact with your lawyer friend. I would think everybody who meets you would want to be your friend except a certain deranged son!
    ANNE, I cannot imagine being in 21 F degrees ever again! We lunched today in a restaurant across the street , out on its boardwalk overlooking a lake large enough to have waves from the breeze. The weather was as delicious as the food (Greek salad and a souvlaki pita wrap.) I am beginning to straighten out, though I discovered some really stupid mistakes I made after Mike died, like paying a bill twice (charge AND check!) and disputing part of a charge and then paying the entire bill when settled. I thing I paid 1 and 1/2 times the cost! I'll get it fixed but now I wonder how many other mistakes I made, lol!
    I think I'll get some sleep to refresh this old brain!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our weather continues its dismal, grey and damp ways but George and I met up with Scruff and friend to walk local woods. On return home George had a good rubdown and is now snoozing on the sofa with Brady while I had a hot shower. Blow drying my hair I considered doing the same for George but he looks so content where he is I won't disturb him. This afternoon I will continue to write Christmas cards and perhaps wrap a few presents so it's not for once all last minute for me! The good news this morning is that after just a few days following my exercise sheet I found I could already put my sock on my right foot which is the more difficult hip.

    Anne ~ You brought back memories of a freezing morning heading to work in Toronto all those years ago when I glanced up at a clock somewhere on Bay Street that showed temperatures as well as time and it was 19f. It's one thing I don't miss about life in that big city!

    Buzz ~ Perfection..... Greek salad, boardwalk, lake and breeze! No decisions you made soon after Mike passed away were stupid, just stress related and hopefully easily enough put right. My dog walking friend was telling me recently that Windows 10 had disabled her Adobe Reader and put its own programme in its place but she wasn't at all happy because now she couldn't read pdf files, then yesterday apparently the whole lot crashed when she was online and a Microsoft window came up telling her to restart her computer because they had problems so it seems not much has improved in that direction. I'm still plodding on with Windows 8 although I now get messages telling me Microsoft are no longer updating so I'm not protected. We're both thinking of purchasing Macs!!

    Lin ~ How clever is that tree and Santa with his Husky is cute too! Unfortunately Brady is still clambering where he shouldn't, knocking over anything that might be in his way so at the moment decorations are on hold! This morning he tried to squeeze behind a lamp on a cabinet and managed to tip it on its short electric cable so it went over the edge and crashed against the glass cabinet door nearly giving me heart failure but when I told him off he just sat and gave me one of those innocent, soft, melting looks that said that was nothing to do with me!!

    Sandy ~ A wise move sweetheart because although we all have our own opinions to give what you need is professional legal advice. Stay tucked up in the warm if that snow storm does arrive.

    Shirley ~ I hope your chiropractor appointment went well and you can work towards healing your knee and getting on with doing all the things you enjoy, especially Isaac!

    Time to get on with my day so hello to all I missed and everyone enjoy the weekend whatever you get up to.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Can I do a little survey please? I'm looking at new stick vacuum cleaners and because Dyson is so expensive in the UK have found the Shark which I know some of you were saying you liked awhile ago so has anyone got the Shark True Pet lightweight handstick and if so would you recommend? Promise I won't hold it against anyone if I buy and don't like!!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I'm sold on the Dyson, I DID get it on sale though. It's milder today, 26.6F or -3C. Did you get the snow SHIRLEY? A light dusting here overnight.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No plans today
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just checking, as I didn't get much sleep last night. JACKIE, I love my Shark but don't know the model. It swivels nicely, gets under most (not all) things, picks up on bare or carpeted surfaces, and the bagless container empties easily! The Dyson is costly in the States, too, so I bypassed it. ANNE can tell you more about hers. I have no pets.
    Received a package yesterday with the right labels on the wrong article and cannot believe the hours I have spent with 4 different supervisors trying to straighten it out and receive what I paid for!
    Now that I'm up, I guess I'll remain up. My feet say there's a weather change a-comin'!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    My Dyson does exactly what BUZZs Shark does, in addition I can't believe the dog hair it picks up, I think small dogs should be kept well clear of it! It's perfect for my small place, but wouldn't recommend it if you have a large home. I'm probably around 1500 sq ft (only think) upstairs, and it manages the stair carpet leading down to the basement at which point it needs recharging. I believe PHOEBE recommended the Shark? I DID get a bargain Dyson, the last on the shelf in a one day sale.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I enjoyed sleeping late this morning. That was followed by two cups of coffee in bed while my son paced back and forth in the room talking about the songs he's mixing, ideas for future recordings and techniques for the best ways to capture an amazing acoustic guitar sound. The cat (curled up next to me, trying to sleep) and I are getting more educated by the day. I cherish that my son loves coming in and just chatting like that. :)

    This afternoon, the hubby and I are going to venture out to our favorite consignment store to find him a new lamp. I love that this place is close to our house, has great prices and a really good selection of items.

    Happy weekend, everyone!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    A cleaning day today trying to catch up with Dave's help. I did get a Christmas gift for my hairdresser today and the other girls in the salon, and started wrapping gifts. Isaac's gifts are done and now for the rest of the gifts tomorrow and we still have to decorate the tree. My knee is holding up with Aleve and an icy/hot patch and managed getting over 10,000 steps. Yahoo! I hope I won't pay for it tomorrow.

    Now resting for the evening.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi all. Hope you are well and enjoying the holidays which seem to have skipped a few months somehow to get here so quickly.
    We are busy working and don't get much time off unless we plan a month ahead.
    I made the decision to cut back on internet usage because I have let it interfere with my much needed rest.
    I have not read posts here for quite a while and won't be. I'll check in once in a while.
    Wishing you all great days and love.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hi Phoebe !

    Busy day of laundry, a bit of decorating the second floor, organizing all the wrapping/packaging materials, cards etc. I have many things packaged and ready to go. Also finished reading a book that needs to be returned to the library and got in my daily 10,000 steps. 10+ flights of stairs (actually 26 so far today), hit my goal for activity calories burned and have 13 hours of standing (the amount needed each hour to get a credit).

    We had some big fluffy snowflakes and I enjoyed watching them but apparently the streets were slick and people were in accidents with three killed today. Not a bit lovely.

    Ready to pack up for church tomorrow. A bit more snow overnight perhaps.

    Wishing everyone well.

    Buzz, you will keep at it until you have things all straightened out. I know you have the determination.

    Marie, hello my friend. Hope you are well today.

    Shirley, keep resting your knee. It takes a lot of time to heal our bodies.

    Sandy, good luck with your attorney consultation. I am glad you are getting some professional advice.

    Marcella, how lovely to have your son sharing his plans with you. I believe that is rare.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2016
    Options not let us interfear with your rest your rest.we all understand .I know my last frw years at work was hected. Please take all the time you need. Just don't forget us. Love ya' marie
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Jackie....I have the Shark Rotator, which I love. However I have a toy poodle that doesn't shed, so I do not have to deal with animal fur. My friend got the larger model that is for Pets and she was very happy with it. I can tell you that on carpets this baby works wonderfully ! You will wonder where in the heck all of the dust comes from because it does such a great job. Be sure to disassemble it to see if you can handle the weight of the lift out canister, which you might use on stairs and other things. That was a deciding factor for me, but I now have a small place. Liked that it isn't near as pricey as a Dyson and does such a great job ! Let us know what you get...:)
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Jackie - I have the larger Shark model for pets. Love it.

    Well, my husband found the perfect lamp when we went to the consignment store today. It was only about $15.00 and looks amazing. I love, love, love that store. Other than that quick outing, it has been a slow, lazy day. Right now, I'm all snuggled with my kitty about to watch a movie and then off to sleep. Every now and then, a day like to day is just a wonderful thing.
    Sweet dreams,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Back from our usual doggy walk, this time in mist rather than fog although we could see blue sky through it and the sun doing its best to shine. Home with washing on the line and the sun burned through. We did wander off track accidentally a couple of times on the top moor and the dogs played a game of sit and watch us walk away until we have to call them so they get a training treat so occasionally we looked back into a grey wall, no sign of them until we whistled then out of the gloom they bounded so pleased with themselves!

    Ladies, your Shark advice is invaluable so thanks very much and Anne the latest Dyson V8 is £499 in the UK whereas I can get a Shark true pet handstick which sounds like the one Diane has for £149 so you can see I'm loath to spend too much unless I have to. Luckily George doesn't shed but picks up bits in his shaggy leg hair and deposits them once in the cottage whereas big, black fluffy Boris leaves a furry blob on the carpet every time he sits! At least they're obvious to the eye so decision made on comments you've all made because it's also lightweight according to descriptions online. Of course as per usual with me, looking for one item to purchase I noticed something I had no intention of buying, a Vax dual power pet carpet cleaner that appears to do a great shampoo job. It was in a sale so I save over £100 which suits me just fine.

    Marcella ~ A friend has a creative son just like yours although he's a fashion photographer and they have a wonderful relationship where he tells her anything and everything so I understand the joy you feel when he shares his ideas about projects. You must be very proud.

    Phoebe ~ So long as you, Jim and all the pets are ok then that's fine.... you just have to accept we worry about you if we hear nothing for weeks!

    I'm going to finish my coffee and pop outside to see if it's not too wet to do a few chores. On the way to our walk my car beeped and warned of ice on the road even though it was 4c but it feels a lot warmer already so I must make the most of it.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Wow, Jackie, I paid nothing like that for my Dyson, even if the UK price was actually 500 dollars, or approx. $250. I think there is so much competition out there that the majority of cleaners all work the same! I know I thought I was a clean, clean Anne, until I used the Dyson for the first time. These days it's mainly Jilly's black fluff! Anyway, happy Shark sucking up!

    Mike is on his way to middle Quebec, the eastern townships. He is driving ahead of a snowstorm moving in here, but should reach the townships by late afternoon. Of course, Mom here will worry until he arrives at his Dad's. He's due back on Thursday at which point I'll be worrying again! The joys of motherhood even when your offspring is 55!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning