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Senior Golden Sneakers
Happy Friday!
I am taking my car in this morning so again no time. I will be back later.
One Day at a Time1 -
Anne, thanks so much for the pad advice. I've been wondering if there was a reason for the occasional indiscretions and it could well be when a clean pad confuses her. Yes I'm sure Jilly would love racing round the moors as it's the perfect place for fresh air, hiding places and weird and wonderful smells to sniff!!
Just back from our short afternoon walk and both dogs now chewing treat sticks with or without teeth!
Enjoy your raisin bread
Jackie0 -
For JACKIE, made from scratch, no machine. There's life in me yet! We've just had our after lunch walk, but not far because neither of us liked the icy mush underfoot for me, and undertum for Jill. Anne.
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And just for fun, here's a FEW of Mary Jo's plants. Add to these cacti and those vines that hang from shelves and are in the bathroom! Sigh. Anne.
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I am at the Car Doctor waiting as usual. Catching up on news I see a lady from Iowa won the power ball? Could it be Lin in disguise? I love that she is helping the Veterans and other charities, she is a good person. They didn’t have pee pads when I was training dogs so we spent a lot of time going in. And out. Took Daisy a while but once she learned she never went back.
Anne, the plants look great,you are doing a good job. Good thing Jilly isn’t a boy, they might have gotten extra watering.
I forgot to tell you that Lisa had to cancel her trip. Her niece is sick with a RSV and the doctor said it could be dangerous for Charlie so we will be spending Thanksgiving together after all which makes me very happy.
Meeting a friend for a drink later so I can be her “wingman” her words not mine.
Enjoy your day!
One Day at a Time1 -
Hello from a cloudy and chilly Oregon coast. When we have chilly weather it is darned unpleasant! The bone chilling humidity is miserable. We live in sweaters and those llbean vests. Every one goes about in a vest and heavy sweater. It is the Oregon coast uniform.
We had our lunch and as usual our friend’s wife had a mini tantrum. We understand she is terrified at what is happening to her husband so she reacts by trying to scold him. The message is...”don’t be broken and sick! Be well like you used to be!” I am so upset after these lunches. John says we must endure and help anyway we can. I agree but it is hard to see. Now I will go about my day counting my own blessings, but trying to work out something nice to do for our friends.
As to amazon orders...we have had good luck mainly. A few returns but pretty good service. We live in a rural area with delivery from the same mailman we have had for 25 years. We also have a P.O. Box. That is also a rural post office. Sort of friendly and inefficient. I think the trick is to have low expectations. We order and are delighted that it gets here at all!
Our dogs/cats that live with us and bring such joy and companionship are worth any effort. I do resent that vets and pet supplies are more expensive than human equivalent. It is criminal to use our love and dedication as a way to up the price on all things we use for our fur family. It should be at least in the same price range.
Betty and George are so cute. What a great little family. It sort of looks like Betty is a much bigger dog than George. Heavier (I understand she hasn’t had much regular exercise) taller and longer. I had this idea that pugs were a small breed of dog. George has a huge personality. I think he can still maintain his position as house general. John laughed and laughed at those two unlikely family members. Jackie you have your hands full. I ‘ll bet you have Betty feeling adjusted and happy by Christmas.
I have to keep myself under control about my urge to do the same as Jackie. I ‘ ll bet Anne has had wistful moments as well. Sweet Jilly would accept a new brother or sister emmediately. Not so with Katie. She is a love and we dote on her shamelessly. But she demands to be an only child!
Stay well and safe, dear ones. I can honestly say you all...Anne, Sandy, Lin, Buzz, Jackie and all,other sneakers are very dear to me. In keeping with coming Thanksgiving, I am so thankful for you, my invisible but dearest friends.
Patsy0 -
You are so right PATSY, I've wanted a doggie companion for Jilly for ages because she is such a social little dog, but the family don't think it a good idea at my age. After all they have to take over if I suddenly keel over and one Jilly is quite a handful, not to mention spoilt. If I could just wind the clock back ten years..........
Anne.1 -
Michael is coming for lunch having a rare Saturday off! I hope he arrives early because Santa will be passing by our house in his sleigh with all his elves. I also hope Mikes early because the street gets cut off for all Santa's gear and paraphernalia. I suppose reindeer and cars don't mix! Jilly will have a glorious hour or so barking at waving kids, dogs, and parents. Sometimes it's not so bad being a town dog after all!
Anne - who DIDNT volunteer to be santas little helper!1 -
9:05 A.M and I just finished all the lists (which I alphabetized) and calculations for the donations and ...well, should I go to bed , or should I "get up"? I just could not break away, knowing that Joel and Tracy will be headed for the West Coast of Florida shortly to babysit for their grandkids for a few weeks!!! At least they won't have to be beholden to the kids for a fairly long while, because we will meet for lunch Sunday with a check for $17,911!!! I cannot believe the generosity of so many of our residents. We collected from 101 people (out of about 360) and a couple gave such large checks we double-checked with their families to make certain they were not understanding what they were giving! But they would tell us how much Joel meant in their lives and it was the least they could give in return! I think I'll have a really good breakfast and go to sleep. And now I feel free to just relax and perhaps enjoy some of our gorgeous sunshine! What a burden is lifted! And I found a great program for alphabetizing since I don't have Office or Word or other WIndows programs that cost more than I'm ready to pay!https://alphabetizer.flap.tv/ Hmph! That usually makes a hyperlink but not this time!
I'm glowing from JACKIE's pups, Anne's photo of my favorite plant, Christmas Cactus and that loaf of shiny gorgeous -looking bread has me drooling! I hope SANDY's car problems are all finished, and everyone should have a glorious weekend!Buzz
...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................
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Secret just for you girls, but I swear Mary Jo's plants are looking better than they did 8 days ago when they arrived. I shan't want to send them back when the wanderers return in 11 days if they really are perking up! Careful watering and a touch of plant din dins seem to be working some magic.
Whatever went wrong for Joel and Tracy they will depart with very warm feelings for the residents of your senior home BUZZ. The person who "sacked" them will be feeling rather guilty on Sunday methinks.
There was a water problem at Mikes resident at 4 in the morning. Sort of Water gushing like a shower left running. After half hour, Michael got dressed and just as he left his apt. to investigate it got turned off. Probably the superintendent? and probably some sleepy eyed early worker who forgot it and left. Anyway he's running late which means he will probably collide with Santas sleigh OR have to wait until the old gent moves on, Ho Ho Ho.
LIN, so sorry, but I think whoever paid 90 million for that painting, whatever it's merits, is lacking in little grey cells, but then I always was a Philistine.
Just heard from Mark and Mary Jo, it's raining in Martinique. Snow melting here!
Anne.0 -
Happy Saturday!1
Spent a couple of hours with my friend but was home early to try and catch up on some of my shows. A lot of snow is coming down at the moment but hopefully it will stop for me to go to Church later, if not then tomorrow. Nothing else exciting.
Anne, Mary Jo is going to love her new plants if you can give them up. Good thing the water gushing wasn't above Mike or he could have had a wet ceiling or worse. Maybe he can hitch a ride in Santa's sleigh and be dropped off at your house.
Buzz, seriously, how do you stay up all night? I do hope you go to bed asap and get some rest. You have done your part for Joel and Tracy and I am sure they are going to appreciate all the residents who have donated to their cause. And yes like Anne said I hope the person who is letting them go, feels awful.
Patsy, it is very hard to watch a loved one lose their memory but I am glad you are gentle with him because he certainly doesn't want to be like he is. I wish his wife was more understanding even though it is hard on her. When Buzz's husband Mike suffered with this disease she kept a poem on her fridge, maybe it would help your friend.
Jackie, looking forward to another picture of Betty hopefully snuggling with George.
Lin, my guess is you are having the same snow as me.
Have a great day.
One Day at a Time
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Hello sneakers. My Saturday is drawing to a close with a cuppa and international rugby match on tv after a busy day. The dog cage has been dismantled and put back in its box under the huge eyes of a worried Betty, the hens have clean and dry bedding in time for a rapid fall in the temperature and after my neighbour popped round and volunteered to finish the gutter repair for me I took George and little piglet for a 2nd walk of the day. This morning we walked on the moors and with it being Saturday there were more dog walkers around so Betty got to socialise with people and dogs. She is nervous but prepared to accept gentle strokes.
Patsy, the photo I posted yesterday is deceptive because it was a large boulder which allowed Betty much closer to the camera so looks bigger. They are similar in size and I think when Betty loses her extra weight she will be smaller as her paws are tiny. When I worked in the community I often found it upsetting to see how frustration caused carers to be cross and lacking in empathy towards a spouse and understand how it must be awful for you to see your friends struggling with their situation. That poem Sandy posted really does say everything.
Anne, oh dear, I hope after Mike's earlier water drama Santa doesn't take too long to travel through your local roads. When you told us earlier this year you had given those plants a top up of soil and now food I'm not surprised they are looking so shiny and healthy. They will be like little children you won't want to let them go!
Sandy, still no chance of a photo of my 2 pups standing close but hopefully one day. Take care on the roads if it's cold and icy. Perhaps it will be warmer tomorrow and more suited to driving.
Buzz, that's an amazing gesture to Joel and Tracy so whatever has happened they will know they were loved and appreciated by many in your community. Hopefully you will have an opportunity to rest this afternoon.
Have I missed Lin? Lots to do as ever I expect.
Time for me to throw some salad together. Take care everyone, stay warm and Buzz enjoy that sunshine.
Jackie0 -
Hello everyone! We have a chilly but sunny day here. I have this new hobby. I sweep away spider webs from the deck and by the next morning they are back. GREAT FUN! We have had an extraordinary increase in spiders this year in Oregon. We have very few poisonous varieties but there are some. John’s garden shed is a rearing station for black widow spiders. He goes in there dressed from top to bottom and with great caution.
This is our daughters birthday. Our first born...wow! That was a long time ago and talk about being young and terrified! I was sure I was going to make some horrible mistake and hurt her.
Sandy: thank you for the poem again. As we are getting on in age, there are lessons in that verse for us all. To a lesser degree, we all change and are dealing with issues.
Anne: I think plants are much the same as people and animals. They respond with care and attention. You are as nurturing to plants as to your sweet Jilly and your adorable handsome sons. Of course the plants are doing well on their vacation to Anne’s house.
Buzz: you and your community are GOOD people! You care enough to let your chaplain know how much you appreciate him. Your work to create a beautiful card and poster will be a wonderful memento for him.
Jackie: Let’s see...Betty, George, Brady, I forget the other cats name, the hens...you have a good sized family. I have always known that the heart is elastic. It can embrass an ever enlarging number.
Patsy1 -
Good evening. I am sorry I am late again. Other than trying to chase down 4 packages that were to be delivered today, I have been working on cards which must be delivered or mailed between now and Monday. In total there are twenty cards. The most problematic was a sympathy card that I really wanted to be special. I did a water color of a flower bouquet, some background painting earlier, pressed it out after it was dry, added it to a card front, stamped a sentiment with colorless ink, added black embossing powder to the sentiment is nice and shiny and added a sentiment inside. But at every turn something went wrong, and at one point I thought I would have to throw the card away. I have it finished, not great, not perfect, but finished. Two of my packages surfaced by the way. Two are still MIA. Those of course have perishable items. Now I wonder if the items will be delivered tomorrow or not until Monday? They are FedEx packages. Package delivery is becoming a nightmare.
Okay. Our weather is nasty cold with a biting wind. We didn’t really get snow but we did get freezing drizzle. Also something I don’t like too much.
Patsy, I am going to have nightmares about poisonous spiders now. My goodness, horrendous timing have such beasts close by. I am afraid I would need to have them removed one way or another.
Anne, yes, yes, your bread looked very good as did all your little green plant visitors. I would imagine she will want them back however, so try to not get overly attached. So is the Santa event over now? Does Jilly hang a stocking each year? Oh yes, I did have a stocking for each of my dogs over the years.
Sandy, thank you for posting that lovely poem once again. I don’t have a copy saved so I appreciate it. I didn’t even really want to walk the distance to the mailboxes (1/2 block each way) this afternoon. Frozen sinuses when I got back. Hope if you went out, you kept warm. Glad your car is taken care of now. I wish mine was! But I really don’t have any scheduled maintenance based on mileage.
Buzz, I agree, I have no idea how you are able to stay until all night working on a project. I cannot stay awake, at on a regular basis, for even a long day! On days with four+ hours of Tai Chi, I often take a late afternoon nap for goodness sakes. Your community has certainly rallied behind your former Chaplain and what an astounding financial gift to send along with them. Wow!
Jackie, I think you are doing a tremendous job with Betty and she seems more receptive to trying things than I thought she would be. Even walking on a leash could have been very difficult but off you went. Wahoo! Progress! I hope you and the pups are getting some sleep. And your eye is healing up and you have your tiling scheduled. Ha. Did I cover everything?
Well, my veggies are ready to eat. I thought I would have a vegan, no salt veggie loaf to try tonight but since it wasn’t delivered, it is veggies. Yummmm.
Take care everyone and many hugs.
Lin0 -
And now snow.0
Finally finished most of MY work on the presentation and gave it to the fellow who really started the petition and collection. He's still getting envelopes with checks in them! Indeed, Joel was unbelievably popular, and we'll never know what the Corporate powers were thinking, and besides all of us, all the Chaplains (about 43) are holding a demonstration for him! It's a rare guy who can work well with a number of different religions and end up so beloved! I think he was very much interested in the philosophy of religion, which even agnostics can relate to! At any rate, I will finally get to bed and hope to never stay up this long again. My left ankle feels broken, though I haven't even used it! I must think of a way to numb it before lunch Sunday! I really don't want to feel getting old is for the birds, but lately I'm falling apart! So goodnight ladies, I'm of to ????
Buzz....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!......
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Sandy, not quite a snuggle but at least within a meter of each other!!
A beautiful day and although a keen wind on the moors we had a thoroughly enjoyable walk meeting lots of dogs, mostly rescues, and their owners. George was funny because he sat away from everyone looking very grumpy and when I explained how Betty wasn't his favourite idea of mine we all had a good laugh and in the end he did come round just a bit! Toilet training is going to be a long, long haul I can see that now but if that is the only hiccup with her I shall just live with the bucket of Dettol until she understands.
Patsy, did you manage to visit your daughter on her birthday? I do hope so but understand it isn't always easy for you to get past her door. Hebe is my older cat that doesn't do a great deal more than eat and sleep so never much to report on her life! Yes, I'm sure we can fit all sorts of little creatures into our lives and offer as much love as they require although Black Widows would be beyond my sphere of creatures to embrace. We have one called the false black widow or cupboard spider but it only gives a small bite apparently although I'm thinking any bite from a spider would be terrifying! Spiders I don't recognise get collected in a glass and returned outside probably only to find their way back in at the first opportunity.
Lin, that sounds amazingly complex for your sympathy card so well done for working through every process. I'm guessing it looks wonderful in spite of your doubts. My eye is not giving me any problems and I'm about halfway through the drops procedure then December 11 will be my last check hopefully. Dark glasses were a necessity to protect from the wind this morning but then I'd probably have worn them anyway. FedEx operate in the UK too and generally have a good reputation but it seems everyone has a story to tell of lost or misplaced packages.
Anne, that question of whether to adopt a pet when we reach a certain age is a difficult one although as we know a change in circumstances can happen at any time of life. A puppy was out of the question for me because I thought I might not manage in years to come but then Betty has turned out to be a big puppy as she discovers what life has to hold in the real world so what do I know!!
Buzz, I'm guessing it's too late for management to rescind their decision to sack your chaplain which is sad. With rest or even a good night's sleep you will probably begin to feel much less of an old bird so do try!
Well, Betty has just flopped on the floor and fallen asleep snoring after trying desperately to stay awake sitting at my feet while I work at my desk so I'd better encourage her into a bed while I make myself lunch.
Happy Sunday everyone. I shall be in the garden doing my usual tidying chores so long as the sun continues to shine.
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I've just lost an enormous post! Unbelievable! It was difficult to type as well with jerky letters everywhere! Not to be! Will try again later! Anne.0
Hello!! At church now between Sunday school and church, communion prepped. Wahoo!
What a lovely post Jackie. And I adore the new photo. Hi Betty!!
Anne, sorry for the lost post. So incredibly annoying.
Well must move along now.
0 -
Happy Sunday!
So as I was listening to Babe complain about his dizziness it made me think of CBD that some of you are taking. Do you think it would work on his dizziness? Where does one buy it and what would you suggest for him? What doze, a pill or an oil? If nothing else it might help with his depression. I think it is worth the try but should he ask his doctor if it will interfere with his other meds? If it is over the counter it can't be dangerous can it?
Lin, hope all is well at church with no one complaining.
Anne, sorry about your post, I do hope you come back.
Jackie, love the new photo and I see them becoming great pals in the future.
Buzz, please tell us you got to bed at a decent hour and caught up on some sleep.
Patsy, I too, hope you got to see your daughter on her birthday or at least talk to her.
Enjoy your Sunday Funday.
One Day at a Time0 -
Oh happy Sunday, dear ones! It is a chilly sunny day. Sweet Katie has been out in the back yard at least 40 times. She has found a big stick and a blackberry vine with thorns and leaves that she has brought into the living room for display. As the weather gets chilly, the spiders disappear to deposit egg sacks stuck to the side of our house. Most unattractive!
Today is football for John. He will be yelling for his team and giving advice to the coaches! Since I was not able to talk to our daughter on her birthday, I will give it another try today. I truely understand the dynamics of this relationship. She is a very talented woman, funny but very controlling. I can’t think of a more complicated mother/daughter relationship. I will try to phone her, if that doesn’t work I will email. I am falling right into line with her plan. Somehow it seems unimportant about who controls who!
I might be seeing things but it appears to me that Betty has a much happier look in those big eyes. She looks interested, not terrified, ready to begin a new life. she looks heathy if a little on the “porky” side. A condition I am well acquainted with!
Sunday Baroque in the dungeon for me. Then in and out of John’s ball game. It is sort of fun. Then there is the popcorn!!!!
Patsy0 -
Well, here goes, let's try again. Not that I had much to say really, just my usual babble, it being a rather quiet day in the Jill&An household. The good news is that it's a much milder day today although I still wore my parka and gloves for our morning sniff and trot. We only met Brian and Sheldon which was a shame if the other dogs didn't get to go walkies. Jill loves being outdoors, much more than me that's for sure on gloomy days.
As long as George knows he is JACKIE's first love he and the pretty Betty will get on just fine. In a few days he should get quite possessive and defend her against other dogs!
I've had rather a nice week although I do miss Mark and Mary Jo. Michael had a weeks vacation left over so he took it, and not having much to do I guess in gloomy November he spent four days with us which meant I got to go shopping, Jilly got lots of walkies, and Mike got lunch. To be fair though he did bring over curried chicken one day which he had made himself and very good it was. All I had to provide was the rice.
My heart goes out to you PATSY, it's a shame your girl doesn't seem to realize what a wonderful relationship she is missing out on with her equally talented Mom. Maybe as she ages she will realize.
And BUZZ with all this outpouring of love and support for Joel, is it possible there will be a change of heart? All we can all do is send out collective supportive thoughts and maybe someone will get the message.
LIN, yes I do hang a sock up for The Bean and this year I've got a particularly hideous one in brilliant colours and spots and stripes. I got it last Christmas and I hope it was a joke and the giver didn't think it was my normal mode of dress! Anyway, I shall fill one with doggie goodies and Jill can rip into it to her hearts content.
I think SANDY Babe should ask his doctor before he takes unknown medication. If things go wrong you don't want to get the blame girl.
Anne1 -
Hello All,
I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time to check in..but we are having a friend over for supper and she is coming a hour later than planned. So voila, an extra hour to myself.
I can see all of you have been busy. I enjoyed all the pictures and read through page after page of posts. I’m caught up.
Ed and I have been doing our Christmas shopping as December is going to be extremely busy. We are going to a timeshare in the mountains the 1st week in December then my cousin and her husband say they are coming to visit the December and now Ed’s cousin and his wife will be in Calgary from the 15th to the 29th. We’ll spend time with them in the daytime as their son works during the day. So December is pretty well booked. We’ll have all our family over on the 28th as Melissa and Jack go to Kelowna this year and won’t be here for Christmas Day. We have to eat early as Elizabeth is going to a conference that evening. Busy busy.
Sad news though, Melanie and Sean had told us a little while ago that a new little one was due on June. Sadly Melanie lost her baby this week. We are all heart broken. I can't shake it from my mind. I wish I could be with her all day just to give hugs and make her feel better.😢😢
Anyway, hope you are all doing great.
2 -
A wonderful Sunday and this is the last time I will bring up the overtaking story of our dear departed friends. We met them for lunch across the street at a nice Italian restaurant, for which kind friend Sol ordered a "Go-Go Grandpa" ride (Uber for the elderly!) and after ordering, he brought out the 2 large envelopes, one filled with checks, the other with my "poster" and lists! If I could, I would have tried to catch the ensuing emotions on video, as they sat there dumbfounded as it was sinking in that they had just received a sum (and love!) equal to at least 3, perhaps 4, months pay so they would be able to worry less as he hunts for another position! Oh my, how wonderful to be there and how sad to think things could not be worked out differently for all concerned! We hope in the end life will have wonderful surprises for all! Thank you all for so patiently putting up with my ranting posts. As we sat in the restaurant, the chaplain who replaced Joel at today's sermon showed up with his wife and mentioned they were giving away their chickens, who stopped laying eggs after they turned 2! I wondered if JACKIE found that to be true, and if so, how would you handle it? I forget the breed, but his were a fancy yellow chicken others thought were so unusual looking!
JERI, always good to see you, dear, and our sympathy to Melanie and Sean for their loss!
SANDY, I'm not certain the non-medicinal CBD would actually help BABE with depression! His is an appropriate reaction to his new situation, and I imagine a therapist or group would be more in keeping with his needs now! Should he decide otherwise, a flavored oil is far more effective than the pills, but since he is diabetic (?), I'd follow ANNE's advice and ask his doctor!
LIN, your work is really complicated! Actually works of art! As is almost everything you touch!
PATSY, I find myself nodding as you describe your relationship with your daughter! I walk on eggshells with my DD#2! We love one another dearly, but it is neither simple nor easy to be with her! And yet she is fantastic with others! C'est la vie! They suggested they may come to visit in December, when it is impossible for me to get them an apartment, which will mean my inflatable queen mattress on the floor of my den. And making breakfast for 3 each morning! Oh my, I'm spoiled!
JACKIE, your patience and love for all living creatures is truly a blessing! Your Betty is one lucky pup to have found the way to your home! Both of your doggies are adorable! And you are one special rescuer!
My foot somehow got through the day today with all sorts of numbing salves and I wonder if this might be another form of gout covering the foot and ankle instead the toe! The other goal is early bedtime!Buzz
.........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................0 -
Sandy you wrote:
“Happy Sunday!So as I was listening to Babe complain about his dizziness it made me think of CBD that some of you are taking. Do you think it would work on his dizziness? Where does one buy it and what would you suggest for him? What doze, a pill or an oil? If nothing else it might help with his depression. I think it is worth the try but should he ask his doctor if it will interfere with his other meds? If it is over the counter it can't be dangerous can it?”
Yes, anything we ingest can interact with our prescription drugs, even foods can do that so vitamins and supplements are not necessarily without consequence. If they were totally free so tto speak, they would do us no good right? Even some vitamins can be toxic to us in high dosages when they accumulate in our bodies rather than being secreted. I think Vitamin A is one of those. So maybe more research is needed as to what he takes before deciding? I have not seen the gummies and have seen no oil filled capsules at all. I have just seen the oil in a bottle. You put some under your tongue I believe and eventually swallow it.
I use the topical cream and tried the toothpicks. They have not been that effective for me.
Lin1 -
SANDY, Daft question I expect but has Babe had his ears tested? Wax buildup etc can cause dizziness I believe. I'm really ignorant on this but many years ago a lady I knew had this problem and it was connected to her ears thus causing balancing trouble.
Anne.0 -
Brrr, I'd forgotten just how cold our easterly winds can be until I set off on the usual walk on the moors and found even fleece gloves and hat weren't enough to keep extremities from freezing. George doesn't mind of course being a Himalayan monk in a past life but even Betty's podgy tum couldn't keep her warm although she bravely soldiered on. She still doesn't understand any attempts at toilet training in the cottage so my carpet is not in a good state but I tell myself after 4 years peeing where she stood in a cage she's not going to be persuaded to change the habit in 4 days!
Sandy, to my mind Babe's dizziness and depression point to psychosomatic symptoms that will only improve if he takes control of his life so maybe get himself into a counselling programme. If he talks to someone that's not emotionally connected it could help him to see more clearly the situation he's found himself in and how to go about getting out of it. In a nutshell deal with the cause rather than the effect.
Buzz, on the whole my hens lay until they drop except for either a Winter break or when they moult since both conditions require more energy to get through and out the other side. 2 years is very young for a chicken unless living in a battery intensive farm and I can't imagine the chaplain being into that sort of business. My girls get closer to 10 and little bantam Daisy who is cockeral Charlie's sister is older still.
Best get on with housework before lighting my lovely new stove! Happy Monday everyone. Lovely to see Jeri dropping in.
0 -
Good morning dearies! The week BEGINS! Looks like a cold sunny day here. There is frost on the deck. The sun is peaking up over the hill and through the trees. I can see we will be using our wood stove today. I don’t mind. I really hate our furnace. It dries my eyes and throat. We use a cute little round space heater occasionally. Katie loves this heater. She loves to stretch out in front of it and take her nap.
This is thanksgiving week here in the USA. We will be alone this year. But we wil be in contact with our family and maybe some friends by phone. Our son and girlfriend will be coming next week. In the movie and TV business, deadlines MUST be met. We will be celebrating but not on the traditional thanksgiving day. I think I will buy a turkey breast and fix a small dinner for John and I . We can watch John’s ball game after a few chats on the phone. Not your basic Norman Rockwell holiday. But hey.....
Katie is very good about her potty time but we got off schedule and we didn’t get back early enough when left Katie alone for a bit. We rarely leave her alone. She ate late and consequently all scheduled potty breaks were not happening. Results...carpet cleaning. I had not left a pee pee pad down for her. It often asounds me that our sweet animals try to do what we want and it is often against nature. They eventually figure out what we humans want.
Laundry calls.
Patsy0 -
Happy Monday!
Doing laundry before running a couple of errands. Lisa's birthday is Wednesday so I am going to bring a birthday cake for Thanksgiving. Babe has been to Mayo Clinic three different times for his disease which is Pure Autonomic Failure. His main system is dizziness which in my opinion and I think Jackie's is stress makes it worse. Anne, he has had his ears tested but that is not the cause. This is some rare disease and all Babe heard was it could get worse so that is what he focuses on. Jackie, Babe would never go for counseling which he and his kids should have done years ago when the mother died. They are all in denial of most things in their lives. I agree with Lin and told Babe he should ask his doctor about CBD but I doubt that he will. I gave me advice that is all I can do.
Jeri, I am so sorry about Melanie and Sean, I am sure they are devastated. It is wonderful they have a supportive family, especially at this time of year.
Buzz, Babe is not diabetic but I gave him the information if he wants to pursue it with his doctor. There was a time his heart doctor recommended legal Marijuana for depression but I don't think he or Phil followed through so I give up.
Lin, as noted I took your advice and will let Babe and his son handle it.
Patsy, nothing wrong with a quiet Thanksgiving, in all honesty it is not one of my favorite holidays. Probably because my kids are scattered.
Have a good Monday.
One Day at a Time0 -
Coprophagia, now there's a word!! Without going into awful details Betty has this habit and I'm not sure how to stop it but have been Google searching. She's probably done it shut away in a cage but now is so pleased with herself while I'm in shock!! She's got a vet appointment tomorrow to register her and check her stitches and mouth so perhaps they will recommend something.
Patsy, with it being so cold here my stove is lit too and George stretched in front. Keep yourselves warm and cosy.
Sandy, you're right you can't help Babe if he won't try alternative solutions, just be the supportive listener you are.
Chicken salad tonight so better get into the kitchen to prepare.