Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Oh Shirley, what a handsome guy!! <3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Shirley, I agree with Lin, he is just so handsome and look at those eyes even the whites are blue!! He is going to be a ladies man!! <3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    And I'd give my eye teeth for his eyelashes, SHIRLEY! Hi everyone, getting dressed for one friend's birthday dinner :) , followed by visit to dear friend who went on Hospice Care today :'( .
    Must keep up the spirits, and thinking about JACKIE's, SANDY's, and SHIRLEY's plans, PATSY's old DVD collection, LIN's creative Pursuits and MARIE's 15 bean soup gave me a breather! Thanks, dear friends!
    <3 Buzz
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Just popping in to say hello...
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Thanks Alice!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    That really put a smile on my face.
    doping in before we head out to the store ( Walmart) I think I will spend some of my Christmas money I need some new underwear and socks.
    Marie Have a blessed day my friends
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Dentist today for ex-rays and four month cleaning. Dreary kind of day with periods of rain but warm at 44 degrees. I hope to get my grandchildren's valentine day cards in the mail today or at least by tomorrow. Mine are store bought, I am not as creative as Lin.

    Marie, have fun shopping especially since it for you. <3

    Alice, thank you for cheering us up!!

    Have a wonderful day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Jeri - Looks like you have been doing a great job lately with your steps and tracking daily calories! Hope your friend in Florida is doing better.

    Jackie - I think your trip in May sounds like a lot more fun than the freezer defrosting task. Enjoy the chili. We’re looking forward to a trip down to Florida in April. A nice way to kick of the Spring/Summer months.

    Lin - Hope you were able to get everything done yesterday so that you can get back to your cool art stuff today!

    Patsy - Enjoy the snowy day off!

    Sandy - Glad you enjoyed the game. It was pretty good until the ending!

    Marie - Glad to hear you’re feeling better. Have fun Christmas shopping at Walmart today!

    Shirley - Jamaica sounds like the perfect winter get-a-way!

    Buzz - Enjoy the birthday dinner. (And I agree about the eyelashes. First thing I noticed in the picture!)

    Gemfrire - Hi, thank you for the “Happy” picture. It made me smile.

    Yesterday, I finally made it into my office. Planning a lot more of the same today! Fun times! :#
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Hello friends, I was off early to run errands and then played Mah Jongg. I won 2 of the 3 hands we played at my table. One hand was from the quints--never thought I would be able to do that!! Wahoo!! Stopped at Dollar Tree on the way home. Eating lunch putting things away and getting ready to go to book club this evening.

    Sandy, I hope the trip to the dentist went well.

    Marie, I hope the trip to the store was fun and that you found everything you were looking for.

    Marcella, fun in the office. Oh my!!

    I need to get moving.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hello All

    Marcella - thank you for your comment. I am trying soooo hard. I almost have in my 10,000 steps and I walked for 1 hour. I'm afraid that I can't walk as fast as I want to as it ends up hurting me. But I am motivated.

    Our friend in Florida is doing pretty good. Haven't heard from them today but we expect He will be coming back to Calgary perhaps tomorrow. He may stay with us until his wife gets here too. What a shock weatherwise tho. It was -13F here today and 80F in Florida. Hmmm. We have a ton of snow as we are just coming out off a winter storm warning. We even took a "snow day" and didn't drive MJ to kindergarten as the roads were so bad this morning. Warming up a bit tomorrow.

    Alice - thank you. Made me smile.

    Lin you are so busy.

    Shirley. What a sweet little guys. Awwwww

    Sandy - I agree. It is so hard to keep on track all the time. But, logging everything really helps me keep on track. We went out for supper tonight and I had a small salad with about 3 ounces of grilled sirloin steak. It was delicious and satisfied me completely. Of course the glass of wine I had helped as well. We'll see if the wine aggravates my acid reflux tonight.

    Time to go finish my steps. I am determined.

  • qwander
    qwander Posts: 21 Member
    Just checking in, I've not had very many good days as far as exercise goes but today went for a good walk. I've spent way too much time sitting lately, and really feeling lazy.. Need to give myself a good talking to I guess. I did get a burst of self discipline as far as my eating has gone and that has helped. I will come out of this funk soon as I just don't have time for this. I think part of it was the holidays and the fact my husbands and daughters death anniversaries were withing the last month. Now it's time to pull up my big girl panties and get back to work and living. Life is good and I am blessed..
    Scatter Kindness
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2017
    Beautiful sunshine and a delightful walk with Scruff and her mum across the moors has set me up for the day. I might even get out into my garden and start an early Spring tidy! Yesterday was one of my usual busy Tuesdays with walking, swimming, more walking and a yoga class but I do feel better for it all and muscles are less tight, for now anyway! The village hall we have the class in was freezing and the log fire never really got going so lying on a cold floor didn't help the concentration and I was pleased when the session ended. Not the right attitude for yoga I know but I'm not a Tibetan monk!!

    Patsy ~ Your comment about the lack of pelicans in your area caught my interest so I did a google search and what did I find..... a basketball team!! LOL Of course I delved further to discover what beautiful creatures they are and also someone's diary on your local environment from 2015 that showed they were concerned about dwindling numbers too. It's so sad, especially when we humans could probably do something to check the decline. As for your exercise regime and Jeri's too, I think you ladies should do what the physio told me a few months ago..... cut yourself some slack! Buzz can tell us what too much enthusiasm towards exercise did to her joints and I think we all have to recognise our bodies are now just a bit older than than the 25 years of age our brains appear to be! ;)

    Alice ~ A gorgeous smile beaming out at me when I logged on was a delight, thanks!

    Nola ~ Welcome back to the fold. Such anniversaries are never easy to get through and we all have to cope in our own way so don't go beating yourself up. Perhaps start with a few short walks if you can manage and gradually take it from there on the exercise front. Of course leaving winter behind should help us all get motivated although sounds as if Jeri might have to dig herself out!

    I'm going to have to leave it here today as there's so much to be done plus I know if I sit too long these muscles of mine will happily seize up! Hello to all I missed.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Poorer by $271 for ex rays and cleaning, sure wish Medicare paid for dental. At least they only do a full set of ex rays every five years with others in between. At least I have no problem teeth so no other work is needed. I am going to meet some friends for trivia night at the same place we went for the super bowl game. My other friend wanted me to go to bingo but I already committed to trivia. Hopefully, I know some answers.

    Nola, good to hear from you but sorry the holidays are hard for you. Soon it will be spring and the sun will shine and the birds will sing. I think we are all in need of some good weather and sunshine! Winter is depressing since it is so long. We are here for you to vent if you feel the need.

    Have a good day and enjoy !!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good day, we had snow and the roads were not particularly good at the time I would have been driving to class this morning and I was tired so I decided to skip everything and stay home. Haven't done lots but did get lots of fresh vegetables cleaned and cut up. Had a lovely bowl of them with brown rice crackers for lunch.

    Sandy, have a good time tonight.

    Nola, we all have off times especially around days that stick in our memories. I hope you get on top of your game again soon.

    Jackie, such ambitious days!! A very cold village hall would have been a deal breaker for me. When I am at an event and it is too cold, I end up shaking and have to come home and super heat myself and/or the house!!

    I have been trying to crochet on my plastic mat for an hour or more each day. Wow, it is very hard in my hands. I hope if I do it regularly that my hands will be more cooperative.

    Hugs friends.

    I am considering a nap today!!!! Oh my.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello peeps! Rain, rain, rain. We are promised two days of sun later in the week. They better be right! I am going report them if they get our hopes up and then be wrong. I am just not sure who and where to report bad weather predictions.

    Two big deer stood right outside the garage door and were casually munching on what is left of a couple of rose bushes. They watched John unload the groceries from the car. They were about 10 to 12 feet away. No fear...they strolled slowly away after eating most of the rose bushes. Cheeky creatures! I love them but hate what they do to my flowers. I do not eat venison. They must know that.

    I am trying to dream up a nice sweetheart dinner for John on Valentine day. He is always so great to bring me flowers and cards. We are going to watch a happy movie after dinner. John voted for "Silver Lining Playbook" as his favorite romance movie. Suggestions? The restaurants will be jammed packed so I really will not enjoy going out. Our restaurants are often so loud it is hard to have a conversation. Also in order to promote an intimate atmosphere they lower the lights so low, you cannot read the menu. I know! Whine! Whine! I sound like an old bitty.

    I groomed Katie yesterday and she looks much better but I still have to trim areas near her head. She is like trying to wrestle a tornado. After 30 to 40 minutes I am exhausted and she is really tired of being fussed with. I realize this breed of dog needs brushing every 4 days. Eventually she will realize, this is what happens every few days and there is no negotiation. Right now the debate is still continuing.

    I ordered new slippers, a new robe and new SILK pjs. Not very glamorous pjs but seriously comfy. I hope this is not related to getting older. I want to keep wearing interesting things. If I could, I would wear those super high heels. Now I would fall off of them and break my ankle.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Nola you are such a delight to have you back here with us. welcome home.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, everybody. Corn muffins were served at dinner tonight and the lady next to me said I should have hers, tool So I did....both of them I enjoyed buttered! And though I behaved by ordering dolphin, I also ordered fried okra! Well tomorrow is a new start...again! I'm making more typos, and I can barely keep my head up, so I will get some shut-eye shortly.
    Managed to download Veber to my iPad, but without a smartphone I don't know if I can call my son in Germany. Still feel most comfortable with my laptop and email, so I'll stick with what's familiar and just not see them until they return! Stay healthy, y'all!
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hi all,

    Got in my 1 hr of walking and have 14,337 steps. We'll how household guests for the next 4 days so better get them in while I can.

    Nice to see you Nola welcome back.

    Have a great day tomorrow

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Freezing weather but bright sunshine and another lovely walk across the top of the moors. My pedicure is booked for midday so I just have time to tidy before she arrives then I must make candy for my bees so they don't run out of stores. Tomorrow I'm meeting up with a couple of old friends I worked with over 25 years ago. Both lost their wives to cancer in the past 10 years but manage extremely well with the help of their responsible children and grandkids. The plan is to meet at a large garden centre the other side of the city of Plymouth that has a very nice coffee shop so I'd better take my bank card just in case I'm tempted with plants on my way in or out!

    Patsy ~ George was also groomed yesterday but then because of his dense coat we have to go through this ritual several times a week. It took me a good 2 years to get him used to brush and scissors coming close to his face but I feel we're getting somewhere. He does wriggle lots but at least he's a small dog.... not sure I could cope with a Katie!!

    Lin ~ Nothing wrong with a day at home, especially if the roads are icy. A hot cup of tea and a glowing stove soon had me warm after the yoga class and next week we won't be there due to school half term so I'm hoping after that the weather will be a lot warmer and we won't need heating in the hall. I'm learning from the yoga class that even fingers and thumbs get out of shape so hopefully your crochet project will soon make your hands stronger.

    Must get on with that promised tidy so hello to Sandy, Jeri, Marie, Shirley, Nola, Buzz and anyone I've forgotten.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I did not do well in the trivia night, but still had fun. I have my meeting today and have to remember to fast for blood work tomorrow when I go for my yearly physical. That should be the end of my appointments except for my colonoscopy in July.
    It is back to being cold again, what crazy weather!!!

    Jackie, enjoy your time with your friends and don't overspend buying those plants.

    Jeri, it is incredible to me that you can get so many steps in one day. I did ride my bike for 90 minutes yesterday so I could have a couple of glasses of wine at the bar where the trivia contest was held.

    Buzz, wouldn't Skype or Google + work for a video call with your son? I know when Katie was in Africa we could chat with her for free with an app called WhatsApp but no video.

    Patsy, did Katie see the deer? I bet they were beautiful! What is better than steak and lobster for a special occasion? You could also get some rose petals and put them on your bed to spice things up! lol

    Lin, we were lucky and missed the snow, it was to the south of us. It did turn cold again and is only 15 degrees. I am sorry your fingers are sore, have you tried any of those arthritis creams?

    Marie, I agree, I love Nola's, scatter kindness, it is just such a wonderful saying!!

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time