Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited February 2017
    Sandy - My Florida time will be spent in the northern section of the state. I will be spending 4 days in Lake City with my sister-n-law, 1 day in Tallahassee visiting with friends and 1 day in Crawfordville (a little south of Tallahassee) enjoying a fish fry with a bunch of my cousins. It should be a nice break from regular life. B)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    No fog or even mist first thing today so we managed an enjoyable walk across the moors and only needed one diversion when a large herd of cattle wandered on to our path! Since returning home I've continued some hedge trimming and tidied up an area at the side of my cottage then heated up my cauliflower soup to share with neighbours I was doing some of the work with. Low cloud full of mist descended upon us soon after so I'm now back inside about to vacuum and probably wash the kitchen floor that both me and George have put our dirty paws on! Then it will soon be time for a cuppa with toasted crumpet! Everyone talking of traveling is giving me itchy feet so I'm going to look into a cruise through Norway's Fjords, if not this year then next.

    Enjoy your Sunday, especially Anne in your toasty temperatures!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,075 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Today is Max's Baptism and what a beautiful day it is!! Just wanted to check in and say hello and to wish you all a beautiful day!!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good afternoon Sneakers, All is well here.
    So I will call it a day. We were suppose had rain but so far none.
    Bye for now.Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,121 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hello Sneakers, another wonderful weather day here in the Midwest. I didn't work outdoors though. Some people were trimming trees today. I can wait. :D

    Long day at church but okay. Got lunch when I got and did a bit of cooking and then got obsessed with working on cards again. Love playing in ink and paint. :D

    Need to finish up a few things and then plan to read for a while as I have books I need to return to the library soon.

    Tomorrow is artist's day at the senior center. I may go for a while. I could work on the Christmas cards I started coloring last year. Didn't get many fronts completed. If I do not do some every month I will not be sending them this year either. Maybe that's okay.

    Here are a couple of cards I have been working with. Takes me forever! I made a card and as I finished it, I realized I had actually made it for myself to deal with the many illnesses and losses around me lately. That was a revelation out of the blue.

    Hi. Buzz, Marcella, Jackie, Anne, Sandy and Marie. Sending along hugs to everyone. And all best wishes.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sounds like it was a good day for everyone, and with MARCELLA and SANDY planning their Florida vacations, JACKIE is right about looking forward to a special cruise. The fjords are magnificent, dear friend, but if you haven't been up into the glaciers, they, too, are unforgettable! I loved Norway, though my first taste of whale left me not a happy camper! The cheeses made up for it; wonderful caramel flavors in my favorite, though I cannot recall the name! LIN, your cards are lovely and your color sense just fascinating. # 3 is my pick of the pictures, and although it probably has nothing to do with what I see, somehow beautiful rose windows seem to have been an influence! MARIE, rain or not, I hope your day was a pleasure for you. And I trust Max behaved wonderfully for his Baptism.
    I had an uneventful day. Except for my son calling from Germany this morning and I didn't recognize the number and almost didn't answer! After lunch, a friend called about problems getting pictures onto his and his wife's boarding passes for a cruise they will be going on soon. I spent ages on an unfamiliar computer with none of the programs I usually rely on and had success finding and properly cropping a suitable picture for hers, but then could not duplicate the process for his! There was no way I could move his cropped picture into the designated spot despite repeating my initial procedure! There goes my reputation as a problem solver--- right through the roof! Anyway, now perhaps I can get to bed earlier than last night (5 A.M.!) Have a peaceful Sunday night, y'all...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Goodness, what a walk we had this morning! The friend I meet with is still losing weight and doing extremely well so wants to walk several miles each day and usually we only cover a couple. She set off early in the woods because it was foggy and I met up with her and another friend for the 2nd part of their walk back through the woods, over 3 stiles, crossing 2 streams on slippery granite walkways, up steep muddy fields and finally back to my car. During that time the fog lifted so we enjoyed bright skies and lovely views. I'm now feeling righteous even if a bit achy!! A muddy George and probably muddy me too stopped off at my housebound neighbour for a chat and I've said I'll pop back after lunch because she does get fed up on her own until her son gets home from work mid afternoon. Then, oh dear, back off for another walk with my friend and Scruff, this time on the moors but I'm insisting it will be a shorter route!

    Lin ~ Beautiful cards and of course you'd know my favourite has the hint of a butterfly fluttering across it! If you love messing with paints and paper then that's what you must do after all you've previously spent so much time travelling in all weathers when visiting your father so now it's your turn.

    Buzz ~ We are currently in the midst of a campaign that entails being inundated in phone calls regarding boilers, heating and government grants, all via long nonsensicle numbers (would you believe at this point the phone rang with the number 03336780035 which doesn't come from anywhere... how clever!!) so I too don't pick up often but you're right, calls from other countries can look unfamiliar. Norway has been on my bucket list for years and having had a Latvian boyfriend many years ago who introduced me to some extreme foods I'm looking forward to the experience along with the stunning scenery. Whale meat certainly doesn't appeal but did I notice recently you mentioning dolphin ending up on your dinner plate? Blubber comes to mind in relation to both and therefore to be avoided!

    Marie ~ Delighted to read all is well with you and no doubt Missy too.

    Sandy ~ I'm looking forward to reading about Max's baptism and what those boys got up to!
    I hope you had a wonderful day especially with the sun shining on you all!

    Time for my lunch. I see the fog is descending again so that walk on the moors might be VERY short!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well we've been for a fairly long walk as well. It's family day, so everyone was sleeping in and we had the streets to ourselves. Jilly had a lovely day yesterday. All the family showed up at one time or another. That meant Jilly Bean fell asleep exhausted at 7 o'clock last night and for us, woke up late along with me at 7 am.

    Great minds think alike JACKIE. Of all LINS beautiful cards, the butterfly one is my favourite as well.

    Well who knows what today might bring! We met Janice and little dog Amy yesterday. Poor Janice has to have 3 molars pulled because of cracks in the roots which hold her caps. The cracks have caused abscesses and the pain which goes with them, poor girl.

    Happy day Sneakers,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,121 Member
    Good morning - we have had some periods of pouring rain this morning. We are in a lull right now. I have decided to stay home once again. A bit of laundry, a bit of paperwork, a bit of cleaning and likely the day will be pretty well spent.

    I love hearing of all the exciting travels. I hope you find a cruise that suits you Jackie. And good for you. What a long hike! Wow!! I would be ready for lots of hot tea and a big dinner. :) Amother walk would not be at the top of my list. Take care.

    Anne, I feel for Janice as I am likely in the same boat with so many crowns. My bite has never evened out and some of my molars don't even feel like my own teeth. It is odd but I would guess it is probably not a good thing. I am not in a rush for more information. I wish her well. Lucky Jilly with all the attention yesterday. I hope today brings happiness. <3

    Buzz, we are also receiving phone calls from strange seemingly overseas numbers. I do not answer. They are getting smarter though as now I will get. Also that could be from someone in my local area. I am more likely to pick those up. I think I will wait for someone to speak before picking up. Safer!! And good for you trying to get things sorted for your friends. Hugs.

    Time to finish my tea and get back to cleaning my raw veggies.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,313 Member

    A few moments to myself. We had 3 grandsons for 2 nights and now my cousins daughter for a week while she is on Spring Break. Yesterday was a full day. In the morning the boys were here, 2 -10 Yr olds and. 7 yr old. Then we drove them home and went to the science center with Melissa and Jack and their 2 boys. After that we went home for a bit and picked up Brittany. Brittany is on Spring Break from Ambrose College where she is getting her teachers degree. Ed and Britt has pizza and I made a salad for myself.

    Today we are going down to Ft Calgary where they are having a winter festival. Should be fun. Brit is a very sweet girl and we love her so much.

    Lin - your cards are so beautiful. Great job.

    Jackie - I love your descriptions of your walks, I'd love to join you but you live a touch too far away. We used to have a stile that crossed a fence when we would walk across country to my Grandma and GRandpa's as kids.

    Buzz - you are a wonder. You are such a big help to your friends. And, How can you possibly stay up so late.

    Anne - so glad you are back. Your walk sounds great too. Fun to take dogs out for sure.

    Sandy - looking forward to hearing about the baptism and pictures.

    I've been doing good with my steps. Getting in my 10,000 even if I am tired. And I'm doing a good job of recording all my food and staying within my 1,200 calories. Sure wish I was taller, 1,200 calories sure isn't a lot at times. LOL

    Oh, I hear people stirring.. time to get on with my day



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,075 Member
    edited February 2017
    Happy Monday! Laundry day and tonight dinner for Bryanna's birthday. The Christening was wonderful, Max was perfect and slept through most of the service. Did I mention that Bryanna was his godmother, which made me happy. I did so good eating wise I am proud of myself. I ate a few veggies with yogurt dip and chopped salad for my main course. I forgot and had a couple of nachos with salsa until I remember they were carbs. lol
    This morning my scale was down so I feel good. Here is a collage I made of a few of the pictures. My hair turned out terrible but oh well.

    Jeri, you are doing wonderful with your steps and watching calories. You are adding the calories from your walking to your 1200 calories aren't you? After I record my calories on MFP I actually go to my fit bit food calories in to follow that guideline. If I ever figure out the difference between MFP and fitbit I would sure be happy. Have fun with Brittany, I am sure she will love being with you.

    Lin, yep it is Monday, wash day. My favorite is the sparkly green stems, but they are all beautiful cards. Sorry about your teeth problems, I have so many crowns I should be the Queen of England. I am missing some molars from when I was a kid that a dentist terrified me so much it took a long time to get back to a dentist that I liked and made everything he did pain free. It was too late to fix those missing teeth without extensive and very expensive work so I have learned to live with it.

    Anne, I envy you when you talk about all your family coming to visit you, I would love it if all my children lived near me. Sorry about your friend Janice, it sound painful.

    Jackie, wow, you and your friends are amazing walkers, I bet Barbie wishes she could walk with you. I have call waiting and never answer a call unless I know who it is. If I don't recognize the number I figure the will leave a message if it is important.

    Buzz, I am a late night person but you amaze me. How do you manage to stay up until 5 A.M.? Do you sleep until noon on those days? I need at least 7 hours of sleep each night or I am dragging the next day. Sorry you had such a problem finding and cropping a picture for your friends passport picture. I don't know if this site would help, I just found it on google.

    Marie, how are things in Texas? How is little Missy?

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,313 Member
    Sandy - love the pictures so nice. You did a great job of putting your collage together. So nice.

    I do add in my exercise but I try not to eat my "exercise" calories. I do sometimes but mostly I try to leave them. I'm so tiny, 4' 11", that it all adds up quickly. However if I go over my 1,200 calories I am definitely doing some exercise to offset it.

    We did lots of walking today but when I got home I got in my 10,486 steps and walked for 30 minutes.

    It is going to be a challenge this week as Brittany will be here all week and Zach and Elizabeth will probably be here for Thursday and Friday.

    Busy, busy

    See everyone tomorrow.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy day, and I'm pooped, maybe because , unlike SANDY, I still wake up around 7 AM, no matter when I finally get to bed! I need to use my Compressor boots every morning before dressing, but after my shower so I can get into my leg wraps as early as possible. Received a call fr my late friend's daughter, who hoped I had found her Chico bag filled with medication she had filled while staying with her Mother. I scoured the apartment and found nothing of value left and the one Chico's bag had been emptied was now filled with trash, so I'm praing
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The first post needed correction but was not responding, and this keeps switching to black, so perhaps I'd better quit while I' m ahead!
    I meant to tell LIN it was #4 I loved best, just like everyone else. But I saw "Rose Windows" in it. My darn computer keeps changing windows to a page saying "you are incognito now" and it's all black with white text! Maybe I have a virus? Better log off and scan. Sorry!!!
    hearts, etc....Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day so far because after our usual walk in the woods I needed to pop into town for fuel then drive to another town for a haircut. Unfortunately there are roadworks everywhere and as it's a route I haven't taken in a while I left home early to compensate for any delays. As it turned out there were few so I arrived early for my appointment. My hairdresser has adopted the most gorgeous Pug puppy just 9 weeks old called Milo who spent my appointment time snoozing in a blanket on the chair next to me.... just adorable! Talking of adorable, Max is just that Sandy and thanks for letting us share the photos.

    The afternoon is running away from me so I must take George for a short walk then get ready for my yoga class, hopefully in a much warmer hall than the last time!!


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2017
    That was one busy long weekend that was! We've just arrived home after a long, long walk with Janice and Amy. Chatted about how we'd put the world to rights! Fat chance of that, two little old ladies!
    We also met Darren who is looking after a very large "something/doodle" dog for 2 weeks. He is still an eighteen month old puppy who yapped and yapped and lunged at Amy and Jilly. So after running behind me, Jilly asked to be picked up. Old lady Amy who is bigger, stood her ground.

    After becoming something of an an expert on cats after owning numerous felines, I'm now getting to be an expert on the dog kingdom. Who to avoid etc including the aptly named "Trouble" who is never on a leash and makes a beeline across the road to greet us. Owner yelling "Trouble, heel." Fat chance of that happening, and even less chance than Janice and I putting the world to rights!!

    Tomorrow........get this! We are PROMISED 63 DEGREES Fahrenheit! Garden clean up tomorrow! If this weather keeps up Canada will soon be growing coconut palms! Where's the sun tan oil!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,075 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) The birthday celebration was great, expensive but still great. We went to the Sugar Factory which I had never been and it was interesting. There is a candy store attached to the restaurant which sells all kinds of candy including some from the 50's. The drink my granddaughter shared with her boyfriend was served in a big goblet and when the server put in the ingredient it was like watching a volcano with a kind of smoke coming over the top. I was good in ordering my food and had salmon which I thought was delicious. My scale went up about a half a pound so that is good considering I had some of the birthday ice cream.

    Anne, we too are getting fabulous weather but it is rainy today and the next few days with possible snow flurries and cold again Saturday. Jilly is a smart little girl to know she wants up when she is feeling threatened. She knows her mommy will protect her.

    Jackie, are you feeling beautiful after your haircut? Enjoy your yoga class and I hope the floor is warmer this time. Maybe you should bring a mat.

    Buzz, your computer does the strangest things, I hope you figured it out and do not have a virus. I hope your friends daughter found her medication, is it for her or her mother?

    Jeri, I try to have calories left over when I am done also but as I say MFP might say I have 200 calories left but my fitbit will say I am 300 calories over so I try to go by my fitbit but sometimes it is hard to make up all those calories. So far whatever I am doing is working so I will continue the way I am.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,121 Member
    Good evening, what a wonderful weather day today!! Warm, sunny and just so enjoyable. I took advantage of it to run about doing errands including finally getting the vehicles washed. Didn't even mind waiting in line. So nice to see clean vehicles in the garage for once. I also went to Hobby Lobby for a few things and found some really wonderful deals on some stickers and also in to Walgreen's where I got some tape runners and lots of bonus Rewards points. I think the clerk messed up and gave me too good a deal on the purchase but who knows, that's how the computer processed them.

    Wonderful photos Sandy. I have never heard of the Sugar Factory. Interesting!! Fun birthday party!

    Anne, enjoy the weather tomorrow. We had almost 70 degrees today. It made me smile. I am glad you are a good judge of which dogs/owners to trust. There are too many irresponsible people with (and without) pets. Not too much gardening I trust. It is only February.

    Jackie, you are pretty much always on the run these days. I hope all went well with the haircut and that you love it. That is something I need to do---get an appointment for a cut. I also hope the yoga class was enjoyable (and warm). Hugs for George.

    Buzz, darn, horrible that those medications disappeared. You are such a darling to look after so many details for everyone. I hope you are appreciated.

    Jeri, it is a balancing act! You are very conscientious!! Excellent. You and Ed are so busy with all the grandchildren. Your family is very lucky that you are available to do fun activities with the kids.

    Tomorrow is an early day for me so I guess I'd best line some things up so I can get started in the morning. I often think I will get up very early but often---I don't do it!

    Off I go.


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good evening, It's late but I wanted to drop in before going to sleep. I arrived in Lake City, Florida today at 3pm and have had a wonderful time with family. My sister-n-law (Betty) made a wonderful dinner and we were joined by my niece, her husband and my nephew and his son. (My nephew's wife wasn't able to make it, but I will see her another time.) After everyone left, Betty and I talked way past her regular bed time. I'm glad that I will be able to stay until Friday. It's nice to see everyone and I'm happy the drive down here was also a very pleasant 6 hour drive.

    Wishing everyone sweet dreams,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello, I didn't have a sweet dream, I had a most peculiar dream. A science fiction dream. It was all about a small patch of snow that wouldn't melt. Everyone was peering at it and poking it and it was concluded that it was some sort of microbe living in it and needing to keep water frozen to keep it alive, whereupon I woke up, and yes there is a small patch still on the drive. Whooooooo! Oooooo!
    That should disappear today! At the moment we have fog and i am waiting for it to lift a little before we amble off to mail my tax return which I filled out yesterday.

    This means my busy 4 day weekend became 5 busy days. One has to fill out and read the tax forms with great care to receive any benefits for making it to old age and the government NOT making it easy by actually informing you in nice big print what one might be entitled to. Most folks toddle off to a tax filler office and have an expert point out all these pitfalls for a hefty fee of course, but me being cheap would rather spend the $60 or so on me and Jilly. The good news. I know I'm doing it right because my friend receives roughly the same as me in anything going after consulting an "expert".

    Of course the forms can be done on a computer after again paying out for the program, but like most elders I don't have a functioning computer; just this iPad.

    Moan of the day over, and I shall leap happily to the bank to find a small refund in about 6 weeks time, oh happy day! That's if the post office manage not to lose it!
    Anne, the form filler outer.