Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just got back from long walk in thick fog. Very mild out. We met two old friends and dogs from last year. One puppy now enormous, very boisterous and a barker. Jill ran behind me again, and they asked why the change, so I explained that she had been stood on by 2 very big dogs last year which they thought a shame because she had loved all living things, but now only small dogs and most humans especially children. I'm glad she's learnt to be cautious. The fog has turned my dry, lank, winter locks into something resembling Medusa, goddess with the wild hair.

    The tax return is sitting in the mailbox ready to wing its way to Prince Edward Island, ha! And I'll get down to earning my pension with a spot of ironing.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) A little rain this morning but hopefully the sun is coming out soon. I went to Rob and Lisa's for another birthday celebration for Bryanna. She wanted me there because it was the first time her dad was meeting her boyfriend. It was casual and fun and it is always great being with the boys. I did cheat and have one piece of pizza and a piece of cake. I came home and rode the bike so no weight gain this morning. Here are a few more pictures of the family and with Bryanna's new boyfriend.


    Anne, we had some fog here as well, we must have the same weather. I am glad Jilly is afraid of big dogs although Daisy would love her. Strange dream you had but scarier you have a patch of snow on your driveway. Babe and I still file our taxes jointly so he has them done by his accountant, all I have to do is sign my name. Some of your English came out when you said spot of ironing and I love it!!

    Marcella, glad you are having a good time in Florida and visiting with family and friends. You deserve a break form all the hard work you do.

    Lin, always great to get a great deal!! More supplies for card making? Have fun at whatever you are doing today, at least I hope it is something fun.

    Jackie, Marie, Buzz, Patsy and whoever else I might have missed, hello.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Good afternoon. What phenomenal weather today. Sunny and in the '70's. Windy but it was fine with me. Tai Chi/Qigong, coloring with friends at the library and then I took a little road trip to find that paper crafting shop that everyone's been telling me is great. Yep, it is great. My eyes are worn out from all the looking. I got a few pieces of paper to diecut tattered flowers and I did a card project. Apparently every Wednesday they offer a project for a minimal fee. I brought it (the card project) home, tore it apart and re-did it!! Now I am happier with it. :D

    Time to make some supper, pay some bills online and finish the book club read.

    Rain, snow, cold are on the way. So glad I got out and about today. I do need to get to the library. They are holding something for me again. I need to check. Book? DVD?

    Anne, I am picturing your hair!!! Oh my. You are a dangerous woman Medusa. :D I trust your forms will be delivered and certainly not lost. Should I send you a beret to clamp your hair in place? Wait, a beret sounds wonderful. I actually have never owned one.

    Sandy, I love all the photos. Thank you for posting them!!! Robby is the star of the photos in my estimation. You are all gorgeous people but Robby--well, he just melts my heart.

    Marcella, I am glad the drive went well and that you are having a lovely visit. Wahoo!! I love it when things work out. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

    Buzz, I hope your computer is working well and that you do not have malware or a virus.

    Jackie, have you looked into booking a trip??

    Time for a cup of tea I think.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Ugh, dead water heater :/
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, even your DDinL looks like you, lucky woman! What a beautiful family!
    LIN, I thinkit is NOT a virus, as a 14 hour scan showed just a little malware from ads, but I seem to be running something not good with my modem, which keeps losing lights! It just seemedinformed me I lost internet access so I hooked up the ethernet cable! No luck. The entire "bundle";
    FROZEN!!! Turns out there was something out in the area affecting my service,,,,!!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2017
    Buzz ~ There's definitely something weird happening to Microsoft Windows because I've had similar problems on my laptop and apparently the neighbour of my dog walking friend the same with loss of internet connection and a window appearing that tells me to connect to the old fashioned ether cables which I can't because I don't have any more! Also screen resolution keeps altering and I can hear a constant whirring sound as if something is running too fast. My friend thinks it's Microsoft pushing us to upgrade to Windows 10 because we don't get Windows 8 updates these days but you are already using it aren't you. Anyway, so far either restarting or going into the control panel and setting the system back a few weeks seems to clear it for a while!

    Sandy ~ If that's the boyfriend Bryanna was worried about because he didn't have a great job I'd say he looks a very nice lad and careers aren't everything so long as they're happy! He certainly looks comfortable amongst you all.

    Lin ~ Oh dear, no hot water but hopefully you know a good reliable plumber. Nothing worse otherwise! Nothing booked travel wise yet and at the moment I'm finding it difficult enough to tie down 2 sets of friends during a late week in March when one group wants to get together for a 70th birthday celebration for one of us and the others that are ex-neighbours want to meet for lunch in Dartmouth, Devon but no one is making a concrete plan so I can't say when I'd be available for each! Does that make sense? I'm thinking Norway will be a doddle in comparison!

    Anne ~ Just like Jilly, Scruff was always rushing to meet dogs of any size until one day a German Shepherd off its lead terrorised her so now she shows fear around any larger dog and squeals if they get too close. Discretion being the better part of valour is now her watch word and I think that's sensible and the same for Jilly.

    Marcella ~ Looks like you're having a wonderful visit in Florida so do enjoy the rest of your stay there.

    The yoga class on Tuesday evening was a killer and it took me most of yesterday to recover with pains in my hips and back but swimming this morning has eased everything so I'm ready to rock and roll again! Today we've had the edge of a storm called Doris hit us with high winds but nothing compared to the rest of Britain that's getting everything from snow and ice to driving rain. For George's walk this afternoon I'm going to have to think of somewhere sheltered because the woods will be dangerous as trees have been coming down and the moors, well I'd get blown off my feet so it might be a quick walk round the village. The sun is out at the moment so I may risk it and take an early stroll.

    Enjoy your Thursday, whatever you're doing!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Thursday! Meeting Day! :) Our weather turned colder but still not bad at 45 degrees.
    This low carb eating seems to be giving my system a boost as far as losing weight. We will see what the scale says tomorrow but today is was down. I have been riding my bike longer, between 60 and 90 minutes as I watch TV. I am going to stop at Babe's after my meeting to pick up a George Foreman grill. I did make my chicken breast on my outside grill yesterday but now the weather has changed and instead of using my broiler in the stove I am going to try the grill. I hate cleaning the broiler pan and the smoke that sometimes comes with broiling indoors. Make sense??

    As far as the pictures, they all hate it when I ask to take them mostly because it was casual and no one was prepared and complained of bad hair and no makeup type of stuff. They will appreciate them one day with looking back at happy memories. (I didn't look too good either).

    Enjoy your day and stay away from bad weather, mean dogs, hard exercise, bad computers and broken water heaters.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hello - better late than never. Got phone calls made, prices checked, decided on my purchase, cleaned things and moved things out of the way, waited, cleaned up after the plumber, again and again. So the water heater is replaced, my pocket has been well PICKED for gosh sakes and I think there is a tiny water leak around one of the valves and a bunch of junk seems to have lodged in the shower head in my bathroom. All the water lines had to have the air purged out and the guy didn't tell me he was starting the process. I had planned to start with the upstairs tub as nothing was likely to get plugged up there. Oh well, it's over and I pray this water heater lasts a good long time while I struggle with a shower head that seems messed up. My sidewalk and driveway have rust stains as I didn't get out there to clean up fast enough when they removed the old water heater. I know, minor matters in the overall scheme of things.

    Hope your day went well Sandy. The weather sure has changed!! Good idea to get the George Foreman grill. That makes life easier. Broilers are messy!!!

    Oh Jackie, ready to rock and roll again. You are a force of nature my friend. I hope you found a good place for walking. And I hope the weather is better tomorrow.

    Buzz, I admire how you find ways to cope with all the computer issues. I never know what Microsoft is up to. I just keep my fingers crossed. Hoping for the best doesn't always turn out to be enough however.

    Anne, are you and Jilly out there and doing okay? I hope you do not get the whack of winter weather. Ack.

    Marie, hello to you and to Missy.

    Marcella, safe travels.

    Hello to everyone I have missed.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARCELLA, welcome to the Sunshine state, even if you are at the other end! Sounds like a great visit...
    OK, ANNE, you got me inspired to start my taxes. They will be quite different this year for me even though I was a "couple" until almost November. By the way, I was impressed with Victoria's coconut palms, or was it another nearby city with famous gardens? My mind is going!!! Jilly is smart and funny!
    SANDY, don't you love thwe picture of MAX in Mommy's arms with that funny laugh? You all look terrific!
    LIN, Good luck water wise! If it's not one thing, it's another, with a house!
    JACKIE, It wasn't Microsoft last night. It turned out to be Comcast having nearby trouble , as usual. I wish they would let us know it's them, and save us trying everything to fix it! Once my Ethernet cable didn't help get online, I realized this was serious. I called and told them I was tired of paying for such rotten service and they will compensate me very nicely, so once again they get away with broken service!
    Did a lot of cleaning out in Mike's drawers today, bringing his beautiful sweaters to our "discard" apartment. Hated doing that but I will be better off without these reminders.
    Having a difficult problem with one of my kids who is breaking under severe stress and has turned away from family. It's happened before and I'm sure she will eventually forgive imagined neglect, but as a mother, I feel like a failure! I will do some breathing exercises and perhaps get some badly needed sleep!
    Tomorrow night will be a Dine Around the World dinner in Paris. Everything is out of this world delicious and, I've been warned, very rich. Should I not eat a thing all day long? I think the escargots is something I can bypass as the thought of snails does not appeal to me ever! Picked too many of them off my tomato plants!!! I will regain whatever I might have lost this week...
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Rainy day apparently. I don't want Jill catching cold in the tum again! Her tum is so close to the ground, and especially with the melting snow banks which she loves she was wet through after walks and despite a rub down, caught cold and was trotting out to pee small amounts every half hour! 8 times on one short walk. Sounds more like my age than her just turned one year age! All is now back to normal!

    I've had a busy few days and today promises to be busy as well but just wanted to say hi, everybody.

    LIN, so sorry for your water heater problems, if it isn't one damn thing it's another with these man made devices. I suppose primitive man felt the same as he sharpened yet another flint stone to clobber his Sunday dinner with, the stone he had having been pinched by a neighbour. Not to mention primitive woman wondering if the local river would dry up. Nothing changes does it!

    And that goes for our kids doesn't it. BUZZ, honestly is there really the perfect parent. I suspect YOU came close to being one. Take my friends daughter who is forever twittering on about the "bad" childhood she had and she's in her fifties. My poor friend can't for the world remember what she did to cause this constant whining. I've known my friends daughter for 40 years and her mother is always the cause of any of her perceived woes she insists.
    I think we are each made up of thousands of previous personalities and therefore it's the luck of the draw what emerges in all of us. There's a poem I vaguely remember about how some of us are born to sweet delight and others to endless night. The bucket half empty or half full.

    Blimey, I'm getting all philosophical! Better shut up.
    Grocery shop day, in the blessed (being a bit of an optimist) rain! Ooh, before I forget again, beautiful looking family you've got SANDY!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear, sorry Sandy, I forgot to weigh myself this morning probably because I was so excited to see some sunshine and plan a walk on the moors. Hopefully tomorrow!! B)
    We had a lovely stroll with not a hint of wind after yesterday's near to hurricane forces including Scruff impressing us with her agility class homework as she danced around the Hurler stones at her mum's command! George was very good too as he hopped on to a low rock to sit out of the way so got a treat as well. My only ponder today is whether to pay out over £100 per dining chair to get them professionally re-seated or do them myself. There again, will I every do them myself or just think about it? I've answered my own question haven't I!!

    Lin ~ Ha! So much for rockin' and rollin' on our afternoon walk because I took George to a low section of moorland thinking it would be sheltered but 2 minutes out of the car with him running like a wound up toy in the wind a huge black cloud appeared and poured hail on us which in the high wind felt like a million bee stings on my face, in fact I had to put an arm across it to protect me whereas George in his thick coat found it all great fun!! Added to that I was nearly knocked off my feet by a gust just as I picked my way through some mud so needless to say we didn't stay there long! Goodness, what a time with your plumber AND having to pick up after him although I remember soon after moving into my cottage I had an old boiler removed from behind a stove and what I thought would be a quick job turned into several days because lots of debris had moved along the pipes and plugged the system. Treat yourself to a new shower head why not!!

    Buzz ~ I understand the internet quandary when it turns out to be the supplier especially if, like mine, they try their best to deny responsibility. I do hope the name of the apartment "discard" doesn't mean that literally but someone can make good use of Mike's sweaters. So sorry to read your DD is struggling but deep down she'll surely know you're always there for her.

    Sandy ~ Great job on your exercise bike as well as the eating changes. In photos you don't look like you need to lose an ounce although I share that goal of getting a little below an acceptable weight in order to be able to relax just occasionally.

    Nearly lunchtime already because I stopped off at my housebound neighbour for an hour to discover the poor love had been stuck in bed for an hour and a half past her usual time and had thought the carers had forgotten her. No phone call, nothing. I've told her several times to phone me if she ever has a problem when her son is at work but apparently because she was getting so many nuisance calls her son did something to her phone but instead of barring them he's barred her outgoing calls so I've suggested she tell him to come up with a plan 'B'!
    A snack will do me now then I can hopefully get into the garden while the sun shines.

    Have a lovely Friday everyone.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Good morning

    Cold and snowy here and we've been so busy. Having lots of fun with our 2 oldest grandkids who are staying with us until Sunday. Then their sister Heather who is 11 comes for a stay. Brittany is here until Saturday afternoon. I guess we've had guests for over a week now, fun but tiring.

    Sandy - low carb works for me too but is too hard to maintain with my erratic and busy lifestyle. I always do better when I can have a salad with protein for lunch but life gets in the way. Glad you are doing so well.

    Buzz- dealing with cable companies is so frustrating. It must be hard cleaning out Mike's stuff. I'll send a hug. As for your daughter, awwww. That is very hard.

    Lin- glad you have hot water again. Our daughter with the 9 kids is facing a broken dryer. With Calgary in the winter and with all those kids makes a dryer a necessity.

    Anne - I smile each time you mention Jill.

    Marcella - have fun

    Have a great day,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited February 2017
    Happy Friday!! :) We had quite a storm last night with I believe hail although I did not get up to look. I am going to watch the boys later so Lisa can go to her meeting. I am sure she misses going since she has been unable since giving birth.
    I lost one pound this week and couldn't be happier, I am close to my goal so I won't give up!!
    My hamburger and asparagus made on the George Foreman grill were both delicious. I am so glad I remembered we had one. My son from Arizona and his girl have joined MFP since he saw how it is working for me and likes the idea of recording his food. It is nice to see him on the home page.

    Jeri, you are very busy this week, but I hope you are enjoying all your company. You are doing great with steps and I bet your scale went down as well this week. I shouldn't complain about the rain it could be snow like you are getting.

    Jackie, I have to admit sometimes I look at photos and think maybe I am trying to get too thin.
    I just want to get to my goal and maintain it hoping I don't look to drawn or old. And yes it would be nice to relax and not worry about losing but just maintaining. I also want to wear a swimsuit this summer despite my age. lol

    Anne, poor Jilly, I would hate my tummy touching the snow while walking. Don't we all pee more when cold? lol Thanks for the compliment, I am a little partial but I think I have a beautiful family as well. Have fun grocery shopping!!

    Buzz, I occasionally have problems with my internet with Comcast but I get on my smart phone to see if there are any outages in my area to be sure it is not my problem. I am glad they compensated you which they are happy to do if you complain. Is it the DD whose partner got burned the one upset? If so, I think you have to let it go since it must be so hard on the two of them and her anger is the stress. We have all done things our kids have blamed us for and that does not make us failures, it makes us parents. I had to let go of the past about some things and actually apologized to my kids for being a bad mother. Each and everyone told me that was not true, that I was a great mother. I know your daughter feels the same she is just hurting.

    Lin, you got a lot accomplished yesterday so should be good to go today. I am sorry about the water heater problems, it seems to me you just had that replaced not long ago or was that something else? Could the plumber not fix the shower head or did you not ask him? Maybe a new one would do the trick.

    Marcella have fun basking in the sun, I am so jealous.

    Patsy, what is going on in Oregon?

    Marie, is everything ok in Texas?

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello from the soggy cold Oregon coast. This has been an extraordinarily unpleasant winter. If it were up to me, I would relocate somewhere sunny. John isn't too keen on change of any kind and a move would be very upsetting for him. I suspect this is not unusual for retired men. We will be "aging in place."

    Katie is getting to be a good movie companion. We are on our exercise bikes and Katie is chewing on her toys and chew bones. Everyone is happy. Except me...I exercise but being the sloth that I am, I don't enjoy it. It is too wet and cold to do much of a walk. Katie hates getting wet. Except for snow and mud puddles.

    Had a hair cut and I have not been too happy for the last few times I had it cut. This time I was very instructive and firm about what I wanted. Very firm! I got a better cut this time. John had a cut at the same time. His direction goes something like "take off the extra stuff and leave my ears!" As you can tell, he isn't very particular about his hair. His tools and his footwear...very particular.

    My writing projects are coming along. I love doing this. Next I will be polishing up the illustrations and a local gallery wants to have a show of the illustration prints. Yea! Hooray! For me, being involved in a creative persuit at my age still is a real life tonic. No mistake here...this isn't a money making venture.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Sorry, not much to share today. My dear friend with the rare sarcoma died today. I spoke with her husband for a while this morning on the phone but could not find it within me to go to the hospital. This afternoon I was on the phone for several hours with my friend whose husband needs a heart transplant but has a multitude of problems that now have him side-tracked from priority. He has MRSA and other issues that caused the amputation of five toes this week. This is just too much sad news to process.

    I don't even feel like playing with colors, inks and paints. Maybe tomorrow.

    It is snowing now and I am happy to stay indoors. I did make some red lentil chili today and did a bit of laundry. I am trying to make some paper flowers but I think I will switch over to reading.

    Tomorrow is another day. Hugs to my friends.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    LIN love, that is dreadful news. I'm so very sorry. My Thoughts are with you, Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, fqbzddc9oduk.jpg, and more hugs, and I know how painful these things are for you!!!
    JACKIE, what a post! Crazy thing about your poor friend's phone. She's lucky you came by! As for the hail and are surely much braver than I!
    JERI, I know they are well loved, but I recall the old saying about friends and fish and the length of visits, except your guests rotate :D ! I would probably be babbling by this time!
    SANDY, wow, do I understand your feelings about motherhood. I always feel guilty about my shortcomings in that department, though the kids are always reassuring and I suspect that will happen this time, which is a much more dreadful time for DD than even I realized! The circumstances of the fire were much worse than I had been told and poor DD has the awful responsibility of reversing those results plus arranging a big move all alone under great stress! Talk about appropriate anger!
    PATSY, how wonderful regarding your creative achievements and I'm so glad you are enjoying the fruits of following your love! Although Mike was the one who pushed for us to move south, I agree that men usually resist change!
    Oops, after midnight again. I must strive for more than 4 hours sleep per night!
    Hi, ANNE and MARCELLA and always MARIE!!!
    Tonight we had "Dinner in Paris" and I was forewarned about rich, rich, rich! We started with fondue including both apple and bread for dipping. This was followed by escargots, which I forced myself to try again, although I picture the snails I used to pick off my tomato plants for years! The taste was OK, but I'll never acquire it, I think! A wonderful spinach salad with walnuts followed, and then I split the entree with my friend (she has been micromanaging me since Mike's death) and both were wonderful. We had salmon en croute and filet mignon au poivre with delicious veggies. Dessert? unbelievable. wedges of a crepe thing built up from 20 extra thin crepes, each layer spread with a hazelnut/chocolate mix similar to nutella and a layer of liquid fudge and whipped cream alongside! Unbelievably sinful, as was the coffee, a hazelnut something mix! I don't dare weigh myself tomorrow! And I will stick to salad and chopped grilled chicken next week! Now I shall waddle to bed!
    <3 Buzz fwvia43si7kb.jpg

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cold wind has returned but luckily I was wrapped up enough to cope with a walk across the top moors; always a great cobweb blower away!! It's one of those bleak days but I'm going to do a small amount of housework before lighting the fire and curling up in front of 2 international rugby matches and shout to my heart's content!

    Buzz ~ After Anne telling us of strange dreams last night, and I blame you for this, I had a dream that someone gave me a potted plant covered in bubble wrap that for some reason I brought into my cottage and suddenly I was seeing snails of every colour and pattern sliding about the place, some as big as escargot types. Although I felt the need to crush and kill them they were just too big!! To me escargots is just a good excuse for a bowl of garlic butter! Love the graphic! :D

    Lin ~ What a horrible time for you right now and certainly the sort when you must pamper your needs and not feel guilty about doing little or nothing. Big hugs <3

    Patsy ~ Lots of projects and bike riding to hopefully take your mind off the coldness and sogginess outside! Soon be Spring lovey!!

    Sandy ~ Good luck to your son and his girl on MFP. Although I no longer count calories it certainly helped initially to concentrate my mind on what I was eating and now at least if I do have a bad day or week I'm soon back to a healthy regime. No doubt with your encouragement they will both do well.

    I've just sneezed and jarred my back so must get moving off my chair.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited February 2017
    Happy Saturday! :) I had a good time with the boys, it was short and sweet. Winter is back with some snow flurries. No plans today except for Mass at 5:00, will just ride my bike.

    Jackie, I don't think my son needs to lose any weight but he wants to keep track of his nutrition as does his girl. He used to be a trainer so he knows how to take care of himself. He helps me make the right choices. Once I reach my goal or more I probably won't record calories as like you I can judge what I am eating, but I must keep riding the bike.

    Buzz, your dinner sounds so delicious but I agree so rich!! How did you tummy react since you have been watching what you are eating? Did you DD's house suffer fire damage as well, is that why they are moving? How is her partner doing?



    It seems when it rains it pours, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I wish I could reach out to give you a big hug so please try to feel my arms around you.

    Patsy, thanks for reminding me to make a hair appointment. I agree, most men hate change although I really don't like it either. Katie is growing up!! I doubt it, Daisy is near 9 and still acts like a spoiled puppy. Great job on your writing projects. It doesn't matter about the money as long as you are happy.

    Marie, I wish you would check in so we know you are okay.

    Anne, busy weekend with the kids?

    Have a great Saturday!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Busy day with the "kids" tomorrow, Sandy. Today big clean up day so I can have fun tomorrow. I've been writing to one or two folks as well, I.e. Cous Helen in Australia, etc. And must phone Janice who had 3 molars out yesterday, shudder.

    We woke up to quite dense fog, but now it is brilliant sunshine so time for me and shorty pants to go for a nice long amble and sniff all the interesting aromas, her doing the sniffing, not me I hasten to add! I wonder if we will get snow tomorrow because whatever you and Lin get weather wise we are never far behind. Just looked at the weather network, and yes, we get flurries overnight. I try very hard not to complain at whatever nature throws at us because I'm so glad to be still around! My biggest nature complain is mosquitos because I seem to be a veritable target and get enormous bumps and itching. Not a mosquito to be seen right now, so no complaining either! Oh happy day.

    I think the immigrants from the USA, mainly Somalis, crossing the USA and Canada border have reached over one thousand now. That's the number the police have apprehended so far, so goodness knows the real number. It said on the news this morning our government is arranging talks with the Trump administration on how to deal with a real problem which will get worse as the warmer weather approaches. Who would have thought a few years ago the land of ice and snow would become the promised land to some.

    Well gals, I wish each and everyone of you a very pleasant Saturday,