Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    edited February 2017
    I gave up today and ate outside my range. After house guests for almost 2 weeks and trying to record it all, I gave myself a pass. We will have guests for 3 more days and tomorrow will be a challenge again as we are going to Mel's for brunch.

    But .... I am now going to finish my 10,000 steps.

    Tomorrow is a new day.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Good evening, most of the snow melted today as the sun was out part of the day. I did a bit of cooking (fresh green beans and a couple of red sweet potatoes) and have my steps, flights of stairs and calories burned all accomplished. Otherwise, just messages and trying to think of some type of St. Patrick's Day cards to make.

    Long day at church again tomorrow. The lady from my church who currently is entering hospice care at home just got out of the hospital and no one has started the Meal train for her family yet. I wish I knew what was going on as Incould take some food over tomorrow. Oh well, I guess if there was a need someone would have updated the page.

    Jeri, too much company. Oh my! Best wishes surviving!!!

    Anne, enjoy yourself tomorrow. You deserve it.

    Sandy, I hope you enjoyed your relatively quiet day.

    Jackie, I definitely liked the sound of your plans. Thinking of making another cup of tea now. I hope you had exciting matches to watch.

    Buzz, oh my goodness, your description of all the amazing food makes my mouth water!!! Wonderful!!!

    Patsy, I need to make an appointment for a haircut. That phone call is on my list for next week.

    Many thanks to everyone for your kindness. I have been in touch with my friend's husband and next Friday is the day for the visitation and for the service. He thinks the church will have a luncheon after. A week gives family and friends (they have people all over the country) to make arrangements to be here if at all possible. So that is that. Just need to take time for it to be real. Thanks again.

    Well, church tomorrow and it is the last Sunday in February and I hope my last turn for communion prep/clean-up for a while.

    Hugs my dear friends. I am just going to read again this evening.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quick one, as I'm needing to sleep..My scale was down almost 2 pounds this morning, but someone remarked last night's dinner won't show up until tomorrow!
    Now I'll go help JACKIE dream of snails!zgit7f3l2j3d.jpg
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That's the monster out of my dream Buzz although I think mine kept a tidier house than yours! :D Ghastly things and of no use to man nor beast except a bowl of garlic butter!! Great news on your weight loss, if it remained that way of course!

    Not the best day weatherwise and I see looking out of my winddow rain has arrived along with more wind. We managed to have a healthy walk on to the top moor but after about 40 minutes decided to cut a corner off the usual route because we were all cold and in fact once we came in sight of the car park George trotted off in a determined way and was waiting by car when we caught up. Not much planned other than potting about 40 onions in the greenhouse to get them started before planting out at the allotment. More rugby this afternoon but before that the excitement of washing the kitchen floor! At least a steam cleaner means I don't have too much bending but can twirl it around the floor to whatever music is on the radio!
    Have a lovely Sunday and Patsy and John enjoy the Oscars (hopefully not too political otherwise they'll be banned!!)

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just popped in to say hi on a sprinkle of snow morning. The weather in the old country appears to be pretty foul JACKIE. Much better off staying indoors and watching the rugby players covered in mud methinks.

    PATSY, congratulations on getting to the illustration phase of your project! Unlike you and John I don't bother watching the oscars, instead Jilly and I settled down to watch a movie. Maybe I should? Watch the oscars I mean.

    Confession time coming up, I rather like snails carrying their houses on their backs. In fact I have two blown glass ones sitting on my window ledge with the light shining through them. Mom and baby! I can't imagine eating them! Come to that nor can I imagine eating ants and grasshoppers like some in the world. I read the other day that they will be the future protein to feed the hungry masses. Probably in a powder form for shrinking violets such as I.

    Well, apart from phone calls, a fairly quiet day for me - maybe. Mike just phoned to say he's got a sore throat and the chills. Which reminds me,
    JERI, I never say this, but I'm amazed at all the things you accomplish with your beautiful family. You really are one in a million.

    Have a good Sunday EVERYONE doing all the things you love.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I am going to an oscar party later even though I haven't seen any of the movies. Anyone have any inside information for me to fill out my ballot. lol I usually just stay home but my friend invited me so I thought why not? I just hope they are not political and take the fun out of watching. I am making my meatball appetizer to share and hopefully I can figure out what is low carb so I don't have a big gain on my scale tomorrow.

    Anne, I think snails are interesting but I don't see many of them here in Illinois except in a fish tank. I would never eat them but I don't like any kind of little critter except baked clams.
    When I go to Oregon I see slugs and they are disgusting and scare me. Sorry Mike is under the weather, but enjoy your quiet day.

    Jackie, your weather sounds horrible and yet you still manage to walk. Enjoy the rugby shows, my son and you would get along just great!! Have fun washing your floor!! lol

    Buzz, it isn't often you see a snail out of its shell, that close up picture makes me cringe a little. I hope that scale stayed down, it is always a great feeling when our weight moves down.
    I also hope you got some sleep.

    Lin, another friend in hospice, you really are getting your share of sadness. Your church is very kind to have a meal train and I am sure you will get some information today. I hope you got some rest and enjoyed your book to keep your mind off of reality for a little while.

    Jeri, my son claims it is best to have a cheat day now and then, it changes the metabolism. You are still getting in your 10K steps so that is still a lot of extra calories. Just enjoy your company and mentally record your food, you can start again when they leave.

    Marie, still waiting to hear from you. I did message Alice and she said you are having problems with fluid so I hope things are getting better. Just pop in to let us know you are okay. Love you.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello there I am fine just fell out of the bed twice last night Jerry had to get neigbors in to help get me up Did not hurt myself Got to go Russell some up fpr lunch.ffffffffor dinner.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    hello there I am fine just fell out of the bed twice last night Jerry had to get neigbors in to help get me up Did not hurt myself Got to go Russell some up fpr lunch.ffffffffor dinner.

    Thanks for checking in and I hope you are not too sore. Have fun at Russell's.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am doing fine Other than BM problem (runnies) Going to have to call the doctor tomorrow.

    Alice got me some Amys low Sodium Amy's tv dinner.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, MARIE, ask Alice if she can get you sides to put on your bed so no more falls which might be dangerous! I need you around to keep me on the straight and narrow, sis!
    JACKIE, you are so industrious with your home and garden maintenance! I blush in comparison!!! SANDY, my friend's predictiction regarding the 2 day wait was unfortunately correct; I was up3 pounds this morning! Here I go again!!! ANNE, you reminded me, my Dear Mom had given me, many moons ago, a darling tiny snail in some sort of metal similar to pewter. There it sits, unnoticed until you mentioned your tiny collection! I shall put it prominently on my Baker's rack! Maybe Mom heard you!!!!!
    Manchester By the Sea is being shown upstairs tonight, so it's a good excuse for me to get to bet early instead. It was done beautifully, but I had found ot horribly depressing! So I will ignore the show and perhaps watch the Awards? Tonight? Maybe I'll just catch upon lost sleep!!! LIN, Hospice was so supportive of Mike, our friends AND ME, it helped calm down my most latent fears! Wonderful organization!
    I'm being more careful today re: food intake, and I must share my gorgeous weather with all of you, as I went out to chat by our pool for a few minutes and remained a few hours! Perfect day! Hugs to every one of you...
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning BUZZ, so glad you remembered your Moms little pewter snail and will get pleasure once again. I'm not at all keen on slugs, although I try not to kill anything, even mosquitos. After all they really have no choice when it comes to taking a chunk out of one. But snails are different. Brave little things moving back into their shells when danger threatens and alas, only to be plucked out by some hungry thrush, or, if they are unfortunate enough to find themselves living in France! Hungry human!

    No sign of Michael over the weekend, confined at home with flu, but Mary Jo and Mark came over to Jilly's delight. MJ played chase around the kitchen table and Mark took her for a long walk to tire her out, ha, dream on!

    Just wanted to wish everyone (snails included) a most pleasant Monday.
    Anne (no I didn't watch the oscars after all, I watched Lucifer on crave TV)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Half my day gone already and I've walked in the soggy woods and been shopping for basics, everything from a new fancy German extendable dog lead for George to sugar soap to wash the kitchen walls before giving them a fresh coat of paint. We seem to be between hefty rain showers at the moment so I'm tempted to get out into my garden but sensibly there's too much to do indoors. Buzz anticipating warm and sunny weather in the not too distant future I've purchased new seating, cushions and a canope for my garden swing seat so it's lovely to read you at least can already enjoy a few hours in such conditions. My purchases are sitting in my spare bedroom!!

    Sandy ~ Just one of the many benefits that comes with owning a dog is the necessity to walk so although there are times I could happily curl up with a coffee and watch the rain fall outside it's a case of having to go but then once out I'm so pleased I did! Funny goings on at the Oscars last night although I want to shout at our tv news editors that far more serious events are happening around the world so let's all move on! Hope you enjoyed your evening especially the meatballs!

    Marie ~Always lovely to see you check in with us but Buzz is right, see if Alice can obtain sides for your bed so you don't fall out and hurt yourself.

    Anne and Lin ~ are you warming up now or is the snow still not too far away? Another month gone so Spring definitely just round the corner and in the woods this morning we noticed the Bluebells are pushing their heads up through the leafy mulch so quickly now we could probably hear them growing if we put ear to the ground!

    2pm here so best get on with something constructive talking of which my immediate neighbour is still knocking and scraping on the other side of the wall to such an extent I might have to find an excuse to drop in and discover what he's up to! At least George is now used to the noise so doesn't bark.
    Enjoy your Monday everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited February 2017
    Happy Monday! :) Laundry is started, a couple of bills to be paid and cleaning girl coming later. I was going to go my nieces tomorrow to get my hair colored and cut but now have decided I think I should wait. I get so undecided what length I want my hair and just when I think I should cut it is when it starts looking good. The awards party was fun with different games, plenty of food and drink. The good thing is after riding my bike for 100 minutes yesterday I didn't gain an ounce and I even ate some carbs since that was all there was except for my meatballs. (even those had carbs because they are made with grape jelly and bbq sauce.)

    Jackie, yes Warren messed up big time but they handled it well!! Messed up my predictions and my bingo game but it was funny too me. And except from a few jokes from Jimmy Kimmel it was not about politics. It was a fun evening.

    Anne, I enjoy seeing the gowns the women are wearing, some beautiful some not!! Sorry your son is still under the weather but glad the other came to play with Jilly.

    Buzz, drink lots of water today to get rid of the salt from the rich food. It is probably temporary so just keep up your good work. I didn't see one of the nominated movies but watched the trailers to help me make my predictions. I was right on some and of course wrong on most.

    Marie, glad to hear from you and agree that you should get some side rails for your bed. They have them at Walmart and they fit under the mattress. I used them for my grandchildren when they slept over at a grandma's.

    Patsy, my son said the rain is over but it is cold in Oregon. Colder than here in Chicago where it is 45 degrees today. Stay warm.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    edited February 2017
    Oops, I apparently fell asleep without Posting yesterday. Our weather is fine. Maybe some rain tomorrow but sunshine right now so that makes me smile.

    Yesterday was indeed a long church day (bad me, I took a couple of breaks and posted comments from my phone on MFP). I went to Trader Joe's early and bought a lot of food. I made up one bag for my friend that I take something to each week and the other two bags were for the Meal Train for our lady in hospice. I got the go-ahead Saturday night so I was glad to have that work out. I delivered after church to her son and then came home.

    My library friends are talking about making St. Patrick's Day cards---over and over so I thought I should probably have some to send to friends. Well, I am apparently not in the right frame of mind for creating right now. I think I am finished but I am not particularly pleased with them and it was not really fun. I should have just gone in to making spring cards and Easter cards. Or maybe I should have just cooled my jets for a while. Haaaa. Or maybe I will go back and put some more shine on them, that is something I like to do. :D

    I just about lost this post as well so I think I should just post now saying hello everyone. Marie, take care. Love to everyone and please tell me the snail conversation is over!!! :D

    Oh and I did not watch the award show last night. I haven't seen any of the movies yet.


    I cannot edit my mistakes.....this is just not working well for me. Growl.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good afternoon. I've missed my FMP Sneaker friends, but I did enjoy my trip last week.
    I'm back home all safe and sound. I had a nice visit with my sister-n-law last week in Lake City. Tuesday night was dinner with family. Wednesday, I helped her with some things around the house and we spent a lot of time talking. Thursday we visited the Stephen Foster Memorial Museum near her house. In addition to the museum they also had black smiths, jewelry makers, and weavers. Before leaving we were fortunate to catch a dulcimer performance. One of the dulcimers was an older "hammered" dulcimer. After leaving the museum we enjoyed lunch followed by some more walking on a trail near her house. The picture that I am including is taken standing next to an old camellia bush (tree) at the head of the trail.

    Friday, I drove to Tallahassee and enjoyed lunch and some girl-talk time with a best friend that I've know since I was 16 years old. Saturday, I met up with 3 of my cousins and their families for lunch. I then left with one of my cousins and his wife and spent the rest of the day at a local park celebrating their granddaughter's 4th birthday. A truly fun day.

    Sunday, I stopped in Thomasville, GA for a few hours to visit with friends that are our next door summer neighbors where our campers are in Cleveland, GA. (There actual home is in Thomasville.) That was fun. I finally arrived back home around 9pm last night. Of course, I then spent the next few hours catching up on everything that had been happening with my sons while I was gone. James (the eldest) has been busy interview for jobs. Jordan (the music business one) was excited that he had recorded a new session cellist Sunday that was amazing and will certainly be used again in the future. It was fun to travel to Florida (great weather!) but it felt good to be home.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Marcella What a beauty of a brush, Tree ? and all the flowers. breathtaking. Love it

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Nice reading everyone's posts, and unfortunately my time today is way off. Just mentioning SANDY was right and the water is removing some of my "Paris" weight. Must dash, so fprgive me!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin I am sorry I have not thank you for your lovely card. it is outstanding beautiful.. Thank you so much. You are a very talented gal. I appreciate all of of you all so much. I am still trying to get organize around here and really don't know if I am coming or going All these new pills and watcing my sodium too. So bear with me. This illness has really put a damper on my life. Tomorrow we go grocer shopping and Jerry condition. is not improving either.
    . I will post when I can Love Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Love you Marie. ❤❤
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    edited February 2017
    Lin and Buzz - the last of my company leaves tomorrow and even though it was fun I will be glad to have some quiet time. Then in a week we get :"the girls" for 3 nights while Mel and Sean go to a homeschool conference. That will be a challenge as the youngest is 3 yrs old and quite a handle. Also a 5 year old, a 12 year old and possibly Elizabeth who is 15.

    Sandy - I hope your son is right about mixing things up and weight loss. I'm back on track today, within my calories and 11,446 steps.

    Anne - thank you for your kind words. Ed and I love our grandkids so much. We are extremely blessed and each one is different and fun in their own way.

    We missed the oscars with all our company. Quite a mix up.

    Time to head up to bed. See you all tomorrow.
