Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Went to a health fair devoted to aging well, held by our area newspaper, and other than enjoying one of my favorite columnists talking about his many years experiences, I came to the conclusion I fortunately have little to complain about except maybe again joints, and who wants to listen to that? Our small busload agreed no more of those fairs, but the ride was interesting as we passed the shipyard and watched one of those newest of the humongous cruise ships preparing to sail. I picture in my mind's eye the graceful ships of past ages, and compare it with these new floating city blocks! No more promenade decks to walk around the entire ship and see people lounging in deck chairs. Still, it's fun watching docks and ships.
    ANNE, we missed you a few months ago when you almost left, so there is something to be said for "mundane" living! It's not what you do or don't do, it's the way you share it that makes it fascinating to the rest of us!
    PATSY, that goes for you, too! You have a unique way of viewing life we enjoy! Happy Mother's Day!
    LIN, did I miss the name of the movie that had you laughing? I need something light and amusing to get my mind off the craziness I hear on my TV!
    SANDY, I'm sure your Sunday will be a full and pleasant celebration. Have a lovely Mother's Day.
    And JACKIE! Even though all your "children" have problems pronouncing the words, all the barking, meowing, and other noises you hear tomorrow will remind you that you are Mom to so many living and loving creatures! Of course, I don't know if the UK celebrates Mothers' Day!
    MARIE, are you feeling any better? Hope tomorrow will be pleasant for you!yoexrn5l09qy.jpg
    <3 Buzz

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,196 Member
    Buzz, no, I didn't mention the title of the movie as I think it was really my frame of mind at the time that had me laughing so much, some kind of insider jokes and several cameos by Stan Lee. So I am not recommending this movie to all, I enjoyed it though. It is "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" and I had seen the first Installment a few years ago. Plus I like Chris Pratt. :)

    Glad you enjoyed something in your excursion today. Although I am with you, I do not care for health fairs now.

    Patsy, many irons in the fire as usual. Sorry your kids are busy tomorrow.

    Happy Mother's Day to all Sneakers ladies.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member

    To all who are celebrating!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2017

    A rather damp start to our day although it's supposed to dry up later so I may get to the allotment with my neighbour for an hour at least. Yesterday we enjoyed our usual walk and the photo is George showing off his new haircut and an extra friend in Bee-bee that my friend was looking after for a few days. There was another Jack Russell too but she is rather camera shy!
    I'm gradually returning to a normal routine of chores which today should include mucking out the hens and cutting the lawns if dry enough. At the moment I've more washing on the rotary line getting an extra rinse!

    Buzz ~ We had our Mothering Sunday a month or so ago but thanks for the thought anyway because I do feel like I share so much of your American lives these days! One thing I make a great effort to avoid is any grouping of people my age talking about what "might" happen as we get older so a good decision on your part not to bother with the fair again. Aren't those massive cruise ships horrendous... I can't think of anything worse than being trapped on a slowly moving high rise for weeks!!

    Patsy ~ You do keep yourself busy don't you and I do hope you both see your son at least for a short while today.

    Lin ~ The company of friends and a good laugh is so important in our lives because as Buzz mentioned, there are far too many bonkers things going on around all of us. Thanks, I'm loving my bedroom, especially waking up to the fresh light bouncing off the walls and hopefully today, if it stops raining on the ebay bargain curtain that's out on the line, I'll get them ironed and hung.

    Sandy ~ Hmm, a muscular young man visiting you to move your compost bags, now there's a treat! Enjoy your Mother's day because you are a special one to all your family. The cat in the bedroom photo is Hebe, the only female in our group who has to put up with a lot of rough and tumble from Brady and George. When I took it George was under the bed rolling on the new carpet so she was watching to see where he might go next!

    Anne ~ You might be able to find small onions that can either be grown as spring onions or left to grow into cookers. No point suggesting rabbit food of course as not only do I know lettuce isn't a favourite of yours but it might encourage the real bunnies to make regular visits. Sweet peppers are easy as are radish and small turnips.

    Any news of Marie because I'm not on facebook? Also I do hope Mae is alright what with medical procedures and a not so helpful DS. How are your seedlings doing?

    Every time I think I'll go out to clean the henhouse I hear heavy rain falling so think instead for now I'll do some housework.

    Happy Mothers day to all my dear friends. <3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy ~ When you have a chance can you please move the birthdays back into our list of discussions then I'll make a note in case they disappear again!
    Jackie ;)
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    And I wish everyone of us a very happy Mother's Day as well. Each and every one us of whether we have given birth physically yesterday or years ago. Each of us who love all creatures great and small, who watch their seedlings grow with pride and joy, who give their adopted furry companions treats and a loving home, who pop in to see elderly neighbours, who carefully avoid that creature crossing the highway, we are ALL mothers. In other words very few of us are not mothers at heart and isn't it wonderful being female! At least someone in the past realized nature is Mother Nature! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, Sneakers. Give yourselves a pat on the back!

    Oh BUZZ aren't those cruise ships ridiculous. Disasters waiting to happen. Same with oversize jumbo jets. Why on earth does man have to make everything bigger and bigger from huge bombs to enormous hamburgers. Beats me!

    Enough of all this philosophizing. I shall go and peer at the "babies" growing in their containers and try not to think of the day me or the bunnies will consume them, loll.

    I'm beginning to think you would have been, and of course still can be, a wonderful animal photographer JACKIE. The little dogs are so alert and well cared for. Jilly would love them. I sort of fancy growing cooking onions. They would store well in my cold room. LIN suggested zucchini which might be an idea for yet another container. My drive is huge, concrete, and houses six cars at least. Seeing I don't own a car, room for many containers, lol.

    Must away,
    Hugs to all,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,196 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thanks Sandy.

    Anne ~ Here's advice from the Royal Horticultural Society on onion growing which I'm sure fits your climate too but they should be planted in the Autumn and overwintered. Something to do at the end of summer if your driveway isn't already teaming with veggies!!

    Onions are such a versatile vegetable – they feature in so many recipes, so growing your own onions means you’ll always have them to hand. They are easy to grow from baby onions called sets. Although seed is available, sets are the easiest and quickest way to grow onions. Sets are also better in colder regions, and are less likely to be attacked by some pests and diseases.

    I've staggered in from my garden after finishing cutting lawns and cleaning out the henhouse as well as cutting back vicious brambles in my wild bottom!! Thankfully my neighbour popped round to say she too has been very busy so is too tired to visit the allotment so it's a case of a cup of tea, chocolate biscuit and couple of Ibuprofen.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    Thanks for the tip on the onions! Zucchini it is I guess! Just waiting for Michael to appear JACKIE. He's taking some "lucky" lady out for dinner tonight, I offered to go along and give her the once over, but have been rejected. I wonder why, lol. Now what's all this about you having vicious brambles in your bottom! Sounds jolly painful!! And I'm not surprised you need a cup of tea and two ibuprofen! I'm Sorry, I couldn't resist.
    Bad Anne.
    P.S. Have you all noticed there's an awful lot of aged people jumping out of planes attached to parachutes? The latest chap is 101!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Patsy, I think you posted to the birthday post by mistake so I copied and am putting it here.

    Happy Mother's Day! Another rather soggy day here. John is up early and ready to begin the day. He is in charge of breakfast today. I think he is planning French toast and some chicken sausage for him. Since I am 3 months older than he is, he often reminds me that he likes older women! What an amazing tease!

    Currently he is out starting the little red sports car in the garage. It very rarely gets driven but it is Johns special joy. He has had it almost 30 years and he even drives it out on the roads occasionally. I must confess getting in and out of this car is a pain. This car is almost ground level. For me to get in and out is a sight to behold! I dread it when he happily suggests we go on a ride.

    Katie got a short hair cut. She suddenly had so many mats I could not get them all brushed out. I love the new grooming table. Also a new conditioner for her hair...made of emu oil! It smells great and makes her skin and hair feel great. This information is proof positive that our fur babies are indeed our children.

    We press on! We continue to hope for sunshine and warm weather. None in sight yet...
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member

    Happy Mother's Day from me to you!! I have had a wonderful day with breakfast at Rob and Lisa's and of course the boys! We had a video call with each of my children and they were finally able to see Max awake!! It is a beautiful day here and I am grateful to be a mother!!
    By the way I bought myself a new Fitbit Alta and love it!! It is black and gold and I bought a gold replacement bracelet so it is beautiful.

    Patsy, I copied your post and put it here, the other post is our birthday post. So you are a cougar?? Good for you!! My SIL also has an old MG which he still drives and is lucky he lives in Florida since it has no roof. We also keep Daisy short it is just easier and cleaner.

    Marie, so good to hear from you and see Missy's adorable picture. I also clicked on the other and saw your son with a big old steer!! I hope you are having a wonderful Mother's Day!!

    Anne, I can't understand why your son won't let you go on his date, NOT!!!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm thinking I must have missed several posts since there's a lot I simply do not recall here. Son called at 8AM and wanted to talk on Facetime but I was unable to get WiFi working, boohoo. Problems all day with internet and I suspect wiring in this building needs lots of work! Perhaps it was overloaded. Anyway , lovely lunchtime buffet, and I've been trying to figure out why email is getting stuck in my outbox. All the kids checked in, and one of Mike's, too, so that was lovely. Gotta run.
    <3 Buzz
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Sorry I have been off for a few days. Received some difficult news x2 this late week/weekend. My son is moving out which will leave me with a few problems to overcome, but maybe things will be a little more peaceful. I will miss my grandson immensely ! My sister in law had a major heart attack. She has blockage in 2 major vessels and has Congestive Heart Failure with extremely diminished cardiac output. She does not want visitors nor phone calls, so a card will have to do. Am saying many prayers. To balance things out with something positive I went to a cousin's bridal shower Saturday and visited with extended family. ….... Not sure but think I missed one day logging in and have to start over again.. I did Sat. food today.
    It has been raining almost all week. Saturday was sunny with a light breeze so the BBQ bridal shower went well. My nephew did more work outside so if good weather comes I will plant cold crops outside. I am helping with some community raised beds for the food pantry and will have 2 beds there for myself as well as my 3- 4 beds here at home. My cold crops: lettuce, kale, broccoli, and Swiss chard starts are more than ready to transplant. My warmer crop starts are also ready, but will have to wait for warmer weather or me to get energy to make cold frame covers.

    Jackie – Must feel good to get the painting behind you. Hope the diet will help Boris. Good luck with keeping everyone eating what they should be. It is quite a chore going through closets and bureaus to downsize, I have to do it soon. Lovely variegated tulip. …..

    Patsy – Art is in the eye of the beholder.

    Anne – We are not flooding, but I do wish we and you would have a reprieve from this wet stuff! Let Florida and areas that need the rain get it instead. Nice pic of Jilly. Lovely flower bed. What are the small purple/blue flowers?

    Lin – I too enjoy seeing what others do with a craft. I am debating whether I will put up a clothesline because I also love the smell and feel of clothes and linens dried outdoors. Not sure if I will have to sell/move since son is moving out and if would be worth the expense if not staying here. :-( I am sorry to hear of your friend; let his wife know Hospice is there for her as well as him. They will be there to support her during his illness and after his passing.
    Pleasant distractions do help us get through tough times, go and enjoy.

    Sandy – Grilled Brats and asparagus sounds yummy. Nice photos of Jilly.
    Buzz - Chinese is yummy. Glad you decided to indulge. It is nice you have a 'spot' near by to go and feel connected to Mike. (HUGS). My son has been gone to his Ex's for 3 days but 'popped' in with the grandson and a card for Mother's day. They came in, each gave me a hug, grandson handed me a card and started to remove his shoes when his dad said “no time to stay, leave your shoes on.” Son went to dryer took his clothes then grabbed 2 bags of returnable cans from down stairs and left. At least they came, I got a hug and a card.:-)

    Enough for now, Will finish catching up later.
    Hope every one had a good Mother' Day.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    My Mother's Day turned out pretty good. Mark, still with his kidney stone (and much to my surprise) turned up looking not very well seeing he had pollen allergy as well. I really didn't expect him and he brought with him two square planters full of flowers and greenery. Gorgeous. Finally the sneezing got the better of him and he left missing his brother by a hair breadth.

    Mike came looking very spiffy because after spending 2 or 3 hours with us, he was going on a first date with a gal from the next town. Spiffy or not, he hauled Jilly and I to the garden centre for more earth and seeds. Then he drilled drainage holes in the third container, emptied the earth into it and took The Bean for a long walk leaving me to set seeds and plant sage.

    I looked in my trusty gardening book and apparently onions can be started, being spring onions at first and some left to grow large in the fall, in this climate JACKIE! We will find out! I also planted zucchini seeds. Oh and I picked up some parsnip seeds as well.

    I spoilt all this gardening energy by consuming a large chocolate ice cream, it being Mother's Day, and Jilly off with Michael and therefore not bothering me with her beady little eyes, so will not be weighing in today, knowing I haven't lost an ounce SANDY. No willpower that's yours truly.

    I wished Michael had lived with me after his marriage failed a few years ago MAE. Sometimes though, "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and I have found over the years that when I really need help both sons help me out. I'm sure you will find this will happen for you as well. For starters, it was lovely that he brought your little grandson over for Mother's Day and the hug showed you that you are very much loved.

    Well, I must take Jilly Bean for a morning sniff, and water the beet, carrots, zucchini, onions, potatoes, herbs, flowers in their planters. Goodness I've got a miniature organic market garden here, lol.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Up really early (for me this is the middle of the night). I had a really marvelous Mother's Day. Who ever invented this was a true genius. I am sure it was first started as some sort of economic plot but I truely believe everyone enjoys the celebration. Our daughter came to spend the afternoon and have dinner with us. Great visit! Our son called and we also had a great visit with him during and after breakfast. It was a feast of love and food. It is true that we need our children! That includes children of fur and feather.

    More coffee! I hope I can post in the right spot. Thanks Sandy for correcting my errant post of yesterday. As you have noticed I am not a computer person. About that cougar business...bawhahahaha! If only......well you know the rest of that story. Thanks again, I hope I haven't messed up the birthday list.

    Will try to do a bit of exercise before Kate is up and ready to rock and roll. I will not confess all my food sins of yesterday. The chocolate cake was amazing. The leftovers are stashed in the freezer. Today is the day I start back in reality. John will be my cheerleader and drill sergeant. Yikes!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oops, forget to tell MAE, the blue flowers are grape hyacinths which grow in profusion here and take over the garden like dandelions. Look great mixed among tulips.
    Mother's Day (Mothering Sunday) is a Christian holiday which unfortunately has been commercialized, what's new! As children we picked wild flowers for our mothers, that was all. It should be celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent and still is I believe in the UK. JACKIE will know.