Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    I hope everyone has had a good day.

    Anne, wonderful to see you.

    Sandy, gorgeous photo.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i posted this on the wrong page so copy it and posting it here

    @ Lin

    thought you might like this Lin.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    zyuufd1oh3sy.png...especially George the gorgeous, and Jilly, the adorable! So glad to see ANNE back!!!
    MAX and ROBBY are priceless, and Max's suspenders are a hoot!
    JACKIE, it isn't worth hurting your back to move furniture, so listen to SANDY and just say no! I also wondered about what looks like a drawing or painting behind and to the left of Georgie! Just beautiful. So glad to hear you've become unaware of radiation lingering pain.
    LIN, you are falling into a lovely busy routine, and you deserve the pleasure you are finally allowing yourself!
    Started on Mike's closet again, and am amazed at the "stuff" he had accumulated! Also found more unopened medication which must be given to the nurse, where it will be given to destroy! Does anyone else find that disturbing? Perfectly good, expensive prescriptions that someone, somewhere could use and perhaps be healed.The law is they must destroy unused Rx's. $$$$$ down the drain!
    I think I lost the board election, and I hope it's true, since I don't enjoy endless meetings! Anyway, I'm really struggling to keep my eyes open, and not really succeeding so goodnight all, have lovely dreams! (My computer just shut itself off, as I forgot to connect the electric wire! And it saved my post!!!)
    <3 Buzz

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Today's walk was twice round the local woods because first thing we couldn't see the mast that stretches skyward on the moors. Also my friend suffered two falls in the past few days on her afternoon walks and is feeling the effects so steady as we go!

    Anne ~ Hello!! :):)

    Buzz ~ Your Valentines greeting has been passed on to George! The painting of a Lhasa that leans on my desk against the wall is something I spotted on ebay a few months ago and decided I had to buy it. Trouble is it's quite large although I can trim the cream background, just have to decide how much to remove then take to a picture framer. One of those jobs that waits forever to be completed!!

    Sandy ~ Robby seems delighted to have a brother doesn't he and long may that last.

    Oh dear, my neighbours are having some sort of building work done and the workmen have just arrived in noisy truck to get started so George is having to let me know about every move, bang or thump so it's difficult to concentrate. I'll have to see if I can calm him.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    SANDY, super little grandkids!
    BUZZ, Jilly thanks you for her very first valentine! Especially as the dog looks like her, just the wrong colour!
    JACKIE, hello!
    Time for my porridge and apple juice. It's 6:30am.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Good Morning All,

    BUzz - we were able to give some of my Mom's unused medications to our local homeless shelter. They had a nurse who would accept them. Made us feel good.

    ANne _ so nice to see you back. The picture was so cute.

    SAndy - I adore the picture. So special.

    JAckie _ your walks sound so great. Too much snow and ice here to do that here yet. But I am anxiously waiting

    Don't know why my iPod is capitalizing extra letters or is it the operator.

    I did get in my 10,000 steps yesterday and hope to do that again today. Some days it is a struggle and yesterday was one. Tonight Ed and I are going out for supper to a favorite restaurant. I think I'll see if their menu is online so I can work out the calories ahead of time. That sure helps me keep better on track. I also have an appointment with a GI doctor about my acid reflux. I don't like him at all but hopefully he can help.

    See you all tomorrow.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I am going to go to bingo tonight since I haven't seen my friends in a few weeks. I didn't sleep well so I hope to get in a nap this afternoon and some time to ride my bike.

    Jeri, I just love that picture of the boys, Robby looks so happy!! Do you walk outside or just inside to get your 10k steps? Have fun at dinner and good idea looking up calories ahead of time.

    Anne, thanks I think we will keep the kids, they sure make us smile just as Jilly does for you.

    Jackie, sorry your neighbors are bothering George, hopefully they will be done soon.

    Buzz, I thought there were places you could donate unused medicines but your nurse probably has to follow the rules of your community. The suspenders were woven into the onesie I bought for Max; they say 1st Valentine's Day. I didn't know you were running for the board, but it might be a blessing if you didn't make it since you are always so busy.

    Marie, do you grow your own vegetables?

    Lin, is this a day for you or are you out and about running around?

    Marcella is busy this week, not sure about Patsy.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oof, just lost a huge post with a quick screen wiggle, but am now out of time! So you've escaped for today ! Loved reading YOUR posts anyway!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just returned from visit to vet with Brady who was beaten up by the neighborhood bully cat last night. He has an abscess on a back foot and high temperature so dosed up with meds and supposed to be resting until he goes back for a check on Saturday but most of you will know cats, it's dusk so he's out and about visiting because I've just received a text from a neighbour to let me know he's there! I'm sure once the painkillers kick in he will want to sleep, let's hope so anyway!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Good day, another busy day. Tai Chi/Qigong, a bit of coloring and conversation with the library ladies, a trip to the store for discount Wednesday, lunch, laundry, some card making! Tomorrow is a Trader Joe's morning to get fresh vegetables. Then to the library for a bit of crafting and maybe some card playing. Then off to meet a friend to catch up on her life as I've not seen her for weeks. Friday is Tai Chi/Qigong, then a work session with the group making plastic sleeping mats for the homeless, then an evening of paper crafting at the library.

    As a result, I will not be home much until Saturday. There is a special event on Saturday called VeganFest but I do not think I will go as very large crowds are expected. I am not that happy in crowds.

    My Tai Chi instructor said she would be willing to spend a bit of time with me working on single fan. Many people in the class do not care for it but I adore it and want to learn more. And she likes it as well but cannot instruct a form that people are not happy doing. Apparently there have been negative comments about it from class members to the center staff. Oh well, people are never happy even when receiving classes for free!!

    Sandy, good luck at Bingo tonight. I blew a bit of money on a lottery ticket again. Oh well, I think it is harmless. But there is very little chance of winning anything.

    Jackie, poor Brady, attacked by a bully. I hope he will stop wandering. It is apparently not safe! Hello to George.

    Buzz, sorry you lost your post but good to see you popped in!!

    Jeri, good work on getting in your steps. It takes some planning each day doesn't it? I try to keep moving from time to time all day so I don't end up in the evening feeling tired and find I still have lots of steps to get accomplish.

    Anne, hello to you and Jilly. I trust you have had a pleasant day. You are up and going quite early on. When you have your porridge does Jilly have some kibble and chicken?

    Marie, thanks for the interesting link. I have heard you can re-grow veggies from scraps but I have never tried it.

    Time to get moving again.

    All best wishes my friends. Hugs.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Windy, rainy day. I am writing my senators so that will be a long project. What I am concerned about...what I want them to be concerned about...concerning issues of the day! Whew! It is my only avenue to stay somewhat calm and feel I have a voice. I don't have the energy to march in the rain and cold to show my concern and support. Getting old in the body but still active (sort of) in the brain

    Saw the Westminster Kennel show. I thought Katie was better looking although she would not go for that stance and sitting still. I am trying to do the clicker training to get her to obey more commands. That is going to be a hard go as well. She tried to eat the clicker! Our kind of dog...totally uncooperative.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Well despite going out for supper and having 2 glasses of wine I did okay. Within my points. I checked out the menu this morning and adjusted my breakfast and lunch. Thank goodness for the Internet. I came home and walked for another 30 minutes- 1 1/2 hrs total, 12.448 steps.

    Sandy - thank you I had a great supper. Right now I am walking inside but as soon as the sidewalks clear of ice I will walk outside for some of it. I walk lots in the house too.

    Lin - I'm like you. Whenever I get the chance I walk While waiting for my tea to brew, while baking in the oven, etc, etc. Anythjng to get in those steps.

    Fantastic day but back to very very busy tomorrow. Driving MJ tô kindergarten and staying for the afternoon. Kids are so much fun.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    An early morning fog is lifting so I can at least see to the bottom of my garden and trusting the forecast have hung a few items of washing out. Sandy, you asked me a while ago why I didn't use the dryer, well I don't have one because it would use far too much electricity which isn't cheap in the UK. I have what's called an economy 7 system which offers cheap electricity between midnight and 7am so things like washing machines and charging phones and laptop are put on during those hours. It probably seems I'm more than frugal but living on my own and having a routine I find it's a doddle!!
    Having finally emptied my freezer I'm currently defrosting it before heading for the local Aldi store to replenish the shelves. It's taking some time so I might put a small heater on in front of the iced area to speed up the process.
    Brady is so much better this morning so I'm guessing his temperature is back to normal but will still check with the vet Saturday.

    Patsy ~ Good girl, don't ever give up voicing your opinion to those in power otherwise they win, win, win. On this morning's walk in the woods my friend was showing me how she and Scruff are getting on with their agility class homework and where she thought Scruff was struggling but it turned out she's the one getting giddy as she walks in circles with treat in hand while Scruff knows exactly what she should be doing! That's so funny about Katie trying to eat the clicker but she's still a puppy so I expect she thinks everything is to be gobbled up!

    Lin ~ You lead a far busier life than me and that's great you can get one to one teaching of the single fan tai chi you enjoy. Like you I'd be grateful to be taught any aspect but it seems there's no pleasing everyone.

    Jeri ~ I know your winters can be very long but hopefully you feel now we're into mid February Spring isn't too far away. When I was hanging washing out this morning I spotted the first snowdrops and even the heads of bluebells are popping up plus the birds are beginning to sing madly so I think I can soon join in with them!

    The sun is beginning to shine through the mist so I'm going to get that heater set up in front of the freezer then see if I can do a little weeding and tidying before heading for the shops.

    Hello to everyone I missed. Looking at my watch I'm guessing Anne is already up and skidding across the ice and snow with Jilly Bean. Take it steady girl!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hiya Jackie, yes I've been up and running for over a hour now! Not on the ice however after nearly doing a knees up oopsy Daisy yesterday on the frozen path and it's colder today! However, and it's a big HOWEVER things are warming up this weekend which is super because it's the long Family Day weekend in the land of ice and snow. The short time I ventured out yesterday a little bird was singing it's little head off so the planet is circling towards spring whatever the world does.

    And me, still living in the dark ages with no car etc, also doesn't have a drier. What's the point? With central heating the clothes dry in next to no time and in the summer I do a Jackie! Okay, my towels aren't as fluffy as everyone else's, but this creates a home spa, sloughing off any dry skin etc. Lol.

    Now Patsy what on earth is a clicker? Does it replace, "naughty girl, drop that or you'll get a clip around the ear"? My girl doesnt get a clip around the furry ear of course, just a threat from me and a toothy grin and waggy tail from her.

    Have a great day everyone, Sally forth with a SPRING in your 10,000 daily steps!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good morning, Today is still super busy, but it's the first day this week that I've been able to wake up and enjoy a cup of coffee and a little quiet time before the day gets kicked off.

    Anne - I was absolutely thrilled to see a post from you. I know it sounds a bit odd since I only know you from posting in this group, but I genuinely missed you and your posts. :)

    As though, I haven't tried to cram enough into my week, tomorrow I'm driving the hour and a half to Cleveland, GA where our camper is so that I can pick up some things that I want to take on a trip with me next week and while I'm in Cleveland for the day, I've scheduled to get my hair cut and colored. I've gotten a ton of office work done this week and spent yesterday with our eldest helping him look for full-time jobs and send out resumes. (His father and I insisted he give this his full attention with us yesterday.) Today, we will continue the resume theme while I continue my office work and take out enough time from office work for my weekly fresh milk & egg errand.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Bingo was worth it as I won $150 on a pull tab!! I still won't be going too much because I am saving money for my trips and bingo can be expensive with the pull tabs.
    I have my meeting today and some errands. I am going to go grocery shopping and buy some food to start trying to eat lower carbs and more veggies. So basically, meat, salad and veggies.
    I have been doing great as far as exercise and I only have 2.5 pounds to make my goal so I am determined.

    I will try to get back later since time is getting away from me again. Have a great day!!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning
    we been to the grocer store and it is hell trying to find things without Salt. Even their frozen chicken breasts Whats a fellow to do.

    Beautiful day here in Texas. Our daffodils are blooming. so Pretty..So spring.

    Got to go

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Good morning
    we been to the grocer store and it is hell trying to find things without Salt. Even their frozen chicken breasts Whats a fellow to do.

    Do you have a farmer's market Marie? One of the vendors at ours offers free range chickens that they process, package and freeze. It is more expensive, but much better tasting and the only salt is what I might add (none).

    It's been a long time since I've been on here. A lot of water under the bridge but I'm still struggling with weight issues. I was within a pound of my goal weight 16 months ago but I'm right back where I started now.

    We haven't had a winter - at least no snow or ice - and temps this week are 10-15 degrees above normal for Missouri. It was 80 last Saturday, and will be back in the 70s next Saturday. It scares me to think of what it will be like in July and August.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Great hearing from you. Welcome back. I am still on a low salt diet. He has not put me on a no salt diet yet. But i am laying off of salt as much as i can.This is a new Doctor for me and he blanes all of our problems on salt

    I missed seeing your pretty flower beds.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Hello everyone. Happy to read all the posts today!!


