Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited November 2016
    Chugging along through more paper!! Here's my little red sock.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Saturday everybody. I had fun with Face Time yesterday talking to my kids (and grand dogs ) up in chilly New York. I mentioned that I was considering one of those power lift reclining chairs, as most of my furniture has become impractical for an old lady who can't get out of her seat once she has settled in! I keep saying it is built too low but I used to get up and down more gracefully than today. Well, this morning I received a call from DS and DD telling me they are getting together on my gift of a lift/recliner and start looking for one I love! I really adore my Relax the Back white leather lounge chairs, but have actually stopped using them as I struggle to get into one, struggle to get the chair back to where my legs are above my heart, and then struggle again to come back down and get up and out! So life marches on, and I will send my lounge chairs to them (I suspect that was part of their motivation ;) ) and have a bit more room, AND comfort, in my office/den when that happens!
    JACKIE, leg pains have been a constant part of my life for years. I just ordered a leg wedge from Amazon, which will be arriving by Tuesday, for which many of the reviews mention how it reverse the leg pains ...and cramps! I've been using pillows but they really don't work well for me....Your mood photo is sublime!
    SANDY, you are so organized! Can it be transferred online? I just had something to add to you and my mind went absolutely blank! So have a great Saturday, luv!
    LIN, love the sock on your front door! So understated!!! Thanks for your thoughts about Medicare. I need all the viewpoints I can get, as transferring at my age becomes quite costly, but it's important to arrive at the right decision!
    ANNE, I can see how you have fallen in love with Jilly...and her new coat! Precious!
    JERI, so glad to read about your legs improving! And the hand. And thank you for that hug; it felt so warm and good! And good luck for Maggie, dear.
    Hi, MARIE; hope your Thanksgiving was fun! Hugs, li'l sis!
    MARCELLA, I couldn't agree more regarding consumerism, Black Friday, and keeping clear of mad crowds! Keeping stress down should become a goal for all of society!
    OK, must get to my bank site, as they have cut off auto pay features and several other things I always took for granted. They say it's automatic when one loses a spouse! GRRrrrr! Then I will hunt for an acceptable-looking recliner!
    <3 Buzz

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers! I trust everyone had a lovely thanksgiving. We enjoyed seeing our son from Portland for a couple of days. Our daughter dropped over to spend the afternoon on Friday. We had a great small family gathering. One interesting tradition that our son started a few years ago was to bring a whole basket of very unusual and exotic foods from the speciality shops in Portland for the Friday lunch. Our daughter came and we sat around for a late afternoon lunch chatting and tasting all manner of delicious small taste treats. I try not to fix a huge thanksgiving feast. A smallish but great great huge heaps of left overs!

    But as life would have it...John broke a gold crown this evening. So he will be eating soup and being careful until Monday afternoon to the dentist. He has very soft teeth. I think it was the eggnog candy covered almonds...

    Our son's dogs and Katie are such an age and size difference that they don't interact much. Katie is willing to play ball with anyone at any time. These little dogs are 10 and 11 years old. It is asking a lot of them to to keep up with her. Everyone is exhausted now. John's napping and I have stripped the sheets from our son's bed and towels from his bathroom. The laundry has already started.

    The Christmas season has begun. Evergreen Weath is hanging on the front door. Santa is making a list.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good morning sneakers and a bright one it is here in Cornwall too. Our morning stroll across the moors was lovely with the sound of our local church bells drifting across in a gentle breeze. My coffee is ready so I'll sip that as I check emails then it's off to the local auction for their viewing of tomorrow's sale. My neighbours have been busy preparing a covered area for logs that will be cut and stored in the next couple of weeks and I see there is a log bucket in the sale that might make a nice Christmas present from me if not too tatty.... there's antique and then there's old and worn!!

    Lin and Jerry ~ Thank you, I'm encouraged by both your comments that the pains in your legs are no more so I'll look forward to the day mine settle. Diet is something I will look into because if it's down to what I'm eating then that's easily solved although if I have to give up eggs Jeri my hens won't be impressed!

    Patsy ~ Sounds like the perfect Thanksgiving get together with your family especially with the exotic goodies on the table! It's never easy to integrate a large puppy with older small dogs when they are so boisterous but I bet Katie had fun trying!! Who could resist eggnog covered almond candy, certainly not me. I just hope John didn't swallow the filling along with the candy!

    Buzz ~ Pillows under my legs hadn't crossed my mind but is certainly something to consider. Reading about your planned new chair from family also had me thinking about a new sofa with leg support at the touch of a button. Am I becoming a true senior??

    Sandy ~ A leaf out of your book would be good for me on the organising front because you seem to have got Christmas preparations under control whereas I feel my annual panic coming on!! Did a visit to Babe beat the grocery shopping and how is his health now.... still getting dizzy spells? Enjoy your visit to your friend today, hopefully with a nice meal thrown in.

    Marcella ~ There must be a parlour game invented somewhere where a word has to be used in a sentence. Here in England there is a divide between north and south regions as well when it comes to word usage and as soon as I'd have read Anne's gormless I'd know where she originated from. "Gocki" would be used in Cornish but wherever we live we get to know each others dialect.

    Time to get on with a few chores that seem to be building up. Everyone enjoy your Sunday whatever you get up to!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Isn't "gormless" a lovely word. My mother was always telling me to not be so gormless when a young thing! One envisions a gangly youth. I was certainly thin and gangly (where did THAT go!) when young and was prone to doing daft or gormless things when under 9 like walking on the narrow swinging dock gates and sitting fishing for tiddlers (sprats). You are most certainly right about our regional differences in speech in the U.K. JACKIE although I had never heard "Gocki" before!

    We went for our walk Jilly and I in glorious sunshine, but a bit nippy and came home in time for my weekly dose of UK news on the phone and in particular Yorkshire news. Which means it's about time to go for another walk. Unless it's really, really cold I enjoy these little treks. I always walked for half hour daily before I acquired The Bean, but it's so much more enjoyable now with someone to talk to and yell at when she picks things up she shouldn't!! I try to manage 4 fairly decent walks between say 6:30. am and dusk. 5:30pm these days. She's tiny, so it's more of an amble, (unless a squirrel crosses our path) but every little helps to keep the legs going! In between, garden.

    Mike turned up yesterday with two meat pies for our lunch. He found them, or rather the shop, in the market town he once lived in. He Still goes to the same dentist. Anyway, the pies were baked in the shop by a British couple in the traditional manner. They also had Cornish pasties etc! He will buy again, mmm, delicious with mashed spuds and veggies, Jilly approved!!

    Well, I must away with Miss Jilly.
    Enjoy Sunday everyone
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited November 2016
    Happy Sunday! :) I will have my Sunday video call with my kids and then later meet up with my friend. Nothing else going on, but that is a good thing. Two of my boys have birthdays this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. They are twelve months apart almost to the day. I had them C section and asked for the same day but it was Thanksgiving Day and the doctor said sorry no. One will be 45 and the baby is 44, my oldest is 53 and my daughter is going to be 52 on December 30. We will celebrate Rob's birthday on Tuesday since he has a class on Wednesday and I have bingo.

    Anne, you, Barbie and Jackie are faithful in walking your babies in rain or shine, cloudy or sunny, cold or hot. You are all such good mommies. I did walk more when I lived with Daisy, it is easier walking a dog then by yourself. I just hate cold weather!!!

    Jackie, the grocery store beat out Babe, I know it sounds mean but I had no food in my house.
    One of his doctor's is weaning him off Lorazapam which is a generic for Valium, so he is miserable. I really wonder sometimes if these doctor's know what they are doing. I truly believe he is over medicated with all the psych meds and prescription drugs he takes but that is just my opinion. He goes back to Mayo Clinic next Monday for more tests.

    Patsy, your Thanksgiving week sounds perfect except for John's tooth. Katie is like Robby and thinks grandma is as young as he is and wears me out. lol

    Buzz, I am not really that organized but when I want something done I get it done. I am a little OCD so I don't like messes and those boxes were a mess so had to get them out of my apartment asap. I think the power recliner chair is a perfect gift for you, you will love it!!

    Lin, love your stocking and the bells, what a cute idea!!

    Here is one view of some of my decorations!


    Enjoy your Sunday, Funday!
    One Day at a Time

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited November 2016
    My daughter didn't like the vertical ribbon so changed it to silver and wrapped around the tree. I have to admit I like it better.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Sandy, it is lovely either way <3

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I agree Lin, it looks lovely either way Sandy. Anne
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good evening....when I got home from church the afternoon just slipped away from me and I cannot say I got much accomplished. I am watching some TV and reading a book now.

    Tomorrow morning I need to return to Walgreens. I made a purchase there today, they made an error and the manager on duty didn't know how to fix it so I am going in tomorrow morning with my receipt, the ad, and a note from today's manager to try to get the $10 in dispute. I hope the person on-duty tomorrow can fix this. Then it is time to go for the tooth extraction. Really NOT happy about this but hope it is over quickly.

    I'll check in as I am able. I haven't had had a tooth removed for over 40 years. I have no idea how I will feel.

    Wishing everyone well. Hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2016
    Chair is ordered; chose a simple design from Relax the Back as I dislike those overstuffed heavy looking recliners everywhere.

    Taking the place of my present zero gravity white lounges I cannot get out of!

    It also will provide for my legs to be up over my heart. While at my desk, I discovered 2 more folders I must fill out and send to the VA, which covers more expenses than I realized. So more forms tonight and then I simply must get to bed. AFter a beautiful buffet brunch/lunch, I saw a Disney movie about Nemo, Rory and Hank, an octopus! It was charming, goofy, and I got some much needed sleep! I woke up in time to learn the lost fish found his Mom an Buzzd Dad, thank goodness! I hope I didn't snore or drool; so embarrassing!
    SANDY, your mini tree is lovely. And I agree with your daughter about the ribbon.
    LIN, good luck on both the Walgreen error and the tooth. Will check back tomorrow and hope both went well!
    ANNE, all your words are Greek to me, but sound like something I'd read in Dickens. What language does Jilly speak?
    PATSY, hope that tooth gets fixed, and wish you and everyone a wonderful holiday season.
    JACKIE, the auction sounds like fun. My DD#2 used to attend them all the time in NC. She's considering moving elsewhere, for a change.
    Well might as well start looking at government websites so I can get going on these 2 more forms. I've sort of given up on ever straightening anything out! Not true, but feels that way!
    <3 Buzz
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Sandy - The tree is beautiful.

    Lin - Best wishes for an easy extraction and quick recovery.

    Buzz - Love the chair! ....and happy to know Nemo found his mom!

    Looks like the day will be spent in my home office. Some personal office stuff and some for the son's business. Will also try to catch up on laundry. If my son, Jordan, decides to go to his vocal class today, I will drive him since he has slept so little during the past 2 days while trying to complete a project.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful week,
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello Monday! Hello laundry! Hello hello! We are in one of those amazing rainy PNW cycles. Rainy rainy Monday. I have my bluesy music on loud and Katie and I have our agenda. We are getting this place cleaned up as we get out the Christmas decor. Now there might be some of you that would think Christmas music might be more appropriate ...for this job, you would be wrong. John went to the dentist ASAP this morning. He will come back an unhappy camper I fear. I see another implant on the horizon! But he's tough and I have a really good food processor to mince up everything if the implant is what is nessary.

    Our son just relocated his studio in Portland. It is in one of those reclaimed factories that are now the trendy creative places for galleries and studios. He has been making a really modern glitzy studio space with work stations for his animators and a great conference area as well as a large office for him. He loves woodworking so he did a lot of the work himself. Oh to be young and involved with a career you love!

    Buzz: your new furniture looks snazzy! Anything that makes life better in any way is worth the effort. I gave up my bathtub for a new large shower with two shower heads. I love it. It is one of those things that makes life better. It was an adjustment to give up the soak in bubbles but getting out of it was risky. Sooooo...

    Well! I hear the dryer buzzing so time to fold a mountain of laundry.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Like Patsy, I am doing laundry. It poured here all night and is a dreary day but It could be snow so I am grateful. Just going to take the day for myself and hopefully get on my bike for an hour since I am taking my son and his family out for his birthday tomorrow.
    One Day at a Time.

    Patsy, whatever keeps you moving is the right music. I hope John comes back with good news and no pain. Your son's studio sounds wonderful and he has such talent. I love Portland except for all the rain, but it is a great city.

    Marcella, Monday's seem to be the day to catch up on paperwork and laundry, but at least it gets done. Thanks for the compliment on my tree.

    Buzz, love the new electric recliner, it will be so much easier for you. The other chairs are really nice also and yours are white? No wonder the kids want them.

    Lin, good luck at Walgreens, they are pretty good with refunds so it shouldn't be a problem. I do hope you asked for nitros along with Novocaine for your tooth or is that just me who does that?

    Anne, I am not a good decision maker on my own so I asked my daughter for her opinion, thus changing the ribbon. I liked it both ways as well but think the silver is a little classier. lol BTW since Phoebe asked me on Facebook what the red glow is, it is a red spot light.
    I hope you had a good walk this morning with your little Jilly.

    Jackie, you must have a good day to be outside.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Yes, we are just going out for our third walk over to the mailboxes. On my earliest walk we met Janice and Amy and she had what I consider bad news to impart. When I first moved here in 1989 I thought it a lovely little town with lots of countryside and farms around it. Over the years the countryside has been replaced with miles and miles of housing and malls. I live close to the old town and the harbour, but Janice tells me the cross street at the top of my street is having all the old shops torn down to be replaced by towering condos. At one time the church at the other end of my street was being considered for tear down and another condo to be built on the treed grounds where Jill and I now walk. With a dwindling aging congregation I can see that still happening. Last time, the local resident association fought this decision and won.

    I don't understand why a charming little town can't be left alone. If Janice is correct the traffic will be horrendous, not to mention no accessible shops for those of us without cars. Meaning a lot of us are in that group of elderly folk giving up on driving. This is the largest town I've ever lived in, and getting bigger hence me boring you all silly with my griping. Sorry girls. JACKIE seems to have found the idyllic lifestyle, so similar to the lifestyle I was once familiar with. Maybe PATSY as well.

    Well, like others, I'm doing the laundry, cut off 2" of my new jeans and hemmed them, cleaned the homestead, walked The Bean and cooked lunch. Oh and got everything off my chest here, mustn't forget that!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Hello friends--

    Buzz, that chair looks lovely to me and will be such a help to you. I am glad you will have it soon. Well. I hope you'll receive it quickly.

    Jackie, good day. I never told you how lovely the photo is that you posted. Such a beautiful view! I trust you've had a good day.

    Anne, there is always change of course. What is profitable for some is not the best for many of us. I am sorry to hear of potential changes coming to your neighborhood. I live in a suburb and the last little patch of undeveloped land near me is now undergoing changes. I have no idea what is going on but lots of earth moving and cement trucks. Maybe streets for a tiny space for new homes? Apartment building? Those are sprouting like mushrooms in the dark around here. Every little bit strains the drainage/runoff capabilities and of course traffic is already kind of wild at certain times.

    Sandy, hello, no laundry day for me today. :D I hope you get caught up. What do you do if people are pretty well evenly split when you ask an opinion?

    I did get my $$ from Walgreens this morning. The gal on duty was pretty sharp so I was in and out of there relatively quickly. I also returned a library book.

    Then my nervous trip to the dentist. One of the roots was in my sinuses so I was especially concerned. Anyway, I got my deadening shots, and I really appreciated the numbing gel they used in my mouth first. They got the entire tooth out including the one very long root. Came home with an Rx for pain medication, lots of instructions, extra gauze, and a cold pack.

    So no exercise the next couple of days, follow instructions carefully (because I'm a bleeder!). I am just freezing now, and tired. Back to the cold pack and tepid beverages. Maybe a nap? They will call me tonight to check on me. So signing out for now.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Glad for you that it's all over LIN. Take care now, Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Today was the final leg wrap my insurance allows in home. My legs have come way down from the swelling, and the therapist made me promise to use the compression boots twice a day and my compression stockings daily. Absolutely!!!. And I have the time now! I think, tough I never seem to have enough before the dinner hour pops up! I'll try getting back tonight!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    I got home today from our trip of shopping and Thanksgiving. It was exhausting and have decided to take a break next year and stay home and do my shopping or online as Sandy does. We had good weather to go from store to store and had fun with our friends and their family. We did have an hour and half wait at the bridge getting back to Canada, so much traffic. I did get some deals and noticed the crowds were way down except in Walmart where it was pretty busy. All other stores were light with people and I guess online shopping is taking presidence.

    I have started laundry today too and put all shopping bags away and suitcase. My knee took a beating at shopping and it is sore again. I go to the chiropractor on Wednesday for a treatment and think I will be seeing my doctor if this doesn't get better soon. It's taking longer than I expected to heal. I am missing my yoga and any exercise for that matter. I will have to watch my calorie intake since I am not exercising it off now. I am tired and will enjoy getting into my own bed tonight.

    I read everyone's posts and will comment later when I am all caught up and feeling better.

    I can't believe Christmas is around the corner and I have to decorate too and get organized.

    Have a good evening everyone!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Sandy - love your tree, as for Robby - LOL, I do have trouble with names don't I

    Buzz - l like the chair

    I saw my plastic surgeon today. He took the bandages and brace off my finger. It turned out very good. Not completely back to normal but very good. I could tell he was very pleased and I am delighted. I have to keep a bandaid on it until it completely heals and stretch it often to try to loosen it up more. But hurray and so glad to lose the brace. It isn't as sore either and the brace was irritating my finger. It's still quite sore but so much better.

    Got a little more shopping done. When you have 11 grandkids and 2 daughters and their husbands, you do need to start early.

    Have a great day tomorrow everyone.
