Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) We did not get the predicted 12 inches of snow which is good, but they say 3-6 inches more is expected today. I have postponed my meeting with the attorney for another day. Busy day yesterday with Lisa picking me up at 8:15AM to go to the mall for our annual visit with Santa.
    Robby's cousin was also there and they played long and hard in the play area. We then went to Rainforest Cafe for lunch. When I got home Babe brought my check along with some supplies and after I ran a couple of errands and then to Mass. I never got the chance to post but did read the posts.
    Today I am going to get my cards ready and wrap the few presents I have.
    I have an Oreck vacuum cleaner that I love because it is so light weight. It has a canister for stairs and other hard to reach places.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Sandy - Love the picture.

    We have no snow, but it is cold here. I'm thinking it's a perfectly good day to stay inside in some snuggly clothes and keep warm. :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Love the picture of Robby and Santa, so cute!

    Snowing here today and we could have cleaned off the cars twice and it is still coming down.
    All is covered and some grass peeking through. Tomorrow is predicting rain.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Cute picture Sandy. Now where is your photo with Mr. Claus? :D

    We had some snow yesterday and this morning a strange light drizzle. The guy came and shoveled the snow and now it has warmed up and most has melted. Colder weather is expected for the upcoming week I believe.

    I didn't comment on vacuums as I no longer have pets but in general something that is easy to lug around, empty, etc. is what works for me.

    I have been asked to take on more duties for the church. I said I would think about it and I am. Also reviewing the year's financials as Stewardship has been asked to authorize monetary gifts for a number of members with financial difficultities. I take this quite seriously and about sweat blood trying to be helpful while not hurting the overall finances too much. I think perhaps taking on another duty which would be all up to me may not be a good thing. We'll see.

    Wishing everyone a good day. It is damp and chilly so am going to make a nice mug of tea and will read for a while.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The mist lifted completely yesterday but overnight fog descended so even more bleak! We've walked round the local woods twice and I'm now having a coffee before setting out to visit friends who live in a local town that's currently almost cut off from the world due to major roadworks. The businesses are struggling because most folk don't bother trying to drive their way through but I've just taken a trip on Google Earth and there's a chance I might get to my friends without too many traumas although they've warned me the road closures alter on a daily basis. Neither of them is too well and one heading for major heart surgery any time so I want to see them and take some Christmas cheer! If I'm not back to the forum this week you'll know I'm driving around in ever decreasing circles!!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hello everyone! We are snowed in at the moment. My neighbour will help, but I'll be digging us out as well! Promises to be a cold cold week and with both sons on their travels a busy week for me as well. So I probably won't be around much either!
    Hope it's a good week for everyone.
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Just popping in to say hi!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good Morning,

    Boy these comments sound like winter alright.

    Sandy, so adorable.

    Jackie, I hope you aren't still driving around in circles. Hahaha

    Anne - I'm sure your snow is beautiful nonetheless.

    Sitting here with a coffee having had my two pieces of toast. Ed is still in bed. I am the early riser in the family. I wake up and start to worry about all I have to do so I get up rather than stress. Then Ed is still in bed so I can't be noisy, which I am, so I sit and read the paper and get caught up on the world with my iPad.

    Gemfrire, what a great picture. Made me smile. Care to share your name?


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I have an eye appointment this afternoon so I do hope they clear our streets before I have to leave. I am not sure I will be able to get out of my garage the way it is now. :( I got my cards to my family done and will try to get to post office to mail them today.
    Have a few other errands and picked the coldest day to do them.

    Jeri, Gemfire is Marie's daughter Alice. She brings us lots of smiles and good wishes.

    Looks like most of the sneakers are busy with the holidays or snow. Wishing you all a great day!!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2016
    And me too
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Lin - I think you wise for giving thought to the request for additional volunteer duties. Sometimes, there is someone else who would be perfect but no one has thought to ask them yet. :)

    Home office/laundry/kitchen organizing day. Enjoyed a quiet but efficient morning and looking forward to the afternoon being similar.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful week!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had my breathing test today at the diet clinic. I had to blow into a tube with my nose closed and breathe normally for 10 mins. Your throat gets dry and when you swallow your ears close up. My results were better than the health educator thought. I am burning more calories than she predicted, although they would like to see an even higher number next time. I will do this test again in 6 weeks. I am still logging my food and will start upper body exercises while my knee still heals. It has greatly improved with my walking quicker now. I see the doctor on Thursday with my x-ray and see what he says.

    We had some rain today and I hear we are getting a storm this weekend.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    One minute to go before today becomes tomorrow! The year is closing in on us too quickly! I'll simply wish you all a good night and a restful sleep!
    I AM doing better; thank you all o:) for your patience and support!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yesterday's trip wasn't too bad because going into town I followed my nose and managed to get to my friends by cutting through a supermarket car park which wasn't on the detour route! To come home my friends suggested I go out of town in the opposite direction to home, get on to a motorway and drive back to the outskirts on the other side then get off on to my road home which worked but not sure I'd want to do too often!
    A dismal day weatherwise but we've had our walk around the local woods before I popped into town to collect a new yoga exercise mat after George and Brady between them destroyed the old one..... last class for the year tonight. While I was there I bit the bullet and purchased the Shark vacuum cleaner which is now sitting in its box on the sitting room floor while I have my coffee and contemplate reading the instructions. Usually I go head first in without reading and then get cross that an item doesn't do what I expect but I have time this morning. Last night I wrote all my Christmas cards for posting in the UK so will send them on their way after visiting my neighbour in the local hospital, that's if I can park!

    Buzz ~ No patience required, you're an amazing lady and we love you. <3

    Alice ~ Adorable graphic, thanks! :)

    As ever please keep your snow on that side of the pond! :o
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hello Sneakers,

    Quite cold here but not a lot of snow (yet). I ran errands yesterday after waiting a bit for higher temperatures. Wow. ''Tis the season for people everywhere. I am accustomed to few people out and about during the morning hours. Relatively long wait everywhere I went. And then all kinds of little things which need to be done but don't amount to much if I would list them out.

    Today I go to play Mah Jongg, pick up a couple of things from Sears where I got the free shipping by picking up at the store, home for a quick lunch and then off to meet friends for coloring afternoon.

    I even signed up officially for the book club discussion and have been plowing bit by bit through the book. So far I am not a fan. It will give it a try.

    Shirley, I hope you get good news regarding your knee.

    Jackie, excellent navigating skills!! I sort of hate but also love finding my way around as long as I am relatively familiar with the area. If I am in a hurry, not so much.

    Buzz, hugs. Bit by bit my friend. I was thinking of you and was so glad to see a note from you. Oh, and I have been trying to resolve a little account problem and so far, I have visited 3 web sites and made 3 phone calls. I do believe the charge will not be reversed. I was a bit miffed as I had called well before the renewal date and they said it was cancelled but the auto bill went through anyway. I cannot imagine the scope of everything you are dealing with when it takes so much just to address something minor.

    Marcella, good for you, your day sounds peaceful and productive.

    Sandy, hope your day went well.

    Marie, hello my friend. How are your a cowboys doing? I rely on you for football news.

    Alice, thank you for the beautiful graphic.

    Anne, are you and Jilly staying warm??

    Jeri, I adored the photo of the bird you posted on Facebook.

    Time to get up and go, go, go.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Very cold but sunny! Going to lunch with my buddy Joe, we are going to brave the cold. Later my hairdresser is coming here to color and cut my hair and I just can't wait! Still didn't get those presents wrapped but I don't have many so it shouldn't take long.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Finally finished most of my decorating today. The house is starting to look more festive. Also, did some cleaning and now I'm ready to watch a movie and go to sleep.
    Sweet dreams,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Had a delightful visit from one of my first cousins once removed! His father and I were first cousins since our Mothers were sisters. He is considering buying a "second" home down here so will perhaps become a "snowbird"! When I opened the door, I thought it was his father standing there, the similarity is so great! Spent several hours listening to fascinating stories he'd gathered while compiling a family tree and learned things I'd never even thought to ask while growing up in Boston! Jon is one year older than my son, who is 62. We shared a sandwich in our Bistro, ended up sitting there with our Chaplain Joel, who looked teary eyed as he was telling Jon about how much he misses Mike! They had been close friends and had the same wicked sense of humor! So my day passed. Attended a piano concert tonight with everything from Mussorgsky to Tchaikowski to the Flight of the Bumble Bee, played in a somewhat jazzy style! The talented artist was a young lady from Russia, whose fingers flew over the keys like running water! For my taste, however, I found it too much technique without enough soul! I kept my mouth shut as everyone seemed to be in awe. And here I am wondering how it has reached almost 12:30 AM while I am still here at the desk! I have several cars to make but am learning not to be compulsive about it any more.
    All the glorious trimmings are up for the Hanukkah-Christmas season and everything is festive indeed. I wore black to dinner tonight and many people remarked on the weight I had lost. Hah, I have gained back each of the 7 pounds that came off, and I hope it's just water, but I doubt it! The secret is wearing black!
    Sleep well!...
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited December 2016
    Jackie, Diane thought you would like this! Maybe for a ringtone?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That's hilarious Diane and Sandy, thanks! Lovely idea, it would be ideal as a ringtone but my old phone probably wouldn't cope. :o

    A busy day out and about including a pub meal with friends this evening so will catch up with you all tomorrow. Enjoy your Wednesday.
