Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Delighted, of course!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Good day! Getting started on today as once again there are many things to do. Several errands before Mah Jongg, trying again this afternoon to get other items off the task list and book club this evening. I read this book about a month ago so I should probably take another glance at it.

    Well yesterday the road construction only added about 15 minutes to the drive which wasn't too bad when you are prepared for a long wait! I sat with a light coat in in the very air conditioned guest area sipping a hot cup of Kuerig prepared coffee and munching a piece of fruit. Pretty comfortable. And when the car was ready they gave me a code for a free car wash at their touch less car wash. So overall, a good trip. The tires are wearing evenly and there is tread left! Wahoo!!

    Buzz, I hope you got some sleep last night and that Facebook is cooperating with you. I tend to refresh the page often in order to have notifications and messenger update. My email notifications seem to be quite slow.

    Sandy, how were the boys yesterday? Adorable I would imagine. I cannot believe you have neighbors smoking weed in your building. I just do not like any smell of smoke around me, regardless of the source. Is there anything you can do to dissipate the smoke from getting to you?

    Anne, are your vines taking over your property? I have visions of monsterous zucchini vines creeping to your house and climbing up the sides with Jilly barking at them.

    Jackie, I hope you have found a reliable person to help with a bit of the gardening. Apparently George is not a good candidate unless you are looking for a frog chaser. Oh, by the way, I enjoyed the Esiotrot movie so much that I checked out the book from the children's section and zipped through it. Very pleasant little book. I cannot believe how they enhanced it into that movie!!

    I wonder where Mae, Diane, Jeri, Gayla, and so many others are? I miss hearing from them. Well, time to get going. Be safe, be well.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After yesterday's rain and gales the woods were covered in debris and larger tree branches across the footpaths so because the wind was still very strong this morning we walked quickly to the first style and headed out into the open fields risking heavy downpours instead! Little Scruff was so disappointed we didn't go as far as the river she showed her displeasure by pushing her nose into a mole hill just before we got back to the cars so had to be walked through long grass to remove the mud!! Good news, the gardener lady arrived and after a coffee and introduction with me explaining why I didn't want chemicals sprayed everywhere or heavy chopping and strimming equipment used she set to at one end of the top garden while I pottered in the other. We had so many heavy showers trundling across I lost count of the times we had to take shelter but only for a few minutes before we got back outside. She's probably a similar age to me and very pleasant and we've agreed to make this a regular thing until the winter months. It turns out once upon a time she bred Lhasa Apso puppies so understood George and his Tibetan Lion stance immediately!!

    Buzz ~ There's definitely a certain type of English lady who gardens this way, knowing exactly what is growing where and allowing things to become just a bit wild before taking shears and secateurs to wayward plants. Of course this gardening philosophy is all about hiding a multitude of sins (weeds) until they too take over and that's where I am at the moment.... certainly not proper in dress and stance though!! B) Explaining things well isn't generally my forte, it's more of a ramble and it's only because we know each other so well that we immediately understand where each is coming from.

    Marie ~ We do love you as Buzz declares but understand if something or someone on this site is upsetting you then you want to move on.

    Lin ~ Good news on your car and something to not have to worry about for a while. I find few movies truly follow novels they're based on and visa versa so generally try to read the book first but to be honest although I knew Esiotrot was based on a Roald Dahl novel hadn't twigged that it was one for children even though they are his main audience. I imagine that read took you10 minutes!!

    Sandy ~ Pool weather again today for you? Certainly not in damp Cornwall where one of our morning showers even threw hail at us..... weather's gone mad!!

    A phone call has just advised me the local authority's bulky items for disposal unit will be here tomorrow to collect my old sofa as I've ordered a new leather recliner plus a reclining chair that should arrive on the 19th so next move is to see if I can take a saw to it, cut it in half and hope my neighbour will help me carry all outside this evening before or after our yoga class.

    A good and peaceful Tuesday for everyone I hope.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I am again sitting for the boys. Lisa asked me to come early so she can clean her house since her out of state brother is coming for a visit. They also have volley ball tonight so it will be a long day. Tomorrow should be a pool day weather permitting.

    I believe Marie is upset because she wanted her days back and MFP gave her a very hard time and were rude to her. I know I will miss her but I am glad she will still be on Facebook.
    I wish I could help her get her days back but I think she has made of her mind. I really don't think any of us has offended her, at least I hope not. Love you Marie.

    Jackie, I am so happy that your new gardening friend is able to help you, perhaps a good friendship will come together. You must have decided to upgrade your whole cottage, I do hope you will post more pictures when all is done.

    Lin, Gayla, Diane and Jeri are on Facebook, request them as a friend. Lucky for you that you didn't need new tires. I bought new tires because I had some rot gut from not driving enough. Although they said you should get new tires every five years, I find that hard to believe. I too, hate the smell of smoke and if not pot, then it is regular smoke. They sit on their patio and if my windows are open everything rises up. I love fresh air over A/C but wish I had non smoking neighbors. Hoping my complaining will help, will let you know.

    Buzz, it takes time to get to know your way around Facebook, just do the best you can. Don't click on any strange things or any ads on the side. Just be cautious and talk only to your friends.

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello everyone another rainy day with the odd break in the clouds.

    I sincerely hope nobody has upset our MARIE, can't imagine any of us doing that, and the problem is simply just not being able to get her days back. I'm forever starting over again, but I don't mind because it doesn't look as if I'm taking forever to lose weight, which of course I am, lol.

    I've been trying for the English cottage garden look for some time, but I can only dig up a bit of the lawn yearly which means slowly, ever so slowly the lawn is becoming a path, and it IS slow! I don't think I'll achieve it in my lifetime, and if I do, someone will come along, tear up the shrubs and flowers and create a new lawn when the house is maybe sold. Such is life!

    I'm keeping well clear of Facebook and neither of the sons want me to venture anywhere near it. You do hear ghastly tales of nastiness.

    I'm, from this moment, keeping clear of the internet today apart from checking for emails later. I want a day free of world news!
    So goodbye all for today anyway,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Sandy, I know Jeri, Diane and Gayla are on Facebook and we have been friends there for a while. And a couple of others as well. It just is not the same type of discussion as we've had here. I miss the nice easy chat. For instance, I post very little personal information on Facebook. I prefer to post lovely pictures I run across but only share or ask questions when really needed.

    Check off several more tasks. Yippee!! Hope to get to several more before book club.

    Happy afternoon (or evening).


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    Oh dear, I don't want Marie to leave either.

    We've been so busy. We were away up at where I grew up and then a trip to my Aunts to celebrate her 85th birthday. It was so nice to see her all my cousins. Family can be be so wonderful.

    Ed and I have been cleaning up our trailer because we want to sell it. It is a little too heavy to Pull and we are looking for a smaller trailer. So in between the cleaning and straightening up and putting away all the stuff I had accumulated in the trailer we have been going going going. We have also been visiting many RV centers looking for the perfect unit for us. I'm afraid I have to sacrifice some things in order to get a lighter unit. But if it's too heavy we won't use it so that is what we just have to do.

    My darn finger is turning in again and I am going to have to have surgery on it again in September. You probably don't remember but I have a disease called Duyputrens Contracture that causes my finger to turn in. I spoke to these plastic surgeon today and we set up a surgery in September. We are planning to go to Nova Scotia in August so I'm waiting that long to have it done. It really doesn't bother me that much but if I don't get it done then the only recourse would be amputation. rats.

    Thank you everyone for asking about me I really appreciate it.

    Well it's time to make supper and I'll check in sooner, big hugs to everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    ca This has nothing to do with any of you. All MFP Silly rule, i work hard to keep my days log in.all these years.Hugs to you all. Marie

    We have been in discussion about Moving in with Alice . it seems i can 't keep my med. in order . keep my medication. Jerry is till as sweet as ever but his memory is getting worst.But e does made good coffee for me every morning So I will keep him around.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2017
    MARIE, dear, of course we all want to have you happy, well taken care of, and if ALICE can help you both so you are safe, it sounds like an excellent plan! I certainly wish you all the best in everything you choose! We will always be with you!

    Oh my, huge clap of thunder so I'd better say goodnight and fold down!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi MARIE. Sounds as if your lovely daughter will take good care of you and Jerry. Like BUZZ I wish you all the very best in whatever you decide to do. Good news for Alice, she will get a good cup of coffee!
    Love your message for Marie BUZZ.
    ALWAYS BELIEVE SOMETHING WONDERFUL IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. It usually does, I find, if you believe.
    Anne ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    jacean2017 wrote: »
    Hi MARIE. Sounds as if your lovely daughter will take good care of you and Jerry. Like BUZZ I wish you all the very best in whatever you decide to do. Good news for Alice, she will get a good cup of coffee!
    Love your message for Marie BUZZ.
    ALWAYS BELIEVE SOMETHING WONDERFUL IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. It usually does, I find, if you believe.
    Anne ❤️

    I join in as well. Love you Marie and always want the best for you and Jerry and Missy. I wish I had something to add but what Buzz wrote is just perfect. Hugs.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Marie - a man who makes good coffee is a definite keeper..LOL. Sounds like you are in good hands.

    Supposed to be a great day here today. We are off taking the truck up to be serviced.

    Have a great day everyone.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks all of my riends . what a beautiful bunch.
    I am going to forget MFP and enjoy what we started almost 9 years ago.. i give credit to Sandy for being such a wonder leader to us all. . I will keep in touch wit you all. Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Lisa got her house cleaned and Bryanna came so I had help with the boys. My ring is ready so I will pick it up before bingo tonight. I am going to go to pool for a couple of hours just to keep the tan going. lol

    We will certainly miss Marie here but I am sure she will pop in to say hello and keep us updated. I think it is a wonderful idea to live with Alice, she takes such good care of her parents. By the way Marie, if you do read this I see MFP changed our days to when we first posted. If you click on our names under our pictures it tells you when our first visit was. They do record the days on the home page and again if you need help with that we will help you.
    Please don't give me credit for being the leader, that is you, you started all of this and we are grateful.

    Enjoy your day, I hope the sun is shining where you are.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    Great MARIE, I'm so glad you are going to stick around. We all know you have remarkably dedicated 9 years to this group. What an achievement! Let's go by years from now on. So here we go. 2017 and I'm just over 3 years with your Sneakers. I think I've had about 4 restarts so far, all due to pushing wrong buttons and being a general dumb belle!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    We've got a birthday list SANDY, how about the year a person joined the Sneakers. MARIE would head it of course, followed by BUZZ and yourself! So..

    MARIE started group in 2008
    BUZZ joined The Sneakers in ?
    SANDY joined The Sneakers in ?
    ANNE joined The Sneakers in 2014

    Probably too much bother!! But I'd rather celebrate the year I joined than yet another candle on the sagging birthday cake! I'm trying to forget birthdays, well maybe not the hundredth one!
    Just a thought for today as the Bean and I munch our egg and chips, well me munching anyway. Another no no on a fitness site!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    If you go here: and to the right click on members you will see when each one joined. When I have time I will make a new topic with our current members and their start days.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a nice long morning walk I shopped in our local town for a combination microwave/oven, cut some grass before the rain arrived and promptly fell asleep in my bucket chair that's the only form of seating in my living room right now having cut up the sofa to be carried off to the tip. A text arrived yesterday from the store supplying the new sofa and chair to say the furniture will arrive with them next Wednesday so that gives me a week to shampoo the carpet, wash paint work and generally Spring clean the room. After a cup of tea I will read the combi directions and see if I can heat up a small quiche bought at our local farm shop but have to remember it has twice the power as my old microwave...... watch out!!

    Marie ~ Moving in with Alice sounds like a brilliant idea then you can all keep an eye on each other but yes please, do let us know at least occasionally how you're getting on because we care about you so much. <3

    Time for me to Christen the monster in my kitchen!!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    What's up gang? Here in dear old Oregon we have mild weather at last. We are dealing with an unwanted critter (?) that is tunneling under a sidewalk and threatening the foundation of the garage. Since I hate the idea of killing a racoon or some other wild creature, this is somewhat of an ongoing drama. John is in constant communication with the state wildlife people on various strategies. Don't you just love the Perils of the country life?

    I confess to being somewhat clueless on the issue of dates of mfp participation. Is there some special thing about this I am unaware of? Rewards? Special recognition? Or is it a personal goal that somehow got tangled up? I confess to being easily distracted, so ...

    We all feel sad when folks drop off the sneaker forum. I wonder why and I wonder if I have said something ill advised or thoughtless. It is very interesting how most of us have never met but personalities shine through in our posts. Even on this Internet forum there are close friendships, or otherwise, between people who have never met.
    Gives one hope for peace and understanding!

    A wildlife officer will be dropping by to take a look at the problem and offer advice. Also we have a small family of deer that reside near my destroyed rose garden. They are getting bolder by the day.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    MARIE lost her accumulated days, so I just thought it would be nice to recognize her outstanding achievement and interesting to see how others are doing in the longevity stakes.

    If you do go ahead SANDY, I think I started in December 2014 under the name blueharebell. Will check the site you posted. Thanks.
    P.S. Yes I did! Definitely longer than last April! Lol. Did all those people really start in 2011, wow. Patsy and I started round about the same time but I was here as Gawanne even before blueharebell! No sign of good old Gawanne though!