Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    edited December 2016

    So sorry to be so late, but hope your birthday was wonderful!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited December 2016
    Happy Birthday Marcella

    Sandy, I either burn or cut myself every time I cook for company. I have the scars to prove it. The one on my left hand from when Brittany spent the weekend with us is just healing. Hahaha

    Anne - hope your son made it home. Snowing and cold here too but the forecast is for a little warmer in a few days. Hope so.

    Jackie - what is a carvery? Lemon tart and ice cream sound delicious.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited December 2016
    Don't know what happened but half my message disappeared? I replied to you all but I went back to edit something and then the last half disappeared. Can't remember what I said, so ?????

    Buzz - There I go again in the lost post department.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Marcella ~ So sorry I missed your birthday but this living many hours ahead has me either being too late or too early! Hopefully you had a most enjoyable day.
    <3 Jackie
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi MARCELLA, Mike wasn't stuck in Quebec where they certainly know how to deal with storms. I lived there for 6 years. He left there under sunny skies and he made good time until he got to Oshawa, Ontario, and then he crawled home after 7 hours driving for a further 3 hours. It said on the news there were over 500 crashes in the Toronto area. It does look pretty, but after 5 broken bones over the years, I still would like a green Christmas, especially as I've never owned a car and usually walk everywhere! Green not likely I'm afraid. Another dumping tonight and tomorrow. It's my grandsons 24th birthday party tomorrow night!

    Meanwhile Michael is on a weeks leave from work and he's hopefully driving over in the lull to help me get mine, some of his, and Jillys food and doggie treats for the coming week. Then he'll gallop home before the next lot falls. It's certainly interesting.
    Hope we ALL get a nice sunny day!
    PS. Opened the blinds to a glorious red sunrise. So pretty reflecting on the snowy roofs, but you know the old rhyme:
    Red sky in the morning,
    Shepherds (or sailors) warning.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Anne - Will be thinking about you, Jilly and your son (along with everyone else dealing with the now in your area). Stay safe and warm.

    Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. It was a very nice day. <3
    Today, though, it's back to cleaning, cooking and office work.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    happy Birthday Marcella. have a great one

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2016

    Happy belated birthday Marcella.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Well, Mikes now driving home and Jill and I are all stocked up with food and treats. Alls well with the world! I couldn't resist a long thin fuzzy golden brown thingy, with a long, long tail and a squeaker for her Christmas present. It's a grab and pull thing. Jill's favourite game and it's supposed to be a fox. For someone who was and is anti fox hunts maybe not a good choice, but Jillys hardly likely to encounter a real fox and would run behind me if she did, I think she will like it.
    My young neighbour cleaned my drive so he won't have so much to do tomorrow after tonight's snow. Jillys finally realized it's okay to pee on snow. So the back garden is starting to look quite festive with that Canadian phenomenon, yellow snow.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2016
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    edited December 2016
    CALIECAT wrote: »

    I use the beans as part of other things I make so lots of other flavors. The one thing I have found that tastes very salt-like is called Benson's Table Tasty. I cannot get it locally so send for it. You may have it in stores near you. It costs a lot but I do not use much at a time.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, missed out on the right date! MARCELLA, Please forgive me this year?!

    For those having email problems, I discovered last night that anything with a photo, attached or integral, will not be sent. However, this, too, shall pass, and some other annoyance will take its place! So much for outdated tech!
    I keep nodding off, which doesn 't lead to intelligenrt reading, but it all seems too much for this tired old body to think about, so hello an d goodnight
    , have pleasant dreams, everyjbodayy
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2016
    A beautiful day, the sun is shining and the air mild. Our morning walk was a long one across the top of the moors and as ever we seemed to be the only people and dogs in the world. My plan today is to rake up a few leaves, clean out the hen house and use my Shark cleaner for the 3rd day in a row because I'm just loving it although embarrassed at what it's sucking out of my carpets! The old hoover is in a small pile of items to be taken to the local tip before Christmas where they have a special container for electrical items that can be recycled. George is in one of his grumble moods barking to himself about whatever is annoying him.... not loud but certainly irritating!

    Jeri ~ A carvery is when several large joints of meat are set out on a side table along with a variety of cooked veggies, Yorkshire puds, sauces and gravy. You choose what meat you want and that's then carved off the joint and put on your plate before you walk along the table helping yourself to any or all of the rest. I expect you just call it something else!

    Marie ~ I love beans too but they have to be in a homemade sauce of some sort and I check the sodium content of the ingredients.... probably easier for me because all our packaged food has to show this on the front whether high, low or none included.

    Buzz ~ GET TO BED!! :o

    Anne ~ Jilly's fox sounds similar to one my brother bought for George a couple of years ago. I didn't think it would take the strain of being pulled but so far so good.

    Well, I've just heard on the radio that most of our motorways in the UK are very slow due to thick fog so it seems for once I'm up high enough to be out of it but I'll get on in case it drifts this way. Have a good weekend everyone.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited December 2016
    I appear to have woken up with the start of a cold, no idea where I picked it up, good news I should be okay to cook the turkey!
    We are snowed in. However, snow changing to sleet and rain this afternoon at 39F and then of course a big freeze up tonight.

    I was wise to drop out of my grandsons party after all, and now with a cold starting I wouldn't want to give anyone else a Christmas present.

    The carvery brings back happy memories of a lovely old pub named "The pipe and glass" JACKIE! Glad you love the Shark. I am also embarrassed about what my new cleaner picks up and I can't believe how much fur it's picking up along with dog biscuit crumbs, dust, my hair etc. I'm surprised she's not a bald Jilly and I a bald Annie!
    George is in a grumbly barky mood today? Well, funnily enough Jilly barked for half an hour starting at 4:30am. I've no idea at what, but if it was a burglar he left us alone! Finally, she did the doggie mumble, grumble, climbed under the duvet, and mercifully fell asleep!
    Hope everyone up north doesn't have too much of a dig out,
    Everyone down south doesn't get sunstroke,
    And Jackie and Patsy can see their way through the fog or mizzle.
    Anne, (sniffle, sniffle.)

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Thanks Jackie, I thought it was something like that.

    Buzz - I agree, off to bed. How do you manage staying up so late?

    Anne - sorry you had a cold but it sounds like good weather to stay away from.

    Sandy - I've been thinking about you. How are you making out with Babe? Did you talk to your friend about the matter? If I am too nosy, tell me to buzz off, but I worry about my friends.

    We are off to see the new Star Wars movie with Melissa and her family. We'll enjoy it, especially because we are going with the grandkids.

    Still struggling getting ready for Christmas. Baking needs to be done and I have to do my cards yet. Just about finished with buying presents.

    What is everyone doing for the holidays?

    Have a great day

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Buzz - Totally forgiven! It was a very nice birthday.

    Jackie - I had the same reaction when I first got my Shark cleaner. I'm continually amazed at how much this thing picks up. Fortunately, it's so much easier to use than my old vacuum, so I enjoy using it much more frequently. Who knew 2 cats could have so much fur everywhere!

    Anne - Stay snuggled in today and feel better soon.

    Jeri - Good luck with your Christmas endeavors this weekend!

    Wishing everyone a lovely weekend,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    I have officially lost my mind!! I just found this post from yesterday on the Pound a Week forum.

    Happy Friday! :) I am not happy but it is my own fault so have no one to blame but myself. I gained 2.2 pounds this week and although I think most of it is a salt gain, I am ready to give up! Not really but I wish I could get in gear and get to my goal weight once and for all. It is a never ending fight but will continue to keep boxing until I get the knockout!!

    Marcella, glad to hear you had a nice birthday. Love your tree, you did a great job!!

    Anne, poor Mike, nothing worse than driving in a snow storm. He is such a good son to help you and look after you, give him a hug from me.

    Jeri, I immediately ran cold water over my burn and used a cortisone cream so it is fine today. It was just a dumb mistake, had the pot holder in my hand to move the burner to clean under it and instead grabbed the burner with my bare hand. Luckily no blister so all is good. Your holiday picture is great as usual, what a wonderful tradition.

    Lin, enjoy your new printer. My printer doesn't seem to recognize my phone any longer after I went to windows 10. Not a big deal since it prints from my computer but it was nice to print off the phone.

    Shirley, good luck with your knee and I think it is a good idea to go asap for the MRI if needed.

    Buzz, wish I could help with your email but you have me confused on what server you are using to receive your email. At least you don't have to put up with these freezing temps in Florida, this is almost becoming ridiculous. I shouldn't complain too much as winter came late but with a vengeance.

    Jackie, you are such a good friend and I know they all appreciate your kindness. Did you get your decorations up?

    Marie, how are you feeling? Any plans for Christmas?

    I am pretty sure I am staying in today with more snow heading our way. I would love to go see Robby but I don't want to get caught in snow. Hopefully, I can get there over the weekend.

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Now for today!!
    Happy Saturday! :) It has warmed up to 20 degrees with a wind chill of 13 but tomorrow and Monday will be brutal. If it isn't too bad I will try to go to Mass at 5:00 and stop at Walmart for a few last minute items for Christmas.

    Marcella, you are doing great with your weight loss, congratulations!!

    Jeri, I cancelled the appointment due to weather and have decided to wait until after the New Year to talk to him. I did talk to Babe yesterday when he came with Daisy for a visit. I let him now how much he hurt and betrayed me and although he kept apologizing that did not help.
    I really don't want a divorce but would like to be reassured my separation papers will protect me so will keep you informed.

    Anne, so sorry to hear you are coming down with a cold. Are you making the turkey for Christmas or are you celebrating early? Your weather sounds just like ours, brutal.

    Jackie, the good thing about not having a pet is I have no pet hair to vacuum. The bad news is I also have no furry baby to cuddle.

    Buzz, I hope you got some sleep, you need to let things go, they will be there in the morning.

    Lin, are you keeping warm while doing all your activities?

    Patsy, how did you deal with the snow Portland had? My son and his wife just stayed indoors.

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Well I just lost my entire post so I will just say hello. It is cold here and I am staying indoors u til church tomorrow morning.

    Love you all. Hugs.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yhanks lin and phoebe for the really nice Christmas cards that came in the mail Hugs to both of you.