Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers, another ghastly evening for us, this time in London but nothing to be said other than I feel so sad for those caught up in the attack. It will change nothing in our multi cultural city, life will go on and the less time even thinking about the perpetrators the better.

    On a lighter note George continues his fascination with the garden pond so I've decided he must think the frogs are stones with legs that need to be chased but after an evening watching Scruff and her mum at their agility class I see that dogs generally have an ability to block their hearing as if they have large headphones playing loud music. It was fun to watch the group and obvious how much the dogs enjoyed themselves. This morning we got soaked in torrential rain as we walked in the woods but it does look brighter now. I've spoken to the lady advertising herself as a gardener and she will visit on Tuesday morning and hopefully not be scared off although I've explained it's a cottage garden that can hide a multitude of sins.

    Patsy ~ Different is good and certainly not strange! What a boring world it would be if we all liked the same art, music and books or held similar political views and if you'd have heard the discussion in the wet woods this morning about our upcoming election plus a certain leader's opinion on climate change you'd understand I'm as opinionated as they come!! I love that you've sent that amazing picture to the Smithsonian and wonder will you donate it if it's a rare find?

    Anne ~ Trust me, don't let Jilly discover your neighbour's pond unless you're happy to rename her Swampy. All I can say is thank goodness the new shower is up and running because it's so much easier than the old one! Soccer sounds great fun although I imagine the ball was as big if not bigger than Jilly!

    Sandy ~ Volunteer work can certainly be very rewarding and I think a helpful pair of hands is far more useful than money. There but for the grace of God is always in the back of my mind when I hear or see of anyone struggling or lonely in today's difficult times so while I can, I do my little bit whenever possible.

    Lin ~ I trust the library play time was fun and you came home with lots of projects completed..... or did you all sit around nattering? ;)

    Buzz ~ Sweet dreams although not so sweet if George is involved!! :D

    Although our rain has stopped it's still unsettled so I plan to finish off all the small jobs left after decorating, push the vacuum cleaner round then see if I can edit the dog agility video.

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    Horrified. Another 7 everyday people dead. One girl stabbed 16 times! The British prime minister says "enough is enough! No more tolerance". About bl...y time and I once called myself a pacifist! I DO think about these evil men!
    Afterthought. Maybe a solution would be that if caught in terrorist planning, suicide death, etc. The parents of these criminals, their brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc. Should be immediately rounded up and sent back to their place of origin. Just maybe that threat would force some parents to keep an eye on their murderous children, or report them to the police and stem these horrendous attacks at source. Talk about a nest of vipers the western world's created for itself.
    Me again, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited June 2017
    Crazy times. Is it to the point that we should expect horrific news routinely?? Angry.

    My little bits and pieces of life do not seem very important today. I did have a fairly enjoyable time at the library yesterday and there was much conversation. Sadly the lady who always brings something that inspires me was not there due to illness. I have about four friends who have been absent from activities lately due to some nasty thing that is felling older people here for three weeks or more.

    Must zip along. I need a treat to take to my friend at church.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The world is a scary place now but like Jackie we can't let them win or even give them much thought. Just as I didn't give up flying after 9/11, I just can't worry about what might happen and pray for peace. My heart goes out to the victims and families.

    On a lighter note my friend came to my pool yesterday because her pool was not opening because of storms in the area. The sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky so not sure what forecast her management was checking. (never rained) The lady from downstairs came to the pool as well and I asked politely who is smoking pot in your house because it comes up to my apartment and gives me a headache. She admitted she and her husband like to have a hit but only outside. Since it smells in my apartment I had to disagree but then found out the couple across the hall also indulge. Seriously?

    I will be going to Mass later this morning and then stopping at Babe's for my check. I am also planning on going to an open meeting tonight where my sponsor is speaking for Al Anon.
    Not sure about the pool since that would mean two showers and getting ready a second time.

    Try to enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The sun came out, it warmed up and instead of working indoors I enjoyed a few hours in the garden before walking George round the block. Supper is cooking and my legs are aching!!

    Anne ~ Please don't think I wouldn't understand your feelings about these murderers but they are now dead and certainly won't be in Paradise. Their reasons for their actions are generally to cause unrest and split the country and that's why I feel we mustn't give them the time of day otherwise they will have won. No doubt it will come out that they were British born and lacked academic skills so were blaming society for their woes and therefore easily radicalised. I'm not sure many families know what their kids get up to on the internet today with so many stories of them bullying, watching porn, talking to paedophiles and hacking the Pentagon!! It's a sad world for sure.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    I do know you understand JACKIE. I just feel so inadequate and helpless about these attacks by people who are so opposite to westerners in their beliefs. I can barely imagine what it must feel like to have your child go out for an evening and have them never come home again because of someone's beliefs and views that are not compatible with the western world. I saw the photo of the beautiful 14 year old who is being buried in Barra? today. My heart grieves for the poor parents. Not to mention the police who risk their lives. Apparently one tried to stop one of these knife wielding thugs just with his truncheon/baton, no gun to protect him.
    I think unfortunately the only way to quell this stuff is to issue a warning that any immigrant who suspects their son/daughter/husbands intentions and doesn't notify the police should lose their right to free medical services, pensions, family benefits and all the other good stuff that Great Britain offers and be deported immediately, lock stock and barrel. I would expect Canada to do the same to me! What right have I to try and change the folk who have lived here before me! I joined them, free choice, not they, me!
    The problem is, most westerners are decent law abiding citizens, ready to see both sides. These extremists only see one side, theirs. Until the western world understands that, the terrorist acts will continue. These men seem incapable of change and I'm afraid, with sorrow, only extreme measures will work.
    God bless you Jackie, the Sneakers and all the other good people of the world,
    I've just learnt a Canadian was among those killed.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I kept falling asleep trying to find my DGD on Facebook with no success! I finally left a message with her Dad. I really don't like that website!, but I followed SANDY's advice about "friends" and hope it keeps me safer!
    ANNE, I wish your remarks about Western thought were true! Unfortunately, among Westerners are those who are extremely intolerant and prejudiced and hate everyone unlike them! America First was a phrase that made ME shudder when the the present president kept using it, as some horrendous things have been said and done by a group calling itself "America First" !!! They hate anyone not exactly like themselves! we are naive to believe only
    westerners are decent! As we all know, there are good and bad among every group! Once we feel THEY are bad and WE are good, we give terrorist the excuse they want to hear: that Westerners hate them so they can kill as much as they want! Having been victimized years ago by America First fanatics, I know too well there are terrorists among Westerners as well! The world is a pretty complicated place and probably always has been, but instant news makes it more terrifying!
    Too sleepy to continue boring you, so goodnight all, and let us hope decency wins!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks BUZZ and JACKIE, of course you are right. I let my emotions about the poor innocent victims, especially the young, and their grieving families get in the way. But how can this be dealt with to make us all feel safe? This latest terror in so many injustices. The native women and many young men murdered here in Canada today in their homeland, the coloured folk in America, persecution of transgenders and anyone remotely different from the herd all over the world, not so long ago and in my lifetime the horror of seeing the photos coming from the nazi death camps of emaciated jewish folk and gipsies, the list goes on and on. Why are we so cruel and intolerant? Why do some of us bully those considered weak. I won't be identified with the bullies having more than once been on the receiving end both in the U.K. and here. Oh yes, in Quebec, alone with two children, someone wrote on my drive "go home English". Difficult with no cash, lol.

    On a happier note I shall see little Mohammed and Nicolas going to school together today and racing to pat Jilly. Maybe, just maybe, there is hope and these little children will grow up still the best of friends and not seeing one of them is Asian and one of them is Afro and they are best friends with one old white woman with greying gingery hair.

    Please forgive me. I shall bury my head in the garden and let the rest of the world go by! Well not Mohammed, Nicolas, Carrie, Ailie, Sophia, and Sam, my under 10 year old friends!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. What can I say..... middle of summer, pouring rain, gales, predicted floods but nothing to do with climate change!! George got so wet he's decided today the pond is for looking but not touching so little frog is safe for another day!!

    Anne ~ Of course you feel strongly about what's going on around the world, if you didn't you'd be a numpty and you're certainly not that! If you viewed as much news coverage of the terrorist attacks as we've had thrown at us this past week or so you'd have seen that older versions of little Mohammed and Nicolas were going to bars in London to watch football, dating and generally co-existing and supporting each other in efforts to get away from those terrorists. These are the images to hang on to just like those of your little friends!

    I certainly won't be gardening today so will fill my time with small DIY jobs and yes Anne, let the world go by!! <3

    Happy Monday everyone and another week!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi Jackie, when you realize my Mark is English and Mary Jo his love of 28 years, is Portuguese,
    and their son Derek who is Canadian, with his love Bev who is Chinese, one realises that yes, there is hope in this world of ours!

    Love to all Sneakers, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Good morning friends!

    Just a note before I get going. Time to get to the auto dealership. I realized the other day it has been years since I had my tires rotated and balanced. I don't drive lots of miles and haven't been to the dealership much and apparently this item has fallen through the cracks. Hopefully the darn things will not be rusted in place! One of these days the tires will be so old they will need to be replaced. :'(

    Several other issues to sort out when I get back home so will be on the phone hoping for excellent customer service. :D:D

    I will be leaving early as there is road construction on the highw way near the dealership so reduced lanes, flag people and general slowness. It must be summer. The season of road construction.

    Let the great world spin.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Sitting for boys while Lisa goes to the dentist so just dropping in to say hi.
    I did not go to the meeting as my friend came to my pool as her did not open again. Will try to get back later, enjoy your day.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i am leaving MFP I do not feel comfortable on it anymore after all the stress hey put me thu. hate to leave such wonderful people/ I really thought- I live out my life here. But I guess Almost 9 years is what God wanted for me. I will be on Facebook They do not tried to dictate your life. for you.Freedomof speech HA HA
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Marie ~ I'm so sorry I'm losing you out of my life but I'm not and never will be on Facebook as I don't like their set up and lack of ethics when it comes to them refusing to control the nastiness banded about on their site.

    Big hugs from me..... I'll miss you. <3
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Me too MARIE, I'll miss you, because like Jackie I will never go on Facebook. So sorry you are leaving, our founder.
    Love and the best of wishes for the future,
    More hugs from Anne.❤️
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I like it for my family from out of town post there
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE-NO,NO,NO!!! You cannot leave us now! That would leave me without my li'l Sis and then I'll just be the old lady n the block instead of MARIE's big sis! Just ignore the impersonal heads of state, because they don't really know you or mean to make you feel bad, and you have been the main character here, and I know everyone else will back me up! WE LOVE YOU!!!
    <3 Buzz :'(
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, bless your heart, and forgive me for going into my snit, but JACKIE explains things so much better, and yet you accepted us both...and beyond! Of course we all feel helpless these days---a new gunning down near Orlando just this morning again! And we all know you are all heart, and I must say we are a close knit group and so very special!
    And SANDY, I'm hysterical about your neighbors sending you whiffs! I used to smell that all along the beaches every summer, and was surprised no one else seemed to recognize the distinctive odor! They should at least close their windows! I'm following your advice on Facebook, but I still can't make things happen properly, like getting in touch, or leaving messages. They just sit there until I log off!
    JACKIE, you are, among other things, a fantastic philosopher! Thank you for explaining so much so well! Now go rescue George. Hope the new garden helper works out. I once lived in a 2 story house where the landlady was English, very proper in dress and stance, and had a wonderland of a garden in the back yard! A profusion of colors, shapes, sizes and almost no pathways, yet she knew exactly where everything was (including a poor stray weed!) and it was my first introduction to informal English gardens, and I've never forgotten how much I loved it!
    LIN, good luck with those wheels and tires, and they are so important to your safety!
    Oops just got a call about dinner so I'd better get ready!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Sorry you are leaving Marie. That is not good news.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)buzz I just sent you a friend request on Facebook