Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Buzz - I love fried okra! No matter how well I'm doing with my eating plan, during okra season, I enjoy cooking fried okra for the family. I typically do a bunch at one time and then put the left-overs in a bag in the fridge after dinner. My son will actually eat the chilled left-overs out of the fridge like chips!

    Well, today is my weekly "pick up fresh milk and eggs" day. So, off to do that and then tons of laundry that seems to have piled up while I wasn't watching! :#
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good evening. I made up for my slow day yesterday with a very busy day today. Tomorrow our aria Chi class is gathering with many other classes for a late celebration of a Chinese New Year. So I will be gone most of the day unless I find the get together comfortable, then I will be right back home. Never know when an attack of shyness will hit. Haaaa.

    I have my steps and flights of stairs accomplished for the day. Am going to skip the crochet tonight.

    Take care my friends. Wishing everyone good health and vitality.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Sandy - riding your bike for 90 minutes is amazing in my mind. I have to force myself to do 30 minutes. As for my steps, I like walking and I listen to a book while I do it. I only let myself listen to the book when I walk so if it is a good story I am definitely inspired to get in my steps. Today I have 11,009 and I walked for an hour over two separate periods.

    I am really motivated by numbers. I like to make my goals. I'm lucky. Ed really would like to get in more exercise but my gadgets have no appeal to him.

    Buzz - those corn muffins sounded delicious. Yummy.

    Lin - good for you with your steps and flights.

    Jackie - I never got my Mom and Dad's live of growing things. Ed likes tô and I just enjoy the fruits of his labor.

    Marcella - don't think I've ever had okra. I must try it some time.

    We had a nice day today.

    See you all tomorrow.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Exhausted/tired after week 2 of our Mind/Body 1 hour class; a thirteen week commitment for which I signed up and cannot miss even a single meeting unless I'm willing to be thrown out! Today focused on "body" and we did aerobic workouts that had me panting, sweating, and wondering if I can possibly survive this madness!... also learned I can walk heel toe, quickly, around the auditorium without falling down! Recovery was slow , but sure and I look forward to next week's class, which entails brain games solved against the clock! It is all based on keeping the health and ability of people of advanced years growing in the correct direction, rather than the decline of Alzheimer's and other dementia's!
    The friend to whom I said goodbye earlier in the week passed on quickly, and I will be attending the Celebration of her Life tomorrow. I said goodbye to a very dear friend before dinner tonight and had a few precious moments with her daughter and son-in-law. I hope she heard me, but I will never know! As I said, it was an exhausting day.
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Friends,

    I will be closing out my account today. I have been on this site going on 7 years and I have enjoyed each and everyone of you and your support in good and not so good times over the years. I am following a new path with the books HEALTH AT EVERY SIZE and INTUITIVE EATING. I had my first phone conference with a registered dietician who follows the practices of these books and we will be keeping in touch going forward. I am on facebook and keep in touch with several of my friends here so if you are interested in connecting with me my last is BRUCE. Good luck on your journey.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Shirley - I will miss you. :/ Best wishes with your journey. It's all about what works best for you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Back from my yearly wellness exam and blood work.I love the nurse who weighs me, she always takes off two pounds for my clothes. lol Having my coffee now even though it is afternoon. I have an order for a bone density test since it has been two years since my last. Will be glad when I am done with the doctors and pray all results are good. My mammogram came back normal so that is one test out of the way. If I get the ambition to go out again I will go get my car washed but we will see.

    Shirley, we will all miss you but as Marcella said, you have to do what works for you. I am glad we are Facebook friends at least we won't lose touch. :'(

    Buzz, you mind/body class sounds like a wonderful class. Not only do you keep your body active but your mind as well. Keep up the good work, it should get easier as you loosen up.

    Jeri, maybe when it gets warmer outside I will try walking with an audio book. I watch TV while riding my bike so time seems to go faster. I even increased my tension to number 7 to give myself a little harder push.

    Lin, busy day for you today, I hope you were comfortable with the new people and enjoyed your time with them.

    Marcella, I'm like Jeri, I don't think I have ever had okra, is it like rice?

    Marie, Jackie, Patsy, I hope all is well with you.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Will miss you, SHIRLEY, but you must follow what is best for you. Good luck to you and your family.
    Just returned from a "Celebration of Life" that was an incredible sharing by 2 of her 3 daughters! What a tribute! Now I'm trying to rid a lovely shawl I bought of a blueish stain that is as stubborn as can be! The seller will take it back, but I really wanted the shawl/ruana, and am thinking if I embroider something over the tiny spot, perhaps I could keep it. Our dining rooms are often chilly and this white fringed cape-ish cover up is perfect! Anyway, gotta get ready and finish picking up my mess! Weight standing still!
    <3 Buzz
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member

    I like mine fried a little crispier than this picture. But, you get the idea. This is how we do it in the South! B)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    I am home. It was a lovely day with many types of Qigong and Tai Chi. I was appointed as official greeter so I missed some things but overall the people were amiable and the time well spent.

    I will miss Shirley.

    And I am an oddball, I do not like Okra.....I have added it to soup. That is all!!

    Buzz, what a really tough week you have had. I cannot imagine it.

    Sandy, you are pretty healthy. Good for you!!

    Jeri, good work. I was doing lots of Qigong and Tai Chi today but that doesn't necessary make lots of steps on the Fitbit. Time to move.

    Hugs. Happy weekend.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Sorry Shirley is leaving us. Good luck to her.

    Sandy - listening to a book while walking or exercising works really well for me. You amaze me tho with your bike riding. Good work.

    Buzz - the shawl sounds nice. Good idea about about embroidering something on it.

    Lin - sounds like a good day. Steps don't matter as long as you are active doing something in my mind.

    Marcella - I'm intrigued about the okra.

    Busy day today. I did walk for an hour and got in 10,852 steps - 11,000 by the time I go to bed. Still tracking everything. So far so good.

    See you all tomorrow.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Freezing weather here but only a few snowflakes so far. A disrupted morning because Scruff had to visit the vet after she damaged her mouth yesterday pulling at a stick that was in another dog's mouth and is now back home rather than spending the day with me as originally planned so I took George to the woods and am now back with fire lit and rugby matches about to start on tv. Yesterday's get together with old friends for lunch was great fun and I managed to come away from the garden centre with just a lavender plant, one primrose and a sturdy pressure spray ready for my Spring job of killing of brambles. Sorry I missed Shirley's departure and agree with everyone's comments that we all have to do what we feel is best for us in losing weight and hopefully she will find the right regime to help her.

    I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend. Certainly I won't be going far until the temperatures rise.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) A little warmer today so I am going to go see the boys. I already gave Lisa's Max's Valentine gift but I have one for Robby I will give him today. I wait until after their naps so I have more time with them.

    Jackie, sorry to read Scruff got hurt, I hope he is okay. You did good on your shopping and sounds like you had a nice lunch with friends as well.

    Jeri, you do amazing with your steps and hopefully we will both be at our goals so we can enjoy the fun times of summer.

    Lin, glad you had a good time and I know you were an excellent greeter.

    Marcella, since I know nothing about okra, is it healthy?

    Buzz, the shawl sounds lovely and if you don't want to return it for another, then I think your idea is good. The celebration of life sounds like it was very moving.

    Time to jump in the shower and get myself together.

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Busy day Sandy!! Enjoy the visit. It will be fun. We will accept more photos.

    Jackie, sorry poor Scruff hurt her mouth. I agree, stay in until the weather shapes up. Meanwhile, we are having very lovely weather. It I am busy with indoor activities today. Just the way things worked out I guess.

    I just finished making Valentine's Day treat bags and cards to take to church tomorrow. I decorated some small brown paper bags and put a couple of treats and a card inside each. Then rolled the top down and secured them with a sticker. Sounds quick but really, it was NOT!

    Some laundry, some cleaning and a bit of scrubbing. More to do but am enjoying my break. I think I need another cup of tea.

    I was asked to sit with my friend on Monday as her husband needs to make a trip to check on his mom who lives quite a distance away. I am fine to do that but can you believe I have a scratchy threat. I hope it is just sinus drainage. But I am worried. An extra prayer please that I stay well at least through. Monday. (This is the friend who just got back from Mayo.)

    Buzz, I agree with the decoration idea. That should work. Hope you are well and taking care of yourself.

    Jeri, I did make sure to get all the steps and flights in yesterday!! Every bit helps right?

    Marcella, I am feeling guilty as I have done so little of my office work. I will get inspired one of these days!!

    Marie, how are you my friend?

    Hugs to all Sneakers.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Spent a delightful few hours meeting the 20 month old baby son of my former neighbor's granddaughter! The neighbor has been depressed since her husband's death over a year ago, so I hoped the baby's visit would be helpful, but she never cracked a smile the entire time I was there! I have had to avoid being with her almost since she moved in because of her attitude , which pulls us all down! She simply does not want to live!
    I ate something very high in sodium yesterday, and am retaining too much water today, so am swollen everywhere! I thought I was over that!
    Must get to taxes so I won't be too late. My 1099's are not all here yet! I need to think positive for the rest of today; could it be the weather?
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi all. Having a gre
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    Spent a delightful few hours meeting the 20 month old baby son of my former neighbor's granddaughter! The neighbor has been depressed since her husband's death over a year ago, so I hoped the baby's visit would be helpful, but she never cracked a smile the entire time I was there! I have had to avoid being with her almost since she moved in because of her attitude , which pulls us all down! She simply does not want to live!
    I ate something very high in sodium yesterday, and am retaining too much water today, so am swollen everywhere! I thought I was over that!
    Must get to taxes so I won't be too late. My 1099's are not all here yet! I need to think positive for the rest of today; could it be the weather? Old old
    <3 Buzz

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi all i hit te wrong button and got Buzz quot. Sorry.ihis ipad haps got to go.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    2191610q208gshr57.gif Sandy, I have a great set of blue tooth headphones and listen to audio books when I walk. The book I'm listening to now is "I is for Innocent" by Sue Grafton. The stories keep my brain occupied and encourage me to walk more so I can find out what happens next. The headphones have buttons on them that allow me to back the audio up a bit if I need to hear something again and turn off the audio, raise or lower the volume, and answer the phone. It's the same as watching TV while riding my exercise bike. Entertainment keeps me occupied. This afternoon I watch "NCIS New Orleans" and this evening I watched "Bull" and "Superior Donuts". I'm fortunate to live in a part of the country where the temperatures allow walking year round.

    <3 Barbie
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Have a very busy week and will probably not get to check in much. But I wanted to stop by to wish everyone a wonderful and blessed week. <3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    edited February 2017
    Happy Sunday! :) Went to Mass, had my car washed, stopped at the store and came home and had a video call with my oldest son. It is so windy outside I think I will just stay in today.
    Being with the boys was fun but exhausting, Robby keeps me active!! I woke up to a strange noise and found out Bryanna was here to spend the night since her mother was entertaining at her house and she didn't want to sleep there. She asked if I got her text but since I was sleeping and silent my phone at bedtime I did not. I am glad she has a key so she doesn't have to wake me even though I am a light sleeper and will wake from strange noises. lol

    Marcella, don't wear yourself out this week and thank you for the blessings!!

    Barbie, the time does goes faster when watching my programs while riding the bike so I can imagine it would while listening to a book while walking. Whatever works, as long as we keep moving.

    Buzz, it is hard to be around people who are depressed but even though she didn't smile I would venture to say she was happy to have some company. I hate when sodium gives me a weight gain, that is why I prefer to eat at home, most of the time. Rob and Lisa made me dinner yesterday but since they count calories I knew it would be healthy and it was.

    Lin, you are just so thoughtful in making valentines bags for church. You have such a kind heart, never change. Okay, you talked me into a picture even though I look like I was dragged through the wringer. Love those boys!! Notice the little couch we were sitting on, it wasn't easy to get up holding the baby. lol

    Marie, Jackie and Patsy, hope you are all enjoying your Sunday.

    One Day at a Time