Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    LIN, what you call pancakes, we called flannel cakes or griddle cakes when I was young. Don't you just love language and how it evolves. English pancakes are really French crepes if you see what I mean! We used to smother "crepe" pancakes in butter and syrup just like you and still do when no ones looking! I don't say no to a filling of whipped cream and fruit either and savoury "crepes" are delicious with chicken in a white sauce. Oh boy, a whole year to the next pancake day!
    Happy munching if anyone's tempted!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2017
    just a few words to let you know I am doing fine. Dropped some more weight this morning this morning
    Found some T dinners hTat I like and think I can managest. Its Amy found some Low sodiuyn ones If it is not low sodium i divide it in half and have a salad with it. Seems to be working out fine. And easy to fixed.
    Bye for now
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've just had a phone call from England. An old friend I've known for 77 years rang to tell me her husband has just died. I knew him at school as well. Village life! We knew just about everybody. This lady, Dawn, has run a charity shop for years and years and at 81 still runs it. In this time she has donated all the takings to the local hospital, either in cash, thousands and thousands of pounds, or equipment. I think if I'd remained in the village I would have ended up helping as well after retirement. She's got, or had, most of the class of 1950 helping her! Very sad.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Oh Anne, I am so sorry. :'(:'(
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Anne - I am sorry to hear about your friend's husband passing. There is a lot to be said for village life. I felt a bit of a twinge as I returned home to visit mine this past week.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Am considering shopping from Publix's Instacart, a shop online home delivery service from my favorite market. There is a small delivery charge, but since I no longer need weekly shopping, I think it's less costly to pay per delivery rather than a monthly fee of around $15 with no delivery fee. I remember when I gave up the car, I felt the saved cost of owning and running it would allow me a bit of leeway. But I'm a depression baby, and still feel guilty spending extra! Anyway, it's late, or early depending on how one looks at it, so I'll stop yawning and get to sleep! Perhaps I'll join the fish brigade during Lent, as I do not normally like fish ( a brain food!), and it may help me start a downward weight drift again! MARIE, glad you are doing better again. ANNE , sorry about your friend's loss, and SANDY, LIN and ANNE, I think I'll go for that pony tail since silver hair is a big style right now! I always liked the way pony tails pull the face skin taut!!! I could sure use it now!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oh BUZZ, go for that pony tail or bun! It's hard as the hair grows out but I bet you would look most elegant with upswept hair.

    I had a lovely mother in law and she wore her hair short when I first met her. However after retirement she grew her white hair and looked most elegant and beautiful with her hair in a French pleat style. When she visited us I found that at bedtime she braided her hair in one thick plait. Lovely lady, years later I still think of her often. She did the most beautiful and intricate embroidered pictures and another hobby was drawing and painting heraldic coat of arms from ancient families. She would then research these families and come up with the most interesting stories and skeletons in cupboards. She made two huge scrapbooks of all her work, and I expect, knowing my love of history she gave the books to me rather than her 3 daughters for safe keeping and for my two sons one day. They now have them.

    Thanks for the memory, I think it was JACKIE who was getting her hair cut and got my memory ball rolling!

    Love to all,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Time to get moving but all the discussion regarding hair brought to mind my Grandmother. She had white hair and always had it long and all pinned and braided nicely. It is the only hair style she ever had. My mom had her hair done for my wedding and they plopped a wiglet on her, it just did not look like her.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That promised Atlantic wet weather arrived overnight so a very wet walk round the woods and at one point I was jumped on by a rather over excited Retriever puppy that covered me in muddy paw prints. Luckily I was wearing waterproofs to easy enough to sponge off once home. After that I took one of my dining chairs to another upholsterer who came up with much the same price as the previous but included new covers too so I think I'll bite the bullet and get them repaired. At least they'll see me out!!

    Buzz ~ No luck with even an ounce of weight loss after a couple of days of fish and steamed veggies so I just have to hope that at least my brain has been fed!!

    Lin ~ You've reminded me of my mother's decision to colour her hair when I was about 14 because she had gone prematurely grey and my only reaction was that she didn't look like my mum anymore. It was the one and only time she did it which now that I colour my hair makes me feel just a little guilty!!

    Anne ~ I'm sorry to read of the loss of your friend's husband but it does sound as though she's surrounded by good folk who will know her well and be there to offer support. Your mother in law was all about the good old days before television took over everyone's lives and instead hobbies were a favourite pastime and how lovely that those scrapbooks were handed down to your boys. I hope they treasure them.

    Marie ~ It's always good to know you're alright and still watching what you eat. Take care. <3

    Marcella ~ A tiny house festival sounds enchanting and fascinating so I'll now have to google it to see just how tiny! Do people live in them or is it more a dolls house? I'll have to start browsing!

    Sandy ~ Are you still watching April or has she finally given birth?

    Time for my cuppa now the fire is lit.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited March 2017
    Happy Friday! :) The boys were perfect yesterday, well maybe not with Robby wetting his pants but hey accidents happen. He just waited too long and out it came before he could get his pant down. I was holding Max so I couldn't help. lol I am going back later so both mom and dad can go to their meetings. Lisa is taking Max so her group can meet him so it will be just me and Robby. <3 By the way Max is smiling which means he is on track with his development, we are very excited about that. <3

    Just to clarify, I only NOT eat meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. Fasting days with three small meals on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The other days are normal days and in reality the "rule" states people over 59 do not have to fast. I can, so I do.

    Lin, you brought back memories of wiglets and falls, how funny we used to be. It seemed to be common when dressing up for a formal occasion to have your hair put up and some fancy hairdo. Today people wear their hair so natural, even for weddings. I think it makes for better pictures of your true self.

    Anne, I am so sorry about your friend's husband. Your friend sounds like an amazing woman. I give your mother in law credit for growing her hair out, it sounds like it was beautiful.
    Maybe you will have me thinking about this and let my hair grow. I will have to ask my children what they would think. lol Of course now that I got my back cut so short it will take a year to grow.

    Buzz, I think it is a good idea to do your grocery shopping online. I have thought about that also because of the stairs I have to carry the groceries. But then I think it is good exercise and as long as I can I will. For you, since you don't drive it is a good plan. Just try it and if you don't like it cancel.

    Marie, I am so happy you are letting us know how you are doing and I am glad you found something easy and good for you to eat.

    Marcella, I love watching those Tiny House episodes. My niece's son is getting married in October and he and his wife are having a Tiny House built to they can travel the states. Some are so darling that I told my daughter I should buy one and put it in her yard in Florida. lol

    Jackie, hope your weather is good and you are able to do outside work.

    Have a great day everyone!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    So a "tiny house" is actually a sort of wooden cabin/shed thats winterized for living in the north? I see they are priced at around $50,000.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi running late again. just heard my whoe family is coming down in a coup for Easter, my heart is biusting Nnusting wide open. From St. Louis... I make so many mistakes i hate to getbon here?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    It will be wonderful to see your family Marie. I hope you are looking forward to it.

    The funeral just had me in tears from beginning to end. I zipped out immediately so I could help on the mat project. When I got home I found out the library will be closed for two days for some type of repairs. I am heart broken as that means the day of paper crafting is cancelled. Darn. Well, I will do something else as there are always many things to do. Taxes top the list but also a quick trip to Trader Joe's and some laundry probably.

    I think I will try to get some rest.

    Good evening.



    P.S. I love Tiny Houses. <3
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning, and what a chilly morning it is. We are back in the depths of winter and Jill and I are suffering from cabin fever. She because she's IN season and cant go out and me because OF the chilly season and don't want to go out! This should all change by Monday when just as my achy bones settle down to normality, they will ache all over again as a warm front comes through. A most odd year weatherwise. Warmest February EVER recorded with these freezing spells hitting us every so often.

    And after that moan, a good year for my pocket. I was paying $500 for professional snow clearing regardless what old man winter threw at us, but poor Darren has only earned $140 so far.

    Well I shall toddle off and brew a nice cup of tea because I've run out of my 10am coffee. Grocery shop tomorrow, but I shall probably steer clear of buying coffee. I've got used to being without it. It has a disastrous effect on my anatomy when drunk late afternoon, and a darn nuisance when it comes to disturbing my "beauty" sleep.

    Bye from

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good morning, just home from Trader Joe's and my provisions are stashed! And the things I am taking to my friend tomorrow are set aside. The laundry is chugging away and a stack of probable tax documents are sitting by my laptop.

    It is warmer here today so I may poke my head out later as I shake out some rugs. :D

    There is a BIG sale at Michael's today and it is Flea Market day at the fairgrounds. Hummmm. Home is probably where I will stay.

    Happy weekend.

    I hope the cabin fever is not too bad Anne.

    Hugs all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I finally made it to bed at 6:35 this morning because I was up all night figuring out how to use the various websites for ordering from my supermarket! I used and had to find everything I ran out of, and more, once I got the hang of it, and my order was delivered at 10 this morning and was perfect! Even the strawberries were ripe and red and not moldy! My first delivery was free (and would be free for the entire month, but I don't order often or enough) and if I don't need a $35 order often, the charge is $5.99 per delivery! Great deal considering I won't have to bother people to pick things up for me. Now I will get into my compression boots and nap for an hour as I'm wiped out! I also have to figure out how to keep this as my home page again, as the system cleanup wiped out my settings. Aaarg! Enjoyed reading all your posts, though sorry for the sad ones. Oh, I lost another pound, so that's 11 so far! Lots and lots to go, but a bit at a time is my goal.
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) I had another great night with Robby, this time one on one! He just warms my heart he is so cute. My weight continues to go down so I am one happy camper. I am hoping by next Friday I will reach my goal weight although it is my birthday week. :p
    I am going to 5:00 mass and then stopping to see Babe and Daisy, Babe is having some anxiety so not doing well. He and his son are both going to Babe's psychiatrist next week. I would like to be a fly on the wall for that meeting. :p

    Buzz, Buzz, Buzz..........6:35 this morning? You do know things can wait and there is always another day to get things done. I worry about you and your lack of sleep. Good deal on the grocery shopping, it will much easier on you. Get some sleep.

    Lin, must be the day for grocery shopping although I try to stay away from stores on the weekend. And you are confusing me with laundry day on Saturday. lol Funerals are always so sad, especially the music.

    Anne, the weather is just crazy all over, one day spring the next winter. At least you saved money on snow removal, buy yourself something special. Most tiny houses are on wheels so you can travel, although that can be expensive.

    Marie, how wonderful for you that your whole family is coming for Easter. You are well loved and deserve all this happiness.

    Lisa just posted this on Facebook. She is having a play date at her house. So many kids! lol

    Hope you are as happy as these children!!

    One Day at a Time

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Re "tiny houses" on wheels SANDY. So it's sort of - Have House will travel?
    So it's a bit like a snail? You don't ever have to leave home if you decide to go and visit your daughter in Florida (or another part of the garden)?
    The moms look pretty happy as well in the photo. Where did Lisa find so many Moms!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Nooooooooooooooo--if you tell me not do something you know I WILL!!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2017
    Evil laughter! LIN. Cackle, cackle.