Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited May 2017
    I ran about doing my errands today as we are entering a long Holiday weekend. In fact, I think some people have already started. Anyway, I wanted my groceries, gas, and supplies before the hoards were out and about. So that is what I did! The weather today was quite lovely. The sunshine felt so good. :)

    One sad note, an old brick apartment complex caught fire early this afternoon. It is located on a gorgeous boulevard in a scenic neighborhood with lovely old trees and beautiful landscaping. Unfortunately three people died, three others and a firefighter are in the hospital. All residents are scrambling to find housing. I understand sixty people lived there. I understand they are investigating the fire. There were hints that it may have been intentional. If so, another type of monsterous person.

    Mae, I hope you do not have to drop your Internet service. I struggled with dial-up for years and years. I couldn't afford anything else but then it got to the point that I couldn't really do without it and I'd try going to the library. It was okay to check email but I couldn't do banking etc there. The connection would slow down when lots of patrons were attached. Hopefully your library is not as busy as mine! But needs must and tough decisions have to be made sometimes. I hope your health issues will straighten out soon.

    Marie, glad you are still here. I am smiling. <3

    Buzz, what type of entertainment have you attended lately?

    Jackie, safe travels. Enjoy everything!!!!

    Anne, if you receive our weather after the fact, you should have a day or two of just terrific weather. I would like to keep this type of day all year long. :)

    Take care all. I imagine a sandy is enjoying Florida sunshine now. Well, if there is sunshine.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Hi from Florida! My grandson got his high school diploma tonight and my granddaughter her Masters Degree on Tuesday! The weather in Florida is beautiful so I hope to go home with a tan. Busy days ahead but as the old saying goes......wish you were here!

    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member

    Me and my grandson! And red nose day for charity! Time for pool!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Wahoo!!! Thanks for the photos Sandy. Beautiful family!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So good to hear from JERI about her excellent reports! And those gorgeous pictures? we have missed her genius!
    Horrible news about that fire LIN! Senseless, and so little defense against that kind of evil!
    I had forgotten my Netzero was on dial up, but it did work for me!
    SANDY, I just love those family pictures; and I can see how proud your grandson is of his stunning Nana! I no longer sit in the sun, and I really miss it. But the results of years of worshipping it are very evident for me now!
    The page has change and I'm afraid to flip back or I'll lose today's post! Video-spoke to my son and DIL today and they just returned from a lovely cruise up the Rhine; the same one Mike and I joined him on our last trip to Germany. I'm so looking forward to seeing them in June.
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Realized today that I need another birthday card for this Sunday. Would like to mail a few cards to friends early next week so time to get going! Have been playing with ink today but was too lazy to get my heat tool and too impatient to let the paper dry. Result = Disaster! Ha. Well, will start again tomorrow. :D

    I think I will stay home and work on my cards, do some laundry and pay some bills. Going to the horse show was very attractive until I found out they are having the largest vintage truck show in the nation there as well. That is just too much craziness for me!

    Buzz, glad you spoke to your son and DIL. How wonderful that they enjoyed their trip and it will soon be June and you will see them.

    Talk to you soon.


    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Another day at the pool before dinner for Zack's graduation! Time has gone quickly and tomorrow I head home! I am happy I was able to be with both grandchildren for their graduations!

    Enjoy your day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good evening, apparently everyone is very busy this Holiday weekend. I just spent three hours + on the phone catching up with a friend. Wow. We talked about everything.

    I hope everyone is well and that you are enjoying time doing things you enjoy.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yes, a long holiday weekend and the weather seems perfect for our outdoor festivities!
    We attended a lecture this afternoon given by one of our favorite very popular nearby professors, and for the first time in our memory, the tone was one of disillusionment at the lack of civility throughout the world! He ascertained that schools no longer teach history or geography, and few people even know where many of the areas they fear are located! Wow, it really gave me much to ponder! He did have excellent things to say about the young students attending college today, so perhaps they will affect the future in a positive way!
    SANDY, I'm sorry you will be returning home so quickly; I know you always enjoy your Florida visits!
    LIN, my ear hurts just thinking about a 3 hour phone call! You asked about our entertainment and I think I answered before I realized , but there are always concerts, movies, brain-challengers, etcetera, and except for bingo on Saturday night, most things are very entertaining or challenging. In May, the theme seemed to be to learn new things constantly to train our brains to be versatile. And the Senior Olympics were held the entire month!
    Now I must get some sleep!
    A Day of Remembrance:

    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good afternoon. Home from church and lunch is now a distant memory. Ha. I have already gotten my hands all inky of course. It is an addiction.

    Well, excitement during Sunday school. We started to smell some type of electrical fire. Needless to say we all scattered from the sanctuary and started to try to find if something was overheating or if we had a real fire in the church. We decided we needed to check the furnace room but it was locked. Off to find someone with a key and then all was revealed. A Sunday school teacher (and electrician!) plugged in a very old fan and it started on fire. He took it out of the building but didn't mention it to us! That was the end of our learning for the morning.

    There was a special time of sharing during the service for veterans which was lovely.

    Buzz, I am always interested in what is going on in your community as I often get ideas for DVDs I want to see. I imagine you didn't know you are one of my trusted film critics! I found La la land to be a disappointment. I had really been looking forward to seeing it but meh. They tried. Most recently I watched Solace and found it to be a bit of a confusing mess.

    I see Sandy is in her way home. And Jackie will be returning soon as well right?

    Happy day to all.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well,LIN, what is a holiday weekend without some excitement? Hope that fire didn't cause serious damage, but those fumes can be deadly, so I'm glad you and your group escaped dreadful results!
    We had a lovely brunch today, and whereas I generally do the omelette thing on Sundays, along with the usual brunch stuff, they had blintzes with blueberry sauce, brisket , noodle kugel and a carrot concoction made with prunes and sweet potatoes (tzimmes) and blueberry pie. The cream of chicken soup was out of this world and they say there is no cream in it. Anyway, I brought up leftovers since tonight and tomorrow night, being holiday nights, we do not receive dinner downstairs. Tomorrow is typical BBQ fare plus a huge salad bar.
    This afternoon, they showed "Hell or High Water", and though I like Jeff Bridges, and this had been up for several academy awards, it was not MY kind of movie! I'm not a gunfight lover nor a bank robbery fan, and in truth, I slept through most of the beginning and middle of this film. The shooting massacres woke me up! Jeff Bridges did a decent job as a decent sheriff, and I kept recalling how he looked as a young man!!!
    Tonight they are showing "American Pastoral" which is about a family torn apart by the Vietnam War protesters. I have to decide if I want to go through that era again! Those memories are still too painful!
    Everyone have a special weekend, and spare a few moments for those we have lost!

    <3 Buzz

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited May 2017
    Buzz, I agree, Vietnam is still too painful to recall. I will check out the other movie. <3<3

    Update: I am number 3 on the reserve list at the library now. :)
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just an update, LIN, on the lecture I attended yesterday. Dr Watson was discussing the dysfunctional happenings in the world today, and he is as upset as I about the leadership problems in so many places and the terror groups. However, as an author and historian (also a journalist and professor and fabulous speaker!) he assures us it has happened before all throughout history including the USA! He described actual physical assaults among not only our founding fathers, but in our Congress several periods when there was deep disagreement. And there were murder threats, and even that famous duel! (Aaron Burr!) So I will try to put things in context and recognize incivility is not just our present problem, but perhaps a lingering problem with humankind!!! Wednesday, he will be appearing here again to talk about Hamilton, the man, the myth and the musical! I do recall he and Jefferson and Adams
    had their huge differences, and yet managed to put together our magnificent Constitution containing balances to almost everything one might imagine! We have to trust that Democracy eventually works, even if there are jogs in the road!
    <3o:) Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited May 2017

    I am home!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2017
    I'm home too and beginning a new decorating project, this time my kitchen. George has been walked in the woods and now gone off with my nice neighbours to a local beach for the day as it's a Bank Holiday here too, Whitsuntide for us or what's now been changed to Spring Bank Holiday. I could have gone but know if I don't stick to my plans to have the kitchen finished by Friday it won't happen for weeks!
    We had a wonderful time at the flower show in Chelsea on Friday and then Saturday a complete change in tempo as we strolled around the RHS gardens in Wisley before travelling back to Cornwall. London was as busy and multi cultural as ever which is wonderful to see.... no hassle, no racism, everyone getting on so Buzz, I think your speaker is right in saying it's all happened before and will again, created by leaders who think they know best so drag us into conflicts we'd rather do without!! In the series "Versailles" I'm currently watching Louis XIV suddenly thinks he's got God on his side and is wreaking havoc in Europe and here we are over 400 years later still dealing with fanatics!! On a much lighter note Lin, if you haven't watched it, the movie "Esiotrot" with Judi Dench and Dustin Hoffman is a must.... you'll smile all the way through I'm sure!

    Two photos from the flower show, the first is the top gold medal winner picked by judges who think they know best, the second is the garden chosen by the public.... not sure those judges were on the same planet!!

    ....and this was early morning at Wisley after a full English breakfast!!

    Back to my kitchen.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    Happy Monday/Memorial Day! :) Always great to travel but always great to be home. Both graduations were wonderful and time spent with family is priceless. Today I am going to Lisa's mother's house for a cookout so will see the boys and more family!!

    Jackie, your pictures are beautiful and I am a little torn with the judges decision. The water effect is beautiful but would draw bugs, the other looks more like England to me so I agree with you. The Wisley picture is just amazing, such beautiful scenery. Good luck with the kitchen, remember to take some time for yourself.

    Lin, I am glad there was no actual fire but smoke can be dangerous as well. With the bad reviews of La La Land from you ladies I don't think I will bother.

    Buzz, I think history repeats itself often. I try to enjoy my life, one day at a time because you never know what might happen. Best to try and stay positive or we would all drive ourselves crazy.

    Still catching up on my computer!! Enjoy your day and smile it drives other people crazy!!

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Welcome home, travelling girls! The garden chosen by the public wins hands down for me JACKIE. I don't think the water would draw too many bugs in England, unlike Harry's fish pond next door to me! I believe there is a Canada garden Jackie. Did you see it? And if so what was your impression?

    My garden is flourishing what with downpours and now hot sunshine. The Iris's, peonies and chives at their very best. I've never seen zucchini growing before, but get the feeling the leaves will be very big? The potatoes are about a foot high already, amazing! And I'm really pleased with the herbs I started.

    Here, as the waters recede on the Toronto islands, fish are being caught on the roads and are being put back into the lake. Of cause all the water promises us a bumper crop of mosquitoes this year.

    Our two histories are interesting BUZZ to say the least! What year in the 1800s did America invade Canada? I know we have lots of forts dotted along the lake shoreline and some of them give interesting displays today of canon firing! Some of Canada's previous prime ministers where downright interesting from the first who liked the bottle (he claimed the public preferred him drunk to his enemies who where sober) to those that where rather strange. Somehow it all came together and here we are today, still growing our zucchini or swatting the mosquitoes and the old napoleons of the world long gone until the new batch spring up!

    Well not being into yoga anymore, I won't contemplate my navel but contemplate and water my beetroot instead!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I vote with JACKIE, and everyone else, that the popular choice gets my nod, too! And SANDY, your outlook has certainly worked beautifully in your life, even when another person might have been knocked very low! Hats off to your philosophy! ANNE, now what an interesting dilemma you put me in, trying to recall where, in history, I was taught about USA transgressions!!! At some point, I recognized the national history as taught by the various states, was almost unrecognizable, but at no point do I remember a word about canon-firings along the Canadian border B) !!! Is that considered selective history? LIN, I looked up "Esiotrot" and at some point will find it and watch this beautiful unusual recommendation by JACKIE!
    Our holiday dinner/lunch today was excellent, and we had all overeaten by the end of the appetizers, but like everyone else, I could not resist frankfurters and Boston Baked Beans! Or Dutch Apple Pie and wonderful double chocolate low fat (!) frozen yogurt! I won't weigh myself tomorrow, but will spend the rest of the week regretting my moments of weakness!
    After stopping to chat with scores of visitors, I proceeded, more than 3/4 of an hour late, to the auditorium to watch a documentary named "Harry and Snowman". So I missed much of the beginning and middle, but what difference does it make when walking into the middle of a story (true) about a Dutch immigrant to America who paid $80 for an undesirable white horse, and after training this creature to jump, goes on to become a Champion Jumper with an overage owner/jockey riding high in the saddle, ---not once, but champion jumper several times at Madison Square Garden in New York! I thrilled, cried, and quivered through what I saw after missing all the introductions; that's what a beautiful horse does to me! I recall that when Mike was still OK, we often used to attend the practice dressage sessions just northwest of Palm Beach totally enthralled watching the interplay between horse and rider to achieve almost ballet precision. The other movie today was about the terror bombing at the Boston Marathon several years ago. I could not force myself to see the area I knew so well at the race I never missed on the holiday I knew as Patriot's Day so I preferred staying home and catching up on "things I need to do"!
    I spent some time looking at a handsome picture of Mike included in our Memorial Day mural put together by our wonderful chaplain and his wife (the "unpaid" partner) and was left feeling slightly depleted. It did not surprise me, and I will stay quietly remembering happy times tonight.
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    BUZZ re America invading Canada. Of course, being me, I had to look it up.12th July, 1812, and again in 1813, and 1814. There wasn't too many Canadians around at the time, but the native people helped and also the French who the Americans wrongly thought would be glad to get rid of the English. The Americans finally gave up and left Canada for good in 1814 after blowing up Fort Erie, and after all the canon firing, shouting and general hullabaloo during which Toronto known as York in those days had numerous buildings burnt down our neighbours to the south retreated and a conciliatory ball was held in Detroit. We have been friends ever since and thank the good Lord for that. Look it up, most interesting, "How US forces failed to conquer Canada." Laura Secord" was the heroine of the day and she walked for miles to warn the British/Canadians that the Americans had arrived in Canada. You can still visit her house in the niagara area.

    Sorry girls, but by now you will know I'm an old bore who loves history.

    It would be interesting if the numerous battles and naval fights had resulted in a different outcome than just the two countries packing it all in. Would our Justin be president of us all, or would Donald be still top dog? Lol.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my weekend did not go as i plan. mt feet and legs all swollen with blisters on them so had to keep my legs and feet prop up all weekend.But seems better now