Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    We were without water for much of the day, so I now must catch up on wash, shower etc, but glad I stopped in to read your posts! Have you any idea what great group you are? Glad my explanation didn't bore you to tears,and ANNE, I wouldn't want to hang that painting on my wall either, lol! Sorry about LIN's burn and glad it's not more serious! Nice to see NOLA again, and SANDY, I agree with you about history being fascinating and important; but it's a minor subject today! Sorry to hear our JACKIE's under the weather, and I hate to run but I'm not ready for dinner yet! Hi to EVERYONE...
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    With it being the long Victoria weekend all the neighbours seem to have taken off for various camp sites.

    Ah to be young again,
    and experience the joys of sagging tents, lumpy sleeping bags, things that go bump in the night and loons yodelling at dawn. Jill had an exciting day. Long long walks with Michael who is losing weight, in the car to the pet store, stood on by Catherine, cuddled by Darren and various other two legged creatures and all this excitement and activity had her whimpering during the night and throwing up. She and I are recovering and looking forward to a nice quiet day pottering in the garden and watching the cardinals splashing in the bird bath and at the feeder.
    Ah to be elderly and appreciate the quiet life!

    SANDY, I don't think we had debates at school in my day. We just got told, with the occasional caning for things like forgetting ones bible on religious instruction Day. The injustices are still burnt in my brain and the shame of standing in a corner for half an hour!

    Sorry you had an upset tummy as well JACKIE and poor LIN with the burnt palm! BUZZ struggling without water, what a day! The Toronto islands are closed to the public because of the flooding, and the TV newscast showed fish swimming down the roads!
    Well today, all will be well. Must think positive!
    Enjoy Saturday everyone,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2017
    A horrible day for me yesterday with some sort of stomach bug that although still giving me cramps is now fading after me starving it out of my system so I managed a walk in the woods with dogs and friend then across the fields to the river where we were rained on and soaked in minutes! Home and a hot shower and might contemplate a little something to eat because late afternoon I'm going with Scruff and her mum to their agility class with camera to see if I can video the crazy dogs!

    Lin ~ I find aloa vera is the best for burns and have a plant on my shower room window sill that works wonders. Do you have some gel? I do hope you're not in too much pain because I know those hot air guns can be lethal if one second of concentration is lost. Once when stripping paint of a window seat in the spare bedroom I stopped for a moment and allowed my hand to drop with the gun still in it which then burned through a bed cover... oops!!

    Buzz ~ History was my favourite subject at school and it certainly gave us all a sense of identity and hopefully enough knowledge of how things can so easily go horribly wrong if we don't look back and learn. I too wonder how today's students will ever get to know where they came from never mind learn that different cultures managed to meet, trade and get on without intolerance a thousand years ago.... what an example that should teach us!

    Nola ~ It's so good to see you back with us and hope you are feeling well enough to give yourself that extra nudge towards exercise and healthy eating and feel even better.

    Mae ~ That's sort of good news about you requiring a lumpectomy isn't it with no follow up treatment needed although I know you could have done without any of it in the first place. Right now I think we all need signs of summer and a run of warmth for our seedlings and own well being.

    Patsy ~ Your painting had me humming Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven so I must be seeing something of a celestial message in the climbing road! The workmen certainly do look from an era that would include the Great Depression and isn't that a woman with a ponytail curled up bottom left? Such a cruel illness your friend is suffering, also for those around him but I'm sure you will enjoy his company and hopefully give his wife a break at the same time.

    Anne ~ Wouldn't it be a boring world if we all agreed about anything and everything!! I may have mentioned before that when I cleared my mother's house after she died I came upon a cupboard on the lower floor that threw out hundreds of paper bags, pieces of string of every length from a few feet to couple of inches and tins of food well past their sell by date all because she'd lived through the Blitz then rationing with father away fighting when long queues were an evil necessity for just about anything. I'm sure our generation appreciates all they went through then did to improve our lot but do today's kids have any idea how lucky they are?

    Sandy ~ I can't keep up with you..... where to this time?

    Like it or not it's lunchtime for me so I must go and contemplate the contents of my fridge and kitchen cupboards for something to entice me!

    A happy weekend to everyone. Sorry if I missed anyone but if I turn the page back this post will go whoosh into the ether!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Just a short note to say hello. Cold, wet and very miserable weather here today. I am off in a little while for funeral, burial ceremony, and luncheon for my friend's husband. Since he was a firefighter and a Shriner there were already many extra things in place at the visitation last night. There were four uniformed fire fighters at the visitation and one stood at the head of the casket at all times. Not really at attention I guess but silent and solemn. Their dress uniforms were immaculate. I understand there will be a special ceremony at the cemetery as well. A long day for all involved.

    Jackie, I am glad you are feeling a bit better. And yes, I have been using Aloe Vera ointment and it is very helpful. Since it is my right hand I will cover it since there will likely be hand shaking today.

    Anne, too much excitement for Jilly! Enjoy a more peaceful day today.

    Off to try to do something with my hair although with this weather I should just give it up!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Crisis avoided!! Tuesday I heard a noise coming from my kitchen sink and discovered a leak. I shut both the hot and cold water off and called my landlady who had a plumber come today. He said I had a pipe burst and if I didn't shut the water off it would have been a disaster! He said my whole kitchen would have flooded and probably would have damaged the downstairs unit. Of course I have been doing my dishes in the bathroom only to find out that I could have still used my dishwasher since it is on a separate line. I am sure grateful that I was home to hear the start of the leak and all is fixed now.

    Lin, what a sad but beautiful service for your friend's husband. My BIL was a firefighter also and at his funeral they lined the streets with their trucks and ladders extended. It was so moving and beautiful. I am glad your hand is mending and hope you can stay warm and dry with the service today.

    Jackie, horrible way to lose weight but it might be an incentive to keep on track. I am off to D.C. to see my oldest granddaughter receive her Masters from John Hopkins. I am there Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I go back to Florida to see my grandson get his diploma form high school. I will return home on Sunday when our pool should open for Memorial Day and hopefully stay home for the summer. Thank goodness for Babe helping me with all this airfare and trips.

    Anne, our little furry kids don't like too much excitement, Daisy is the same. Is Michael the son with the stones? Is he any better?

    Buzz, I feel for you with no water, makes life so difficult.

    I will be going to an early Mass near my friend's house and then to her house for game night.
    Tomorrow I pack.

    Enjoy your day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Both sons have now had stones SANDY, but it's my youngest, Mark who is the current sufferer. Goodness knows why because they both eat extremely healthily and especially Mark. They've been told it's something to do with ones makeup like an acidic system, I think, and stones run in families, but that's news to me! The only creature I knew in the past with them was my lovely Miss Becky and she was a kitty! Mark won't be going on the business trip if he has to have the operation, thank goodness.
    Enjoy your trip, make hay while the sun shines! Babe is a very decent guy!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2017
    my body still ache all over me. They tell me to keep up the toleal but it does nor help much Marie if at all./
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi lovely ladies! No more men in our group? Not even to drop in and visit? Yes, SANDY, I agree with ANNE about Babe being very decent...mostly. Unfortunately, his kids have taken away much of his backbone, but we've always know you are really his true love!
    Glad everyone is on the mend.
    Here it is , the middle of Saturday, and once I sit down I fall into a stupor! Cannot seem to control my eyelids! Bit by bit, I'm attempting to move some of my impossibly narrow clothes over to Mike's closet (now almost empty, :'( , instead of just parting with them. I will never again wear sizes 8...or even 10. After the initial loss a month ago , I cannot seem to lose any
    more, but I keep thinking I must stick with it.
    I also MUST get my place picked up. Where does all the jump from!?
    I need more sleep than I seem to be getting, so perhaps a daily nap? Babies and elderly people need all the sleep they can get, I guess!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    can't get log in. could sommone send me the link please Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I can't get log in
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    PATSY, a painting found here in a thrift store in the Mennonite community went up for auction. It was expected to fetch $10,000 but went for $45,000. Hang on to "The Work Gang"!

    Miserable looking day with rain expected. Hope you are feeling better JACKIE! I joined you yesterday after eating a barbecued chicken from the grocery store I think. I bought it because I didn't have time to cook lunch for us yesterday. Michael escaped the bug, but I'm pretty sure that's what caused the Beans tummy upset as well as mine. Remains of chicken now in the dustbin!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) At last the rain has stopped. We had a fun night playing Tripoli, although I lost money. :p Always fun to be with friends. Today other than go out to put gas in my car and get a couple of things at Walmart I will stay home, pack and relax. I am driving myself to the airport and leaving my car in a park and fly lot since it will be cheaper than an Uber.
    I think it is going to rain all the while I am in D. C. but hoping it will clear up for my granddaughter's graduation. When I get to Florida, it will be hot so I do hope I have time to sit in the pool.

    Anne, I was thinking the same thing about Patsy's painting, it could be a rare find and worth thousands. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Sorry you and Jilly are under the weather, hope it is just a one day thing.

    Marie, I hope you got the link but if we don't hear from you I will send it to you in an email.

    Buzz, yes Babe is a good guy but I agree he has no backbone and now it is too late. My problem with clothes is I buy something wear it once and then decide I don't like it after all.
    I really have to go through my closet and get rid of some things.

    Enjoy your Sunday and I again will try to check in daily to at least say hello.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi guess i am imagine things. seems to be working this morning ave not check yet to see is thet destorre my llog in days taat is what I am trying to get/

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have work on this so long no so have frogotten how to get to my days
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I have work on this so long no so have frogotten how to get to my days you started in December of 2008 which is 3285 days.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Sandy That number sounds about right/ I just sent an email off to thems/ I gusess aaaat it to be 4000 I was way off Maybe they will check it if not t will leave it along. Thanks you so much Sandy
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Thanks Sandy That number sounds about right/ I just sent an email off to thems/ I gusess aaaat it to be 4000 I was way off Maybe they will check it if not t will leave it along. Thanks you so much Sandy

    Marie if you click on that link and put in the number of days by yourself it will work.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Read all your posts and hope you are right about PATSY's painting!!! Wouldn't that be terrific?
    Concerned about JACKIE, since she seldom is absent, so I will find time tomorrow, I hope, to look for her! I also realize when I am sleepy, I should stay off my computer, as I imagine I meant junk instead of jump yesterday.. In either case, The junk continues to gather, and I think it's mostly newspapers I never finish reading! Hope MARIE got all her days back!!!
    Oh, oh, gotta rush!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hello friends.

    Sandy, what is Tripoli? I have never heard of it! Safe travels my friend. I hope you will send us a line now and then while you are away.

    Buzz, yes please, get as much rest as you can my friend. You have been through so much I think your batteries can use a bit extra charging.

    Marie, I hope you got your days reset. I never know where to look for those things. I always have to hunt for the link. I hope you are feeling better too.

    Anne, darn store chicken! So sorry to hear you and Jilly were ill. I pray all is well now. Surprise, we got a bit of sunshine this afternoon. It was thrilling. I umderstand we are to plunge back to overcast again tomorrow. I trust your little plants are thriving.

    Jackie, I hope you are back with us soon.

    Patsy, oh my, I am excited now. I hope you have a real 'find' with your painting.

    Mae, thinking of you today.

    After church today I zipped home for lunch and then off for a craft activity at another local library. Now I have several cards ready to mail tomorrow although I think a trip to the Post Office is required as one envelope may be over sized for regular postage.

    I need to catch up on my cooking tomorrow. Definitely need a pot of soup. And I need to sort through the refrigerator to see what poor fresh vegetables are lurking in there!

    And maybe some Monday laundry.

    I just watched a Call the Midwife and ill watch a Hallmark Mystery Movie next.

