Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Balmy indeed Anne!!!

    I did go out to do a couple of errands. In a short time, one guy blew through a stop sign altogether but luckily as saw him coming and was able to stop completely. Later as I approached an intersection, a car turned right in front of me (right on red) but I have no idea why they just sat there and then gunned it just as I reached the intersection. Happy to be home.

    Time to bag up the trash, put the cleats on my boots and slide down the driveway! Ah, what fun. Happy winter.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Balmy indeed Anne!!!

    I did go out to do a couple of errands. In a short time, one guy blew through a stop sign altogether but luckily as saw him coming and was able to stop completely. Later as I approached an intersection, a car turned right in front of me (right on red) but I have no idea why they just sat there and then gunned it just as I reached the intersection. Happy to be home.

    Time to bag up the trash, put the cleats on my boots and slide down the driveway! Ah, what fun. Happy winter.


    ... And this is why I live in the South! :o
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I guess Shirley and I live as far south as we can in Canada. Lol. B)B)
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    No longer as young as I used to be, and I sure cannot keep up with you "kids"! Got up around 6:30 so I could be certain to be on the 9:30 AM bus taking us to a morning movie showing of "Manchester by the Sea". Received a call about 9AM saying there were too few people so the bus was cancelled so no movie this week. I had already eaten breakfast and was not about to return to bed so I ended up doing too much the rest of the day, and now I'm pooped! And haven't even opened my email, whatever it turns out to be! Outlook still has a free version and I might try it, since I find slight problems with MAIL, the heck do I reply to this email?
    I have an awful feeling I won't get to make my own Christmas or Holiday cards this year since everytime I sit down at the computer, it is to straighten out errors the bank makes (never in MY favor), errors the Fire department makes (they seem unaware I paid my ambulance ride in full and continue to dun me!),Social Security still putting Mike's SS into the bank while forgetting to give ME what I due! Doctors charging twice for several visits insurance covered also, ...I sometimes think I'm finally mastering the whole business of bills after losing a spouse when mail brings me a mess that proves otherwise! What a crazy system! I'm afraid I'm too sleepy to concentrate on comments, but enjoyed my favorite forum and friends posts tonight! Thank you all!
    <3 Buzz

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A short walk in the village this morning then off to meet friends for a swim at the local pool. Pretty well had the place to ourselves as more diligent folk organise themselves for Christmas! After an early lunch I'm going to pack the car with collected larger items of rubbish destined for the tip including the old hoover, drop it all off and if I take George with me we can then walk across a section of moorland even though it's pretty dismal weather.

    Buzz ~ It seems efficiency has gone out the window with most organisations these days, much the same in the UK. I've said it before, you shouldn't have to be lumbered with such worries but how you get that across to people on the end of a phone I have no idea.

    At the pool I passed on your comments about my friend's weight loss, thanks for them! She says she certainly feels so much healthier as she can walk without hugging and puffing and has got to love the food she eats so isn't missing anything, not even glasses of wine!

    Must get on because it will be dark by 4pm but at least after tomorrow the days will be getting longer again!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Good morning all. It's absolutely beautiful outside. Turquoise sky, with streaks of pink clouds, white snow. It couldn't be prettier. AND we are promised a bit of a warm up. My cold has passed it's peak, Jill will get her long walks again, maybe minus even the despised pink coat which I'm sure she thinks is for sissies. In other words as the week progresses we hover around the freezing point with highs of 32F. Or 0 C. I fervently wish some poor souls in the rest of a troubled world were as fortunate as us.

    So now I'm nearing the end of nose blowing, coughing and sneezing I will have to think about Christmas dinner buying seeing I will be inflicting my less than perfect cooking skills on my poor family. Must buy crackers to distract them. Michael brought us a rich looking Christmas fruit cake made by the monks in an Abbey in Quebec. That's a start! Mince pie baking today, maybe, and on Friday he'll bring the turkey given to him by the firm where he works to slowly defrost in the fridge.
    Happy preparing,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2016
    Buzz you are still so young at heart. Love your sinse of humor. and Anne mince meat pie was my mom's faverite pie.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2016
    I made her one for our last Christmas dinner together
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    That was so thoughtful MARIE, making your mom her favourite pie! I bet she really appreciated it. Hope you are keeping well after such a trying few months, love, Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy holidays everyone! I am blowing off a few minutes instead of finishing up my gift wrapping...I thought I would wish everyone a happy holiday. And so the cooking begins! Pies, cranberry sauce and cranberry bread in my case. Since I am southern, we have pecan pie on Christmas. John is lamenting the fact that his recent tooth extraction and bone graft will mean no pecan pie. Too crunchy.

    Did anyone see Tony Bennett on the Tonight Show? Wow! He is 90 years old and just came out with a new CD! The man is totally GOLDEN! Anyway, I am going to track this CD down and get it for our collection. There are all sorts of new interesting movies out this season. Even a musical...La La Land. It has great reviews, so that is something I will need to investigate. The newest Lee Child thriller novel is a great one in his traditional way...Jack Reacher rides again. Katie is doing her best to keep things Merry and bright. She has eaten my Christmas table centerpiece. And chewed up a METAL figurine of a reindeer. She has unwrapped and chewed on the bows on several gifts. All the gifts are now up on top of cabinets and tables. She is a fierce little lady with strange food cravings. But the Christmas season is just beginning, who knows what interesting things she can discover.

    Have a great one, we are all doing our best to keep things Christmassy. Remember that funny song from grade school? "There are no flies on me, no flies at all. There may be one or two big green flies on you but no flies on me. No flies at all. And just before Christmas, I am as good as I can be!" It went something like that. I'll be singing that tune this Christmas. One of my favorites.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi All,

    It has been a busy weekend with company from Friday to Sunday. Lots of bed sheets to wash and towels but everyone had a great time and they went to an NFL football game on Sunday while my friend and I went shopping at the Garden Gallery. A full weekend and last night was the choir Christmas party
    and it went well and I was home fairly early.

    Up at 7am this morning and had my apt. at the diet clinic. The doctor was pleased with my BP readings
    and my next apt. isn't until January 24th so I hope I can get on track with my diaries after Christmas. I am just going to enjoy the holiday season for now.

    This week I will be getting food ready for Christmas dinner with food I can make ahead of time.

    I am still dealing with my knee and waiting for my MRI apt. and Orthopedic apt. so it looks like a while for each of those. I plan on going to see my Yoga instructor on Friday, owner of the studio, and let her know how things are going and if I can come back and do some gentle yoga.

    I hope everyone is getting their presents wrapped and everything else that goes with the holidays finished.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2016
    Used walker instead of wheelchair yesterday; ouch today! Bone on bone knees need more than determination. BIG Gala tonight with rack of lamb for those (like me) who love it! Happy hour, hors d'heuvres, lots of chatting, and dressing up! The latter doesn't appeal to me, but I'll find something in my closet. haven't really felt like being colorful, but Black with a gorgeous colorful flowing vest should cover a multitude of whatever I have too much of!
    MARIE, my secret (and keep it yours, too), is I never really grew up! I sometimes worry and then decide to just let it go! SHHhhhhhh!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good evening, well here I am behind once again. Ha. I did my allotted errands for the day after playing Mah Jongg this morning. It warmed up quite a bit today with the ice disappearing from the driveway!! So very happy about that.

    Tomorrow is a long day--Tai Chi/Qigong, some coloring with the ladies at the library, a trip to my church on the other side of town to get the supplies delivered along with my year-end contribution, a stop at the grocery store, maybe the library, and the health food store. We'll see how the day goes.

    Thursday is game/craft morning at the library, and then there are activities at the senior center the rest of the day. Coloring, Mah Jongg, and a reception for the outgoing director.

    I sent emails to two cousins and owe a response to another one so hope to finish that this evening. She wrote a really long email to me almost a week ago and actually it is so long I haven't had the heart to tackle a response.

    Buzz, I am sorry the movie outing was canceled. I am sorry for all the mix-ups that occur on billing and accounts. I seem to be prone to errors on my accounts. I was trying to research a couple of things this morning and made little progress. It takes so much time doesn't it. I hope things get straightened out soon.

    Jackie, another busy day for you. So the old vacuum was left behind today? I am glad you were able to swim without a crowd! Everywhere I went today was once again flooded with people.

    Anne, glad you are feeling better. Happy cooking and baking to you. My grandmother made mincemeat pie but honestly it was not a family favorite. I believe she made them because she liked them. That was unusual as she normally did things for everyone else and left her wants unspoken.

    Oh and Anne, I how have several sick friends. One has strep throats and it is apparently a rare type and the doctor had a difficult time finding an appropriate antibiotic for it. Another friend has had the flu and took DAYS off work which is extremely unusual for him. He usually takes a day off and the. Just soldiers back to work. All of this makes me wonder if I should be staying home more!

    Patsy, I hear Tony Bennett on our Christmas radio station quite regularly. He is just incredible. I haven't heard the new music however. Well you have quite the imp in little Katie. I hope she doesn't eat anything that will make her ill. Happy holiday preparation frenzy to you.

    Shirley, your weekend sounds just lovely (as usual). Your activities just amaze me. Great result with the doctor. I hope you enjoy the next few weeks as I am certain you have additional great celebrations in store.

    All my best to everyone. Hugs.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2016
    lin you are the most thoughtful person. we have here. Hugs hugs <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    lin you are the most thoughtful person. we have here. Hugs hugs <3

    That is kind of you to say. Sending hugs your way Marie. <3


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    From me, too, MARIE and LIN!c0t35e8tnnd1.jpg and everyone else! o:)
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Happy Solstice, Happy start to Yuletide everyone,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Happy solstice, first day of winter and thankfully tomorrow the start of longer days.

    What a cute graphic Buzz. <3

    Good day everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2016
    A lovely day so far in spite of murky weather which began with our usual stroll across the moors. One car park was packed out and we thought the Druids must be visiting the Hurlers stones to celebrate the Solstice but no sign of anyone other than another dog walker when we reached them ourselves so imagine if they were sensible they were in the local tea house enjoying a hot drink!
    Not my photo this time..... it's incredibly grey and dismal here so no one will be seeing the sun at its important point in the sky!!!

    After our walk a jolly group of us met up at Scruff's house for coffee and mince pies under the Christmas tree. We all get on so well together since we worked in Adult Social Care so had lots of reminiscing to do with funny stories. I'm now home for lunch and some housework before more wrapping of presents. Candles still not made so I need to get on with that task as well before Christmas has been and gone!


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Happy Solstice morning! A little warmer here today. Got a new food processor for my birthday. This is something I've wanted for years, but could never decide which one. Well, finally picked one. I'm looking forward to trying it out this week. :)