Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    Home!! Hot!! But I got a frame. It is a craft project on tap. We just need the frame, no glass or backing. We apparently are painting the frame, adding some type of chicken wire mesh or something on the back of it and then I am not sure what else. I think ultimately you have a little place to hang jewelry pieces or use mini clothes pins to attach little photos or other items. We will see! My total investment so far is fifty cents. :D

    Time for veggies and probably strawberries.

    As far as MFP days/years whatever works. I am so happy to have the friends in this group!!

    More hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my goodness, I haven't had to sign in in a very long time, but today MFP didn't recognize me!
    DIANE, so nice to see you...and know you lurk! Hope that fasciitis heals faster. Mime has not reappeared since I started wearing 1st, my Birkenstocks, and now my Mephistos sandals. The arches keep that fascia form shortening! Of course it helps that I can wear sandals year round!
    I must dress to go down for dinner but wanted to add how much MARIE's beginnings meant to me, and SANDY's presence is so necessary and appreciated, and CONNIE's continuation kept us going, and I would love to see her here occasionally! I'd love to see everyone pop in so we know how they are doing! PHOEBE, WHERE ARE YOU?
    Anyway, just saying hi. I cannot really use to logging because I haven't the vaguest idea what my meals are comprised of so I guess MARIE now knows how freeing that is!
    JACKIE, wish I could streak my hair, too, but what and how remains a mystery with pewter color!
    Everyone I've missed, love you all..............
    <3 Buzz
    ............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hello All,

    Today I went to weight watchers and weighed in. The first time since 2012. For the last six months I have been doing both my fitness pal and weight watchers online. That seems silly doesn't it, but I find it really works well for me. I like to do my fitness pal because it shows me that I can't eat as much fruit as I think I can. Weight watchers shows fruits and vegetables at zero points. Weight watchers is good for me too as I like the motivation to keep my choices of food in a healthy manner. With MFP, I could eat whatever I wanted including chocolate all day and it wouldn't matter in the calorie count. WW keeps me accountable. MFP shows me that I can't eat an unlimited supply of vegetables and fruit that the calories Do count.

    I am a lifetime member of weight watchers but it was only recently that I reach my lifetime goal and now I can weigh in for free as long as I do it at least once a month. They have a very good app that I like and they give you a free voucher for two months when you weigh in if you are within 2 pounds of your goal. So off I went and weighed in and stayed for the meeting. I don't think I'll go to the meetings on a regular basis but I will attend one meeting a month so that I can get the free online app. It should be motivating for me as well to stay where I am as getting something free has a motivating factor.

    Marie - I agree with you that the pressure of logging in every day really isn't worth the hassle. and I agree with the others who say that had the original owners been still with my fitness pal they would've reinstated your days with no problem. That's big business for you.

    Sandy - I wanted to add my thanks as well for all your help and motivation on this site. Thanks so much.

    Lin - I really agree with your comment that it's the people on this group that are the best. That is why I keep coming back and coming back and coming back.

    I'm afraid to Page back because I'll probably lose my post so I can't comment on everyone but have a great day everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2017
    Love you grys
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2017
    Barely get a 'good morning' in before it will be midday!! This morning it was yet again raining so our walk in the woods not very pleasant but at least the task is done. A hot shower when I got home and now I'm preparing the tools and paint required to finally finish my DIY jobs. Yesterday I drove to our nearest city Plymouth to settle the balance for my sofa and chair which should be arriving at the end of next week and although I set off with a warm sweater and fleece jacket on by the time I reached the store I noticed people strolling around in shorts and t-shirts.... our strange weather continues!! When I drove into the car park the first place that jumped out at me was a Costa Coffee and of course their gorgeous carrot cake came to mind so I decided to pick up a couple of take away slices, one for me and one for my friend then just in time remembered she had told me during our morning walk she'd lost another pound in weight! Regretfully I drove out of the car park carrot cake-less and told my friend this morning what nearly happened. She would have loved a slice of course and said she'd have eaten with pleasure but yes, I was right not to buy them!!

    Anne ~ You're a brave soul to have watched the election results although I know it would be early evening for you!! I sat up until midnight when we were already being told we'd have a hung parliament so went off to bed muttering about the insanity of calling an unnecessary election that cost the country millions!! After my resolve to walk George to the polling station, still wondering who I felt I could vote for, I'd heard the rain pitter patter on the roof so decided I shouldn't be getting wet in order to vote for anyone I didn't support or even like and put his lead back! It says a lot when for the first time in my adult life I didn't vote in an election but seeing the absolute mess that's come out of it I'm relieved not to have bothered!! As much as I don't agree with Corbyn's politics I can see how he persuaded young, idealistic voters to support him, after all we had dreams of a peaceful and caring society when we were their age but unfortunately cynicism creeps in as we get older and see it really is dreaming the impossible dream!!

    Diane ~ Lovely to hear from you although I do sometimes catch you checking in on the home page. When it comes to washing machines and anything that needs to be plumbed in I go to our local store because they deliver, plumb it in and take away the old one so although it might cost a little more than online sites it's worth it to avoid hassle. Hopefully you can keep your walking regime going not only for weight loss but we are told it's the best thing for brain and heart too.

    Buzz ~ Before I drove to Plymouth yesterday I tried to log in to MFP but they were apparently doing maintenance so couldn't.... perhaps that's why you had a struggle to get in? I have noticed today that I don't appear to have been sent back to the start of logging in, not that I worry because I'm often in single figures!! Before I let my hairdresser loose on my hair with the colours we had a chat about how to approach it as I "mature" because in the past it's been done as a statement with obvious streaks but now it's more a case of blending into the ever increasing amounts of grey!

    Jeri ~ My friend that's lost over 100 lbs in the past 18 months tells me being registered with Slimming World is the best way of keeping her on track and like you with WW, once she reaches her goal she can still go to meetings but not pay so should avoid slipping.... that's if I don't turn up with large pieces of carrot cake!!

    Lin ~ Not too long ago I was looking for a picture frame but like you found only plastic and wondered what ever happened to the nice wooden ones we could buy at a reasonable price? Many plastic ones come with a wood effect look but it's not the same is it. Your project sounds fascinating and I can't wait to discover what it is you will be making.... photos please!

    Marie ~ Good morning sweetheart! <3 Love that you're still with us.

    Sandy ~ Enjoy your pool time. If we get much more rain I'll be splashing about too!!

    My new microwave combi is wonderful but quite terrifying!! I'm taking things slowly with it because it can do so many amazing tasks and I have to read the handbook even to grill cheese on toast at the moment, talking of which it's now my lunchtime so I'll see what I can create to eat then get on with my list of mini DIY jobs.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning all! A brief post to keep in touch because I'm in for a super busy weekend (for me) and the heat rolling in from LINs home state isn't helping! I washed my hair and already it is sticking out in a frizzy halo! If I streaked it or highlighted it I would look like one of those super big chrysanthemums with my little face shortsightedly peering out.

    Well done on the carrot cake slices JACKIE, super willpower. Michael bought us a wonderful pizza yesterday from an Italian restaurant called THE BOOT for obvious reasons. The pizza was absolutely gourmet delicious. Called The Fun Guy, it was covered in fungi or mushrooms, and leeks, and other good stuff and was absolutely delicious with a thin crust. My will power such as it is flew out of the window!

    I'm a devil for elections and stayed up long past my bedtime. Long enough to see Corbyn walking around like a Cheshire Cat, Theresa standing with fellow contestants including one called Bucket Head, yes he had a bucket on his head and got 249 votes from disgruntled voters I suppose, and an ex Lord Mayor of Hull thrown out of the guildhall for fighting with an alderman who was also removed. All this made Canadian elections appear somewhat tame in comparison! Do you remember that Asian parliament where everyone took off their shoes to fling at each other. If anyone thinks other countries parliaments are dull and boring, look again, lol.

    Well here's old dull and boring Annie off for a walk with Miss Jilly,
    Bye for now and those of you suffering like me......... enjoy your 90 degree day if you can.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    Just read that Theresa Mays top aides have quit and "did Facebook sway the election". Golly between the UK lot. and the Washington lot, this old lady can barely keep up!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    edited June 2017
    Happy Saturday! :) I have bowed out of the graduation party today and will just send a card with a check. I just don't want to fight traffic and tomorrow I am going to Lisa's mother's house for a birthday party for a 3 year old. Lisa's brother from out of state is in with his family and they also have a new daughter who is about 6 months old, the party is for their other daughter.

    Anne, I enjoy floating around in my chair float in the pool but if the pool is too crowded than they are not allowed. It is a good way to keep cool. Have fun with whatever is keeping you busy this weekend.

    Jackie, good willpower indeed. Lisa's mom is having pizza tomorrow and since I am eating low carbs I think tomorrow will be a cheat day!! I am curious as to what kind of combination your microwave has. Can you explain please?


    Jeri, congratulations on reaching your goal, you have worked hard and it paid off. I do hope they can mend your finger without surgery, definitely without amputation. Our little group is the best, I am happy to be a part of such great people.

    Buzz, I am so happy that chrome remembers most of my passwords or I would be in trouble. Actually, I do have a book that I write down all my passwords so if anything happens to me my kids can get on my accounts.

    Lin, I agree, pictures will be needed to see your latest project, it does sound interesting.

    I slept in this morning and now a friend just asked to possibly join me at the pool. I guess I should eat and get moving in case she decides to come.

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2017
    We are headed ti east Texas for great granddaughter 4th Birthday Party Will check in if we back early enough And I am not to tired.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,126 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    We are headed ti east Texas for great granddaughter 4th Birthday Party Will check in if we back early enough And I am not to tired.

    Enjoy the day Marie!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,126 Member
    Laundry is done, some fresh vegetables are cleaned and cut up. Empty ink cartridges bagged for return to HP, check ready to take to church tomorrow, toilets cleaned, and you know yada, yada, yada.

    It is 90 degrees now and no one in my neighborhood is out and about. I need to get back to my cooking. I find I like to cook less and less. Now if my desire to eat would also decline it would be a good match. :D

    I had some tea today but nary a drop of coffee. I think I could sleep until tomorrow. Zzzzzzz.

    Buzz, I keep a document of passwords as I am afraid of forgetting them AND places like my bank and others require they be changed every 90 days. My brain has difficulty clearing out the old password and installing a new one!

    Anne, election watcher. Good for you. Someone has to do that. I will check Facebook or CNN from time to time if I am interested, otherwise I wait until morning.

    Jackie, your new combo is frightening? Ack. That is not good. I hope you are comfortable with it in short order. Sorry you continue to have wet weather. I would actually like a bit of rain here. Very hot, everyone had lawn chemical applications in the past week and frankly it stinks outdoors. We need rain to get the stuff to soak in.

    Sandy, I think it was a good decision to skip the party today. Hope you are getting some pool time.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy posts today and fun to read. I followed the voting in the UK, too, and was not at all surprised at the results; in fact I heard that our Bernie Sanders run, he might have won!!! People are restless and not given to thinking too hard about who can do what or why, so change for the sake of change seems to be taking root in many places. Unfortunately, the results can often be disastrous !
    JERI, good for you, taking the best of both worlds. Yes, I also felt eating too many fruits was not the way to go, though today I had an opportunity to shop at Walmart and I loaded up on peaches, nectarines, black cherries and pluots! Just thinking about them makes my mouth water! They have to be better for me than the delicious ice creams served here nightly!
    JACKIE, your hairdresser sounds like a dream! What a great way to turn "mature". I recall getting a "crew cut" once I stopped wanted color! Just cut it all off and started anew! Since I was thin at the time, it looked great! Can't believe it was almost 35 years ago!!!
    LIN, I know changing passwords every 90 days is the safest way to go, but I hate having to do it! Actually, it is tiring to me to have to remember a lot of the technological stuff associated with having a functioning computer! But to be without it would be a disaster, so I plug on daily.
    SANDY, good decision! You need to allow for "YOU" time! Have you heard from PHOEBE at all? I hope she's alright, and I recall there were problems health-wise with both of them!
    Falling asleep at the keyboard as usual (and probably making the usual typos, as well) so I'm off to sleep, and please forgive me if I haven't included every one of you. Not intended!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's not raining this morning but no sunshine either so a great day to vacuum and then use the carpet shampoo cleaner while I can have doors open ready for my new furniture. Yesterday was so bleak weatherwise I did next to nothing I'd planned but sat watching a soccer match between England and Scotland instead. My hip and back are now telling me I should have moved more but hopefully I'll make up for the laziness doing the planned chores.

    Buzz ~ I agree with your analysis of current politics totally; voters are more inclined to want to push against those in power without worrying about the consequences and of course the media love to stir up the murky mess once we've fallen into it!! As for fruit, I tell myself I can never eat enough although that's not true. Last night, feeling a little peckish I opened a punnet of apricots that were so delicious I eat 3 in the space of 10 minutes then this morning sliced far too many strawberries on to my cereal and banana so am now waiting for a sugar rush!!

    Marie ~ Enjoy the birthday party and don't eat too mucy jelly and ice cream!!

    Anne ~ The consensus is those aids are scapegoats and were pushed rather than resigned!! It seems a lot of younger voters get all their information from social media and unfortunately believe everything they read so with an awful lot of nonsense spouted on facebook, twitter and all the other sources they can end up misinformed. It is the new politics so they will just have to learn over time what can be believed and who should be ignored..... oh dear, is that what someone tells us is "fake news"? Yummy pizza by the sounds of it and I would have tucked in too!

    Sandy ~ The combination microwave also has a grill, convection oven and large number of preset programmes so I'm having to carefully read through instructions to find the best way to cook the most basic item when I'm used to doing no more than turning a switch or pressing one button. Having said that, it heats up a mug of left over perculated coffee to perfection so I'm happy!!

    The Panasonic combination microwave in contemporary white has many great features to choose from including a large 27 litre capacity, ideal for families, 13 programmes, 1,000 power output watts and touch control dials.
    Microwave power output 1000 watts.
    Grill power output 1300 watts.
    Convection oven temperature max 220°C.
    13 programmes.
    Defrost option.

    Lin ~ Lawn chemical applications sound awful so I'm sure smell pretty dreadful too. Some people can be precious about their grass can't they!! :| When it comes to cooking I sometimes have to nag myself to do more rather than take easy options and remind myself how much I used to love creating in the kitchen. Today I have a Cornish pasty to pop in my new oven and if that's not lazy I'm not sure what is!!

    Time to get on with those chores as the sun does its best to peek out from the clouds. Have a good Sunday everyone.

    Heard a quote this morning that I've tucked away in my brain cells...... Some days you should do what you love rather than what you have to.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    I like the quote JACKIE, and that's exactly what I'm doing today, to heck with the housework, gardening, elections, Mr Trump, Mrs May in a predicted 30C and instead enjoy the family and friends who are popping in. They popped in yesterday as well, so that's two days of loving what I'm doing! I hope the "lads" also pop my window air conditioner in today!

    Like everybody else I'm enjoying glorious fruit and the juices made from them. Big bonus BUZZ I don't appear to be allergic to the organic strawberries! I cautiously tried two, TWICE, and not a hive in sight. That means I can start putting the odd one on my muesli etc. Organic though. I have a few growing in the garden. The container potatoes now have flower buds on them and Janice said "ooh, beetroot" so they are now a recognizable size as well. The zucchini are, well the zucchini are doing their thing and I'll be able to thin the onions soon and have the little ones in my salad.

    So everybody have a glorious if muggy Sunday and as Buzz says: Always believe something wonderful is about to happen! A bath in my case!


    PS. Jackie, I see Mr. Corbyn is ready for another election! Another 143 million pounds? I wish "they" would increase my pension instead, well as BUZZ quoted "always believe.................."
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Will be going to Mass this morning as my friend did come to the pool and I made her dinner when we were done sunning. Today is the birthday party but not until later this afternoon. It is going to be 90 today so I imagine the party will be indoors where it is cool.

    Anne, have fun with your family and I hope the boys put in your A/C so you can cool down.

    Jackie, thank you for explaining about the combination microwave, it sounds very interesting.
    I am doing all of my dinner cooking on my gas grill on my balcony but use my microwave for breakfast and lunches.

    Buzz, Phoebe is on Facebook you can find her with Pj Brown and ask to be her friend.

    Lin, sounds like you got all your chores done and can enjoy your Sunday. You are one busy lady.

    Have a wonderful day!!
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    had a fun day out at Katie they had a swimming party and a Jumping house to play in.he kis enjoy thyself the Baby RC is waling and into everything, he pt trying to push my wheelchair.
    jerry is going to get us a Chicken from the store.Kathy gave us some tomatoes from their garden a and awash
    other wise a nice day at home. I had a nap earlier.
    No doctor appointment till Tuesday and will once again try getting me some Diabetic shoes. I got past due notice but no shoes/I think there was some fraud involve there.
    By the way Jerry got a Phone called from the PCH that he won 10.000 dollars. and he beleive them. But I realize what was going on and made him hang up.on them. What a bunch of crooks we have hanging around. So beware of p s chairing house I really ave to keep an ye on him now.
    Have a nice day
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2017
    MARIE, good thing you recognized that fraud call from PCH! They just show up, I calls! Anyway I never won so I'm not sure how they work, but I gave up years ago! So nice to hear you are enjoying life again!
    SANDY, thanks for PHOEBE's info. I actually spend almost no time on Facebook, but I want to let her know how often I think of her!
    JACKIE, your microwave sounds fabulous! I'm getting worse and worse, though , about preparation. And reading directions. Your quote, " Some days you should do what you love rather than what you have to"...was put through my door a couple of days ago, and I love it! And it's an important one to remember!
    ANNE, I'm so happy for you that organic strawberries don't give you hives! Now try dipping them in melted dark chocolate and refrigeration them until you simply cannot wait a moment longer. Enjoy, cause there is nothing better than a chocolate dipped strawberry!
    LIN, ;) wink-wink and thanks for your comment! By the way, our culinary department has started serving cold soups and I love them.. So far we've had cold peach soup (yum-yum), cold strawberry soup, and I look forward to more varieties. I also like cold borscht! With sour cream on top!
    I'm beginning to believe it's the computer itself that hypnotizes me to sleep! It's on; and at 3:10 PM, I'm falling asleep!!! At least I got 20 minutes of sunshine, sitting by our pool before being overwhelmed by heat and humidity! So here I am at 3:21 PM, looking for my slap on the wrist for nodding off every couple of minutes! Ah, the beautiful Golden Years!!!

    Tonight's movie is new, has Shirley MacLaine in a role having to do with composing her own obituary! I always enjoy her, so I plan to eat and go!
    Have a lovely Sunday evening, y'all!
    <3 Buzz
    ............always believe something wonderful is about to happen.....................

    ..................................................................(Thank you, Anne <3<3<3 )
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hello friends, it is about 93 degrees F. There is a hot wind blowing and the poor vegetation is drying up since we haven't had significant rain for several weeks. Some people are watering their lawns. I have always let mine go dormant as it seems like a huge waste of water to me. Sorry if anyone is offended. Several friends have sprinkler systems in their yards with a separate water meter so they pay just for the water and no additional fee for it going through the city waste system.

    Buzz, cold soup sounds quite lovely to me, especially with someone else making it! Enjoy the movie this evening. If you think of it, let us know what the name was and if you liked it. I will be watching old episodes of Grantchester this evening.

    Jackie, my kind of older microwave has built in toaster ocean and broiler etc. I messed about with them initially but found I did not care for the results with the added extras, so I use it only as a microwave and am happy with that. I did get a tabletop convection/toaster oven and I bake my sweet potatoes and other small things in it. It works well. I know it takes more counter space but oh well, I live here on my own and don't have to worry about how things look. And if I did worry, that would not be at the top of my list. :D

    Marie, hummmm, PCH calling? I agree with you that seems unlikely. While they film commercials of their grand prize winners getting an in-person visit, I didn't think they would do that for lesser prizes BUT I assumed if it was legit, you would receive an award letter with lots of legalese that would require signatures before you received a check. But I gave up on them a long time ago, I am not a lucky gal when it comes to sweepstakes and big prizes.

    Anne, I hope you are enjoying friends and family today. Stay cool---I do hope you have your air conditioner installed now. It is just too hot here to be without one. And yes, politicians spend much too much money on things that do not directly benefit people. It is very irritating. :s

    Sandy, a busy day for you but an enjoyable party day once again. It was nice of you to make dinner for your friend yesterday. Back in the day, I would have ordered sandwiches or a pizza! I was a bad girl!!

    Oh and Marie, the party yesterday sounds lovely. I am so glad you and Jerry got there. I think I saw a few photos on Facebook that someone posted. Swimming and a jump house. Wow. What parties kids have now. I had one birthday party with friends when I was a kid. Otherwise it was a party with close family members with a home cooked dinner, cake and gifts. Pretty tame.

    I should move alone. I need to get some cards ready to send, the water system guy is coming first thing in the morning so I want to make sure everything in the basement is out of his way.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Laundry day and then later sitting for boys. The party went well in spite of the twin girls having nasty colds and Lisa's mom not up to par. I didn't gain from eating a Mc Donald's soft serve ice cream cone, pizza and a delicious piece of caramel cheese cake. It was definitely a cheat day so I hope I don't suffer the consequences. Back to my low carbs which is the only thing that got me to my goal weight!!!!

    I have to start searching for new car insurance, my company raised my insurance $400 a year from that accident I had this winter. I will compare AARP (Hartford) State Farm and Allstate to see is any are cheaper than my current bill.

    Enjoy your day and keep cool if necessary.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Trying to keep cool SANDY, but I really can't complain because my two sons installed the big heavy window air conditioner yesterday which gave me and Jilly a really good nights sleep. It's already 90F here at 11:30 and I took Jill out early for a long walk at 75F. So she will have to put up with the garden now and then until this evening.

    I had a very hectic weekend which actually was fun. Too much to go into. I'm still eating the organic strawberries two at a time, with no ill effects. In fact I'm sat here with a tall glass of homemade "smoothie" is it called! So easy to assemble and I enjoy it.

    In a blender I just chop up one banana and two strawberries, add one cup of cold water, whizz it for a few seconds and it makes a most refreshing drink on a hot day instead of mid morning coffee.

    Well, all the "hot" jobs are done. I made a batch of Jilly's dog stew early, plus potatoes for me to eat cold in a potato salad with yesterday's leftover cold roasted chicken. Just taking it slowly and easy today, no gardening apart from some watering later, lovely,